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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. Cuz you know, this doesn't look suspicious at all asking for our NNIDs. Maybe make that a little less…ominous sounding?

    As a matter of fact, I have a second NNID for my second 2DS that would probably love having an account linked, but I don't currently remember the password and can't change it right now because I'm on a tight schedule today, plus I don't know how to switch accounts on my iPod if that's even possible.

  2. Personally, I've found the best way to decide if a self-insert in a video game - or a movie or a book, for that matter -  is a good one is to do so in your own mind. Switch yourself into the position of a certain character and play through the storyline in your mind - are you able to make choices such as the ones the character has to make while feeling like you stayed true to yourself, or do you find yourself chained down to a 'pick your poison' type of a deal? In this instance, I find myself agreeing with everyone here that Fates was definitely not an acceptable proper self-insert type of storyline - being forced to kill your own older brother(whichever one you happen to dislike more) unless you chose to make both of them hate you at first by selecting Revelations in particular felt quite bitter, and I personally would have pursued convincing Camilla to join me in Birthright more than Corrin did - Leo shows up, gets beat down by "unknown" and you just let Camilla leave when she was literally about to join you? Like "Welp, I know I just said I didn't want to fight you and all, big sister, but nvm, you go on home, don't tell Elise she's been written to die just because I liked Sakura better!" Really? I also found myself disliking Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment for the PSVita for the same reason - you can rename yourself, but you're still literally just Kirito. As for Awakening, I did feel like I found Robin a better 'self' than Corrin, but something still didn't feel quite right as well. I haven't played many self-insert type games, but I found myself enjoying the storyline, skeletal though it was, of Project Diva X - I got to just mysteriously wake up in a digital world and help grown-ups with the personalities of children aged five to nine remember how to be happy singing? Somehow strangely fulfilling, which goes to show that it differs from person to person.

  3. On February 23, 2017 at 2:36 PM, eclipse said:

    It means that I can't recreate the poll.  While the PM system can be used, the user who made this competition had the poll set to public votes, to be as neutral as possible.

    Once the back-end stuff is done processing, I'll bug Jyo about it again.  He's a busy guy, so there's no guarantee on when it'll be done.  If you just want to write, and don't care where the inspiration comes from, let me know.

    Oh, dang. That's too bad. Well, I'll leave the link to my Google Doc up on here for now and let others hopefully get some inspiration for it. Adding the link again to here one more time.

    Avia's Tale - Beginning

  4. 18 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Four star Olivia was my first. Other than getting my lovable butler knight Freddy a couple pulls later tho, my luck's been garbage... No five stars and few fours.

    Cheer up, friend, you're bound to get one eventually, the pull rate for 5S Units goes up with every Stone that failed you, though if the bad luck continues you gonna be here a while - I believe it goes upwards of 120 fails before you hit 100%.

  5. 4 hours ago, Tangerine said:

    Hi guys, have a random prize pic. The packs are tempting, maybe we'll just open them all ourselves....


    Going to be adding another prize to make up for my personal issues forcing an extension as well; a friend brought a cool community project that we could support to my attention and it seemed right up our event's alley, so I'll post about it soon!


    Ooh, a Community Project…interesting…looking forward to it, plus huzzah for more time to fidget with my entry! I do hope your issues resolve for the better, btw.

  6. 20 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Finished Normal, doing a lot of tower grinding because my current team is a little too low-leveled for 8-5 on Hard.  Fae needs something like ten more levels, because I absolutely need a green unit that can take a magic hit.  Swordie!Corrin's staying, may swap Virion for Gordin once I get the feathers for the latter's promotion, and not sure if I want a healer or Olivia in the last slot.  If my team isn't doing enough damage, then I use Raigh instead of Corrin.  None of these are 5*, and Gordin/Olivia/Raigh are 3*.

    I agree that the feather cost is ridiculous.  Unless you're aiming for top spots in the arena (which I'd advise against, because those who shelled out more money than I spend on a month's worth of food will occupy those), it shouldn't be an issue.

    You guys do know you can use My Nintendo Platinum Coins to buy Dueling Crests and Light's Blessings, right? I just used up a couple hundred PCs for an LB for 8-5.

  7. 22 hours ago, Strider said:

    Hello everyone, new to the forum and game but like it so far and would like to get some friendly advice.

    At this point I have been playing consistently since it came out but didn't re-roll to start because I didn't really think about it or know much about the game. At this point I do have a couple of 4*s(Sakura, Caeda, Henry, Tharja, and Arthur) but no 5*s to speak of. I was wondering if it would be better to just start over and try to get a 5* or just continue onward with what I have and try and upgrade some 4*'s to 5?

    I also have linked my nintendo acct already so am not sure how that would work with trying to re-roll? Any advice is greatly appreciated


    Might be late in answering, but here goes anyways.

    You can't reroll if you have your Account Linked. Also, the chance of Summoning a 5-Star Hero goes up every Stone that doesn't give you a 5-Star Hero until you get one - after like 120-ish you're 100% going to get a 5-Star Hero if your luck is somehow that abysmal. Since you've linked accounts, your best bet is to press on.

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