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Posts posted by ElementKasai

  1. 9 minutes ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

    Same here, honestly. Blazing blade and Binding blade sound too similar

    Yep, when I read the name I was like "oh they put the wrong name to FE7 lol" then I read with more attention. I'll just call it Rekka no Ken or FE7 since for me both english and japanese names sound bad.

  2. 1 hour ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Hmm, well, if this trend was present in every FE game, that would mean every game would be taking place in the same world as well (they all don't take place in the same world, except for a few, right? Right?)

    Akaneia, Valentia, Ylisse, Tellius and Jugdral are in the same world, with Awakening being long after the others. Or at least it's what I thought before playing Before Awakening, which makes canon the different dimensions thing. It's also kind of stupid that Corrin just random goes to Ylisse through the Dragon Gate and the three amigos and Anankos have to use a lot of power and need teleport stones lol.

    That said, I think this could really be a trend at least for the non-remake games, but they have to explain every time exactly how, when and why people moved to different continents/dimensions and not just make this a fanservice thing. Or just make clones like the Asugi&co and Anna.

  3. Welcome to the forest!

    Under spoiler I put something that should be useful for you, but if you want to play Birthright completely blind don't read it.

    You probably already know that, but you should A-support Kaze with your Corrin, if you plan using him.

    Hope you enjoy your time here!

  4. Although, you may want to put this in the "Let's Play" thread section.

    Uhm, it does need a mod/admin/whatever to move a topic, right?

    Sorry for wrong section, I thought the let's play section was only for streams/screens

  5. I think you should get Hidden Truth (if you already didn't get them or read about their plot) for covering plotholes.

    The children ones is funny, but if you don't like children charachters I don't think you should get it (it doesn't really add anything important, still is funny to play)

    Vanguard Dawn is funny, buy it. Same for Royal Royale and the summer fanservice one (not remembering the name). I didn't like the grinding maps but still free money/exp/weapons if you are interested in them.

    In short, I'd recommend the six you listed at the bottom, hidden truth and the summer boobs one.

  6. Oh? Couldn't you have reclassed the Avatar or either of the Pegasus Knights to be Falcon Knights for staff usage?

    I skipped a lot of exp (since it was a normal mode run intended for have all support conversations after grima) so I ended up reclassing only Avatar (after getting Galeforce) to a Falcon Knight and giving her enough wexp to wield a useful staff, but still there were only 2 A-supported couples (Chrom married the maiden) in battle (basically only 2 units fighting) and ended up reaching only C rank (using a scroll, too).

  7. Introduction

    Basically, I and a group of friends are playing a D&D NEXT campaign (if you don't know what I'm talking about just watch The Big Bang Theory google it).

    In this post I'll write almost everything it happens so if you are interested in reading a story about 5 random fake people saving a fake fantasy world you are in the right place. Of course you can make suggestions as well (like "just put them in a room filled with lava" or "maybe you should kill them using a random Mozu-like villager") since I'll probably run out of ideas sooner or later.

    I'll edit this post adding the general setting, players' and NPC's backgrounds and the adventure itself.

    Of course I'll put a lot of Fire Emblem related stuff (yeah, Manaketes are already in. There are metallic manaketes, too) and general anime/games/books/other medias inspired stories or NPCs.

    Hope you enjoy this and give suggestions! :)

  8. You guys are confusing the everliving daylights out of me. :P:

    Ahem. . .welcome~! Don't forget to post all about JoJo in Far from the Forest read the rules and all~!

    (end generic greeting)

    I read the rules twice before opening this topic because, uhm, "I'm nervous" (please get it).

    In my opinion JoJo deserves a special place in the forest. With tequila.

    We all know a Robin army is the strongest~

    As for me, I usually just varied my team with the Shepards. I wasn't a fan of using more than my Robin, lol. I can be the only one with Grima blood!! 0u0

    In my last file I used only (F)Daraen (Italian localization is the worst), Chrom, Sumia and Cordelia. Guess what ability I spammed ;)

  9. >comparing Thracia 776 to ORAS.

    This was just a joke, I did no research and all of the events in the story are fake, besides the things I said about Thracia 776, and FE4 not selling that well.

    Oh, okay, thanks for the explanation.

    I thought they were ironic thoughts based on real facts lol. Well, that's good to hear it (and the story was funny, too).

    On the contrary the game was very well received by those who played it. It sold poorly due to bad marketing and it was somewhat difficult to acquire.

    Well, bad marketing and difficulties in distribution are a must for the series and for Nintendo in general.

  10. Poppycock! I have an army of myself on Awakening! (I'm genuinely not joking, I have like 5 or 6) Apotheosis doesn't hold back, even on Normal! D=

    Maybe it's because they're all me...

    You're not the only one. Only in my new copy I've got about 3-4 Robins between Kasai(s) and Aether(s) (my female version name). It is not only funny going with an army of copies of yourself, it's even acceptable in the plot!

  11. My favourite one is Elibe so far. I find its history and countries more interesting than others.

    Tellius history is interesting as well, but it's mixed with deities and legends so I don't like it much like Elibe's one.

    Oh and Lycia is my favourite country: It is just like a post-medieval portrait of Europe governed by a bunch of people with too much power to handle and Roy being a sort of random Napoleone Bonaparte without Waterloo.

  12. Ranger 2 and 3 were a great experience. I would like to see more Ranger Games but sadly that's not happening.

    ​Ranger 1 seemed kinda odd with ist capture mechanic. Glad they changed it in Ranger 2.

    ​The Partner System in Ranger 3 was maybe the only flaw it had, especiially combined with the "Rage" Effect (not sure what it's really called; you know... when the pokemon get red and only your pokemon can "calm them down" again). You could just win battles with your pokemon only (exept for the one circle you would need to draw). I probably spent more time in the "Past" doing temple missions than actually doing story related stuff... Anyways, Ranger 2 and 3 were outstanding while Ranger 1 was kinda meh, but it was a good first step...

    I don't remember its name but yes, the rage thing is just something to force you on using something else than Pichu/Lati@s in battle while Almia had that "throw rocks all around the battlefield" or "I'll just put a gigantic barrier around me" that stops you from even thinking to touch the screen.

    Ranger 1 had a lot of flaws even out from the capture mechanic, but still was a good title overall. As I can see almost everyone here is stating that Guardian Signs temple missions are the very best thing of the trilogy and I agree, too. I've had so much fun 2-playing them with my girlfriend.

  13. Honestly, I liked that Guardian Signs had a co-op. Not enough Pokémon games have a way to play the main story alongside a friend and though it wasn't exactly the main story, it was in a sense a prequel, which I thought was cool.

    I prefer features from Guardian Signs a lot but it seems like the Ranger series just kept evolving. I honestly don't know why they dropped it considering how great I felt that Shadows of Almia and Guardian Signs were as games. Main-game co-op would be cool for a 4th entry, for sure.

    Co-op sure is a lot of content and is really fun to play in local. I honestly think that it didn't reach a sort of ultimatum or someting like that and was dropped in favor of Mystery Dungeon.

    Other mechanichs of the 3rd game are really good: the improved capture system (I only didn't like how Poké Assist works, but it's also true that Almia's Shieldon is broken), the multi-move oblstacles (which I think could be managed in a different way) and the Signs (I'd bet that they inspired SM Pokè Ride). Sure a great improvement from Almia.

    I greatly enjoyed the Ranger games tbh. I wasn't even aware they were considered medicore by some

    I think people (mostly on rewiews) expected an RPG similar to the main series while this game is actually an arcade, so they complained about it. Well that's just my opinion of course.

  14. :O Are you from the past or future? There were two Robins in Awakening.

    And thanks! Robin is indeed my favorite character in Fire Emblem. ;)

    Past, future... who bothers about this? Time is unstoppable and our fate depends only on the strength of our bonds. Come with me 3rd Robin, toghether we will destroy the human race uhm, spread peace all around the world, yes. Peace. Elise intensifies.

  15. So, as I do every year between 25th and 31st december, I restarted Pokémon Ranger: Shadows on Almia.

    It's like the 7th or 8th time that I replay it and every time I enjoy it a lot.

    However, after 2 days of casual playing I completed the Heatran mission and got that pinky thing that tries to suicide in the sea Mime jr.

    I saw, some time ago, a lot of mediocre votes across the internet for this game, but I actually think that it has a really good gameplay (I actually would define this an arcade, basing on the capture system) and has both an enjoyable story and well-designed dungeons.

    In reality I think that in a near future I'll take the project and realize a Pokémon Ranger 4 with Bidoofy Pyukumukus since there is really a lot of material from the last 3 generations to work with.

    You might now think "what's this topic point? Is this guy talking about his ideas or his project or what?", well, I'm here to just ask your considerations on this series for spare talking while I play: do you think like me that Ranger is underrated? Or that it is just random circling crap? Which flaws do you think should be fixed?

  16. yeah, that's the best part. Have you seen Taylor Davis' version of Gerudo Valley? That one is great too.

    Gerudo Valley is great no matter what. I heard that (fantastic) version while I was searching for Lost In Thoughts All Alone covers (before playing Fates of course, I couldn't imagine how much that song is played in the game. It just bores you the 5th time you hear it).

  17. Buonasera! I'm ElementKasai and my real name is Inigo Davide, I'm 17 and I'm from Italy. I'm here because, you know, the italian FE community is... I don't actually think it exists. (You can go to the bottom of the text if you don't want to read everything down here).

    I started the saga with FE7 and my favourite one is Awakening because I find its soundtrack absolutely beautiful, but I also enjoyed Fates because of the shitposting and the Elibe games. I played all 3 paths of Fates (still blaming Nintendo for the Limited Edition), all GBA games, Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn and I'm halfway for NES games.

    My favourite character is the Avatar from Awakening because I feel in touch with his personality while I hate so much MCorrin (I still like FCorrin because she has boobs good personalization options) because he is so damn stupid.

    Out from Fire Emblem I really enjoy Zelda (I'm so much hyped for Breath of the Wild and I'm looking forward for the Nintendo Switch) and Pokémon (Silver was my first game ever).

    I like manga and anime, too. My favourite ones are JoJo's Bizzarre Adventures and Fullmetal Alchemist. My favourite JoJo character is, of course, Caesar Zeppeli.

    I don't have much hobbies out of videogaming because my type of school absorbs most of my spare time. I like drawing, writing and programming (I'm exerciting with Unity right now, so in future you may see something made by me). I enjoy RPGs, too: at the moment I'm the master in a NEXT campaign.

    Music is an important part in everyone's life and I don't make exception. My favourite artists are Lindsey Stirling and the Green Day and my favourite song is Still Breathing. I don't have a real favourite videogame track (I actually have a track for every emotion lol).

    I think I said everything about myself, please forgive my bad writing/spelling/life/grammar.

    (It took 2 hours to write this, why am I doing this at 4 AM? D:)

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