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Posts posted by ElizaPon

  1. I would definitely change Subaki and Caeldori to Falcon Knights or Subaki to a Falcon Knight and Caeldori to a Swordmaster. If your still looking for a class for Nina, Mitama, Shiro, Midori, Rhajat, and Forrest then I'd go Adventurer, Spear Master if you have it if not Dread Fighter, Spear Master, Master Ninja, Ominojji, and Strategist respectively. And if Charlotte is going to be his mother, than I would get Dwyer out of Strategist ASAP, he would be a very good Butler or I've also seen some Charlotte!Dwyer Berserker sets that are very good ,but, especially if you want him to have magic capabilities, ( and defensive ones to for that matter) I'd go Butler. Then he'll have a place to put his massive +6 strength and the difference between the Butler and Strategist magic isn't as big as you'd think so give him a physical dagger\shuriken and a flame shrunken\Felicia's plate and let him reek havoc.

    I currently don't have a class for: Midori, Caeldori, Shiro, Forrest, Dwyer, Nina, Mitama, Hisame, and Shigure. As for: Asugi, Sophie, and Seigbert, I have Master Ninja, Paladin, and (get Luna then) Paladin planned for them. I'll most likely update my list later tonight after I've taken in everyone's advice.


  2. What's wrong with Dark Falcon? It has 8 movement, tons of speed, can traverse any terrain and fly above pesky Revelations gimmicks, hit from weird angles. In my eyes if Witch didn't had Warp Dark Falcon would be better.

    Tomefaire comes until level 15, basically when you get it naturally you're going to be in front of the final boss and never get to enjoy it's effects, because chapter 27 is easy to skip. Besides Nyx!Rhajat or any Rhajat for that matter will have so much mag they'll never really need Tomefaire. Her problem is hitrate so if you're buying something for her online make it Certain Blow. Have her mother pass down Malefic Aura and it's almost half the effects of Tomefaire.

    If you really want to get more mileage out of mages Forge her a Lightning tome. +1 is sufficient and it's going to kill almost everything before even a counter attack.

    I guess it's a matter of preference o: I agree that without the Warp, I wouldn't be very fond of the Witch class since I always fill the character's skill slots with other skills anyways.

    Since I've already re-classed my Rhajat as a witch before we chatted, I'll just follow through until she gets warp naturally. After that, I'll think about re-classing her as a Dark Falcon. I've yet to customize her skills, so I'll see how she grows before I make a definite plan.

  3. I don't know about Caeldori, but I actually seriously prefer Subaki as both Swordmaster and Master of Arms, particularly the latter if you want him to function as a tank. Also consider Hero since he's married to Selena.

    Also, no Shigure? Do you need help with him?

    Oh, I totally missed him. Lemme change that.

    & Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I probably won't do much with Subaki just yet since I'm pretty happy with the skills I've acquired for him o: I'll experiment after I've got a firmer decision on the children's classes.

  4. I am sure Swordmaster is better than Master of Arms. Anyways for your Kanna I see it more as a cavalier -> Great Knight or Paladin (A+ Siegbert). If you don't mind working with E ranks, then Wyvern Lord (A+ Percy) is also a great option.

    For Midori she's better as a Master Ninja, as it's the best class available to her. If you marry her to Kiragi she's much better as a Sniper, though.

    Shiro is best kept as a Spear Master. Rend Heaven from 5 levels of Basara, either Duelist Blow, Vantage or Astra from daddy and Str+2 or Deathly Blow from Camilla should suffice.

    Forrest is best kept as a Strategist. Rhajat as a Dark Falcon for the variety. You can also make her a witch, but I feel two or more witches is overkill. (stay the hell away from Onmyoji)

    Nina is best off as either a Sniper or a Bow Knight. if you manage to pass down Quick Draw from Setsuna keep her a Bow Knight for the 9 movement.

    Your Mitama is kinda screwed since her mother is a magical mom so her physical power is dead. Moreover Azama comes very late so you can't compensate with good rolls either. Keep her a staffer, Priestess is fine, Strategist is good for the 8 movement and support skills or make her a Falcon Knight (A+ with Caeldori) for the wings and rally speed.

    Other than that, I feel Corrin is better off as a Nohrian Noble spamming the Levin sword than a Hoshidan Noble. I like Elise as a strategist too much, but that's just me. Dark Falcon should work fine too, I guess. Believe it or not, Hayato as a magic user is better off as an Oni Chieftain than a Basara, dat defense.

    That's new o: I haven't really thought to give Kana either of those classes mainly because I felt like other characters worked with those classes better. But I'll definitely play around with the classes you've suggested. Its good to have choices that stem from my own team's info(':

    My previous playthrough-Midori was a Mechanist solely because I thought I should my team needed a variety of classes (then again, I was just testing it out). Regarding marriages between the children, I haven't really mapped out what I want/pros and cons yet. I'll probably wait before I re-class her.

    I have a recruited Shiro with Rend Heaven, so I'll most likely buy the skill there to save myself the trouble and just re-class him as a Spear Master.

    I read somewhere that Forrest's best class was Strategist, but just wanted to make sure. LOL, if anything. I'll class Rhajat as an Onymoji for Tomefaire (if I really want that skill) and re-class her into a Dark Falcon (unless I find a Rhajat in other castles with that skill). I like her as a Witch, but I'll think about her being a Dark Falcon. Tbh, I'm not so keen on the Dark Falcon class x:

    Nina as a Sniper was absolutely amazing in my last playthrough. I'll see what skills she has when I get to her paralogue!

    As for Mitama.. I'll really have to think through her re-classes to make up for my poor judgement on parent pairs :\

    I'll test out what you've advised me to do with all the characters mentioned. Thanks for helping!(:

  5. Onmyoji has tomefaire which is an awesome skill to have access to as a tome user. Onmyoji also has higher skill, better defenses (mainly res) and staff access (a big deal for supporting the field).

    Witches however have innate +10 crit and +10 avoid (same as swordmasters), more Hp, higher Mag/Spd and S rank tomes (+1 damage, +5 hit and Excalibur access)

    Witches are the better glass cannon that will rip apart your enemies and have a decent chance to dodge attacks. Onmyoji has high damage too, but has less chance to outright avoid getting hit like a witch does. To compensate for that though the Onmyoji is able to play a support role if it finds itself in a position where it can't risk getting too close. The witch however, is better at taking advantage of the field and can just warp to an ally and blow something up.

    The skills from both classes work great together, use witch class to blow up stuff, onymoji class to have flexibility of support/attack.

    For Mitama, uhhh... Felicia tanks Azama's str bonus and Azama tanks Felicia's mag bonus so... Mitama ends up with +1 str and +0 mag, she can use almost any class as she has no penalties in any stat but no major bonuses in any stat save for speed at +3.

    Hmm, I can always buy tomefaire o: and if I don't find one, I'll most likely use an eternal seal (change into an Onmyoji before changing back to a witch). I see... I guess I'll just try my best to build Mitama. I doesn't seem like she's in any major disadvantage?

    Personally, I like going with dark knight for a +mag/-Lck Corrin, as it allows me to use tomes like Nohr noble, except he doesn't wield the tomes like a bloody idiot. (Obviously, I'd only change when I have Nohrian trust). Or, I may also go with great knight with a +str/-lck build, because great knight is actually fairly decent in fates (except for Gunter, but we don't mention Gunter.)

    Haha, I actually used an eternal seal on my Corrin earlier this morning >_< I'll have to wait until I try out Dark Knight/Great Knight. I'll have to see what kind of skills I don't have and go from there. Thanks!

    Dark Knight is essentially like a Nohr Noble, except:

    +2 more move [this is huge]

    slower (-2 base speed and 10% less SPD growth; also much lower SPD cap, 27 vs. 32]

    bulkier against physical attacks [+2 base DEF, +10% more DEF growth]

    equal base resistance [but -10% RES growth]

    equal base STR and MAG [8 and 6] but different growths [20% STR, 10% MAG for DK, vs. 10% STR, 15% Mag for Noble]

    Dark Knight has a beast weakness that Noble doesn't [Corrin is always dragon weak regardless of class]

    Dark Knight gets B swords and A tomes. Vs. Noble's A swords and B tomes. Also, Noble gets Dragonstones.

    Different pair-up bonuses

    Hmm, I have a couple of Warps saved up (I like playing the Witch DLC) for a character with low movement. Now that you mention it.. I only have Leo as my Dark Knight. I'll do something about that.

    I honestly just want my castle to be a Skill Shop where people who can't/won't have DLCs. So they can get skills from all the characters; alphas to omegas.

  6. Witch!Rhajat is best Rhajat

    xDD I don't disagree! But my online sources had told me it was better for her to become an Onmyoji o: I don't know if they had DLC classes in mind when they said that though.

  7. Ah ok. So Hisame is a physical child and and your boon will make his strength really good. Consider using Hoshidan Noble or Master of arms for Kana/Hisame as they are physical classes

    Cool, thanks!!(: I had my Kana as a Hoshidan Noble & Hisame as a Swordmaster in my last playthrough.

  8. So I see a lot of threads concerning this very topic, and I have a general idea of what I want my characters to re-class into. Now, I'm just looking for advice and answers, I guess o:

    Here are my pairs & classes:

    Corrin (Hoshido Noble) & Hinata (Master of Arms): Kana (Hoshidan Noble) & Hisame (?) [swordmaster/Master of Arms?]

    Mozu (Master of Arms) & Kaze (Master Ninja): Midori (Master Ninja)

    Oboro (Spear Master) & Takumi (Sniper): Kiragi (Sniper)

    Selena (Hero) & Subaki (Kinshi Knight): Caeldori (Great Lord)

    Orochi (Basara) & Saizo (Master Ninja): Asugi (Master Ninja)

    Camilla (Malig Knight) & Ryoma (Swordmaster): Shiro (Spear Master)

    Hana (Swordmaster) & Keaton (Wolfssegner): Velouria (Wolfssegner)

    Sakura (Priestess) & Leo (Dark Knight): Forrest (Strategist)

    Charlotte (Hero) & Jakob (Butler): Dwyer (Butler)

    Nyx (Sorcerer) & Hayato (Basara): Rhajat (Witch for Warp then Dark Knight)

    Beruka (Wyvern Lord) & Benny (General): Ignatius (General)

    Elise (Dark Falcon) & Odin (Swordmaster): Ophelia (Witch)

    Hinoka (Falcon Knight) & Xander (Paladin): Seigbert (Luna then Paladin)

    Setsuna (Sniper) & Niles (Bow Knight): Nina (Bow Knight)

    Effie (General) & Arthur (Berserker): Percy (Wyvern Lord)

    Peri (Great Knight) & Laslow (Lodestar): Soleil (Hero)

    Kagero (Master Ninja) & Silas (Great Knight): Sophie (?) [Paladin?]

    Felicia (Maid) & Asama (Great Master): Mitama (?) [Priestess/Dread Fighter?]

    Azura (Songstress) & Kaden (Nine-Tails): Selkie (Nine-Tails) & Shigure (?) [Dreadfighter/Kinshi Knight/Falcon Knight?]

    I have all the DLCs, so I can get any available class & I'm on Easy Revelation Mode

    Thanks in advance!(:


    Added Shigure

    Changed one of Rhajat's option from Onmyoji to Dark Falcon

    Final decisions on some character's classes & Coloured the ones I'm still unsure about.

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