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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. 10 hours ago, Jotari said:

    What no one seems to realize is that one of the Koopalings is Morton Koopa Jr. This mean's Bowser's name is actually Morton.

    wait WHAT

    18 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Big daddy Bowser probably reproduces asexually, and hatched Junior from an egg.

    Yep, that’s probably it.

    I mean, Yoshi is canonically male yet still manages to pop eggs out of literally nowhere, so this actually isn't entirely out of the question.

  2. ...Shoot, that's not good. Then again, blindly warping up was probably not the brightest idea. That's two mistakes Harriet would have laughed at so far, heh.

    "I wouldn't mind that idea-"

    This would be tricky, though - the three Masked could quickly inform any others in the area if they weren't dispatched immediately.

    ...Well, no one lives forever. Watch over me, V.

    "Aight, here's what we do." Toki lightly tapped the card in his pocket for luck, gauging the height of the wall and noting the other two Masked - both wielding Axes - had made it far enough along the edge that it would take them a bit to turn around and get back. "Either throw something and knock one of those two off the edge, or warp back and grab me a Healer."

    With that, he jumped through the window and charged the Archer, swapping for his Iron Axe.

    One chance - if I can just break her Bow.

  3. 17 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    "Yet he didn't care even as the water soaked through his clothes, making them heavier with each step he took."

    • A small physical complaint (thought it may have some narrative application): If Grima had been in the rain long enough, his clothes would be saturated with water and therefore not grow heavier.

    "His despair enough to wish his own death."

    • This line is redundant and I would recommend removing it.

    "Laurent conjured a ball of flames and they traveled into the cave despite their uncertainty."

    • I think an adverb would suit your purposes better here than the somewhat awkward phrase at the end.

    "Several minutes passed as signs of blood lead the way."

    • While I understand the inclination to attach phrases using "as", it isn't something you need to do all the time. I think this would work better as two sentences. "Minutes passed. Signs of blood lead the way." The short, simple, punctuated form lends a heftier and rougher dramatic feel to things.

    >tfw Severa, Kjelle

    • Since they really don't do much other than say a line of dialogue each, I think it might have been better to exclude them and just have Laurent and Lucina do things. Mind you, we already know who all these characters are so it doesn't really make a difference but it's generally worth cutting down your roster as much as possible. Simplicity, less to keep track of for both the author and the reader, all that good stuff.

    Personally Grima sounds like kind of a bitch but that's even further down than the conceptual level and I figure it's easier to focus on execution, whether or not that's actually more beneficial than the technical stuff.

    I put in some critiques because I figure it's the least I can do for the one person to actually put something in, even if it doesn't satisfy the original work clause.

    @SoulWeaver Ya like Mega Man X? We got Mega Man X up in here now. This is somehow only the second Mega Man setting which I've written for this competition despite having made outlines of both Battle Network and Star Force stories in response to previous prompts. This took me about an hour and a half to write so I really took my own advice to heart and pushed something out to claim victory by default

    Entry Name: Dream
    Word Count: 889

      Reveal hidden contents


    The red reploid shifted in his stasis pod.


    His eyes shot open. He couldn't see anyone through the glass cover, only a small crack of light from the door, but that voice, muffled and distant as it was...could it have really been...?



    He slammed a button on the inside of his pod. The glass cover folded up, Zero nearly slammed his head against the frame trying to rush out. "Iris!"


    It was coming from the hall. Zero pried the half-open door apart and rushed into the corridor. The sudden brightness of sterile white light blinded his optics, but they soon adjusted, mostly. There was still a white haze to his vision, but he could see clearly enough. He could see the figure standing at the end of the hall. Red and blue, beautiful even from afar, her long brown hair-


    She was still, and suddenly silent.

    Was this a dream? It felt real. The ground under his feet. It couldn't be though. Could it?

    It didn't matter.

    Zero charged towards her. His ponytail flew behind him. Her hair bobbed gently in the breeze of the air conditioning. It and her beret covered her eyes. That stupid hat- he had never liked it, but in that moment it was as welcome as anything.

    He ran into her, threw his arms around her, picked her up and spun around in an ecstasy he had never thought he could feel again. She was there in his arms. She had weight. Tact. "Iris!"
    Her arms slowly curled around him. He could feel her. It felt good. He finally placed her down and ran a hand over her forehead, pushing her hair and beret aside so he could see her whole face. He saw those same soft emerald eyes. "Is this...real?"

    "Yes, Zero." Iris smiled warmly. "It's real. I'm here."

    Zero's face was stuck in a perpetual gaping smile. "I can't believe it. How did you-"
    "It doesn't matter." Iris stepped closer to him. She put her hand on his chest. "It only matters that we're here now. Together. We're finally together again."
    "I just...it's almost too good to be true."

    Then she looked down. Dejectedly. His heart cracked. "Are you...not happy? To see me?" A sniffle, a small tear forming on her crystalline eyes, falling to the ground below. "I thought you'd be...happy about it." Her voice was tense and pained and betrayed and his heart shattered into a million pieces.

    "No, don't cry!" He desperately wiped away her tears. He lifted her chin and stared deep into her eyes. "I am happy! Please don't cry!" He caressed her cheek gently. "Please."

    Iris sniffled. Her soft smile nearly returned. Hopefully expectant. Waiting. "Do you mean it?"

    Zero nearly yanked her into his chest. "Of course I do!" He wrapped her up in his arms, hoisted her up and pressed her into him. It was too good to be true, but this was too real to be a dream. She was there. He was holding her. He ran a hand through her hair, soft and supple, that feeling he had missed for so many years, longed for it. Its absence had been another nightmare that tortured his dreams, and how he finally had her again. "We can finally be together again," he sobbed. "We can live together in a world where only reploids exist, just like you used to talk about!" Tears rolled down his face and into her locks, onto her neck. "Just don't cry. Don't leave me again. Don't ever leave me again. Please."

    For a moment they stayed that way. It was a long moment. It was never going to be long enough. Zero would have stayed there forever, the two of them tangled together like they used to be, but he finally did place her down and wipe his eyes.

    Iris adjusted her feet and looked back at the ground. "Zero?"
    "Yes, Iris?" He smiled at her.
    "There's something thing I need to tell you." Her voice turned somber. "It's something important."

    "Anything Iris!" Zero held her by her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. "It doesn't matter what. As long as we're together, there's nothing that could separate us." He pulled her into himself once more, burying his face in her shoulders. "Everything is okay. You can tell me anything."
    "This is pretty gay, dude."

    You could hear the glass breaking as Zero's eyes shot open. "What? Axl!"

    Zero pushed Axl's contorted cackling base form out of his arms. "What is wrong with you?"
    "You just got pranked, bro!"
    "Why would you ever think that would be okay?!"
    "Because you're a moody prick who takes yourself way too seriously and I thought it would be funny." The transforming reploid grinned. "I was right too. I mean, come on dude. A world where only reploids exist? What kind of fucked up shit is that? You just gonna kill all the humans for your ghost gee-eff?" He snickered and put a hand on Zero's shoulder. "I tell ya big red, you really know how to pick 'em. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you-" You could hear the glass breaking as Axl's eyes shot open. He looked down to see Zero's saber stuck through his chest. "Okay fuck you."
    "The feeling's mutual."

    So, it's been no secret that participation has been a bit low since Ana got banned and Shob got a kid. Heck, even Chloey hasn't submitted a participating entry the past three rounds. The previous round had no entries and this one only had mine. On account of that, I'm considering putting the contest on hiatus until further notice. Maybe we could try to continue during the summer or extend the round length, but if participation is going to be this low it might be best to hold off for a bit.

    Shoot I thought I had another day to work with. Also wow man, that was painful. I literally never played X4 and that still just...ouch.

    As for hiatus...hm. My end has mainly been that my iPod's charging port gave out a while back and it's hit my writing ability more than I thought it would. I have a backup iPod, but it currently can't download any apps so I haven't been able to do any writing through Docs unless I'm on an actual comp - I have to scribble stuff out in Notes, copy it to an email, email it to myself, find time to get on a comp, copy the stuff over to Docs, and then do any finishing touch-ups before I can share it. It also means I missed the free Forma Soul last month and I've been kind of frustrated about that. In the event that I can get my hands on another iPod to add Docs to, I should be able to get back up and running, but in the meantime it's definitely slowed me down a lot.

  4. Oof, sorry @Shrimperor - I had a thing, but I haven't had access to a computer since I came up with it so that kind of fell apart. I'll try to finish it up and post it for your enjoyment anyways.

    23 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    So, uh...what do you do with no entries, then? I'm taking suggestions.

    I would suggest allowing the last prompter to come up with another try - the voting system or Back To Round One is nice, but it kind of backstabs anyone who comes up with a prompt that people happen to not like - all I have to do is convince everyone else to not expend any effort for two weeks and then do whatever I happen to feel like any time I didn't like someone's idea.

  5. On 2/9/2021 at 2:50 AM, Nyrélhos said:

    Thanks, but I think you misinterpreted my question. I'm sorry, maybe I was not clear enough.

    I know that I can find all Cipher cards in the database. What I'd like to know is if there is a place where I can find the "decklist cards" specifically, like the ones you collect.

    I tried to search on serenes forest cards database, but I couldn't find anything.

    Didn't see this until now, sorry. I don't know if anyone really kept track of those, but I'll dig mine out sometime this week and share the lists with you.

  6. 21 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I don't care how many degrees of separation there are, that is ultimately a reference to the angel Gabriel and therefore I deem it heresy.

    The other two Flugel whose names we know up to this point are named Azril and Rafil, so...yes, it is. Kamiya claims this does not mean all Flugel are named after biblical angels, but I find it telling we only know three Flugel names that are all references.

  7. While I get that you're mostly memeing, I'm going to refer you to No Game No Life as a backup claim - in Book 2(or Episode...6, I believe, for those who watched the short anime), Jibril states that she wants to examine Sora's erogenous zones, unironically for science because Jibril. Sora responds by demanding he be allowed to 'examine' hers in return, to which she agrees without question because Jibril. However, the area she allows him to touch is her wing. Given that Flugel as a race are generally supposed to be the equivalent of killing machines in the shape of angels, there's virtually no reason for Flugel to have erogenous zones at all, thus, Jibril's wing shouldn't be erogenous unless wings are sexy, QED.

    ...Yuu Kamiya is secretly a genius, no one can convince me otherwise.

  8. 19 hours ago, eclipse said:

    If I have to close this thread due to religious conflict, I will hand out suspensions beforehand.

    I'm not one to pick fights about religion. I like hearing from other people on their thoughts regarding my beliefs, but I also believe someone's position with God is just between them and God, so I try to make a point not to engage on the subject.

    20 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I ain't personally into the whole "physics problem evangelism" thing, personally.

    I challenge you to theological combat.

    ...I'm intrigued by this video. I almost want to see this built into a real game...

  9. On 2/1/2021 at 6:43 AM, Hasechi said:

    So what make you believe ? I can tell that I believe ghosts is real. Some cases that I witness in front of my own eyes. So feel free share your mind

    Well...honestly, it's the Big Bang and Newton's First Law of Motion.

    The Big Bang theory is of course that all physical matter was once compressed into a single point, which at some time exploded and created our universe. Based on my admittedly limited knowledge of physics, the First Law of Motion(an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force) essentially dictates that it was impossible for that point to spontaneously explode(exploding being an outward motion) without an outside force coming into play. As all matter in the physical universe was compressed into this point, the only way for there to be an outside force to cause this motion is for there to be a metaphysical entity or force involved.

    I'm aware this belief takes some things for granted, such as the Big Bang theory being true and my personal opinion that this metaphysical entity is God, but it's what I have and it's what I stick by.

  10. Posting on behalf of the fallen Ana.



    Anyways, guess I should read some things. Would have done it sooner, but I'm currently in the process of hypergrinding Beruka for Skills for...shoot what was her name...uh...someone on here who was looking for people with certain Skills on Niles and Kaze and Beruka, so that's been taking some time.

  11. 22 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I just think "gamer" is a dumb word. It's not because of what it means or because of how people use it- that's almost a separate question from what I was asking, but it's a very stupid sounding label. If you enjoy movies, you enjoy movies. You might even be called a movie goer. Go is a verb. "Game" is not a verb and people don't use it like one.

    ...Alright, I'll give you that, that's a fair issue to have, hadn't thought of it that way.

  12. 6 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    the ideal wife.


    6 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I personally dislike the word "gamer" with burning intensity. If you identify as a gamer, please stop.


    2 hours ago, indigoasis said:

    The other word is what I would consider a "gamer-insult," or something you've probably seen someone type in the chat of an online video game or in a comment section somewhere.


    Personally very few words do this to me. My sister hates "Moist Brick Paint" all together. It's pretty funny.

  13. Aight, so I've visited your Nohr castle a couple times, you should be able to find me in your Inbox under Solaris. Meanwhile, Status update.

    Looks like all the not-Lucky 7 Skills you want for Niles require a Marry-Niles playthrough, I'm afraid I can't help you there, don't like the guy enough for that. My Niles married Camilla so mine has Swordbreaker, Savage Blow, and Trample on in addition to Lucky 7, I can swap Lunge in as well.

    Beruka actually married Silas this run, so she has Aegis, Axefaire, Trample, Swordbreaker, and Luna right now, I can exchange in for Armored Blow, Defender, or Shelter if needed. I believe I have a playthrough where Beruka hasn't married yet, so I can get you Bowbreaker once I marry her to either Odin or Leo. Death Blow will take a little longer, though, that's a Marry-Beruka playthrough. I've been meaning to do one of those eventually anyways, so I'll probably do that soon, but it'll take me...probably like a week or so.

    Kaze has Astra and Lethality, I married him to Charlotte so he can't get Luna and I believe the others require Revelations runs so I'll need to check my other files for those. In the meantime, mine also has Replicate, Axebreaker, and Sol equipped, I can also switch in Golembane.

    I also forgot about tactics, I'm not sure you can get past my peeps to take the throne as-is, I kind of designed the throne to be disproportionately hellish to take and everyone's used like twelve Eternal Seals each so I'll fix that and update it following work tomorrow(probably by 3PM MST). In addition, it's way less useful at the moment, but you can also visit my Birthright castle by entering the address 09468-95779-39591-55644, the castle should be named Sentinelia and the character should be Lunaris. It's way weaker than my Conquest one because it's linked to a different 2DS which is suffering from a busted display, so I haven't been able to use it in a long while, but you might still be able to get something useful out of it.

  14. 18 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Soul's work ethic


    Welp, um, I guess we're going with my last idea:

    Pick a Round you did not participate in. Participate in it, and make sure to state which Round your piece is about. I don't know if we want to allow rounds people did non-participation entries for or not, but if not it means Chloey is locked to literally her own last round plus whatever she can scrounge up from WYBO Ver. 1.

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