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Rex Glacies

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Status Updates posted by Rex Glacies

  1. Happy birthday Beep! I hope this day is good and you have a great year ahead!

  2. Happy birthday Kassie! I hope you enjoyed the day and year. Now have fun in the coming year! But not too much fun.

  3. Happy birthday Cargo! I hope you enjoyed the day, and will have a wonderful year!

    1. DisobeyedCargo


      Thanks Rex! I did! And I shall!

  4. Happy belated birthday Mack! I thought I submitted something for your card, but it appears I didn't click it. Oh well.

    Regardless, you're a cool dude, and rather fun. Sorry that I missed your birthday, but I hope you enjoyed it, and let this year be a great one!

  5. Happy belated birthday Rezzy! I hope you enjoyed your day!

    1. Rezzy


      Why thank you, it was okay.

  6. Sully! Happy birthday! I know you saw the card, but I wanted to wish you happy birthday on here personally.

    So, happy birthday! Hope you enjoy your day and the year!

  7. Happy birthday Anime! I know you saw the card and everything but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday on Serenesforest!

    Though... it doesn't look like you're on here much any more...

    Eh. Regardless, happy birthday.

    1. Anime27Arts


      Hahaha thanks Rex! Its mostly summer keeping me offline and not using my laptop a lot.  I really appreciate it!

  8. Happy birthday Rhadamanthys!

    I hope it was (and is) a good day, and here's to a great 21!

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Thanks, Tar-Helcë!

      You're contributing to making it great~

  9. Happy birthday Nym! I hope it's a good one!

    1. Nym


      Thanks Rex! It is and it's only getting better!

  10. Happy birthday Natalie! Now you are at the legal age where you can get drunk over here in the states!

    Anyway, hope you have a great birthday!

    1. badatfireemblem


      Yay! Thank you so much Rex~

  11. Hi Mackc2! While I'm not on team Katarina (yet) I figured I'd send you a friend request anyway. So this is just a heads up on that.

    ... You'll probably know who I am - Rex Glacies with Fjorm.

  12. Happy birthday Beep! I hope it was a good one, and here's to a great 18!

    1. DefaultBeep


      Thanks Rex! It's been good, we're making a birthday dinner right now. And it looks like your well-wishes for Heroes pulls yesterday worked out well, so thanks for that as well!

    2. Rex Glacies

      Rex Glacies

      Nice! I got you a birthday present without even having to pay for it!

  13. Hello Natalie, stereotypical tea-drinking Englishwoman. I just wanted to note that I sent you a friend request in Heroes. I should be Rex Glacies with Olwen as a lead.

    1. badatfireemblem


      Hello Rex, Prince of Procrastination #1. I have accepted your kind request and would like to inform you that you are now the first of my Heroes friends that isn't some random stranger I met in the arena. I actually have no idea who my lead currently is as it changes frequently (though I have a feeling it is either Ike or Nowi).

  14. Today's your birthday, correct? Happy birthday! I hope it was a fun one!

  15. Hi Beep!

    Just giving you a heads up that I just sent you a friend request for Heroes, as requested by your signature. I'm pretty sure I should be seen as Rex Glacies with Olwen as the lead.

    1. DefaultBeep


      Cool, thanks for letting me know! Although the username probably would've been hint enough of who sent it, haha. I fully support the use of Olwen, and it looks like you've got one with a very good boon/bane too.

  16. Happy birthday Disobeyed Cargo!

    I hope you enjoy it, and here's to a happy 17!

    1. DisobeyedCargo


      Thanks Rex! Really appreciate it!

  17. Slightly late, but happy birthday! I hope it was a good one!

    1. Randoman


      Thanks Rex! My birthday celebration was pretty good, though my cousin did end up upstaging the attention from my younger siblings and some of my friends weren't able to show up. Well, I still had fun watching some of my friends try out Shovel Knight for the first time (in co-op mode).

  18. Hello Rezzy!

    I just remembered that yesterday was your birthday; Happy belated birthday! Here's to a happy 31!

  19. It just occurs to me that it is your birthday; happy birthday!

    I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying it!

    1. Anime27Arts


      That's alright. Thank you. I very much enjoyed it.

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