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Posts posted by CappnRob

  1. Trading in FE4 is not a sign of its age or even hard to understand :\ If you're familiar with FE then you'll quickly learn when you sally up beside someone you can't trade with them. When Chapter 1 starts and everyone is inside a castle, you see a pawn shop and should easily be able to put 2 and 2 together and learn that you have to buy and sell items to trade them between people, and also that everyone has their own individual money counts so managing that money is an important part of the game's strategy for keeping people well equipped without squandering your cash on hand.


    Now what WOULD be an improvement is something like Dew being able to choose the amount of gold you can trade to allied units so he isn't just dumping thousands of cash on people when they only needed a little bit of pocket change. If FE4 is to be remade it should improve on the shortcomings of its ideas, not replace those ideas entirely. Managing items and therefore also inheritence is a big deal in FE4, it is by design not meant to be something done lightly.

  2. Well axe USERS are a liability save for Barts, maybe, so eh. None can promote, Bord and Cord are just blah (they'd probably be good if they could promote), and Darros has like the worst skill in the game among physical units. But yeah, while swords generally outclass lances in FE1, lances are generally more readily available, for what that's worth.

  3. Which FE are you talking about?  In FE3 no class can use more than one weapon type, but in FE1 a few can, and generally yes using a sword over a lance is preferable in those cases because the sword is lighter and often not too much more expensive. Weapon level can figure into this but most characters worth using level that fairly easily and it isn't an issue.

  4. 9 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    I didn't say "unplayable", just that it didn't look like something I'd enjoy. I said FE6 is playable because it has many of the features that eventually became series standards. Why would you speak of mechanics simply being "different" as if that didn't matter? There is more to "age" than the visual presentation.

    How do you know Echoes will be faithful to the original?

    If the game is lifeless without an earlier reference point, it's not a very good game.

    How do you know you won't enjoy it until you try it, though? FE4 gets smacked around for a lot of its weird and different design ideas but aside from the huge maps most of these ideas have been used at least in some capacity or another before, and its not like FE4 is totally user-unfriendly either. You can save at the start of every turn and have four save slots,people seem to forget that when it comes to dealing with the big ass maps and dealing with the tedium of starting over when someone dies.

    That remark about it being lifeless is missing the point as well. FE4 is enjoyed and loved because its FE4. If you turned it into something its not, ie a more classic small maps suspend data based FE, then while that product might be good, it won't be, well, FE4 as it was meant to be played. Streamlining FE4 would be taking away from what made the game memorable and well liked. This was the second-highest selling game in the series until Awakening came out for a good reason.

  5. I thought FE7's story was great myself, but mostly because it had really good character writing and less so  the merits of the plot itself :Y


    Anyway it helps to remember we were all newcomers once. When FE7 hit America, there was still a small, dedicated niche English audience who thrived off either emulating the Japanese games or actually imported them, and for a time there was a divide between us but it healed. And again when FE8 came out due to its easier nature. And again still with Path of Radiance. Now all these audiences are in the "veteran" clique, and have gone back to enjoy some if not all of the games before their entry title. Divides come and then they go, we'll probably be facing new ones still when the Gaiden remake or Warriors come out as well. It passes with time.

  6. Honestly I think the "divide" between old and new fans is -greatly- exaggerated. In my few months of being back here in the FE community after being absent since basically Radiant Dawn or Shadow Dragon hit shelves, I've seen a lot of old school fans who have played and enjoyed both Awakening an Fates. Yes, there are things in these games they are critical of, but being CRITICAL of something doesn't mean you HATE it. On the contrary the most critical fans are going to be the ones who love something the most, because they CARE about its future. Like a nagging parent I suppose. Now admittedly I primarily stick to the general FE and NES/SNES subforums with the occasional dive into the GBA and Tellius ones, but the fact remains I haven't seen much if any actual HATE for modern FE. Supports get criticized for being overbloated, yes. Avatar gets criticzed for detracting from the narratives, yes. But you know what else gets criticized?

    Radiant Dawn's god-awful support system. Radiant Dawn's plot holes.

    Binding Blade's awful character balance, especially on hard mode, and its bare bones lackluster story.

    Genealogy's broken as hell skill system and bad AI.

    Thracia's fog of war and other unfair mechanics.

    Mystery of the Emblem's dragon wasteland missions, and overall crudeness as a SNES game.

    Gaiden's clumsy design and haphazard implementation of original ideas.

    Etc, etc, etc. The old games are not above reproach by the old guard, if anything, the old guard has far more intricate criticisms because they've played the games and thus know their strengths and weaknesses inside and out. I don't know where you get the idea that veterans are drugged up on nostalgia and thus ignore every flaw FE has ever had, because EVERY game has had its flaws, and they're well known and pointed out. Hell, we have an active thread right now in general discussing the perks and flaws of the Tellius Saga's story and world building. 

    I don't think anyone isn't excited for Gaiden being remade. The trailer shows that it will likely be true to original self and not get rid of what made Gaiden unique and special, and thats great. Whatever concerns there are of avatars or what have you being in Gaiden aren't out of a dislike for these concepts in and of themselves, but rather if those concepts don't BELONG in Gaiden and would distract from what it already has to offer. Awakening and Fates were built around having an Avatar character, Gaiden wasn't, so if IS comes out and says Gaiden will have a shoe-horned in avatar character, of course long time fans are going to feel annoyed at that, but it isn't the end of the world either way. This "rift" between fandoms seems largely constructed out of hearsay and assumptions, and while I have seen some knuckle-headed people who either think Fire Emblem is RUINED FOREVER or absolutely refuse to touch anything older than 2010 because they're "dense as hell" (their words, not mine), these people seem to be relegated to the extreme minority and more often than not are found more around places like Tumblr or Reddit, not here on SF.

    Relax about it, man.

  7. But FE4 is a frustrating example of a lot of the story being like, locked away in editor's notes, artbooks, and stuff like that. Things feel really half baked in a lot of areas and you can tell where there was supposed to be more but wasn't.


    I wouldn't want FE4's story CHANGED, mind. Just all the missing bits that've been scrambled around the four corners of the earth put back into place and maybe some expansion on less developed ideas (like how Lex and Azel are buddies with Tiltyu, or Azel and Alvis's uncomfortable backstory. Or Alvis reacting in any capacity at all to killing his brother at Barhara :Y).


    Totally agreed on modernizing and streamlining FE4 would ruin it though. FE4 isn't FE4 without ridiculous growth rates and huge maps and janky weapon balance. Maybe if they remade it with an "Original" and "Arrange" mode where Original is the untouched classic and Arrange is an attempt to reel in the crazy for less patient players.


    by the by, Darros, Genealogy is in my top 3 favorite FEs, I know how you feel :) (my tag says FE7 is my favorite and it is, but so is 4, as well as 3).


    1 minute ago, Darros said:

    FE5 and NOT FE4. I stand by that a FE4 remake would be terrible. FE8 would also be nice.

    wheres the option for remake fates but make the story good

    Why do you think an FE4 remake would be terrible, Darros? I know modernizing and streamlining a lot of its over the top balance jank would honestly rob the game of its charm, but updating the story at least and providing stuff like support convos can only be a good thing for it imo.

  9. FE6 is mechanically a perfectly serviceable challenge and probably the best balanced of the GBA FEs imo (weapons are generally lighter, swordmaster/berserker crit rates are higher, enemies are actually intimidating), its just held back by a pretty lame story that absolutely underwhelms when compared to its prequel FE7. If it got a remaster I would hope they'd focus more on tightening the story up to make it less Roy and Merlinus Do Elibe and bring it up to modern standards, but even in that light FE4 and 5 need it more due to lack of supports and how important inter-character interactions are with those games' stories (helloooo Lachesis/Finn/Beowulf love triangle).

  10. Given it was Trabant who killed Cuan and Trabant is the king of Thracia and Thracia is known for its dragon knights and the fact they were dragon knights is what gave Trabant's forces the advantage to kill Cuan and Ethyln to begin with, it seems like it'd be a huuuuge oversight to just write it off as an "ambush". Unless you were boiling Genealogy down to the barest bones of its narrative you can't really count that out, and if you were doing that it may as well not even be Genealogy's story anymore. The fantastical elements are what give Fire Emblem it's flair, and Genealogy's flair is this half-political machination story of nations plotting against a fantastical backdrop, and half over-throw-the-evil-empire-ruled-by-literal-dragon-satan.

  11. T is that sweet spot imo. As for more mature content, Fire Emblem has honestly run the gamut of themes: war, murder, patricide, genocide, human sacrifices, incest, sex, abandonment, infidelity, political machinations, treason, revenge, justice, the list goes on and on. NoA censors the profanity, and while I wouldn't mind seeing a damn/hell/bastard slip through now and then, I'm ok with it being changed to blast/blazes/cripes/etc. They don't kiddy-ify the writing, if that makes any sense: these themes are generally still present and accounted for and deeply rooted in the storylines of the games, they're just not outright overtly graphically depicted, and that's fine. Something doesn't have to be grotesque and unsettling to be mature or dark, and Fire Emblem walks that fine line very well I think. 

  12. Low Fantasy can still have big sweeping grand storylines, they just tend not to be. The concrete deciding factor between them is the prevalence and ease of access of the supernatural, and yes, Fire Emblem tends for magic to be a fairly mundane and easily accessible thing, so its pretty high fantasy. A few games are more personal than others (namely 5 and 7) instead of big huge wars, but the setting and mood is still the same. 

    It helps to remember that high fantasy doesn't disqualify darker themes or grimmer stories, mind - we have Thracia and Genealogy to more than confirm that. It helps to not get caught up in the corny "Game of Thrones-esque" descriptor people like to throw around when describing low fantasy. Yes, GoT is lowish fantasy, but its not low because its grim and grimy and full of murder, its low because the setting is relatively mundane and what few supernatural happenings are abound are treated as strange and unnatural. Warhammer Fantasy is pretty violent and grimdark too, but its high fantasy out the yazoo due to how prevalent and ubiquitous supernatural things are in it.

    If you want a great low fantasy strategy game, I suggest checking out Banner Saga. It meets the technical requirements without all the grimdark hangup of GoT copycats.

    MOD EDIT merging posts:

    33 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    A thing to consider however is that a lot of the standard magical elements are in the story purely for the sake of gameplay. If Genealogy of the Holy War was a series of books instead of a game then there'd be no need to have tomes, staves, pegasi or draco knights in the story at all. It'd be a political intrigue story with the only magical elements being the Holy Weapons. Nothing else is actually critical. Unlike say the Archanea/Elibe games where the existence of dragons and their relationship with humans is a critical element of the story.

    I dunno mate, dragon knights at least are petty damn important to a crucial plot point in Genealogy's storyline :V

  13. Yeah, like I said I figured it was a mythical thing. But.... how did they decide to use THAT when in Japanese Holyn is.... well, Holyn. Or Horin. It's not like Delmud/Diarmid or Deirdre/Diadora where you can see the root name being used. If anything I'd think Chulainn would've been given to Cuan :Y

  14. Leif is basically Celice 2.0 but not QUITE as good - he lacks his cousin's titanic magic defense but compensates for it by having some of the most high-end well rounded growths possible as Balder and Nova blood basically covers all the basics. He starts out low level and a chapter later than Celice and without pursuit, but having Ethlyn pass down the pursuit ring is a good way to circumvent that. Even if you don't he DOES have continue and enough of a speed growth to make good use of it, plus the critical skill and enough skill growth to be poppin' heads too! If he inherits Ethlyn's light brand then he can attack from range out the gate as well and really that's the only sword he needs. One he reunites with your main army you can pop the elite ring on him and accelerate him to his promotion which is the always awesome MASTER KNIGHT. Where as Lachesis was just alright overall in G1 and her promotion was basically essential to her going from a back ranks support character to a front line essential, Leif just goes from great to freaking RIDICULOUS with his promotion. Mounted, pursuit, stupidly high stat gains for his already good stats, and access to every single weapon type in the game you can get. He's a fine contender for the Tornado tome as well as all your extra silver weapons you have noone else to drop onto. He's also needed to recruit his sister, Alteena, which brings the Gae Bolg back into your army's possession. I honestly dare say that promoted Leif is BETTER than Celice if not for the fact Celice does eventually get the Tyrfing and Leif is left holy weapon-less, but that's the very end of G2 all things considered. Still he's got a bit of a hill to climb to reach full potential and does come a whole chapter into the second generation, so I can't give him a totally perfect score... but a 9/10 is still fantastic :P

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