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Everything posted by CappnRob

  1. Tiltyu's kids are perhaps the most effected by their dad than any other pairing in the game. Where as any other pairing will result in at least one kid being useable (if by virtue of the daughter being as good as the mother just slightly better in some regard), the fact that both of Tiltyu's children are foot locked magic users and her daughter comes near the end of chapter 7 means things are a little different here. Arthur has the potential to be a BLOODY GODDAMN MONSTER if you're a non-canonical loving wretch you pair Tiltyu with Levin, resulting in Forsetti 1/4 into the start of G2 and thus giving you access to the Disc 1 nuke of G2 as it were. Then he promotes and you get Forsetti ON A HORSE, and that really is just as ridonkulous as it sounds. The only other good dad imo for Arthur is Azel, where in Arthur becomes what Azel should've always been: fast, strong, and ACCURATE. Tordo blood makes up for Azel's pitiful skill, and he comes with a wind tome so he can actually double hit. Tiltyu's wrath skill is very nice for clearing arena fights as well, but leveling Arthur is a bit of a pain before the end of chapter 7. Chapter 6 leaves him isolated in the valley where Sophara castle is, and the start of chapter 7 has dark mages that absolutely stomp him due to magic triangle (unless he's packing Forsetti but even that isn't a guarantee at this low level). So until you reach Melgen, he really isn't going to be seeing much action, and even after then due to being a frail mage, he's going to need babysitting to keep up. That said, once he DOES catch up (and he will), he's a solid magic user. Magic defense will blow unless Claude was his dad (why would you do that?), but he'll be fast, hard hitting, and eventually mounted. B rank swords means he can substitute one of his spells for a magic sword too to avoid getting wrecked by long range dark magic, too. 7/10 for me, because I've never actually done a Levin!Arthur. Tinny will generally be as good as Tiltyu, which.... isn't great going by what a lot of people had to say about Tiltyu! But really, Tinny joins around the time Arthur becomes viable (discounting any Forsetting shenanigans), so the two actually end up being pretty evenly matched. Tinny is a lot harder to ruin with her dad than Arthur, but she joins at a low level and relatively weak, and UNLIKE Tiltyu, she lacks access to the badass Torron spell to crutch her, and that is probably her biggest drawback compared to her mom. Tiltyu came late and came weak but could absolutely NUKE everything and gained exp fast. Tinny is far more available and well rounded, but this sort of jack of all trades status impedes her from catching up quickly, though her being a normal mage does mean she can use a standard wind tome (and an Elwind one if Levin was her dad). As for dads, Tinny misses out on Forsetti and Levin's skill set doesn't benefit her as well as it does Arthur because of that, but she can use an Elwind and then Tornado when she promotes. Azel is arguably the better dad for her, as it makes her and Arthur nearly identicle to one another and pursuit greatly helps her overcome he lack of OOMPH in the damage department due to no Torron. Lex gives her elite. That's nice I guess. When she promotes, Tinny becomes a War Mage, which lacks a horse and has pitiful sword access (C only), but she gets B rank staffs which makes her an excellent candidate for the Silence staff. In fact, with Azel as her dad, she's a better choice than Sety is I usually find. All in all Tinny is nearly exactly like Arthur: a footlocked magic user with great statistical potential but a steep slope to climb to reach it, and unlike Arthur she can't use Forsetti as a crutch. Still, she promotes into a class with great caps and is a good staffbot too, so she also gets a 7/10 for me. Amid is fuckin' weird. He and Linda are the only two subs with holy blood, but Amid despite having Tordo blood is a WIND mage (and kinda looks Silessian too, so I wonder if some shit got lost in translation there). Anyway, this seems designed to fuck with him, because being a Wind Mage means he's wind-locked until promotion, and that means he can't make use of his holy blood until he promotes. However, he can still use an Elwind (when you get one because no inheritance), and his growths are actually pretty good. His skill is continue, which he would've gotten anyway on promotion, so that's a little lame, but War Mage has great promotion gains. Unfortunately, Amid can't use staffs when he promotes fooooor sooooome reaaaason, and that's a real bummer, especially given he lacks a horse to compensate and can still only use C rank swords. He also has the same flaws as Arthur when it comes to being practical, so he only comes out to a 6/10 for me. And then there's Linda. Linda is just weird. Linda is better than Tiltyu. She's a thunder mage, so BAM, Torron out the gate (which you WILL have due to having dealt with Ishtore). She has wrath, like Tiltyu, AND elite, so she's like Tinny with Lex!Dad right? No, she's BETTER. Mostly. I mean, she doesn't have Neir blood so she can't facetank hits, but she compensates by having an actual MAGIC growth. Her other growths are almost exactly like Amid's, maybe a few 10%s swapped around, and she promotes into a War Mage too and being female this means she can use staffs! So she's a fast leveling, high damage packing, critical spitting machine with great promogains and staff usage. Really, Linda can outshine most Tinny's, or at least compete directly with them. She's ridiculous by the low standard subs have set so far, and for that I'm going to have to give her a slightly higher rank than Tinny with 8/10. Elite and Torron really carry her, and while not an early unit she certainly comes soon enough to kick some ass. FE4 you crazy.
  2. I personally had it happen plenty of times on my last playthrough of FE4, which I finished two weeks ago. Like I said, there does seem to be a threshold of some kind (Sety on mountains will get ignored more often than not) but hell I've seen mages shoot at the swordtwins in woods without any chance of hitting.
  3. FE4's AI is very weird. And while Sety isn't essential for beating the Isthar Squad, by that late in the game I much rather just throw him and Seliph at them and clean house in two turns rather than screw around. Most of your army is worthless in that fight due to Isthar's range and the peg sisters movement and you gotta down them fast. Other things Forsetti!Sety is good at: drop a barrier ring on him and he can take on the sleep dark mages in Chapter 10 and Endgame, as well as the wall of Edda. He can handle the Rottenritter very easily too. He's one of the few characters who can take down Julius in chapter 10 (though Ishtar is still easier). He's also good against Arion because he's one of the few guys who can dodge him in any capacity. Really just in general Sety is your "get out of jail free" card for frustrating situations, on top of being a very good staffbot so he has out of combat utility as well.
  4. Sety doesn't NEED terrain bonuses to dodge while still drawing aggro: He routinely hits 90-110+ evade with Forsetti alone, and enemies WILL attack you with 0% accuracy (there is a threshold to how negative the hit rate needs to be, but I've seen plenty of red goons throw themselves with no chance of hitting someone). Moreover, Forsetti-Sety does have a very invaluable application on the endgame at least: facetanking the Ishtar Squad. Magic advantage over Ishtar, enough speed to avoid being hit, ranged attacks, and the power to crit? He basically takes them out in one turn.
  5. Fee is one of the most useful non-holy weapon characters in all of G2. Huge movement, unimpeded by terrain, joins super early, can start with the Hero's lance or Sword, she's your premiere bandit slayer for saving villages. She has a lot of viable father options, too - Alec makes her arrow-proof, Levin makes her obscenely fast and crit-capable, Claude turns her into the BEST staff user once she promotes, so on and so forth. Best of all, her dad does NOT impede her brother Sety, 9/10 for me. Speaking of Sety... Sety is idiot-proof. Even with the least magically competent father, Sety comes with strong Light spell and solid bases. He won't be your BEST magic user, but he compensates by always having pursuit, whatever skills his dad drops on him, B rank access to all spells and staffs. With a GOOD dad, he just becomes absurd. Claude makes him a staffbot that can FIGHT. Levin makes him into the most obscenely OP thing in a game full of obscenely OP shit. Forsetti for at least half of G2? Starting with 30 speed thus rendering his OP speed growth totally moot but who cares because STARTING WITH 30 SPEED. Just. Damn. Sety man. He's only held back by foot movement, 8.5/10. Hermina is... weird. She's got marginally better growths than Fury did in G1, but at the cost of significantly lower level and bases. With G2 being the hardball game it is, this really hurts her, but she's got good availability and like all Subs, plenty of stat boosting conversations, including the special Shamam cameo in chapter 9. Her speed and luck are especially good regardless, so she can dodge well, but her personal skill is.... continue, which is something that all pegasus knights get when they promote, so its wasted. 4/10, probably usable but really flawed. Hawk is the man, though. He's basically as good as Sety, he just lacks the ability to be OBSCENELY OP. But being GOOD is still nothing to sneeze at, and depending on Sety's dad, Hawk might actually be better than him growthwise. Unless Sety's dad's name is Claude or Levin, he and Hawk are likely equals at the very least. His bases are superb, all he really misses out on is inheritance, something that Sety probably doesn't have much of anyway due to his mid-game appearance. 7/10, definitely one of the best subs, if not the best.
  6. Yeah, Delmud's lack of writing is a real bummer for me. He somehow accidentally paired with Fee my last run and they didn't have a conversation, he doesn't have any lover conversations at all. Given how he's part of the Lachesis love triangle story and all you'd think there'd be more, but I guess we have FE5 for that.
  7. Balmung is only good if you're gonna cheat, which if you are, yes, its good, but Noish, Finn or Dew are all really good dads as well as Lex. Noish is probably the best for skills and Dew for growths though.
  8. Oh yeah, huh? Amid becomes a war mage too and his ranks are different, pffft. Also you won't lose any of Finn's stuff if you just dump it on Fury so Fee can inherit it, save for the silver lance - and only Cuan can pass that down, and you're better off not because buying one from the vendor on chapter 9 comes sooner than recruiting Altena.
  9. For the record, a promoted Azel has B rank swords! Mage Knights have B rank swords, its mage fighters/warmages that only have C rank (but they also gain B rank staves). Also Finn losing his lances in G2 is barely an issue tbh. Unless you underleveled him, he'll still be significantly higher than Leif or Nanna/Janne, roughly the level 15 range if not just promoted outright as a Duke Knight. The lack of a javelin in chapter 7 is a bit irritating because he can't attack at range, but otherwise he does perfectly well with an iron lance for helping Leif and Nanna/Janne fight off the Alster knights, and he can always buy things back before the chapter ends (or at the start of the next chapter).
  10. Her magic will still be better than Aideen's, and Aideen has tolerable magic and access to the recover staff which Lana can inherit out the gate.
  11. Goddamn my lad. What chapter is this on? That's probably the best looking Alec I've seen (I wish I kept a savestate of my G1 chars on my last FE4 run reeee). Also mfw no love for Finn!Delmud Prayer is love, and so is that absurd Luck growth.
  12. DELMUD'S TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I really though jokes aside I -love- Delmud and his stupid ugly haircut. Bad caps? Ok, his str is pretty lame at 23, and defense isn't great either, but strength can be compensated with a Silver Blade! Which he can use right out the gate due to Hezul blood, on turn 2 of chapter 6. The Forrest/Ranger is literally a swordmaster on a horse: it gets Continue, it has a stupid high speed and skill cap, and for what? 4 measly points of strength? In exchange for a mount that is an incredible trade. Now yes, Delmud with the wrong dad can be totally garbage, and that low str cap IS hurt by the fact he's basically wasting his Hezul blood upon promotion, but you know what? The stats don't lie. With the right dad Delmud is an ace of most stats and a str ring or a high damage weapon compensates for that piddly 23 cap. Now if only he could do something about looking like Jerid from Zeta Gundam. 9/10. Nanna is a mounted healer. She comes a full chapter later than Ethlyn did but is essential for letting Leif level up on Alster's armor reinforcements. She's basically stuck there for chapter 7, but after that she's as every bit as versatile as a troubador can be. Bad promotion but at least she can use Relives to compensate for her low magic, and with the right dad Nanna can fight semi-decently as well. 8/10, there isn't much to her and she's less available than other healers but dependability can never be looked down on. Tristan.... egh. G2's subs have this annoying habit of being "G1 character but worse", and Tristan is basically Noish in that regard. He can get crits but has no way of doubling or even dueling, but given its G2 you should have access to a hero sword you can drop off on him early on to overcome that. However, hero swords are a valuable item, and being dependent on a specific weapon others might want to use as well isn't a great point in your favor. Still he's mounted and can land crits if rarely, so he's not worthless. 4/10. Janne is Nanna but should never ever actually fight. This puts more pressure on Leif and Finn in chapter 7, and no inheritence means you're stuck packing a bloody live staff until you can get her to Melgen, but she's lightyears ahead of Miurane at least due to being mounted and thus having long range AND the ability to retreat. 6/10.
  13. Fortunately none of the villages give Iitems, only money, but that last one does give some background lore about Deirdre and her mother - basically her mother was the mistress of Alvis's father, who was an abusive mentally unstable bastard. She eventually got sick of his shit so she had a secret affair with Prince Kurth, which you might recall from the prologue as the one leading the war against Issach (Kurth is the son of Azmur, the king of Grannvale/Grandbell). Well she eventually got pregnant from that affair, and Alvis' dad went ballistic and killed himself. Cigyun (that's her name) fled Grannvale for that in distress, and gave birth to Deirdre in the Verdane spirit forest and died some years later. So now you know! i hope you found the hero's axe
  14. Maybe house Jungby and house Dozel got some shared heritage? Hell, Lex looks nothing like Dannan for that matter, or Lombard. He's allegedly only half-brothers with Dannan is why.
  15. >Delmud didn't max luck your a filthy dirty Beowulf spawn aren't you AREEEEEN'T YOOOOOU also wow your Fee got gr8 magic. kek both yours and mine hit 13 luck and stopped :Y
  16. I was gonna be all "she didn't need it" but they have the same DEF stat lmao that said Delmud fights on the front lines where as I used Fee for brigand/pirate stabbing and healing Altena once she joined in on the axeman fighting. Really though I should've given Delmud a str or speed ring instead for either even bigger damage or more continue procs. Shield's kinda silly when you have prayer, pfffffft.
  17. A visual guide! Push A to bring up the menu, Select "Save"! Choose the file you want to save to! Bam, that's all there is to it! Remember you can only save at the start of every turn before you move anyone. I suggest keeping one save on the top file on turn one in case you have to restart the chapter.
  18. excuse me good sir you dare insult this beautiful man how dare you shhhh delmud, your time will come when its time to review you :'| lel
  19. You have four save slots and can save at the start of every turn before you move anyone, so the game basically has built in save states. Use that to your advantage! c:
  20. Aideen doesn't have major Ullr blood, lol, just minor! Its a huge boon to Lester because he can use Silver Bows out the gate. I know the brave bow is his bread and butter, but sometimes you want to just soften a foe up or simply take them out in one hit.
  21. Lana is basically unscrewable as she'll always be at least as good as Aideen was, with the benefit that she can inherit a fuck and a half of C and B rank staffs out the gate (and if you paired Aideen with Claude, A rank ones too), but mobility can be a problem due to magic users having that damn piddly 5 movement. However, she comes on turn 1, most of chapter 6 isn't a cavalry game (and the same goes for chapter 7 too really), and because she can inherit staffs she can come with a LOT of easy ways to cheese EXP: Recover means her magic stat is meaningless for healing, Physic means she can still heal people away from the battle up to 10 spaces, Sleep lets her prevent Slayder from accidentally gooning someone in the face with the Brave Axe, Silence.... she can sell later for a lot of money to someone who can get better use out of it like Sety or Tinny, hurr. Warp, return spam is a good way to grind exp on the side as well, and she can later sell those as well to people who need it/want it. She can also fight, sort of, depending on her dad (Midir and Azel give pursuit, Azel also gives B rank in fire magic upon promotion, Jamuka gives Continue), though this is mostly useful for arenas so she can earn some money. She has a fast love growth with Seliph too if you wanna give the son of Sigurd a lover boost on the battlefield, but I personally find her cuter with Ulster, ech. Anyway, she's basically Aideen but better, with potential for a REALLY strong start and no real "bad" father, and is only held back by relatively low movement. 8/10 unit by far for me. Muirine though.... is just bad. Aideen but worse, despite the improved availability. No holy blood so her growths are that much worse (Ullr blood might not be the best for mages but everyone can use an HP buff and luck helps with dodging), comes with only a live staff (not even a relive so she can heal large mounts of HP - which in G2, you're going to be seeing more of), and because she can't inherit things, has to buy all the good staffs which you basically don't see until the final third of G2, and by that point there are better characters to dump staffs on. To make things all the more hilarious, she gives JULIA a relive staff, and because Julia can actually fight and has the same staff rank as Muirine, she basically replaces her from there on out. 3/10 because healing is still useful even if you're bad at it. As for the boys, Lester is sadly one of the most easily screwed characters in G2, further frustrated by the fact some pairs that are great for Lana hurt Lester bad, namely Claude/Aideen. He'll be a magic tank with no skills and no inherited bows, but he can wield a silver bow once you find one. That said, other pairs make him great and because Aideen is good regardless of her father, there's no reason for Lester to fall behind unless you're going for an unorthodox strategy on purpose. With Midir or Jamuka as his dad, Lester can start G2 with access to EVERY BOW - Silver, Heroes, Killer, Steel, and Iron. He gets duel with both dads and has pursuit with Midir and Continue with Jamuka (though pursuit is better), so he's going to be generally peppering the enemy with a ton of arrows/crits/hard hits on the player phase for a ton of damage. He's also mounted, so he can hit and run without putting himself at risk, too. Granted, his class has crummy caps (some of the crummiest, even by mounted class standards), but he isn't meant to be fighting anyone head on. 8/10 for me, he's got huge availability, with the right dad he can nuke anything from safety, Ullr blood means access to every kind of bow, he's generally great for a casual run. Dimna on the other hand is weird. And bad. He's one of the few substitute characters with pursuit, then wastes it by having a relatively low speed growth. He's basically Midir, but worse because while you have him slightly longer than Midir, he lacks the utility of Midir. Midir shines because G1 needs ranged chip damage to get through fights, where as G2 more than enough characters can hold their own. Midir has duel, so he can sometimes initiate more rounds of combat to better mush or kill someone. Midir can get the killer bow early on, in G2 the killer bow comes late if you don't inherit it. No holy blood means he can't even pack a silver bow before promotion to do huge damage, and his str growth isn't great either so that's not doing him any favors. He comes early at least if with just an iron bow, and Chapter 6 IS axemanland for G2, so he won't have trouble doubling there, but after that.... yeah, Aideen's subs aren't just bad, they're incompetently so. 2/10 because he can still chip at enemies which is sometimes useful and being mounted means he can hit and run and thus fighting isn't an active detriment to his survival.
  22. He asked for a guide, so I gave him a link to SF's general page. If he wants to go in blind or not is his choice. Hell, I went into FE4 knowing about the generational skip and knowing who all the kids are (thank you based Sigurd's Pants) and I still had a blast of a time playing it.
  23. Children come at varying levels, the first ones are 1-3, the later ones closer to the 10+ range (with one notable exception). They'll geeeeeeeeenerally be matching your army's relative average level, probably a bit lower than average. As for classes, they tend to be based around the mother's class and and their "ideal" father. The game does a pretty good job at making these pairs easy to get, even if they're not the most min-max effecient pairings. Example: Aideen's daughter is a cleric like her, her son is a mounted archer; consequently its generally regarded that her best husband for both kids to come out good is Midir, a mounted archer you recruit in the prologue that quite obviously has feelings for Aideen. Otherwise as long as you don't accidentally leave characters side by side too long recklessly so they fall in love too fast, you'll get a lot of conversations between characters that nudges you in the right direction. Either way, Generation 2 is only about 3/4 made of kid characters, you get an ample supply of standard characters regardless, plus anyone who doesn't pair up has their kids replaced with similar but weaker substitutes (though this is generally not a smart thing to do). The standard characters are some of the best ones you can have, too. If you want a guide, just check SF's own page on FE4: https://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/
  24. I eventually give the leg ring to Lene but given you don't get her until 3/4 into chapter 7 I let Fee hold onto it for a while, or Arthur because as a mage he has even worse movement than infantry classes.
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