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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. MCR is was a good band, and probably the last decent rock band to hit it big in the mainstream. The Black Parade is a great album. The me of back then would hate me now.
  2. Micaiah's situation is a bit easier to assess than Roy's, and a few simple things would go a looooooong way. Boost her speed and HP growths by 20+%, raise her Speed cap by 2, and her base HP by 3.
  3. I don't disagree, but, correct me if I'm wrong, the reason they fail is usually due to many reasons that AREN'T the availability of means to do so. I don't think the hypothetical of a "suicide powder" getting out to the public is going to cause the rate of teen suicide to rise.
  4. There are some times where just picking people out of the office to do voices works out well(Deadly Premonition comes to mind. The voice acting has a lot of charm and it's pretty solid as a whole). But there are also times where it doesn't. Tellius is more of a case where it doesn't, and the voice acting is stiff.
  5. For me, it's if it feels natural. Most anime/JRPG voices don't sound like voices that belong to real people. They sound like real people doing a voice, and no matter how loud they yell, the range of emotions just typically isn't there for a lot of these voices. They always just sound like somebody doing a voice at different volume levels. Which works well for comedy, but not so much for anything trying to be at all serious. It's why Echoes' voice acting felt like such a step up from previous FE games. It generally felt natural. Fates and Awakening felt very unnatural, and those sounded like everyone was doing their best anime voices. Though there is sometimes just bad voice acting. Tellius is more of an example of that. It didn't feel like people doing voices like Awakening and Fates, but it also was clearly a bunch of people who weren't really actors, and just didn't know how to read lines convincingly.
  6. No, actually, it's not. Forseti/Lewyn spills the bean in the final chapter. There's some inference to be done, but what Kaga does explicitly state make the inferences pretty clear in hindsight. Galle left Jugdral and went to a distant continent. He found a dragon, drank its blood, and came back to Jugdral with dark powers. From there, the possessions and rise of the Lopto Sect began. Then, 12 dragons came from their plane to aid humans in fighting the Lopto Sect. With the knowledge that Naga is part of this game, that dragons are still (Relatively)flourishing, and that Naga's power is the only one capable of really hurting Loptyr, you can make connections. A) That this game takes place before FE1-3 and the war of dragons had been truly settled. The opening implies this as well B) That Loptyr is an Earth/Shadow Dragon, a Dragon clan that sees humans as cattle, that fled the war(Seeing as he's not in the table and still has his mind) and is using humans to live on These are pretty easy to pick up on from details you get in the game. What you admittedly can't really pick up on is why he's using humans and willingly made a pact with Galle. That, yes, had to be clarified by Kaga, in that it was all just to avoid degeneration. But everything else? It is in the game and the hoops you have to jump through to make sense of it aren't that small. Do you not agree that this is still objectively WAAAAY more than we got on why Grima is a thing? We could have made the inference that Grima was ALSO an Earth Dragon who avoided the Table, as many people had assumed before SoV, but this turned out to be entirely not true, meaning the bits and piece we got before SoV weren't even all that clear.
  7. I really think we need to stop with these "slippery slope" scenarios when people bring up the subject of treating people better. It's the same thing people do when gay rights are brought up, asking if incest, pedophilia or bestiality is next. We're talking about giving people who are terminally ill, or are otherwise struggling to survive, an option for assisted suicide. These kinds of things would be insanely monitored. They're not just going to give out "suicide powder", since giving people a drug designed to kill would be insanely dangerous. It could get out, but this has happened before. Nobody nowadays argues that we shouldn't use morphine to treat people in pain, even though it's essentially just medical grade heroin, and manages to get on the streets. A teen who wants to die simply because they're an emotional wreck over something isn't going to commit suicide because they can get a pill or powder that does it. If you look 10-feet in any direction, you can probably find a handful of things that any able-bodied person can use to kill themselves. A teen's also not going to get a prescription like that without the consent of their guardians. The hypotheticals we're talking about here are the people who are unable to do so on their own.
  8. The part that makes Loptyr interesting is everything we're told about Julius in gen 2. Throughout the whole thing, we're told that it's barely Julius anymore, and by the end, Loptyr has completely taken over. Everything we see of Julius in gen 2 of FE4 and the bits he's in of FE5 have the lingering question of "Is this Julius, or is this Loptyr?" A dragon potentially acting in human ways like that is more interesting than what we see of Grima. When Grima is in Robin's body, he's essentially just another Validar. Once he's a dragon, he all but stops talking. Oh, AND WE GET A PROPER BACKSTORY FOR LOPTYR PRIOR TO THE DEVS GOING "Oh, whoops, we wrote a bad character in a world that's thousands of years old and didn't explain at all why he's there."
  9. The Infested, a hardcore/crust ska punk band, echo your sentiments. I agree as well. I think it's kind of screwed up that we force people to live. I definitely agree that we should try to help people get to a point to where they want to survive if that's possible. But a lot of people, especially people who are terminally ill, really shouldn't be forced to live with a painful, emotional burden simply because society deemed that people aren't allowed to die for themselves.
  10. I maintain that his appearance that really matters, his Awakening appearance, is incredibly weak. The Grimleal as a whole are potentially the weakest group of enemies in the entire franchise. I'm struggling to think of an ensemble of bad guys that are AS bad as the Grimleal. Even the Nohrian generals, I think, were bad in more... interesting ways. And Grima is the cherry on top. He's just a "Mwahaha I'm evil" character in a "Mwahaha I'm evil" group, with no real explanation as to why he's there. Every time anything about him is revealed throughout the game(All four times), it just feels like the game is just doing the most hamfisted messaging to tell us that, man guys, Grima's really bad. It's made even worse that he's basically a 2.0 of another character. He's basically Julius and Loptyr rolled into one, just done worse. He's on the level of Fomortiis. Not Lyon AND Fomortiis. Just Fomortiis. The big spooky Satan that we only see once at the end of SS and hear speak only a few times, and only says generically evil shit when he does. Just a step above the Fire Dragons at the end of FE7. SoV gave him a decent backstory and helped fill an arguable plothole(Even if these events in question are even canon), but I really can't see anything Heroes does as legitimate. It's a non-canon fanservice game. Not even a knock against the game, since it seems like it's doing characterization totally fine on its own, but I consider the Heroes' version of all characters just alternate universe versions. Heroes Grima is not Awakening Grima to me.
  11. Mystic. Haven't played in 400 years or however long ago it was that Go came out.
  12. You start picking up stuff you can use in the Alchemy Pot in Peregrin Quay.
  13. Alright. Well, I got the 100x EXP multiplier from Bewildering Grace during Alfyn's chapter 2 boss fight. Everyone in my core team went from level 30 to 50 instantly. Can't say I was expecting that. It let me go out and explore the later areas...
  14. Is posting this 2 hours after Sunday is over a faux pas? Don't care, it's a great song regardless:
  15. I mean, I hate myself. So I'd say yes, but people tend to like those characters.
  16. Depends on your metabolism, your current weight and your previous diet, so yeah. I started dieting 4 years ago, and when I started out at about 185lbs, just a deficit of 300 calories a day was a 2.5lb loss per week. I didn't start super big, and I don't think I'd even classify as overweight even back then, but I was still losing pretty fast. As I got lower and lower, that deficit gradually increased as my general diet got better and I just had less to lose. Now I'm between 140-150lbs and yeah, I have to hit about a 500lb deficit to start losing weight. But I can get down to about 1300 calories a day and I'll start seeing the 3-ishlbs a week I saw when I first started, but I usually don't have to do that unless I decide I really just want to show more muscle. Summer's ending though, so fuck that. I still wear a shirt that I've had for probably 15 years, so kind I'm kind of in the same boat. Pants are a different story. I'm already at a point where I'm wearing around a size 30 waist when I should probably be looking at 28 or 29. Prior to dieting I don't think I wore size 30 since freshman year of high school. Also my legs got insanely long.
  17. It's probably plausible/possible, but honestly I think the slow and steady approach of losing 2-3lbs a week that is pretty easy to hit with conventional dieting, exercise and reasonable calorie limits is more comfortable. Plus, not having clothes that fit a week later sounds awful.
  18. Only just finished the intros. Excited to really get into the game now. Dancer, Apothecary and Merchant all seem pretty busted, so I'm sure pretty much everyone is going to be one of those, with maybe another Cleric in there somewhere.
  19. I was part of a FE community from 2006 until just about when SD came out. Even up until RD, growths and averages were generally the sole determinator of if a unit was good. RD was kind of a shifting point, I think. While premmies had some respect here and there(Echidna, Percival, Pent, Harken, Seth, Titania, etc.), it didn't become prevalent until RD... Where basically any unit worth using had already been promoted at least once, and the base class units were bad to mediocre in almost all cases.
  20. I'd say for HM it's Rutger>Dieck>Gonzo>Geese/Fir>Lot>Ogier>Wade In almost any case, that 30% crit bonus is going to be coveted for promo bonuses over anything else. Rutger should just be obvious. Dieck gets Axe coverage and he has great bases, so that puts him above any of the Axers. Gonzo's insane bases are both a blessing and a curse. He'll keep capramming strength, speed and HP, but his chances to get anything else, barring a point or two of def along the way, are slim to none. He'll be an insane PP unit where you can pick your shots, but he'll be a shaky EP unit a lot of the times. Geese, I wouldn't say "weak" like @Aut, but he is just a more well-rounded, consistent, but not quite as strong on PP version of Gonzales. If you wanted, you could promote him instantly and he'd just be a better Garret... well, once his strength starts kicking off, he does kind of lick rocks for a good two or so levels when it comes to that. Once he gets a point or two into speed, he can reliably just be on Hand Axe duty, and he'll be reliable enough that it can carry him to promotion. He can also use Iron Axes without any AS loss, but like I'll get to with Fir, even 19 attack without doubling or range isn't really ideal to get the ball rolling on a unit. Fir starts with respectable STR and SPD, but she's not wielding anything higher than a Iron Sword at base. Which is a problem, since she joins at level 1, has pretty shaky durability, and joins about two-three chapters before the game turns into Lance city. And the chapter she joins on is when enemies she should be strong against start having 7 or higher AS, which locks her out of doubling if she doesn't use an Iron Sword and 14 might... It's not a good foundation to build on. She really only has her recruitment chapter and chapter 10 to make safe gains. Which is totally doable, but she's on a bit of a time crunch. Lot's not the worst, and totally workable, but like you said, he's an infantry Lowen. Which wouldn't even be that great even if this was FE7, but in FE6, where enemies are noticeably more powerful than FE7, that's reaaaaaally not ideal, as it makes his sole utility combat... and nobody really looks at Lowen and goes "Yeah, that horse is nice, but I really just want to use him to tear shit up on the battlefield like Sain." He has solid enough growths across the board to turn out totally fine, but he's super prone to screwage outside of DEF and HP. If he fails to make significant gains to strength, he won't be doing the damage you need. If he doesn't make significant gains to skill, he won't be hitting as much as you need him to. He may reliably get speed, but he can also get screwed there, which will compromise both his offensive and defensive abilities. Ogier is just bad. Underleveled, meh bases and meh growths, no significant promotion gains, and can't wield Axes properly at promotion. Wade is even worse. NM it's probably more like Dieck>Rutger>Gonzo/Geese>Lot>Fir/Ogier>Wade
  21. Then they wouldn't be Teen Titans. Then they'd just be... OHHHHHHH
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