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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. No, the appeal of Fire Emblem, beyond its gameplay, is character and character interactions on the battlefield. If you want to play a strategy game with a bunch of customizable Randys, play Final Fantasy Tactics or Xcom or something. Something where the focus isn't on the characters.
  2. Because no other game has Wrys, so it's obvious that they haven't had any success at finding a way to top taking his glorious bald head. And why even bother if there's no place to go but down?
  3. Yes, because it's not consistent at all. Plus, plenty of FE characters have named their mounts(Mostly wyverns), and it just feels wrong for a character to ditch an animal for a different one like that. Imagine Heath ditching Hyperion for some nameless griffon like he would in FE14.
  4. "Howdy y'all, we're 'bout to go git that there Fire Emblem beat the Mexicans American Government goddamn hippies in Austin evil Empire!" Yes, I'm aware that not everyone based in Texas has a Texas accent, and that not all Texans hate Mexicans, or want to secede
  5. The top portion of that soldier's armor ends very slightly below where Sain's armor ends. And Sain is wearing proper armor. He's wearing the strictest definition of a "breastplate", as in, it covers his most vital bits which are the most vital parts to protect when you're on a horse. The only questionable decision is wearing cloth instead of chainmail to protect his other areas, but what is there is obviously a more stylized/anime-ized version of this. That piece of armor ends right below the ribcage, and strictly covers the front of the knight, which is where Sain's ends. And just as you can say there are plenty of depictions of cavalry wearing heavy armor(Clearly not ONE PIECE DOWN TO THE THIGH LIKE KELLAM'S), there are also plenty depictions of depictions of medieval cavalry only wearing chainmail, wearing leather armor, wearing lighter armor, similar to Sain, or just straight up not wearing and visible armor at all. A big positive of being on a horse is that the horse itself offers you almost complete protection from anything that isn't an arrow or another dude on a horse. If the horse comes down, you're fucked, regardless if you're wearing heavy armor or not On the flipside, since this is such a sticking point to you for Sain, I challenge you to find a depiction of infantry wearing anything remotely similar to what Kellam wears, where it is just a single piece of metal from neck to upper thigh.
  6. I think it's like... a scarf that he wears as a head wrap... with like, a fox tail sticking out.
  7. That piece of armor that the generic soldier has is not one piece. It's clearly at least two segments, with the top segment ending about where Sain's ends. Yeah, Sain could wear something more akin to this to get some protection for his stomach, but you're ignoring the part where he rides a horse. The most vulnerable areas for a horseman are the chest area, since that's where other horseman and archers will be able to most easily hit you for the most damage. Infantry won't be able to hit your gut due to the half ton animal in the way, and they'll aim for the horse before even trying to hit you in your stomach. And that full torso piece of armor you linked ends above the pelvis. Fine for somebody on the ground, but a horse rider would still probably castrate themselves wearing it.
  8. No they aren't. They're far heavier and they limit your freedom of movement entirely at the waist. If you had to sit there, and do nothing but take damage, sure, sit there and wear all the armor you want. But if you have to make any sort of movement at all, a one-piece breastplate is the absolute worst thing you could wear. Here's a challenge: Lie down on the floor, put something heavy on yourself, and try to get up without using your hips. I can guarantee it will be nearly impossible, if not flat out impossible. Your only options are lift yourself up with your arms from behind(Which will only be possible in armor if you're the hulk). You can't roll over, because without the ability to bend your legs or roll your hips, you won't be able to get your legs under you, and you'll basically be stuck doing heavily weighted pushups until somebody with a forklift comes and helps you. If you do this, you'll realize why nobody ever wore armor that even slightly resembled Kellam's. When it comes to trade-offs in armor, a breastplate that covers your most important bits(Your heart, lungs, liver, and stomach, which are all roughly in your ribcage), but having relatively little protection in your mid-section(You can live for a while with intestinal damage, depending on severity) and having freedom of movement at the hips, legs and pelvis is MUCH more preferable than having NO freedom of movement, but having protection to your intestines. For all sorts of reasons, Kellam's armor might be the dumbest design choice in a game of questionable designs. There's a reason that there are very few(If any) pieces of actual armor in human history that go past the belly that are just a single piece of metal. Also, Sain also rides a horse. If he wore a one-piece, he'd castrate himself any time his horse moved faster than a light trot. He'd also probably kill his horse or sever its spine. Also, I just realized, WHY DOES KELLAM'S ARMOR HAVE NIPPLES?
  9. Breastplates aren't supposed to cover your entire torso down to your upper thigh. They're supposed to cover your breast area, going down about as far as the belly button at the most, and any that go past are typically layered sheets of metal linked with mesh so you can actually move your upper body. That's why they're called breastplates. What Kellam is wearing can't even be called a breastplate. He cannot move his legs and he can't bend over. He can barely move his head. If anything happens below his chest, he's basically completely incapable of defending himself, which completely defeats the purpose of wearing 800lbs of armor and carrying a 600 lb shield.
  10. Really? Even this fuckin' guy? From his junk to his neck is just one solid piece of metal. Let's not even go over the jet engine he has around his neck. Actually, the body piece goes past his junk, meaning it's basically impossible for him to even lift his legs up to walk without taking baby steps.
  11. I mean. The Black Knight is over-designed and has a big dumb Sauron helmet with pauldrons that basically limit his field of vision to about 20 degrees directly in front of him, but I don't think it's as stupid as the toilet armor that Sully wore, or like, anything that anyone of specific classes wore.
  12. The designs of the Jugdral games are pretty mild, really. The only games that are silly as fuck when it comes to design are FE13 and FE14, where cavaliers wear toilets, Berserkers wear bone bikinis, and dark mages just wear regular bikinis with mesh over it.
  13. I'd be down, but I have a soft spot for the very soft, but grainy/dark aesthetic of 90s anime that was all over the Jugdral games. I mean, Thracia was more Sailor Moon than Genealogy was, but I could still get down.
  14. VGchartz only tracks physical sales, and Fates almost assuredly sold WAY more digitally, given how that game was sold. That said, official numbers from Nintendo, including both digital and physical(With Awakening selling more), say that they both sold way less than even VGchartz reports with only physical copies, so I don't know.
  15. You make a statement that basically solidify that it's Nintendo's fault that Awakening is still $40+, then ask me if it's insulting to make those bold points. Fact is, Nintendo claims that their games "hold value" compared to games by all other developers. They've explicitly stated this, which is why their games only come down in price MAYBE after 4 years, and even then, it's not a guarantee. Then, there's the fact that they don't keep producing niche Japanese games in America as long as other developers do, or the more "mainstream" Nintendo games, leading to the more Japanese Nintendo games not only not coming down in price, but INCREASING, due to smaller supplies. This is mostly for physical copies, but it also typically covers digital copies, too(That is, if Nintendo offers the games digitally).
  16. Alright, I'll send them to the moon instead if you're so attached to people under 30. People can live on the moon, right?
  17. So you're telling me that I have 5 years to exterminate everyone under 30 so I don't wind up in the same situation.
  18. The lord concept is getting boring, to be honest. There are things that could shake it up, but there are only so many ways you can write stories/characters when all of them start with "Young lord and his/her retainers and are minding their own business and then shit gets real". Or, for cases where the person doesn't even know they're royal, or they deliberately leave their family, there are only so many ways you could write a story before it ends with them becoming king/queen/whatever of Whateversland. Maybe if we got a lord like Raven, I'd be down. A lord whose family was destroyed, out for bitter revenge. You know, just so long as it turns out that the lord's parents didn't kill themselves like with Raven. But otherwise, normal dudes and dudettes getting put into major conflicts is way more compelling to me at this point.
  19. I gave up on Heroes way quicker than Pokemon Go. Once you get to the point where progress grinds to a halt without a 5 star unit, and you summon 50+ heroes without getting a single 5 star? Yeah, I'm done with this shit. At least Pokemon Go was something I could do while going on bike rides or walking around.
  20. Technically yes, but it's not going to be even remotely noticeable unless you eat that way every day for probably a week or two.
  21. I think it'd make sense for it to be more like 4/5/9/10, where units didn't necessarily have personal skills, but a lot had unique sets of common skills by default that would suit their personality. Personal skills ended up being far too circumstantial for 75% of units, and the remaining 25% ended up being flat-out better than others similar units because of skills that are just complete upgrades to whatever anyone else could get. They could balance these, but FE games typically have 40-60+ characters. A few of those skills will be major clunkers if EVERYONE has a unique one.
  22. It's like IS was like "You know Hugh's dad, who died trying to stop a blizzard? Let's make him one of the best characters in the next game with a lot of thoughtful and fun supports, and an incredibly powerful unit who can one-shot the final boss. He'll be the Nino's uncle/Raigh/Lugh's great uncle, the one who calmed down Bartre and got him to read, AND he'll be one of the only people to inquire into the nature of morphs! When they finish the game and realize he dies in vain with his wife, they'll be so heartbroken!" But yeah, can't really go wrong with any of his supports as far as content goes. He's a bro to everyone.
  23. I see your Canas/Vaida and raise you a Canas/Pent. That support has a great punchline. I never realized how much I liked Canas prior to this thread.
  24. Bartre/Canas. Anyone who says anything else is WRONG.
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