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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Fall Out Boy was pop-punky and leaned hard into the smarmy irrereverence that mainstream emo thrived on, and picked up on some of the melancholy instrumentation and some of the hardcore-inspired instrumentation(Fall Out Boy had a Happy Tree Friends music video for crying out loud) of actual emo music. Panic, has and always probably will be, a Fall Out Boy copycat band. Whatever direction FOB goes, Panic will follow, and that includes the obnoxious pop they make today and the pretentious asshattery of their emo days in the mid-00s. Keep in mind that none of these bands are truly "emo". They all just kind of flirt with it in one way or another. Even MCR isn't even all that emo. They stayed off as more of a soft hardcore punk band with thrash elements that just happened to be obsessed with the color black and corpse aesthetic/theatrics. By the time TBP came out, they were just a rock band with hints of their hardcore days here and there. Actual emo music is more along the lines of Sunny Day Real Estate, Saves the Day, Bayside, Cursive, etc. The closest the mainstream ever got to proper emo was Brand New, who were similar to MCR in that they were more of a hardcore band, but they were still much closer to emo. But as far as mainstream goes, all of these bands defined the "emo" sound, look and attitude of the 00s.
  2. Yeah, but so is foreplay. Sometimes we just have to not think about these things to enjoy life.
  3. Konami's a complete whore for money now, and we got Snake back, so they're collaborating on this game already. Plus, it's not like they're gonna do shit with these characters. Might as well cut a deal with Nintendo and make something. I just want Golden Sun. Give be something from Golden Sun and I'll be happy. Somebody at Nintendo must remember that those games exist. Thought I don't know if anybody at Camelot even remembers. I'm sure they're all "What? No. We only make Mario spin-offs and sports games."
  4. The way it was portrayed in-game? No. But as for the events happening in some form, eventually? Probably. Alm still probably went there at some point.
  5. Fall Out Boy, Panic at The Disco, post-00s AFI, Brand New and quite a few more emo/emo-tinged rock bands had big hits in the 00s. Also Evanescence and especially Billy Talent aren't emo. I also don't recall Billy Talent having any big hits.
  6. Thankfully I was still in denial back then, so I didn't have to be crushed about this. Look. Middle school and high school were rough for me because of MCR. I got super into heavy metal and hard rock in 2003ish and started growing my hair out. It turns out that I looked exactly like a tiny version of Gerard Way when MCR started getting big and there was a huge backlash against emo. For the rest of middle school, random dudes would give me shit about it, random girls would scream at the top of their lungs at me because of it. By high school, I hated it so much that I was the person everyone turned to every time emo music was brought up. I became the anti-emo/MCR guy. Even after Gerard cut and dyed his hair and we looked nothing alike, I had to keep it up until after high school. I've finally come to terms with this.
  7. I'm not sure bases were even all that important in the SNES days. Possibly for NM, but I don't think that game is quite as rough as the GBA games in that regard. But for FE4 and FE5? FE4 was mount central. As long as a unit had the possibility of that and Pursuit, they were instantly usable. Leif is probably one of the worst units in that game starting out, but he still ends up being possibly the best unit in that game. And enemy stats in FE5 were so low and EXP is so plentiful that growths(And modifying growths with Scrolls) take precedence, barring a few examples where units have insane skills or weapons. GBA is bases central, though. Rev Nyx is a big one, but I can recall it happening elsewhere. I don't know if I've ever used Ricken in runs where I don't grind, and of course there's Donnel, where the game essentially challenges you to use him.
  8. I'd argue bases are more important in games with heavy stat inflation. A unit with bad bases can become borderline unusable in very short time if the enemies are also subject to this. Once enemy stats start increasing, there's really not a safe way to get characters with bad bases up to speed. Good bases become more negligible, but bad bases can become much more of an issue. Regardless, I'm not a fan of the modern stat inflation. Every playable unit becomes just a blob of similar stats. Radiant Dawn arguably handles it the best, since that game is just sooooooo long that it generally matches the pace of the game. However, units like Fiona and Meg are poster units for units with bases that are so bad that there's essentially no hope for them.
  9. It's a bit different than the Roseanne situation, since Sarah Jeong was more or less reacting to other people with a lot of those tweets. When you put them in a vacuum, they look way different. And to top it off, she never(As far as I'm aware) directly targeted somebody because of their race, which is a huge diverging point with Roseanne, who also was seemingly making those posts completely unprovoked. Plus, yeah, it's up to the company. The NYTimes wants to keep Jeong, ABC didn't want to keep Roseanne. If the reverse happened, I don't know how I'd feel. The whole deal is a sticky situation that I don't really want to try to tackle all that deeply, since honestly, it doesn't really affect me. My life as a white man doesn't feel any more in danger with Sarah Jeong at the NYTimes than it was before they hired her.
  10. I've always hated the notion that you can't talk trash about America and also be a patriot. Generally when I talk trash about America, it's because I want America to be better. Comparing America negatively to other countries isn't me going "America is the worst, fuck America"(Well not always. Actually fuck America sometimes, too), it's me going "these other countries are doing really well, we should be doing just as good or better". If anything, fuck the people who continue to let America be inadequate. There's no reason to take pride in our prison system, our health system, our education system, our goddamn system for picking politicians, etc.
  11. No. It's Siegmeyer(And then Siegward in DkS3), not Siegmund, and his daughter Sieglinde. The only throughline there is "Sieg" in their names, which seems to just be the naming convention of the knights of Catarina.
  12. I didn't really mean for my comment to be all that serious, either.
  13. I edited just before you posted. For every character that's seemingly named at random, there's also a character that clearly has intent behind their name. And I'm not talking about characters in universe who question this. I'm talking the people who play the game who pick up on this. I recall from day 1 that I really got into the Fire Emblem fandom back in 2006 pointing out that Eirika and Ephraim were putting out pretty heavy Twincest vibes. Have you read their supports? I can't think of two siblings in this series who talk even remotely like this, and the only one who comes close to the way Eirika talks in those supports is Lachesis(Who doesn't even ever really talk to her brother in any casual context like Eirika does), which... not really the example you want to follow when you're trying to make people think you're not trying to hook up with your own brother. And I'm not saying it has to be ero, but for like, the third time in this thread, their weapons are named after twins who boned. The leap from "love" to "sex" is already being made for us. EDIT: Oh, and Priscilla/Raven's pretty similar, which also tends to have squickish tones for a number of people.
  14. Most of these things you mentioned don't really relate to what they're referencing, though. Igraine is a random character from the same world that's probably 30 years younger than Uther, so clearly no real connection. ... And? Again, and? You're continuing to lose me here. Probably simply due to translation funkiness and probably not actually pertaining to anything in the games. Okay? He's still at war, and is known as the Hero King. Just because he's not the actual personification of war doesn't mean the name has nothing to do with him. No, but again, two unrelated characters in the same universe. They're probably just fishing for names here, as is likely the explanation of Elphin and Niime. No, but Tristan isn't a purely mythological/historical name. Might as well just be arguing whether or not Samson's hair gives him powers at this point. There's a chasm of difference between all of these, and giving twin siblings(Who are already way too attached to each other as is) weapons named after mythological siblings who are infamous for having a kid together. There's actually a clear connection here. It's like Homer, for example. He's a bard that ultimately tells the tale of Leif's liberation and becomes a famous storyteller in Jugdral. Clearly there's a connection with the actual character and his name. There are plenty of examples of somebody at IS tossing a bunch of western mythology books in the air, picking one of those books up, and reading off a name to give a character. But there are also plenty of characters that are connected to the mythology surrounding them that they seem to be based off of and named after. Even if the whole aspect of Twincest isn't intended from the weapons, it clearly doesn't help with the notion that people were already feeling that the two were uncomfortably close for siblings.
  15. Reminder that Eirika and Ephraim's legendary weapons are named off of two Norse figures that were siblings who boned each other and had a kid.
  16. ? They sold like, 10 million albums in that brief period they were big, they were the face of emo music in the mid-00s back when it was all over the radio and MTV, and The Black Parade(The song) is the source of at least two memes that were all over the place back then. And they're responsible for making marching bands even lamer.
  17. I want a scene where the Persona 3 MC accidentally uses the Persona 5 MC's gun like an Evoker.
  18. I like bits and pieces of Danger Days, but I feel like they were losing steam here and this album lacks a lot of the oomph and theatrics that makes their other 3 albums so fun to me. I really like I Gave You My Bullets, but it's not quite as over the top as Three Cheers and TBP, though it's definitely way thrashier, which I can appreciate. And I think Three Cheers is actually just as good as Black Parade.
  19. I deliberately made the topic seem like something else. I was actually going to make the title and body much more dire and elaborate before just saying I think MCR is pretty good. But I figure getting right to the point is better for FFtF.
  20. No, he moved from Texas to California, and he was living somewhere that wouldn't allow cats. So he dropped it off at a mutual friend of ours in New Mexico on the drive over.
  21. I mostly agree. I actually think pretty much most hair metal is downright abysmal, and that there's a reason it really only lives on nowadays in parody form. Motley Crüe is arguably the only band that goes so far over the top that they loop around and become enjoyable. Look, when I say "hit it big in the mainstream", I mean SUPER mainstream. The Arctic Monkeys are big, but their chart topping success wasn't as big, and their success was spread between what? 2007/2008-2013? MCR was HUGE and all condensed between about 2005-2007. PS: I enjoy the Arctic Monkeys a lot. PPS: I know the dude who owned the cat and dog in your avatar, and I'm good friends with the guy who currently owns the cat.
  22. I mean, compared to how busted Ike's Mercs are, not really. Not in the long run, at least.
  23. Depends on her personality, but I'd say yeah, she'll always be "Edgelord".
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