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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. An enhanced crit rate might work to make them a lance parallel to Berserkers and Swordmasters. I *think* their crit rate was a bit lower than Sword Saints in Tellius though, so it might not be a perfect fit. Pierce might be a decent skill for them. It's fitting for a unit that exclusively uses stabbing weapons.
  2. 6/10 She's a VERY good unit who doesn't get much use, really. If she joined two chapters earlier, she'd be an easy 9/10, but the timing of her appearance is unfortunate, and she's not somebody you want going up against half of the units in those last two chapters.
  3. I don't want Avatar characters in original games. I definitely don't want one in a remake that didn't have one.
  4. Classic: Should be obvious. The lecherous, hard partying bard who was basically the first proper Nino archetype and could pretty much max out every stat with scrolls and Elite. HM to Ced, Llewyn and Asvel, all of whom are great and have good-to-broken PRF weapons. Veteran: Hugh. Only Mage worth using in FE6, is Canas' son, and also has purple/pink hair, like Homer. HM to RD Bastion and Nino, every other Veteran Mage can burn in a bonfire. Modern: LOL
  5. I'm going to vote for my boy Homer every day until this is over.
  6. There's no shortage of awesome artists who could do FE art. From all sorts of game artists like Amano or Ayami Kojima or Akihiko Yoshida for lulz. Or hell, some major figures at IS are clearly Berserk fans, so go all out and get Miura to do art for the series. Or they could just screw with Square Enix and get Yoshihiro Togashi to do the art. He's not an exceptional artist by any means, but if Dragon Quest gets Toriyama, give Fire Emblem the dude who first managed to rival him during Dragon Ball's run in Jump. Plus, it's not like Togashi is doing anything these days besides collecting mad royalties and sick day money. There are a lot of routes they could go with art, especially now that Nintendo's probably giving them bigger budgets to work with. Which is partly why, besides getting tired of Kozaki's style for FE(Can't wait for more NMH, though), I don't want more Kozaki. I still doubt they'd ever get anyone super high profile, but it'd be fun.
  7. Maybe we'll just have to put "irreconcilable differences" on our divorce papers, then.
  8. Having beaten it, it's honestly probably my third favorite RE(REmake being my favorite, 3 being my second). It's a tough decision between RE2 and RE7 for me right now. I don't know if I'd place it at 3 or 4. And honestly, it's probably the most genuinely scary RE game in the series. As in, even completely loaded up on supplies, it's still pretty terrifying turning a corner and not knowing what to expect. It really is like RE1 in first person, though, and I am super excited to see where they go with this direction.
  9. One good axe user is a lot more valuable than having two good sword users by end-game in FE6. The sheer number of high defense lance users that you have to fight in the last few chapters absolutely validates the justification of giving a Hero Crest to Geese at some point. This is Fire Emblem. Since when is "Ahhhh, it's too hard to do this?" ever a good excuse to not do something in this series? Especially when it comes to getting promotion items. I think you're overselling the annoyance of getting a Hero Crest in 10B/11A. It's far from the hardest thing you even have to do in FE6 alone, and it's absolutely worth the extra effort to do(I actually like the dancing you have to do in 11A to get the Crest). You maybe don't see them as good, but I see a good axe unit as very valuable, especially in FE6. And Hero may be recommended for Ross, but if I recall, that ends up with him being fairly weak compared to Warrior and Berserker just for sheer convenience. I'd never give up the crit boost to have a Hero, especially when Gerik is already doing an exceptional job at that. Plus, that only leaves you with Dozla and Garcia as axe units, who are complete garbage.
  10. His accuracy isn't that bad, since you can easily get his crit above 50, which gives you double rolls in case you miss with a basic attack. And again, he also has very good speed, which will usually allow him two hits in fights. This goes double for Gonzales, who can be a VERY fast unit. Again, he's probably the best choice #3 for a Hero Crest, and while that second one is a pain to get, it's not impossible by any means. Dancing those chapters can be a pain, but it's definitely doable. And if you are as hard-pressed for Hero Crests as you seem to suggest, why wouldn't you put in that extra effort to get the one in chapter 10/11? I always get two before chapter 16, and I've never felt like it was that big of a strain. And again, we're not talking about these axers in a vacuum. We're comparing them to each other. Geese(And Gonzales) is a good unit, and he's worth that extra effort compared to say... Ross, who if you want to maximize his effectiveness, will also compete for a very rare promotion item in his game. And Geese, unlike Ross, is in a very difficult game where there can be a noticeable difference by having a good axe user in your team, especially with how often the game tosses tanky Wyvern Lords at you in the lategame of FE6. I may have been selling Boyd short by saying IS dropped the ball with axe units after FE7, but I stand by that argument for pretty much every other axe user outside of him. I've broken down how I feel about the other axe units from FE8 and 10, and I can go over it again, but the "modern" axe units are just awful. Their in-game designs are bad to the point of being unpleasant to look at, they're pretty meh/unremarkable units to use, and half of them have intolerable personalities.
  11. Gonzales is my least favorite of the GBA pre-Berserkers purely because of the gambling aspect, but he's the absolute best in the game when it comes to consistently dishing out damage, so I always throw him a bone. Geese, however, is the absolute best choice(IMO) for an axer promotion. Nobody else besides Gonzales even comes close. And while Hero Crests are precious, they're not precious enough that you can't afford one to flesh out your party a bit. If you're wasting them all, then I don't know what to tell you. Either Rutger or Fir and Dieck are likely the first choices, but I'd pick Geese over a second Swordmaster or Ogier any day of the week. And Gonzales definitely gets preferential treatment over Wade or Lott. Dart gets kind of hamstrung over that Ocean's Seal, but it's not hard to get, and unless you're going for a ranking run, he's literally the only candidate for it.
  12. A lot of Dart's early game problems can be fixed by just giving him an iron axe. It lets him take better use of his incredible speed, his hit% raises noticeably, and once he promotes, his crit skyrockets and you're likely to crit more than hit normally. His skill is mediocre, but it's not enough to offset the raw damage he's capable of doing. The thing that has always elevated Berserkers over Warriors is the double-roll with crits that makes their hit rates super deceiving. Gonzales definitely has problems hitting stuff, but Geese has rather high skill, which translates to a much higher crit% when he promotes, which again, mostly offsets the awful hit% of axes in FE6. Geese, Gonzales and Dart are also fairly fast, which usually gives them twice the chance to hit/crit. Now, all of this can also be said of Ross, but again, the less said about him the better.
  13. Ross is obnoxious, Garcia's a garbage unit, Dozla's boring and bad, Largo's useless, Boyd's fine, Nolan's cool but definitely not the DB unit I'd spend time and EXP leveling up, Vaike is a crime against nature, Basilio I already covered, Arthur's way too gimmicky as a character and not a super great unit, and Charlotte's alright. Rinkah's a bit boring but a decent unit. There've been no outstanding axe units in the modern FE era(I'd argue that there haven't been any GREAT ones since Ross, and Ross is just... Ross). Compare to Dart, Geese and Gonzales who are the two units that justify the existence of axes in FE6, and the FE5 Fighters, who are the best units to ever wield an axe, and they're just awful. Really just straight up trash. At best they've been "alright" pretty much since Dart.
  14. Radiant Dawn wasn't that long(It's was about 50% longer than the typical FE), and the length fit the story. Most FEs stop before stuff gets truly dire and the apocalypse happens. In RD, stuff gets dire and the apocalypse effectively happens, and the last part of the game is dedicated to reversing it. If anything, I would prefer bigger(IE console) FEs to be more along the lines of Radiant Dawn's length if anything. Fates really hammered home that I don't actually want multiple 30 hour experiences, when it feels like a 45 hour experience could have done everything in half the amount of time. A handful of Thracia characters could fit well in Gen 1, as well. Maybe we see Galzus as an antagonist to Holyn/Ayra, before he lost his wife, Mareeta, and went on a self-destructive journey.
  15. Both of these would be amazing, but I doubt a high profile illustrator would ever do FE. IS seems to like picking more obscure artists. Kozaki is probably the most high profile artist they've ever gotten, and even he's still fairly underground. Yamada is definitely more likely than Amano. I don't think Amano would ever work for any company that isn't Square. He's too ingrained with the identity of Final Fantasy to ever work for another major RPG franchise. Oh, and as more evidence that maybe Kozaki won't do FE Switch, Suda51 is working on No More Heroes stuff again.
  16. Lara, Matthew, Niles. Lara is special for being a three tier unit in a game that isn't FE2 or FE10, Matthew for being cool and having the most awful shit happen directly to him and still continuing on, and Niles for... I don't really remember, but I remember really liking him in Fates. Also, Lifis crosses the line past "jerkish". He's full-on evil, who only continues to be on the good side because multiple people(Including Perne, his boss) threaten to kill him.
  17. This is more of what I meant. Chris in a new game would be fine, since he was essentially just Marth's sidekick. He didn't take front and center, and every single story element didn't revolve around him like Robin and Corrin. It was all about Marth, who was a static character and didn't have to be some faceless goob because he was supposed to be an everyman stand-in with no discernable traits. No, his sidekick got to be the faceless goob. The problems with Chris in the story are mostly because of the retcons, rather than anything that happened because of Chris, if that makes any sense. Also, as a unit, Chris is just way more interesting for having a (semi)set role. Robin and Corrin having unique classes and being able to do basically everything is incredibly boring. A Chris built to be a Fighter will be a bad Dark Mage. A Robin built to be a Fighter will make for a decent-to-good Dark Mage. But again, my preferred concept is the Mark concept. No battle presence, just make him an actual stand-in for us, the person controlling units on the field.
  18. IS is a big team, and as far as I know, the only games that they're really that involved with are Echoes and Switch. While that's two games, the work for Gaiden had already been mostly done for them. They're using an engine and assets from the previous two games to update a game that was made 25 years ago. Obviously that's still a decent chunk of work, but that's a relatively light project compared to making a new game from scratch. I imagine their main focus is Switch, which I'm sure the Echoes team will fully commit to once Echoes goes gold. After this, I expect the pace of FE releases to slow down. A lot of this is obviously a push for the Switch and Nintendo's new policy on putting their properties on smartphones. After FE: Switch comes out, I expect that maybe we'll see an FE4/5 remake a year or two after, and the next full FE to be maybe 3 years away. The order of that might change(Next new title first, then remake a year or so later), but I think it'll slow down.
  19. As somebody who's been in college for... really, way too long, and am about to finally graduate, I'll give you some advice based on what's caused me huge stress and had me thinking about just ditching school and learning to surf in California to live as a beach bum for the rest of my life or something: As far as stressing over schoolwork, even if you feel like you're being a little forceful, try to get into study groups. They help a lot, and I never would have made it through some classes(Like Physical Chemistry. Holy hell that class.) if I didn't assert myself like that. It's a lot better to get some people you can bounce ideas off of if you feel like you aren't getting the material, and you can at least feel comfortable if you get into groups and find out everyone is equally as confused. If you're really lucky, you'll get that one guy/girl in the group who just gets the material, and they can explain it slowly in a stress-free environment for you. Outside of school work, if you're feeling like your head is just swimming with dread and thoughts about school and you're starting to think nothing in your life is going right, sometimes, you just gotta power through it. If that's not something you feel you can do, try something new to take your mind off of school. I picked up my guitar that I hadn't played in a good 7 years a year and half ago when I just completely felt like college wasn't going my way and I was considering dropping out. I now play the thing every day and am way better than I was when I was a teenager, and it's become my go-to stress reliever. Oh yeah, plus my existential dread brought upon by my never ending school journey has lessened considerably. So if you see an opening to do something like that, absolutely try to immerse yourself in something new. If time's what's giving you stress, exercise is also a good, quick way to burn off some stress. Go for a run, lift weights, pick up biking. It also clears your head and gives you time where you're pretty much just in your own head, which makes sorting your thoughts out easier. One tip that I constantly got but never took that seriously that might be worth looking into is just talking to professors. My handful of experiences of going to talk to professors have all been pretty bad, and I've always had a problem talking to authority figures, but you might get a different experience. Hopefully I've broken that down in a way that will help you deal with whatever it is you're going through.
  20. I mean. IS just released Fates, which, arguments on the quality of that game may vary, but most people agree that it's one of the most brutally punishing games in the series, especially Conquest. Even Birthright, the "easy" route, is way harder than a good chunk of recent FE releases. Plus, there was also Radiant Dawn, which is also a VERY difficult game, and it was the last original FE before Awakening. I could see them balancing FE5 to make it less brutal, but I don't see why they'd need to gut it. Reduce the fatigue rate, and things like making the escape objective function like it did in FE9. Capturing works fine, and was semi-included in Fates. We've seen Warp/Rescue staves that work similar to how they did in FE5(Their use is obviously more niche in other games, but it's there). I mean, those balancing issues aside, I'd say FE5 would be one of the best choices for a remake, really. Those meta-gameplay mechanics give FE5 its own identity, but otherwise, it's the FE where FE kind of started looking like it does today. Classes are similar(This is the first game to really differentiate Swordmasters and Heroes for crying out loud), methods of promotion are familiar, the map size is about the same as it is today and the objective diversity is there, etc. Plus, they're remaking GAIDEN. GAIDEN. The weirdest, wonkiest, least FE game in the FE franchise with all kinds of bizarre quirks and mechanics. At this point, I'm not leaving anything off the table in regards to what's getting a remake and what's not. I don't think they'd change much in regards to the characters' ages if they were to remake 4. Fates and Awakening have all kinds of weird stuff going on with young characters. In Awakening you could argue that "Oh, that character hooking up with a child means that they're going to bone and have children at some point in the future.", but Fates just didn't try to hide the fact that underage(Or at the very least, VERY clearly characters not intended to be adults, like Mozu, Hayato, Sakura, Elise, etc.) characters were having sex and giving birth pretty much as soon as they maxed out their relationships. I imagine stuff like Sylvia implying that she was a prostitute would get cut(Same deal with Lara in 5), and the rape implications with Leen would get cut, but I don't think they'd skirt the age issue. Especially with how unclear the time is in FE4.
  21. I really don't want an Avatar. If there is one, have it be like Mark. A mysterious person who just happens to be a master tactician that directs the combat in the chapters and manages units. That's the best way to have a stand-in in a strategy game. Having the stand-in be an uber powerful unit with no real personality or a decent story(To be honest, they could fix these things). IF you're going to do it to where there's an actual unit, do it like Chris. Just a normal-ass unit whose stats and class you can influence at the start.
  22. Sirius/Camus for being OP and interesting, Finn for being the savior of early game FE5, Rath for being the most useful bow user in a game sorely missing good bow units(Bonus points for being Sue's father, who is also awesome. Also RathXLyn OTP FIGHT ME ABOUT IT), Keiran for being the epitome of the red cavalier, and Peri for being Peri(Also FIGHT ME ABOUT IT).
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