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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Most people I've met who are super big fans of the OG Teen Titans show seemed to be able to enjoy Go once they got over that it was a light, fluffy comedy as opposed to the semi-serious original series. Apparently it's a fine cartoon in its own right, and it's mostly just the idea that THIS is the follow up to Teen Titans that brings it down. Though I've met people who love the original and tried to give Go a chance, but just found it not funny. Either way, I'm sure everyone agree that Go's probably better than whatever Titans is. If this is real, I almost feel like the showrunners of Titans deliberately sandbagged it and gave an AWFUL trailer purely to drive interest in Go so that people would see it positively, go see it, and drum up interest in the original series again. It's dumb enough that I'd believe it.
  2. I'd use any of the Fighters in the GBA FEs over any of the Archers. However, each game has at least one decent pre-promo Sniper that I'd probably use over any of the Fighters. Only toss-up here is Dorcas/Bartre vs Louise. Both Dorcas and Bartre border on the line of being decent(I'd say they'd cross the line if the Warrior promotion gave +2 or more speed), while Louise is mostly superfluous, and her symbiotic relationship with Pent, who is OP as fuck on his own, is largely the only reason I'd ever really consider fielding her. Garcia, meanwhile, I'd only ever use over Innes if I made him a Hero... which kind of defeats the purpose of building up a Fighter to make them an Archer.
  3. Oh yeah. And even on the whole, WITH everything I just said taken into consideration, they almost universally turn out better than Warriors, barring Geitz.
  4. On paper, maybe. But in practice, not so much. Geese and Gonzales are both solid to good units hampered by the fact that Axes suck eggs in FE6. Geese has some amount of skill to cover for this, but Gonzales is either critting or not hitting at all, especially if you go the B route. Plus, as candidates for the Hero Crests, they're behind Rutger and Dieck, which is a problem when the game only gives you two in the whole game unless you buy more. Garret's alright, but not amazing. Dart has a bit of a slow start, and using him in a ranked run is borderline impossible. He ends up pretty good, but he's sort of a compromised unit. Hawkeye's really good when he starts and stays pretty solid, but he's so damn slow that he hits some problems that are pretty uncharacteristic for his class. He's viable for the whole game, but his ability to kill stuff will depend on whether or not he crits in a fair few situations after he joins, and he'll probably be noticeably slower than Marcus of all people. FE8 arguably has it the worst. On one hand, Ross is the only Trainee worth using, and Berserker is probably his best class. On the other, Ross still isn't a very good unit and he'll take a pretty long time to get to this point. Dozla is a weird unit where he's a pre-promote with pretty bad bases but solid growths, so he kind of sucks at doing what pre-promotes are good at. Either way, it's FE8 and you don't really get out of anything by using the "good" classes. At least the ones that don't focus on move.
  5. Assuming you're on normal, use Nolan and Aran as your defensive units. They're pretty good walls, though keep an eye on Nolan and don't let him take too many hits. Any time you can safely wedge Aran somewhere with Laura near him keeping him topped off, you should.
  6. Or Canas just gives better advice. I'm sure at some point during their friendship, Bartre said he could lift an avalanche, and Canas took that to heart, when he really shouldn't have.
  7. I mean, I don't think there's a single unit in the game that has Dart's raw damage potential. He'll hit upwards of 25 strength pretty much no matter when you promote him, he has more than enough speed to double nearly everything in the game with damn near any of the axes(Barring I think Morph Lloyd), and crit out the wazoo. It's, just like Bartre but to a severely lesser degree, really just his shaky start, and the fact that Hawkeye comes a few chapters later that makes his use questionable. I use him pretty much every unranked run, and once he gets about 2-3 levels in him, he tears up most things in his path. If that Ocean Seal didn't eat up 50k funds, I'd probably use him in ranked runs, too, and I doubt he'd be a super controversial pick. Maybe a bit redundant with Hawkeye, but his long term viability might help. Dorcas is the only of the unpromoted axers that doesn't have insane snowball potential. Dorcas is good at the start, but will likely be quickly benched when he fails to ever add to his respectable base speed.
  8. He hadn't met Canas yet. Their support revolves around Canas trying to get Bartre to think, and Bartre trying to get Canas to even lift, bro.
  9. Nobody's going to argue that Cory in the House isn't the best anime. And if they do, they're lying.
  10. Hey, they're actually releasing a companion app. Maybe I'll actually get to play sometime in the next month before I quit my job and suddenly have a ton of free time.
  11. If Dart joined like, 2 chapters earlier, had 1 more speed at base and the Ocean Seal wasn't total horseshit for no reason, he'd be a pretty great unit. A little squishy and perhaps too reliant on his crits, but he'd be a good bruiser. As he is though, yeah. For ranked runs, he exists to be an EXP sponge, then benched once he's fulfilled his duties of boosting your EXP rank.
  12. Fates royally screwed the pooch here. Every other FE had weapons that were at least based on weapons, places, or at the very least, non-human animals... barring Siegmund and Sieglinde, but let's not question those ones. Eirika and Ephraim are already uncomfortably close for siblings without looking into this. Sometimes, it was just straight up nothing, like Lyn's weapons.
  13. Titans looks like it's straight out of the 90s. And by that, I strictly mean within live action comic book stuff. The dark era after the good Batmans were done with, and before Spider-Man and X2 made the genre legitimate. This looks like it'd fit perfectly alongside Spawn and the cheezier parts of the first Blade movie.
  14. I'll spoil this: Yes. Lowen is very good.
  15. No, I called you silly for questioning if Treck was better than Rutger. Immediately after that, I said that if you put two comparable units side-by-side(Like Sophia and Gwendolyn, NOT like Treck and Rutger), yeah, the one with more move is gonna get way more use. If you want to convince anyone of anything, it'd be better to not lie about the arguments, especially when anyone can go back two pages and see that what you just said is not true.
  16. Because you have limited deployment. All of the Knights in FE6 are bad, and FE6 is the most Horse Emblem game outside of FE4. You're saying that all three should be deployed to make Gwendolyn better. It's something that sets up a single enemy unit in the player phase, then leaves all three open on enemy phase. If you were to give "Useless" a definition that's localized to FE6, that would be it.
  17. Because it requires fielding all three Knights and moving them very slowly in a triangle. The Triangle Attack is not good.
  18. If you're referring to Gwendolyn and Sophia, then I really have to disagree with this assessment. As I've stated, Gwendolyn will only be a marginally better unit with marginally less babying and investment. On paper, I'd argue that they're very, very close in the grand scheme of things, and both two of the worst units in the game. The investment of more valuable resources is where Gwendolyn crosses the line from just a bad unit into useless. She's a Cavalier without a horse, a weakness to Armorslayers, and her incredibly niche utility is going to be more detrimental than beneficial. Without the resources, this would just make her a bad unit, but she's a bad unit to the detriment of VERY good units, hence she has no real use. Sophia is just a bad Mage.
  19. Because the Triangle Attack is bad, to the point where it's almost funny. Pegasuses having it is a total nonfactor, and they actually have the move to make up the set-up much, much, much easier, and most people are much more likely to be using 3 of those over the 3 Knights. Having all 3 Armor Knights in a single chapter is already questionable enough. Even the chapter where you get both Barth and Gwendolyn, bringing Bors along would cause me to raise an eyebrow, though this is probably the one place where using all 3 Knights isn't too crazy. AND EVEN THEN, the way chapter 8 is set up makes it very unlikely that enemies will be anywhere near the 3 by the time Bors catches up. The Knights are all horrendous in FE6. Douglas fares a bit better, since he has decent bases and doesn't require a Knight Crest, but even he's really not very good. But setting them up for a Triangle Attack? I can almost guarantee one of them will die if you're not doing crippling rescue strats. Even on immobile enemies like bosses, setting it up is just asking for one of your armors to die, for no real payoff. You effectively waste the turns of all 3 Knights, who already probably don't have a real spot on your army if you're not going out of your way to use them, just to mimic critical hits. Who really only Barth is probably getting any mileage out of, and he's potentially the Armor Knight most likely to die setting it up, if there are any Mages or Axes with even existant speed around. I've never heard anybody go "But what about the Triangle Attack?" seriously, even when pointing out the positives in good units like Florina in FE7. The whole thing is like a running joke in the series. Like, I don't want to be rude, but is your primary defense of Gwendolyn here something that she is dependent on two other (Bad)units for? I don't think there's a single person in this thread arguing that Gwendolyn is useless who is going to flip over the Triangle Attack.
  20. You can't ask a rhetorical question, then go: Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Especially when it's completely in-line with the rest of the question you posed. A.) Never said there were more Guiding Rings B.) The competition doesn't come from the fact that there are more units, it comes from the fact that the game gives you four Cavaliers, which on their own, are in a completely different level than the Armor Knight units. And even then, there's a pretty clear hierarchy of Lance and Alan, then Noah and Treck. Once you get to Bors, Barth, and Gwendyln, you have to basically restrain yourself to even consider using ONE of the Crests on them. Compared to Sophia, the only person that really has a lock on a Guding Ring is Lugh, and even he's arguable as a "lock". He's a good unit, but the level of "Oh God, these Rings are burning a hole in my pocket" isn't as strong as with the Knight Crests. Saul, Ellen and Clarine don't really get a major benefit from promoting. They all do what you want them to do prior to promoting, and none of them become offensive powerhouses when they do. You can promote them, but you're not really limiting yourself by not. Raigh's similar to Lugh, but a bit worse. Having Dark Magic and heals earlier than Sophia is nice, but not really something that's going to make that much of a difference. Lilina's just kind of... Not very good, and like Sophia, is probably only going to be picked for favoritism. Hugh's fine and ready to promote when you get him, but he really only exists to be a backup Mage if you decided to skip out on Lugh and Lilina. Sophia, again, is below ALL of these people, but the competition for Rings in general is far more of a toss up. All it really takes to pick Sophia is favoritism. With Gwendolyn there's favoritism on top of totally neglecting the clear better choices. C.) WHAT Let me be straight up with you. I'm not even saying Gwendolyn is necessarily worse than Sophia. I think Sophia is straight up the worst unit in the game. But I'm not saying Sophia is more useless. Gwendolyn is largely fucked by her class, which results in promotion and movement issues, in a game that really rewards high movement. It severely compromises her role in the roster, and more and more questions pile up if you decide to use her over Alan/Lance, or even Treck/Noah, made even worse that she's built like a Cavalier, but doesn't have a horse. Like. She's bad, but not the worst, but the mental hoops I have to jump through to be like "Oh yeah, her use is x" is insane. You saying "Well if Bors and Barth, two also bad units, are promoted, she can join in the triangle attack if you decide to bring all three of these bad units into a map" is crazy to me. I didn't forget about the Knight triangle attack, it's just something in FE6 that is even more useless than Gwendolyn that I didn't even think it was worth mentioning. It's a total novelty. It's something you do once just to see, then restart the chapter to bring your actual units into the chapter. Sophia has a role, as bad as she is and as shaky as it is, and I can see why somebody would simply decide to use her over any of the other good-but-not-great GR recipients. I don't think somebody's going to miss out on a high/top tier unit by using her, even if leveling her is a royal pain. Plus, she herself gets you a Guiding Ring, which is more than anything Gwendolyn does. So, even if for a chapter, Sophia has a use.
  21. No. What a dumb question. Move doesn't cover up Treck's mediocrity. If a unit is more of a hassle than they're worth, their move won't matter. Treck's not going to stack up to arguably the best offensive unit in the game just because he's on a horse. But two bad units side by side, the one with the more GLARING movement issue will have less of a role to fit. Compounding the issue is the availability of promotion items. Treck is in the middle of the list of units getting one of the game's TWO(Realistically) Knight Crests, while Rutger has main claim to one of the Hero Crests. Sophia and Gwendolyn are both dead last when it comes to units getting their respective promotion items, but there's waaaaaay more competition for Gwendolyn than Sophia.
  22. The thing is, awful units like Arden and Hannibal(Who is actually worse than Arden) do somewhat have a purpose in FE4. They sit their asses on the castle and make sure nobody takes them. Granted if it ever gets to this point you've already royally fucked up, but it is a purpose. Trying to find a purpose for Gwendolyn is like trying to find a purpose for tits on a bull. She's got an awful build for an Armor Knight, and while she appears more useful than somebody like Sophia, she'll only ever have 5 move unless you waste boots on her. She's a bad armor knight in a game where armor knights are at one of their lowest points in the series.
  23. You guys are effectively arguing with a wall. A wall that hasn't had a foundation in like 10 years. Pick your battles. Write walls of text and convincing arguments for somebody who might bother to consider them and take them to heart.
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