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The Malign Knight

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Everything posted by The Malign Knight

  1. I'm expecting to see some supports between May, Boey, Celica and Jenny, since they all lived with each other under Nomah's supervision. Also, i think I've said it before, but I'd like to see some supports between Sonia and May, Boey and Celica as well.
  2. I feel you. Today I had 20 orbs, so I decided to do a pull and there were like 3 red orbs and 2 blu orbs and no green orbs, who were the ones I wanted to see. Still, considering that I got and Old Tiki 4*, Sully 3*, Odin 3*, Hinata 4* and Tharja 4* I can't say I'm entirely disappointed.
  3. The only one I don't like is Female Robin and Cordelia. Their general design looks pretty ugly. I like the rest tough, including Eliwood.
  4. The only one that could probably give me a lot of problems is the 6-1 with Felicia. The rest seems pretty easy to do to me.
  5. If you don't plan/need to use any of them, I would recommend to send some of them at home, so that you can geta good quantity of feathers and be later able of promoting any possible 3* unit you are using. Regarding Marth, I'd say to keep both of them, so that if the first one gets RNG screwed, you can replace it with the other Marth.
  6. Probably a combination of both. Also, the subreddit in question is r/FireEmblem or r/FireEmblemHeroes, if you don't mind me asking? Yes, It resets only stats, which is the main reason you want to upgrade your units ASAP I'm way too aware of that. Still, It would definitely be cool to have, as unrealistic It is. Agreed. Training Nino was a pain just because the tower kept giving me Red or Green enemies and the blue enemies were mainly on the lowest levels at the tower.
  7. A trading feature would definitely be really cool. It would be much easier to get the units one wants with it.
  8. I agree. He really did an amazing job imho Anyway, I really don't have any favorites right now, since It seems that I like pretty much every re-design(tough Caeda, Marth, Hector, Raven and Lilina are maybe a bit better than the others for me. Maybe) Really, the only one I can say I genuinely dislike is the re-design of Female robin
  9. Gave my vote to Katarina. Sure, she isn't the best of the list, but i really appreciated her character in NMoE
  10. ^^^^ I agree with this so much. Sometimes, I got screwed in certain maps just because my units were in a bad position, so being able to re-position your units would help a lot.
  11. An enemy unit that is underleved compared to the player unit that is fightning it won't give you any experience. I think that the enemy should have -5 or -6 levels compared to the unit you want to train in order to give you 0 experience, altough i admit that I'm not completely sure. For now, it doesn't look like so. Still, there are the rewards for completing the Part 5 of the various "Worlds". You can't use any feather because she is already a 5* unit. Feathers are items that are used to bring the 3* or 4* units to 5*. And yes, you can combine your two Lucinas: go to "Allies", then go to "advanced growth". There you should have two options: "Unlock potential" and "Merge Allies"; go to "Merge Allies": there are two squares: one has "Lose" written in red and the other "enhance". Bring your Level 22 Lucina to the "Enhance" Square and your Level 21 Lucina to the "Lose" Square. Touch "Next" and - if the bonuses satisfy you - touch "Confirm" and "Enhance". Now your two Lucinas should be combined into one. I hope I've been of some help!
  12. I love the art-style used for Jeigan, Zephiel and Gunther, to be honest. It's so fitting for them. Also, that Christmas Robin was a genuine surprise. Makes me kind wish he was available in the game right now. Also, did anyone else notice that the "link" of the Mysterious Man's artworks "spoilers" his name?
  13. Lucina. She was the first 5* star I got and is the most leveled unit I have right now, so everything she touches becomes dead.
  14. Anna. She really need them, altough, if I ever pull someone like Lilina, I may put them on her instead.
  15. Severa She is probably the only character I can say that I really dislike.
  16. I just pulled a Tiki 5* stars and a Gaius 4* stars. Feels good man.
  17. My Lucina crashes pretty much all of those who are unlucky enough to fight her, altough Robin, Eliwood and Anna are all doing a fine job
  18. I'm at the World of Blazing Blade right now and yeah, the game has become quite challenging. Luckily, I have a 5* Lucina and am trying to train a 5* Daraen right now. Anyway, to those who are playing it, what are your toughts regarding the game right now? I must say, It's more fun than I tought It would have been. Yes, the story is nothing special, but the gameplay, while simple, is definitely engaging and fluid as well. Plus, the fact that the maps all have the same OSTs from their respective game is a nice detail that makes it even better in my eyes.
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