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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. On 11/19/2020 at 8:45 PM, Ertrick36 said:

    Now here's the thing.  I'm not opposed to a "golden ending" being in a game like this.  But the issue is there isn't enough struggle or sacrifice to make it feel like a deserved golden ending.  If nothing else it should've at least been the most difficult path.  I guess it is the most "difficult" path because I have difficulty mustering up the will to play through it more than once.  But anyway, you just stroll up to Anankos and knock him on his ass, and everyone lives happily ever after.  Oh, and Gunter betrays you, except it's fine because after you beat him up the younger princesses get together to heal him right up and he goes back to normal.  Also, the reason this ending couldn't normally work was because of some nonsense about how if you talked about Valla you would just vanish... but, like, Azura knows about it, and that should be enough since she could try to lead others to Valla to learn the truth instead of just being quiet about it all.

    I actually had an alternate idea where Azura tries to help Anankos find peace in his death, and he uses the water at his command to drown her on dry land and basically puppet her body out, leading to Azura as the final boss using the Waterwheel given it's basically the best defensive weapon in the game. The goal of the map would be to beat Azura before she can well up enough power to trigger one last Dragon Vein and flood the area, drowning your army, and so it would be a 'defeat the Boss in X Turns' map, which I would have loved to have as the finisher for a game.

    On 11/20/2020 at 10:00 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

    I am going to point out a flaw in this theory that Birthright was supposed to be played before Conquest, because there is a key plot point in Birthright that only makes sense if you played Conquest first. At the end of the battle with Leo in Birthright Azura gives Leo the crystal that reveals Goo Garon to Corrin at the end of Conquest chapter 15, without explaining what it is, and when we next see Leo he is explicitly not talking about what Corrin learns from the Crystal at the end of Conquest chapter 15. Unless you played through Conquest first this plot point in Birthright makes no sense.

    The two relevant quotes contained within this spoiler box

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    I'm actually one of the few players I know who remember the crystal exists in both paths. I'd argue that it's one of the few plot points that was executed well - the player sees Azura does have a way to convince one sibling that we're doing the right thing(and I really like that they chose the very logical Leo to go about this with), however, we are already fully in on the whole Garon is Bad spiel and thus don't need the plot device powers of the crystal. It's only in Conquest, where Corrin starts doubting the chosen path, that Azura needs to give Corrin the crystal - she knows that Corrin has the ability to convince the other Nohrian Royals to stay to the path, if only Corrin truly believes in what they're doing for the sake of Nohr. It's not as necessary a plot device in BR as it is in CQ, and so it doesn't put too much focus on it in BR because it's not a big deal for Corrin there.

    The crystal is also actually one of the most damning pieces of evidence to Revelations being badly executed because if it exists in both BR and CQ, then it exists in RV as well, meaning Azura absolutely could have given it to Xander or Leo early on and shown them Garon was psycho long before Garon tells the brothers to 'destroy Hoshido...destroy Nohr!' which is apparently the catalyst to the Nohrian princes joining you, or she could have given it to, you know, literally anyone who demanded answers all through the early game instead of Corrin just going 'can't say but trust me plz' which really should only have worked on Camilla, Elise, and Sakura.

  2. 1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I like the Beruka x Saizo C support.

    Weebs gettin' all mad 'cause stuff is different, makes it hard to take them seriously even when the original was better. Those spoony weebs.

    'Spoony' huh, that's a new one, never heard that before.

    36 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    For another example, Azura's necklace & magic song slowly killing her the more she uses it is brought up only in Birthright. It is never even foreshadowed in Conquest. So, in Birthright, it's a fairly sad moment where Azura gives everything to suppress Garon's power and dies in the process. The equivalent with her suppressing Takumi at the end of Conquest just raises a whole lot of questions at it seems to appear out of nowhere. This is admittedly more a problem with bad exposition than bad worldbuilding, but I'll include it. 

    I'mma just hop in and remind us all that Birthright was intended to be played first, then Conquest, then Revelations. It's less a difficulty with bad exposition than it is a serious design flaw in Fates' execution - the story is designed so that you play all three paths in a specific order to make the most sense, but the game was marketed more or less as 'do you like the big tiddy purple hair sister, play this one, do you like the smol tiddy redhead sister, play this one, also play this other one if you want both of them'(note this is a slight dumbing down of the presentation but hopefully you get my point) so pretty much there shouldn't have been any significant plot points shared between BR/CQ that only appeared in one of them, especially where Azura was involved as she was supposed to be the one common thread between all three games barring you, the player.

    1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I don't know, man. Mario was never super strong on the world building but it worked out pretty good.

    To be fair, the RPG Marios actually did world build pretty solidly, and Sunshine wasn't awful.

  3. 9 hours ago, Yexin said:

    Elise Schwarzer, without a single doubt, and i honestly fail to understand how is it that FE Elise has so many fans forcing myself not to think about anything illegal

    Peppy happy lil sis vibes. Also her 'woah thanks' voice line plus Xander Chapter of Birthright. That said, definitely inferior to Sakura.

    This looks...interesting. We'll see if I can't find another option to suggest for future polls.

  4. 2 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I didn't mean it like that; I simply meant that she got the most focus: the game's theme song is about her, she probably appears more often (and more prominently) in the trailers than Byleth does, etc. Does that make sense?

    Oh, I know, I just loathe her with a burning hatred due to her role in helping FEH along to its ruin, plus her Cipher cards are stupid to play against.

  5. You misdid the title, it's supposed to say 'who would it be and why is it Narcian' smh.

    Slight disagreements with a couple suggestions:

    Juri would be a better villain character than Bison, hot take is we should have got her instead of Bayo.

    Dr. Wily is too clunky to use as a Fighter, use Bass instead, he can function as a semi-clone by reusing Mega Man's Custom Special options from Sm4sh, like Skull Barrier, and he has Treble for an alternate Rush Coil.

  6. 5 hours ago, Sooks said:

    they really really want you to use all of the royal siblings + Azura which will take up all or most of your deployment slots when possible. The other units are just filler to them until that, and no one can change my mind.

    Which is funny because I never use Leo, Xander, or Ryoma, rarely use Hinoka or Azura, and usually skip Elise. Pretty much it boils down to Camilla, Sakura, and sometimes Takumi.

    7 hours ago, Tenma said:

    Sakura gets a little bit of a glow up too. I feel like a lot of people have said that her healing isn't useful at all in BR, especially in the very beginning where her healing is less effective than a vulnerary. I personally appreciate having a healer in any team, so I liked Sakura from the start. Her bases are only slightly better in Rev, but I think it's just healing is probably more necessary in Revelations than it is in BR. Plus, she has easier access to a Shining Bow in Rev which is nice if you plan on turning her into a Priestess. Elise joins significantly later with a D rank in staves, and by the time she joins, Sakura probably would have already hit C staves.

    Uh...who uses her as a Healer? She's a beatstick, easy, my latest favorite thing to do with her is marry Kaze/Saizo then go Master Ninja. Surprisingly solid assassin for someone who doesn't like fighting.

  7. On 11/14/2020 at 12:22 AM, Jotari said:

    Finally managed to write something I'm reasonably happy with. Little on the long side but broken up into easily digestible parts.

    Name: The D.E.N.T.A files

    Wordcount: 3715


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    Name: Heta

    DOB: 8311

    POB: Galia

    ID: GALGAL4C2249F99L

    Rank: NA

    PSI Rank: 500

    Graduate of Sorayne University. Multi specialist researcher with a focus on physics. Lead scientist on the project. Witnesses report his personality as guarded and antisocial. Despite this he has led many a projects successfully as head scientist.


    Name: Digamma

    DOB: 8265

    POB: Galia

    ID: GALGAL5A64738578

    M Rank: NA

    PSI Rank: 400

    Graduate of Soaryne University. Multi specialist researcher with a focus on neuro science. Son of the longest serving of the High Senators, but the possibility of nepotism is without question. He is the foremost in his field and has detected several instances of error in long standing publications. His PSI Rank is reportedly low for a Gailord. Witnesses report his personality as charismatic if slightly smug.


    Name: Stigma

    DOB: 8533

    POB: Agust

    ID: AG1GAL3C9241632L

    Rank: Captain

    PSI Rank: 700

    Graduate of Sun City University. Served in arms and reached the rank of captain before pursuing academia. Multi specialist researcher with a focus on Chemistry. Spearheaded several bio and counter bio weapon projects. Witnesses report his personality as brash and confident.


    Name: Koppa

    DOB: 8727

    POB: Agust

    ID: AG1HUS7D3268J41T

    Rank: NA

    PSI Rank: 300

    Graduate of Sun City University. Specialist researcher with a focus on Biology.  Not as diversely educated as his peers with longer life spans, Koppa has proved himself in the upper echelon of intelligence among Hushman. Though his knowledge is limited mostly to biology, he is keenly familiar with all major lifeforms. Witnesses report his personality as determined and relentless.


    Name: San

    DOB: 8699

    POB: Aria

    ID: AR2VLV7D3268J41T

    Rank: NA

    PSI Rank: 600

    Graduate of Ulstrait University. Specialist researcher with a focus on soul. Though born on Aria, he has spent many years researching the border of Dead Zone. His PSI Rank Is exceptionally high for a Valvin. Witnesses report his personality as polite and impassive.



    Name: Divanore

    DOB: Unknown

    POB: Nazca

    ID: DEF1808

    Rank: NA

    PSI Rank: 600

    A defector from the Nazpire. Careful surveillance rates the likelihood that he is an espionage agent as quite high. However his knowledge of shadow science is consider too invaluable to this project to do without. Surveillance reports his personality as frightful but eager to please.




    Layman’s Overview by Dr Heta

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    The D.E.N.T.A project is designed to make a substance that can resist all forms of energy and force. The perfect shock absorber so to speak. A sponge that can absorb energy and instead of radiating it as height, can convert it to mass rendering it inert and ripe for future use. Coated to outer layer of a spaceship this would make an indestructible engine of war. We have made vast progress since the defector Divanore joined our team and presented his insights to Shadow Science. I can gladly report we do have a substance that can absorb any degree of energy. Our major issue however is rendering it usable. Right now if we lay it flat and subject it to a black of kinetic or heat based force, it will fall apart and retreat into small lumps. Said small lumps cannot be destroyed, but that is hardly useful. It is like natural occurring diamonds. Hard, but brittle.



    From the Personal Writings of Divanore

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    Why the material breaks apart from initial impact but is otherwise indestructible continues to baffle us. If force is raised on it slowly, nothing can penetrate it. But a sudden change in the degree a force, like a shock, will break it apart. San finally suggested a radical solution to our problem. We fashion the substance into a rudimentary life form. This will not allow it to serve its original purpose, but San believes by studying how a creature made of this substance interacts with itself may provide insight into how we can more effectively use it. Koppa seemed eager to meet the challenge. I voiced my objections. Creating an artificial life form is against the tenants of Lorearc. The others, they didn’t care. I fear what we are doing here. This substance is, by design, indestructible. To create a creature that cannot be destroyed…I shudder to think of the results.


    From the Personal Writings of Digamma

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    San suggested we fashion the substance into a creature. The rest of the team eagerly supported the idea. Only Divanore balked at the idea, citing the illegality of creating an artificial creature. But Koppa and San have made several artificial creatures before, I doubt the High Senators will mind. Though this is the first time they have consulted me on designing brain patterns. Lorearc never actually said anything in the nature of the creation of artificial creatures. How could he, when we his creations?  Every life form in this galaxy, aside from the Sun Spirits of Observer, derives from his seeding Tira. We are, in that sense, all artificial. That law is apocryphal made sometime in the second aeon. Though try as a might I cannot find any sources wherein the question was put to Lorearc himself. Perhaps I should start a movement to ask him the next time he appears to us.


    Memo regarding the Souls of Artificial Life by San

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    The presence of a soul is only detectable in intelligent and semi intelligent life. But all matter and perhaps even absence of matter, contains soul. Soul merely exists in its most concentrated form in thinking beings. That is because soul is the assertion of existence. And even unthinking rocks and chemicals assert their own existence by possessing tangible traits. Even a corpse has soul, as contradictory as that may sound.

    It has long been a misunderstanding that artificial creations do not have souls. This is inaccurate. Be it a clone or an entirely independent artificial lifeform, they do possess some soul; it is merely lesser than that of a subject created through more naturally occurring means. An artificial creation with a capacity for thought will undoubtedly increase the capacity of its soul as it interacts with the world and asserts its own existence.



    From the personal writings of Koppa

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    Today we had success in creating the first artificial creature using an entirely artificial substance. It was merely a single celled bacterium, but it is progress. This subject, while looking and acting like common bacterium is not made from conventional matter, it is made of D.E.N.T.A matter. Divanore would not keep silent about the fears that assailed him over creating an indescribable creature, so to satisfy him, we destroyed the bacterium twenty minutes after completion. Like the substance in which it was created from, it broke apart from initial shock. While the D.E.N.T.A matter creating the lifeform cannot be destroyed, the connections that make up’s membranes can be. And once severed they cannot be reconnected.  So my grandest creation is in every sense of the word, dead. But it shall stand as my grandest creation for a short amount of time. Digamma is nearly finished with the neural net for creating a more advanced creature.


    Progress Report by Dr Heta

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    After testing the substance by creating a single celled organism, we have jumped ahead several million years of evolution and created a small rodent from the substance. The creature it was modelled off of is carnivorous, and sure enough the false rodent explores its cage searching for food, just like the control The creature continues to unnerve and upset Divanore even though it is completely harmless. In fact it seems entirely unremarkable. It looks and acts too much like the control. I fear if we receive a visit now and are asked to show our work, we will receive a cut to funding.


    From the personal writings of Koppa

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    It seems the subject is content to act like the control, even if it’s made from completely different matter. We need to prompt it to realize what it is. For this end we amputated it’s front right leg. To my disappointment its reactions were completely identical to the control. Digamma is to blame, he made his neural net too similar. It needs to know it is not some mere rodent, but the greatest thing created by mortal hands.


    From the personal writings of Stigma

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    Koppa continues to grow frustrated by the results of the project. I think it is very fruitful however. We have continued to raise the temperature in the subject’s enclosure to well beyond that of the control. This has made no difference on the functioning of the subject. But that is what we expected. It seems Koppa desires more. I suggested we remove some organs from the creature and see how it functions then. A few days later we made some progress. Without an intestine, the subject has stopped excreting. It still continues to eat, however it is not growing in size compared to the control. It seems it is able to store the excess food it is eating and convert it to more concentrated mass rather than an increase in size. If this continues I expect the creature will become very heavy while still resembling the vague size and shape of the control.


    From the personal writings of Koppa

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    Today we cut off another limb of the creature. We expected it to heal quicker than the control subject, but to our delight the creature was able to use its excess mass to regrow its lost limb. This is not a trait that has ever been detected in the species of the control subject. The control subject now has two limbs, while the creature has three. It has not regrown the first limb we originally removed. Tomorrow we will cut off its nose. A more vital organ than a limb.


    From the personal writings of Divanore

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    Progress has slowed. After successfully regrowing a limb, it could only regrow a more primitive nose. But the only explanation for that is that the creature wasn’t able to grow a more complete nose. The creature is used to having one, however. And in time it will, I am sure of it. But why should it stop with a nose as powerful as the one it originally had. Surely it can recognise the advantage of a stronger olfactory organ. And why won’t it go beyond? And once it knows it can, surely it will advance beyond in other realms too. I must convince the others to stop here and now before it’s too late. Where they see a mere rodent, I see an oncoming terror that will destroy us all. So far all I’ve managed to convince them to do is to stop feeding the creature. I hope it will starve to death, even though I know it won’t.


    From the personal writings of San

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    The creature has been starved for some days now. Thinking and moving requires energy. In its increased mass the creature has energy in excess. But what about when it runs out? A normal creature would starve to death, lacking the required energy to sustain its bodily functions. But this is an indestructible individual. I wonder what it will do to preserve its own existence.


    From the personal writings of Digamma

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    The control subject is dead. Starved to death. This is not surprising in the least. The creature continues to live on, however. It has grown lethargic now. I thought it had excess reserves that would last beyond this point, but I suppose regrowing a limb takes a lot of energy. It is not dead yet however. I suspect it may be absorbing the heat from the environment itself to fuel it’s on going life. Divanore agrees with me and wants us to lower the temperature to absolute zero. It seems he is intent on killing the thing for good. I find myself agreeing with his suggestion to remove heat as a source of energy. If it dies, we can always make another.


    From the personal writings of Heta

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    After much persuading, Divanore has convinced me to release a predator into the enclosure. Koppa objects. He has grown too attached to the subject. I fear he has forgotten what the original purpose of this experiment was. As interesting as the development of this artificial creation is, it is bringing us no closer to our original goal of creating a perfect armour coating for space ships. Hopefully showing how he creature reacts to oncoming attack will lead us in that direction. If not, we will need to shut down this part of the project entirely. Funding is too tight right now.


    From the personal writings of Stigma

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    What a show! The predator immediately tried to consume the creature. I suspected the creature would continue to live on inside the predator’s digestive system, but the predator was unable to kill the creature. It regenerated at a much accelerated rate. We thought it on deaths door, but it seems once we stopped feeding it, it’s slowed movement was its attempted to save on energy. It moved fast today however, as it ran from one side of the enclosure to another trying to escape. It quickly developed another ability that was never present in the control species. It can now stick to walls.  Digamma is fascinated by this. He says the microscopic changes needed to enact this change would require a lot of processing power. Necessity is the mother of invention I’ve heard it said.


    From the personal writings of Divanore

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    Stigma was amused by the predator’s attempts to hunt the creature. I wanted to throttle him then and there. I’ve been proven right however. After some hours of being chased the creature developed defensive measurements to escape. The creature was not content merely escaping however. It physically grew bigger with sharper claws. It was not a quick conflict, but the creature finally managed to kill the predator. It was smaller, but its regeneration capability was much greater than that of the predator. Everyone was shocked when it proceeded to eat its conquest. The control subject never at creatures of the predator’s size. It was predominantly a herbivore. Another control subject has been ordered to test if the control species could digest the predator, but I think it is unnecessary. Merely looking now makes it clear that this creature is no longer a harmless rodent.


    From the personal writing of Koppa

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    How I feared for the creature’s life, but it fought and it won over the predator. It seems Heta wants to end the project entirely. Despite the creature’s victory, he has decided to follow Divanore’s advice and has reduced the temperature of the enclosure towards absolute zero. I managed to convince him only to do it slowly instead of suddenly, so that we may make further observations. I have secretly begun feeding the creature other animals when Heta and Divanore aren’t present. It would be impossible to do it without anyone else knowing, the creature is observed permanently. It seems Digamma and Stigma are aligned with me however. San, I am not so sure. The creature interested him at first, but he has grown more distant recently. I do not think he liked the predator experiment. Though I don’t understand why.


    From the personal writings of Digamma

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    Koppa’s disobedience was discovered today. The creature had finally ceased moving. When we performed an autopsy, Heta noticed immediately that the creature was far heavier than expected. But that wasn’t the most interesting find. Inside we discovered the shrivelled brains of several of the animals that were fed to it, preserved in a special pouch the control species never possessed. The rest of the creatures we fed it were converted into energy, but it seems the creature either couldn’t or wouldn’t digest the grey matter. That it couldn’t digest them seems unreasonable to assume at this point. This I am left with the possibility that it wouldn’t. But why wouldn’t it? This is an unscientific guess, but the only conclusion I can draw is that the creature can recognise how complicated a brain is. It cannot understand them, and is seeking to do so before incorporating them into its being. I say is, because it turned out the creature is not dead. Taken out of the absolute zero environment, it quickly began moving again. The dissection became a vivisection. Fortunately we were able to return it to its enclosure. The experiment must continue now! I cannot let Divanore convince Heta to kill it again.


    From the personal writings of Stigma

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    I have convinced Stigma to continue with the experiment by pointing out that even if this was not what we originally designed, the creature could make an effective bioweapon. X-rays show it now digests the brains of the creatures we feed it. What’s more, it has begun taking on advantageous traits of the creatures we have fed to it. Divanore keeps on warning us about controlling the creature, he seems certain its reached a point where it can’t be destroyed, yet at the same time pleads with us to drop the enclosure to absolute temperature to try to do just that. I am of two minds. I am genuinely curious to see whether a sudden drop in temperature would provide enough of a shock to kill the creature. But if it does succeed in killing it, the months it took to get the creature to this stage will be lost. Perhaps we should start developing a second prototype now…


    From the personal writings of Koppa

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    Progress has slowed once more. The creature was taking on traits of the animals we feed it, but it seems nothing we give it now will make much difference. It now requires different selection pressures to enact change. What we have created is, essentially, rapid evolution at work. Yet it seems as if its intelligence refuses to advance no matter how we try to train it. The remedy to this dead end is obvious. It must be fed an intelligent creature. Why wouldn’t it take on the trait of intelligence as it has the qualities of other animals it has digested? To my surprise, Divanore offered up his only lab assistant. The one he defected to the federation with. These people of the Nazpire are truly from a heartless society.


    From the personal writings of San

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    I am the only one who understands what we are truly creating here. Divanore senses it too, but his fear blinds him from grasping the ultimate truth. It all changes today. Today is the day Denta is born.


    From the personal writings of Divanore

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    Forgive me Nguồn. They would have killed someone anyway, better it be you whose brain this creature absorbs. Then hopefully its goals will align with that of the Nazpire. These people of the federation accepted your life without any hesitation. Though they had the nerve to scorn me as if my crime were any greater. You accepted him Koppa! His blood is on your hands as much as mine own. His blood is on all out hands. And soon, I fear the blood of every life form on the planet may be on our hands. And maybe not just this planet. Maybe all planets could be at risk. I am only thankful Nguồn was not a psychic. This creature might be what Nazclark has been warning us since the founding of the Nazpire. And I was here. At Ground Zero. Powerless to stop it. I must take control of the lab. I’ll reduce the enclosure to absolute zero tonight. It’s the only thing that remains which might work.


    From the personal writings of Stigma

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    Divanore just tried to take control of the lab. He was attempting to kill the creature. He managed to snap the temperature of the lab down to absolute zero, but it seemed to have no effect on the creature. Then he took a machine gun to the creature, seeking to stop it. I managed to subdue him, but not before he fired several rounds into it. Previously such an attack on the material would tear it to shreds, but in this case the creature’s body became more elastic and viscous. It buffeted the creature, but failed to do any sort of noticeable damage. This is what we desired from the start in action. The D.E.N.T.A matter is working as intended. It just has to be attached to an intelligent mind, which the creature now possesses. I wonder now if we can achieve the same effect without the creature, using an external mind not made from D.E.N.T.A. Of course the other factor at work here is that Divanore, in his haste, was correct. We have given birth to an indestructible creature. So while the defector will no doubt be punished for his acts, a question does remain. What do we do with the creature?



    Official Report by Dr Heta

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    I can only offer my deepest apologies for the ill use of Federal funding for our project, code name D.E.N.T.A. In our attempt to develop the perfect armour, we created a creature. For sixteen months we observed it growing. However, for reasons I cannot phantom, Dr Digamma stole the experiment and fled the planet last night. We attempted to track him; however he was able to modify his ship to evade detection. Where Dr Digamma is now and what he plans to do with the experiment I know not.

    There is also the matter of the Nazpire defector, Divanore. He attempted to take control of the lab and destroy the creature. It was during this attempted coup in which Dr Digamma vanished. I am unsure if they were working together or if Dr Digamma merely acted in an opportunistic manner. I have seized the personal writings of them both. Divanore wrote of his intention to pull a coup, but did not mentioni Dr Digamma at all. While Dr Digamma’s writings were general on the progress of the project. They offered no insight into what his intentions were. Divanore is now in our custody. I ask what the High Senate would like me to do with him. If I am to be candid with my feelings, I do not think he was acting as an agent of the Nazpire. His desire to stop the experiment for ethical reasons seems entirely sincere. Furthermore, none of this experiment, though it ultimately be a failure, could have succeeded without him. His intelligence is a valuable asset to the UPF and I hope we can continue to use it.



    Execution Warrant

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    The life of the individual known as Divanore: ID:DEF1808 is forfeit. Subject is to be killed immediately and on sight as of the signing of this report.

    Signed, High Senator Chi



    From the personal writings of Koppa

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    Things have grown truly dire since Digamma fled with my experiment. Divanore was also detained originally, but he vanished as if into thin air. San has also somehow managed to flee. Everyone is speculating as to whether San helped Divanore escape. He might be an agent from the Nazpire. It is a possibility; he was never the most open of individuals. But it hardly matters. Everyone else is missing the writing on the wall. The others have gotten out, I shall too. Thanks to Digamma this experiment has been a colossal failure, and the High Senate will not accept that. I harbour no thoughts of treason, that is why I am leaving my personal writings here before I flee. I will attempt to find Digamma and gain control of my experiment once more. Even if I must become a fugitive to do so.


    Execution Warrant

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    The life of the individual known as Heta: ID: GALGAL4C2249F99L is forfeit. Subject is to be killed immediately and on sight as of the signing of this report.

    Signed, High Senator Sampi






    Indestructible engine of war? All I have to do is throw enough energy at it in the right places, it converts it all to mass, the thrusters can no longer adequately control the craft due to being spaced incorrectly, and it careens off at random. Alternatively, I just have to develop a chunk of the same stuff, then throw it onto your cannons, rendering them useless as their shots will only create more mass blocking the cannons. Overall I see this as far more versatile than mere spaceship armor, I question the intellect and foresight of the development team.

    You have an entry attributed to Stigma that refers to Stigma as a separate person. Assuming that was a typo.

    How the flip do you pronounce that o on Nguon? Never seen that mark before.

    Last Official Report by Heta says 'phantom' where I assume you were trying to write 'fathom.'

    Your second Execution Warrant is for Heta, is that correct? It feels like it ought to be a different name.


    ...All in all, a most intruiging read. Most enjoyable.



  8. 4 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Why? What happened?

    He just abused the emergency alert system(almost exclusively used for amber-style alerts) for the second time in a single week, this time to inform us that he would be announcing an imperial order - er, government mandate - at 9:30, at which time he spouted more of the same garbage he has been spouting all throughout this COVID crap, acting as though the age group least likely to die from the virus is the one that most needs to be locked down, and announced that we're basically reclosing everything again for the next two weeks.

    I'm more than a little pissed off with His Majesty, in case that wasn't obvious.

  9. Formal complaint to register, there is no 'Sire' option.

    For real though, I actually don't like this. Is it possible to make a slider option between Gender and Pronouns? If the slider is set to Pronouns you get your Pronouns options, if it's set to Gender you get your male-female options. I feel it's discriminatory to those who believe in binary genders to force them to make preferred pronouns as I feel that it forces them to comply with rules they do not believe in. Obviously I can't do anything about it when you inevitably say '(censored) you it stays as it is' but I figure I should at least make my opinion known.

    ...Also I'm 100% serious about the 'Sire' option.

  10. 10 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

    Do your mom and brother by any chance watch fox news?

    As a matter of fact we generally avoid reading too far into most news stations, pretty much everyone just throws their opinions around without properly delving into all the facts. My brother tends to handle listening to or reading the sources that get most of the internet thinking we're crazy, like The Daily Wire's shows, then discusses what he believes to be the facts they mention with my mom, who does most of the fact checking of what he finds as well as what her generally liberal friends or the 'recommended' news articles say on FaceBook, though we're pretty close to our entire family giving up on social media altogether due to the overarching theme we've been seeing. In general I get most of my own picture of the country from what I hear while hanging out with my brother as he plays Melee to the sound of Andrew Klavan or Steven Crowder's tongue-in-cheek shows combined with what I see or hear from my mom's government and liberty class she holds every now and then with some friends, but I rarely trust my own judgement there because I have a horrid tendency to make rapid swings from extreme optimism to crushing cynicism, with more of a trend to bitter cynicism lately.

  11. 19 hours ago, XRay said:

    That is the entire point of the "I voted" sticker! It creates peer pressure to encourage people to be an informed citizen. If patriotism and a sense of duty is not enough to make a person go educate themselves and vote, hopefully peer pressure would!

    Hopefully that's actually what happens where you live, but that's absolutely not what happens in Utah - mainly because everyone just assumes oh, the state's Red, either I vote whoever the Red option is or my vote means nothing. That's how we end up with people like Mitt Romney. Who is absolutely a RINO.

    19 hours ago, XRay said:

    the foundation of this country is based on voting for politicians you trust to legislate laws on your behalf; you are not the one who is drafting and voting on most laws, and you probably should not be either. Even politicians themselves rely a lot on experts and professionals when they are dealing with things outside of their areas of expertise and knowledge.

    Ah, see here I start to run into problems, there has been maybe one politician I've seen that I might trust to legislate laws on my behalf, and he wasn't a politician, he was a businessmen who was pissed off enough at the current system to try to run, his name was Thomas Wright. I didn't agree with everything he believed, but he had a solid enough grasp of principles I did agree with that he was the best option. He of course lost by a long shot to Spencer Cox, partly because of vote dilution due to there being four candidates(with another couple factors of course), and I argue partly because Gary Freaking Herbert, our current Governor, backed Cox, and there's an awful lot of idiots in Utah who 'just really like Gary Herbert, he's such a nice man' and don't understand that 'nice man' does not equal 'someone who will actually care about making sure things are done right' any more.

    13 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

    Who is your mom voting for this year?

    Currently we're leaning Trump-ish, personally I really don't trust Kamala Harris with pretty much anything and I'm pretty sure that if Biden wins he's going to get pushed down some stairs or put in a home in under a year, meaning she's the one I'm watching more closely...and really not liking what I'm seeing - looking back through her record, it seems like she really doesn't actually have a real opinion, she just says whatever sounds good. It's more a talk for the Serious Discussion forums so I probably won't go into my thoughts on that matter here.

  12. Thanks IS, I hate it. Edelgard ruins Green, which is a shame because I'd be down for Fallen Lyon, Dimitri himself will piss me off if I get him due to not being CC fodder or the Fallen Corrin I'm currently missing(not to mention that retarded artwork and questionable sprite, that spear is literally a dick strapped to a pole), Ryoma is useless as I don't have a Say'ri I want to fodder anywhere and I don't really need Marth merges or Mirabilis. Pretty much Colorless Hell is once again the only one I'm interested in, and I see quite enough of it as it is. Mystic Boost, though...a tempting treat indeed.

    14 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    sturdy impact finally. and it's on Dimitri. ca-mon game. 

    Sturdy Impact is already in the game though, on Tibarn I think.

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