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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. "Hm...can we have Lady Noelle fly up to check? We may be able to ferry the whole group up if we're careful, assuming, of course, miss Anthiese is up to the task - I should hate to see such a magnificent wyvern forced to bear more than she could handle on our account, so it may be best if the ladies take the quick route while the rest of us head up on foot."

  2. On 12/24/2020 at 4:24 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

    Okay, I'm awake lol.


    And now for the theme.


    Pick a character you wouldn't normally write about (or one you really like to write about).  They've been put on a survival training mission with their mentor/trainee.  What shenanigans ensue during this training session?  Do the mentor/student get along with the other?  Or do they argue?  Your characters have three days of the training session to figure that out among themselves.


    If this isn't easy then let me know and we can change the theme.

    -looks at my OCs-


    On 12/24/2020 at 4:11 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

    I'd say, looking back there's quite a few prompts I'd have wished to have participated in.

    One of my ideas on my list is 'go back and find a prompt you didn't participate in. Participate in it' so in the event that I get a win any time soon I'll see what I can do for you.

  3. 18 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Episode 9: Village Hidden in the Weebs

    Kaga gets halted by weebs, who want the Waifu elements to stay in.

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    The 2nd worst map in the game, and one of the worst map i ever played.

    I hate it, you hate it, and i think i only know a total of 1 person who doesn't. Someone needs to make a mod to replace this map and Fox hell.

    So let's start camping centeral

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    So here's what will happen: I will take my elite squad of Elise, Camilla, Kaga, Sophie, Severa and Nyx and let the others hold Saizo hostage. 

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    Elite Squad advances. Elise + Camilla Attack stance in especially good. They work together so well. Sisters after all.

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    The Elite Squad keeps moving around the map to clear the reinforcements that keep appearing

    Also is someone keeping an Elise crit counter? I think it's at 2 now xD

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    Defence squad finally seeing some action and Benny gets a str lvlup

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    We continue cleaning while Niles and Laslow go pick up chests

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    Kaga with some dancing cleans the Boss room with help of Severa's Dance

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    ....sometimes i forget this game has 30 Avo thrones, but this boss always reminds me of it....

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    even with 40 hit Kaga somehow hits twice lol, but that isn't enough to kill him...

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    Sophie finishes this exercise in boredom...


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    I go ahead and promote Benny and the deadweight squad.  Aside from Benny they were all lvl12 or so, but i am not heading into ch18 with any unpromoted peeps...

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    Oh no! We've got trouble!

    ...should i?


    Next: Not even Kaga knows how to parody this

    ...I...don't hate this map.

  4. On 12/15/2020 at 7:19 AM, Father Shrimpas said:

    Episode 5: The First Kid And The Rainbow Lawyer

    Kaga, seeing that he has one spot open before going to the Rainbow Lawyer, orders Silas and Selena to get on it.

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    Sophie's Paralogue...

    This is actuall my first time doing this map in all of conquest runs, as Silas is one of those units i always drop pretty fast Like almost all starting cavs in all my FE runs. They are always bad with me.

    From the looks of it, it's a pretty straight forward defeat boss map, with some villager protection going on...

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    The man himself...

    And wth is up with those stats? 

    *looks around the map*

    Oh wow... It feels more like a ch18 map with those stats, and not ch10....

    So many promoted enemies, so many strong weapons, so tanky....

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    I split my forces and start clearing the map. Odin get's a str lvlup, while Elise's amazing levelups continue...

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    Father daughter moment.

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    You do deserve better, like a SPD lvl up as well 😛

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    3% crit and another speedless Felicia lvlup

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    ...i forgot to check the weapons of every enemy unit and turns out one of the valkyria has a thunder...while every other one only had Mend...

    My mistake, but... *sigh*

    Reset time!

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    First thing after the reset is something i don't think i've ever seen before....

    An Elise crit 😮 

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    Green units pls...

    *checks rewards*

    Partner seal? Meh.

    I would like the energy drop however, so i have to keep 3 of them alive...


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    Kaga with the Snipes and lvl up, Odin with the Crit while and the peeps up north deal with cavalary squad

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    Some decent-ish lvlup while clearing the map, and in the case of Elise, as she says ''This girl is one FIRE!''

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    Nichol captured!


    Units gained:

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    The 2nd one is for you @SoulWeaver and @AnonymousSpeed. Sadly i couldn't put him in Chrom's Class, so i put him in Ike's instead. He might get a guest appearance here and there, to fill in gaps in the pme until every spot is filled.


    Getting Sophie and filling the 10th spot, Kaga makes his way to the Rainbow Lawyer. There, he meets a casual resistance...

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    A cool defeat boss map partitioned into sections...and the first appearance of the cursed Hexing rod...

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    We split our forces and put units in attack stance. N O S F E O D I N supported by Camilla on the left, Elise supported by Silas on the right....

    And Silas get's a typical myrmidon lvlup...

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    Shadow Clone Jutsu!

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    Does no one except Silas and Elise want to get Spd or something?

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    Although i didn't use it in that case because attack stance was enough to clear the area

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    Pitfall girl defeated. Felicia again speedless. Atleast Selena and Kaga got Spd, but Kaga has no use for speed xD

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    Approaching the room of doom...

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    I put units in attack stance to start clearing the room, however Camilla scores a 4% crit, making my life a whole lot easier, since i won't have to deal with Vantage now xD

    I finish clearing the room and Arthur get's a very good lvlup

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    Hex? Doesn't matter with Elise anyway xD

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    Some lvlups while clearing the room

    And Nyx again speedless...

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    Hexing bastard taken apart by Elise and Sophie.

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    #KagaSnipe makes clearing the room of doom a breeze, and we clear the room with some good lvlups on the way!

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    Vs. Hinoka...

    I cleared the whole room with attack stance and Kaga snipes haha!

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    unfunny edited post map dialogue..


    Next: Potaclypse (feat. Nichol from the Tellius may cry series)

    Woah wait, what's that bottom-left Skill on Nichol? I've never seen that one before.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Regular Nichol (I genderbend males out of habit on here, I shouldn’t do that with people who haven’t said anything relating to that though. Oops.)

    It's all good, I'm a straight guy so it would have to be genderbent anyways.

    A Dryad watching over the holy forest the Paladin seeks to bring balance to.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Huh. And here I picked Malig Knight Elise because one of my favorite fates characters and the coolest class..

    It's a pretty good combination to pick, I'd definitely recommend trying a playthrough with her some time!

    13 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    FEFTwiddler is a save editor for Fates, and pretty much the only software i am using.

    Well, Citra makes it easy to locate the save files as well

    Interesting. Unfortunately I'm stuck on Mac, so it'd take a little more fiddling around to work out. I'll keep it in mind though.

  7. 13 hours ago, L3xandr3 said:

    So I just popped back in here, and though this is off topic, but... Why does everyone like Nichol?

    It's more that I really like Nichol, Anon tried to humor me, and everyone else was just like meh why not. 

    In addition to being probably my favorite enemy in all of Fates speaking aesthetically, Nichol is an astounding combat unit with few contenders for his niche as Malig Knight - he's actually likely to do better than Camilla for Conquest Lunatic and is immensely superior to Scarlet on Birthright since you can get him much earlier. There's also some evidence in the game code that indicates that he and Candace were supposed to be actually relevant to the base game(which makes sense as the two of them are from the Paralogues that are available no matter which route you take), such as the fact that they're the only capturable enemies who have cut-in animations when they crit or trigger a Skill. The two of them are also the only capturable bosses you can vote for in CYL, as an aside. He's the only Unit I make absolutely sure to get and use every single time I play Fates, and I almost always use a DLC Seal on him for more combat potential, usually I make him a Vanguard because he's surprisingly useful even when not flying.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Will try to, just for you and Soul^^

    You warm my heart with your consideration, good sir.

    ...Hey wait, an idea occurred - can you change Units to Chrom's Lord Class from the Before Awakening DLC? If so and if you get Nichol make him a Lord and then just leave him in your Castle to wander around.


    13 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Want me to do a let's play over at the LP forum? I will try to write some funny story along or something xD

    Yes please.

  9. Wait, so this is basically Conquest but you can tamper with Unit's Classes and Skills and stuff? Huh, that's cool. Out of curiosity, can you alter max Weapon Proficiency a Class has access to? If so you should definitely buff your Songstress to better than C Lances, that always killed Azura's usefulness for me.

    On behalf of Otts then, make Selena your Songstress(see, I'm being nice, you can have your Dancer at a measly Chapter 10) and give her...hm...Aptitude for her Lv1, I think, then of course your Dancer Skill for Lv10...how about Countermagic for third Skill, Warp for fourth, and finally Replicate? As for her join items...I believe Guard Naginata is a D rank, trade her Swords out for it and...Dual Naginata, I think it's D as well. Upgrade the Vulnerary to a Concoction.

    Also, if Niles is picked, then can someone pick one of the capturable bosses? I always look for a chance to make a plug for Nichol.

  10. Sorry, sorry, haven't had access to a comp for a couple days and my iPod's wigging out and won't charge. Judging duly partaken o - shoot I made things worse.

    On 11/21/2020 at 8:26 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Title: BJ's Journal
    Words: 2,962

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    To be read in the voice of Alex Jones or Basilio, as pleases you.

    The AP has called the Presidential Race for Noah. Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more.

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    Day 1
    I am Basilio Jones, and this is my journal. I am writing in case the Waifu Emblem conspirators try to have me killed for exposing their perverted, degenerate behavior. They may succeed, or may force me into hiding, but either way I want to leave this book behind so that the people can learn what I know and use it to continue the Emblem War. Don't believe for a second they won't try and kill us if we refuse to bow down to their agenda. The Waifu Emblem cuckold freaks are pedophiles and psychic vampires. They [this word has been scribbled out for public access] ^ˡᵉʷᵈ manaketes and harvest their organs for lipstick, what do you think they'd do to you and me?

    Day 3
    Today is the first day in November. For the past few years I have been kidnapping alternate dimension versions of so I can enlighten them to the truth about Waifu Emblem. So far as I have been able to determine, wherever there's an alternate version of me, there's is also an alternate version of Chrom. There's no telling how widespread his degeneracy is, which makes it even more important that I rally support for the Emblem War.

    Dear journal, it is later today. My secret bunker has been compromised. Alexandra Flavia-Cortez somehow manages to track me down- she must have caught on to some mistake by my rookie apprentice. I had to cut short a truth bomb I was giving to a version of me who doesn't wear a hair piece, but fortunately I was able to ward her off using my constitutionally protected exploding battle axe. Unfortunately, I'm still going to need to find a new bunker, and even worse, I'm going to have to pack and then unpack all my research.

    Day 10
    I finally found a new bunker, but I'm not writing where it is. Security reasons, in case the Waifu Emblem finds this journal.

    It's suspicious that there are Chroms in power everywhere. You know what's even more suspicious though? In every dimension I go to, there's a pandemic going on. Lockdowns across the multiverse. I haven't come across an uncovered face for months. What are the chances that all these different dimensions that barely ever interact with each other would all be experiencing the plague at the same time? What I've also found is that the more powerful the blues (Chroms), the more severe the lockdowns.

    Day 17
    I came across one weird dimension where nobody seemed to know who Chrom was. However, I went to a bar for research and found a edgy cool guy in a trench coat who knew who Chrom was. Because there were no Chroms, there was no restriction on going to a bar, which was amazing because I haven't been able to find any beer besides Chromuel Adams Lager since the pandemic started. The guy in a trench coat didn't have much useful information though, mostly he tried to sell me these weird fanfictions. Some of the people who watch my show send me fanfictions about me but they're way worse than the memes they send, so I didn't really listen to that guy.

    Day 23
    I was traveling to another dimension to investigate the Chroms when I came across a whole army of 'em, all in one place. One of them was wearing a Santa suit, which really pissed me off. I've met Santa Claus, and that creep Chrom isn't even fit to get coal from that guy. They were planning to take on some friendly looking people in black and gold armor, which I thought was very styling. I'm kind of a Pittsburg fan. I picked a station wagon and threw it at them, scared them off. I'm planning to track them down and see if I can't figure something about about their multiversal conspiracy.

    Day 25
    I have found where all those Chroms are congregating. There's a big palace full of interdimensional activity. This place is full of manaketes, it's exactly the sort of place Chrom and his sick twisted associates would hang out. A lot of these people look the same- either they're all pulled from different dimensions and are totally okay with that, or they're exact genetic clone replicas. Anyway, I snuck around and followed one Chrom, and I found a secret room in the castle where there was a whole culex of them. I spotted them talking to ginger woman, but I'm afraid I can't rescue her right now. I have to infiltrate that room and figure out their plan first.

    Day 26
    To infiltrate the Chroms's secret headquarters, I've hidden myself in a giant table lamp and then hid that lamp in a box which I shipped to the Chroms. They didn't suspect a thing and put the lamp in the secret room (it's a really nice lamp and the room was kind of dark, so it probably works really well in here) and now I can eavesdrop on their interdimensional scheming without them knowing.

    Day 28
    After extended observation, I have discovered that the woman in the room is not kidnapped by the Chrom's, she's apparently their "commander". Absolutely sick! It's like a cow being the CEO for Burger Chrom. I guess cows kind of do work for Burger Chrom, but still! It's sick! She also seems to be working on her own plan for multiversal enslavement. The Emblem War was already crazy enough, now I have to deal with whatever this woman is doing?

    It's getting kind of hot in this lamp and I really have to go pee, so I'm going to sneak out tonight. I'm taking the lamp with me.

    Day 31
    Following a recent moment of lucidity and a suggestion by my apprentice, I realized I should probably explain the plot of the Chroms, Waifu Emblem freaks, and psychic vampires. Following thousands of hours of research, I can say that I'm an expert, so here's what I've found out in the past 30 years.

    There exists a conspiracy known as "Waifu Emblem" which seeks to enslave humanity in all dimensions. They want to do this because they have decided that the body is weak and evil, so they need to overcome its mortal limitations, and that only the people who are willing to go to these extremes are worth giving a damn about because if they don't want to transcend the physical universe then they're complicit in evil and they're outside the clique of people who they consider to have a valid goal. That's why they send all these hidden messages, so they can recruit new people through their front organizations. The kind of person who is smart enough to decipher all these messages and sick enough to want in on the conspiracy is exactly the sort of person they want in their gang. They figure that if someone is too stupid to figure out what they're doing then it's not their problem what happens to them, it's sort of like "we warned you what we were going to do, but you didn't do anything to stop us so it's not our fault." But those cucks made a mistake thinking God would let them get away with it. If God wanted them to live He would not have created me.

    Once everyone is under their paradigm of complete control, they intend to use their labor to transcend all their material needs and ascend beyond material existence to become immortal gods not constrained by human fears or morality. What a bunch of psychos.

    For some universes the Chroms have started putting chemicals in the water to turn people gay so they can then control people through their all consuming lust for him, but for most universes they're trying to mind control people using the internet. That's why they created the waifus. By getting everyone addicted to porn and gacha games, they're making them weak and emotionally isolated so they'll be easier to control. They're siphoning all their mental energy through social media and these constant digital feedback loops so they can glue them to their screens and gain control over them, and that's why they're psychic vampires.

    They're pedophiles because they [also redacted for public access] kids.

    People in power have been [redacted for public access] the weak since the dawn of civilization, I don't get how people don't believe me when I tell them this. Obviously Thomas Jefferson only had consensual sex, but think about how many powerful people are creepy sex perverts who smell bad. Zeus, Socrates, the Pope, Muhammad, Mangs, Goethe, Thomas Dewey, Harvey Weinstein, Chrom, Bill Clinton-

    You'd have to be drugged to fall for Chrom, I mean just look at the guy. His fashion sense is garbage. He looks constipated and he probably doesn't even comb his hair. He's probably one of the a ugliest people I ever saw, and I've seen Megan Kelly.

    Day 37
    I crashed an interview Jake Uygur was doing. Hit him with a T-shirt canon. He's a total joke of a reporter, it's fun to pick on him. I really hate him though, so I never feel bad about it. He's one of the Waifu Emblem apologists who jumps on people like me for not being "politically correct" when we try to tell people about the Waifu Emblem agenda and what they're really doing.

    "We love our Chroms, we love to treat everyone equally, let people like what they like" meanwhile Waifu Emblem is turning the frogs gay and hanging their mistresses off the balcony in a noose made of sweaty bedsheets. What about treating the mistresses equally? What about the the frogs? These Waifu Emblem apologists make me sick, they're like little mewling goblins brainwashing people. They say things are okay that aren't okay! People used to know that before the Chromspiracy of social engineering and absolute control got so bad.

    Day 42
    I accidentally stumbled into a pink fortress today. Don't even know why it exists, but I got the feeling someone was watching me. I didn't like it, so I left. Decided not to burn it down though, wasn't that suspicious.

    Day 43
    I'm not sure how much of this war I can take. I miss my wife. I know I'm divorced, but this war is so bad I actually miss her for once.

    Day 49
    I've acquired the most advanced anti-disease mask available, the Bord 9000. I got it off the dark web. Combined with the immunity boosting power of Ultra Basilio Vitality, I have rendered myself immune to all disease. In order to prove this, I traveled to a dimension consisting entirely of 5G towers. I'm still feeling like the pinnacle of health!

    Day 54
    Merry Christmas, diary! I got my apprentice a paddle ball and some crafting supplies. I don't think she got me a present though.

    Day 56
    Speaking of my apprentice, she sent an armadillo carrying a secret message to God Emperor Trek 53 days ago today. I'm hoping he's gotten it and it formulating a plan based on the Chromspiracy-related information contained within.

    People call me an Ilian shill because I stick up for God Emperor Trek so much. It's not an Ilia thing though, I used to go after Zelots (formerly Jerot (formerly Zealot (formerly the Artist Formerly Known as Prince (formerly Prince)))) when he was in charge. God Emperor Trek isn't perfect by a longshot, but I think he really does want to help people. You might think it's unlikely a member of the elite would turn on his old friends and try to expose and unravel their conspiracy, but do you remember Chester Alan Arthur?

    Day 63
    Today I will return to the secret room where I saw the Chroms meet with the red haired woman. It's been a month since I was last there, so I figure they've let their guard down since then. This time I'm going to going to hide inside of a giant wooden llama. I love llamas. I think everybody loves llamas, even the Waifu Emblem degenerates. They'll be sure to accept this gift without question.

    Day 64
    As I expected, the Chroms accepted the gift without question. Through careful listening, I have determined that the red haired woman is named "Anna," I'm pretty sure I knew a red haired girl named Anna in college who went into marketing. Apparently there are "other Annas" that she intends to discuss some new information they've uncovered with. I can only assume that there's another faction of interdimensional vampire demons consisting of several of this woman, just like Chrom is an interdimensional conspiracy of demons.

    Extended observation will be required. Thankfully, I've come prepared this time. I brought a glass bottle to pee in.

    Day  65
    I used my incredible interdimensional powers to drill a small hole in the wooden llama that I could look out. This allowed me to figure out where in the outrealms their secret headquarters is. Definitely the case that they have multiple secret headquarters, but even just knowing the location of one of them is huge.

    Day 67
    It looks like the Chroms and Annas are going to test out a new weapon on an unsuspecting dimension. I'm going to sneak out and follow them and find out what this new weapon is.

    Dear Diary. It is later today. Like I said I would, I followed them and found out what their weapon is.

    On the way out, I was spotted by a Chrom. Thankfully I was able to distract him long enough to get away by hitting him over the head with my piss bottle. It shattered, covering him in piss, which meant it did a minicrit when I slashed his neck with the broken bottle stub. Sick son of a bitch probably died happy.

    The dimension they attacked was inhabited only by clones of Glen Beck which made it a lot easier to not do anything to save them. They used some sort of arcane summoning magic to summon an army of zombie servants called the Sleeved. They look and sound like Chrom but with sleeves, so impossible to say who it really is.

    I returned to the secret base and snuck back into the llama. They still haven't noticed me, even with one dead piss-covered Chrom in their base. The Annas complained about the carpets being dirty and said they weren't going to invite the Chroms back for the team building cookout until they paid to have the carpets replaced, so it sounds like this is one of the Annas' secret base.

    Unfortunately, with my bottle broken, I can't afford to stay around much longer. I'm going to sneak out tomorrow, but I'll leave the llama hear so I can hide out in it again if I ever come back.

    Day 68
    I followed one of the Chroms from the secret interdimensional base into a cave full of goblins. I saw him get in bed with the entire goblins nest, and he was kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, succubus with goblins, but I really didn't even want to see him in bed with a goblin, so I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to see him in bed with hundreds of goblins. I can't even begin to describe how bad they smelled- Chroms and goblins both smell like sulfur, I can smell them from miles away. That's how I track them through the dimensions. I do it by sense of smell, which is also how I play pinball.

    So anyway, I starting slashing. With my exploding battle axe, I slew the Chrom and all the goblins until the whole cave was an ocean of goblin vomit and slop and blood on it, especially up to my ankles. It's going to take weeks of showering to get this filth off me, but it's better than being filthy on the inside like them, because even if you rip out all their organs, you can't wash that filth out.

    Day 70
    Man, yesterday was a doozy! I'll have to write about it later though, I've got to go pick up some eggs.

    Day 74
    I returned to the secret multidimensional headquarters in order to gather more information. This time I made sure to bring several bottles. I also brought some gold coins. I heard a rumor that if you're being chased by Annas and throw a gold coin on the ground in front of them, they'll stop chasing you and all fight over the coin.

    Day 77
    I found a face-covering helmet in the Anna's headquarters. This is definitive proof that they knew about the pandemic before it happened! How would they have known before hand unless they were helping to create it? I have also uncovered plans to assassinate God Emperor Trek before he can take interdimensional action to defeat the goblin armies and psychic vampires who fake school shootings.

    There's no time to wait, I have to act immediately to spread this information and stop this step in the joint conspiracy. This is perhaps my most dangerous mission yet, so I want to leave you all with this message.

    You may think this all sounds crazy, I have dozens of documented cases of transgender fish in elementary schools, and there was a time when that sounded crazy. There was a time when nuclear submarines sounded crazy. There was a time when it sounded crazy if you said the wealthy elite were members of a pedophile cabal. They call me a conspiracy theorists, but love me or hate me I'm spitting straight conspiracy facts. How many times do the conspiracies have to turn out to be real before people start waking up?

    Remember. Never stop fighting the Emblem War.





    On 11/23/2020 at 3:16 AM, Jotari said:

    I've said before in the past that it's hard to really judge the absurdist entries you tend to produce. It depends on how much the humor lands which I think is more subjective than most other criticisms I could give when it comes to writing. Here, it's depending mostly on the ridiculousness of the premise. But you know what? I actually really like this premise in an unironic way. Some kind of multi dimensional organization of the same people intending to control the multiverse and transcend physical existence. I think that could make legit serious pulp thriller. So on one hand, I am entertained by the antics. On the other, I don't think it's really for the reasons that are intended which leaves the tone of the story getting in the way of what I actually find interesting. Make of that what you will.

    Context for your convenience as I'm not sure you saw any of the rest of the continuity.

    This was a hard call, but I think ultimately Jotari snagged my vote because his premise and formatting were the most interesting, despite my nitpicks with it and my bias for the great Basilio Jones(never trust a Frederick btw).

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