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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Having made it through Dark Souls Remastered and Dark Souls 2, it's time to round out the trilogy with Dark Souls 3. This time might be a bit more of a doozy. I've added the rule that the host of the world is basically a Lord, and a host dying will be permadeath for that host, and they'll have to start over. Also we got a new friend to help *insert Together We Ride*, who is a Thief. Also the two other are Mage Fighter, Pirate/Brigand. And I'm an Archer. We're squishy bois. We'll probably die. Feel free to watch as we potentially scar ourselves forever. Update on Dark Souls 3: We've, so far, only beaten Gundyr and Vordt, and our Mage Knight died and rerolled into Dark Knight. Which is fine, because our Thief also died and rerolled into Mage Knight. So, you know. Lateral moves. Thankfully we're not far, so rerolling isn't a huge issue.
  2. This is why I always stop through NG+ in a lot of games, Persona 4 being one of them. Part of the fun of games to me is the challenge. It's why when I got the hankering to play Persona 5 again a few months ago, I opted to start a new game completely rather than use my old save file and start NG+.
  3. I had a similar epiphany a few years ago. I miss my family, but it was worth the money to have a few less people who enjoyed A Million Ways to Die In the West out there.
  4. I generally buy at release for games I'm interested, and looks for deals(Amazon's 20% off New releases for physical games, Green Man Gaming for PC, stuff like that). For everything else, I'm comfortable waiting for a good deal. I'm a huge FF fan, and the PC version of XV is 60% off right now, and I am still sitting here like "Man, am I going to like this enough to justify $25?". Meanwhile I see Dragon Quest XI on GMG for $47 and I'm like "Pssssh. Steal.", and whip out my credit card so fast it rips my wallet in half and sets my pants on fire... and then I have to go out any buy a new wallet and new pants, and it adds up to like an extra $100, and I am still fine with it.
  5. Are parrots capable of comprehending what they say when they use human language, though? Koko knew what she was saying when she used sign language, and used it to convey thoughts and emotions.
  6. This guy looks like a vampire(Not to invoke those early rumors). He's way different from how we see Claude, and the only thing I can see connecting the two is "They both use bows". And with that, I ask "How many FEs don't toss like, 2-3 bow users at you within the first 5 chapters of the game?"
  7. I remember learning back in middle school about her using sign language to communicate with humans, and it blew my mind. "Holy shit, a non-human animal using human language to communicate with humans, that's crazy."
  8. Unlikely. We see an unnamed Archer ally at about 0:56 in the trailer, alongside Edelgard and Byleth, and he has an army. Unless there's a hidden 5th main character, it seems that everyone(Or just about) will have a squad.
  9. Miranda's not the one with the personal promotion, Asbel is. Mage->Mageknight(Well, female Mages become Magefighters in 4, but they don't exist in 5 and they're just a worse version of Mageknight in 4) is the standard promotion route in the Jugdral games, while Bards become Sages. It's just that you get 2 Mages in FE5, and more people are familiar with Mages becoming Sages, which isn't how it works in Jugdral. Miranda's not made any better or worse by her promotion. Asbel, meanwhile, is made better by having a personal promotion.
  10. Planning on FFXV. An FF megafan who has never bothered with FFXV. Maybe FFXII: TZA again. Probably the XCOM2 DLC.
  11. Go in to Nioh thinking "This is Ninja Gaiden inspired by Dark Souls" rather than the other way around. It's absolutely a great game, and the best Souls-like to come out, but it has its own things going on.
  12. How often is Lyn actually on the front lines with Florina? Florida's good for ferrying and hit and runs, which typically don't put her in range of anybody but your frontline fighters, which I'd argue Lyn is not a part of. Lyn's best somewhere near the middle or the back, picking off low HP units and axers(Which Florina definitely wants to avoid). The cases where I'd actually want Florina and Lyn together is strictly when there are a handful of sword units around. I'm not discounting her supports. She has good supports. The problem comes from her supports potentially being used way differently from Lyn, which leaves her in awkward positions for most chapters that aren't defense chapters where she acts as a passive buff for them, and usually not the other way around. She has possibilities, but using them in an argument between her and another mediocre unit is not the best look for her. And I'm not discounting the Energy Ring. I mentioned the possibility of using the LHM stat boosters on her, but disregarded that because I personally don't see myself ever doing that, and I don't see anyone doing "optimal play" doing that(They also probably wouldn't use Guy in this case, honestly). Lyn takes a LOT of work to get significant payoff versus Kent, Sain and Florina, and Kent and Florina would get more use out of the LHM Energy Ring. Sure. If you give every stat booster in LHM to Lyn and get her to level 9, she'll be slightly better than base HHM Guy. That's really not an argument I care about anymore at this point.
  13. The argument was both of them without the Mani Katti or the Killing Edge, though. I'd assume without supports, too, but even with them, Lyn is matching BASE level HM Guy at recruitment with a whole support level and 6 levels on him. If we're assuming the whole game, then even at 20/1, Lyn has yet to catch up. She won't catch up to Guy in strength until 20/17, and in the end(Without supports), they'll both average 21 Str, but Guy will have 10 HP over her, and outside of that, they'll be statistically identical, with Guy getting a passive +15% Crit boost. She can get attack boosts from Florina, but you're really not using Florina to her maximum potential if you keep her tethered to Lyn so Lyn can get her support boost. And, well, it's not like the context of this thread really matters anymore due to how hard this has been derailed, but the 3 units in question that are being assumed that you're focusing on are Florina, Sain and Kent. Lyn getting to 9 isn't going to happen in that case.
  14. ? Assuming Lyn gets to level 7 at the end of LHM, which I'd say is pretty typical, her average stats(Without giving her the boosters) are all worse than Guy's hard mode base stats, aside from Luck and maybe 2 points of Res. If you actually use Guy and get him 2-3 levels prior to Lyn's re-recruitment, which isn't out of the question, as 13x is a very axe heavy chapter, and 13, 14 and 15 are easy enough for him to pick units off in, it's really not a contest if Lyn doesn't have her Mani Katti. But again, even without that, a level 3 HM Guy will be better across the board than a level 7 Lyn, and she likely won't match him until level 10 with her strength. She has better support options, but much of those outside of increasing her dodge-tankyness go towards bridging the gap between her and Guy, since she'll be wanting more attack, which Guy has naturally, or more crit, which Guy eventually gets.
  15. I do think 3 is better than 2, but I always liked 2, which probably helped me deal with 3 a bit more. My confusion was aimed more at the fandom than at Dark Souls 2 or 3. I never had to eat my words like a lot of people did.
  16. This is what always makes me laugh in hindsight. Dark Souls 2 got absolutely shit on for referencing Dark Souls 1, with people saying stuff like "REHASH. Miyazaki would NEVER do something like reuse Ornstein!", with a lot of the other references to Dark Souls 1 being pretty damn opaque in Dark Souls 2. I never saw 3 get even a fraction of the shit 2 got for this, and 3 was way worse at relying on Dark Souls 1 stuff for content, even well before you get to straight up just Anor Londo.
  17. I love them all, but 1 will always have a special place in my heart. 2 and 3 have their own merits.
  18. Their numbers are largely estimates(I want to say it's even based on stores they call, and extrapolating from there), and those estimates have gotten worse as buying games online and through online eshops have gotten more prevalent. It's much harder to track those sales than ones from Gamestops and mom and pop retailers.
  19. That's something I'll definitely give FFXIII over X. X's encounter rate is not only insanely high, the enemy variety might be the worst in the franchise, at least off the top of my head. You'll be fighting the same enemies over, and over, and over again.
  20. Let's see... She was ultimately powerless to really do anything, was manipulated for most of the game and was forced to kill an innocent friend, only to learn that she didn't have to(Unless you're doing it a second time yadda yadda yadda). I'm gonna say no.
  21. I'll meet you in the Arby's parking lot.
  22. He says this... But his comments about her when explaining her outfits for LR either mean he should NEVER have a daughter, or he's just lying to make it seem less creepy(When he actually made it more creepy).
  23. I'm curious if you played FFXIII more than once, because your stance sounds a lot like me when XIII was brand new and I had only played it once. After my initial playthrough, I was largely in the same boat. I compared it favorably to X in most ways. "Oh, X had a linear world, too. Oh, the characters were lame and boring, but at least they weren't Tidus, Yuna and Wakka. Oh, etc... This is a totally average game." But I played it again, and after having the "experience" of seeing everything for the first time wear off, I started feeling how bad everything was compared to even X. And at the time, X was my least favorite game in the series. The linearity of the world really, really got to me, I hated everyone who wasn't Fang and Sazh(Especially Lightning, which hurt me to no end when shortly after this replay, Motomu Toriyama was like "Oh yeah, she's my waifu and I'm making a bunch of games about her, and I'm going to push her into every FF thing I can", and I realized I would be seeing Lightning in EVERYTHING for a good long while), the combat, which I wasn't too hot on the first time around, also started boring me to tears, and the realization I had about the story just angered me to no end. Even the OST started grating on me, as I started to feel that it was a pretty generic orchestral OST, lacking all of the charm previous FF OSTs have had. I don't want this to devolve into an "FFXIII sucks" discussion, since that's just going to attract negativity and push people away(I have no hard feelings towards people who like XIII), but yeah. I just... can't go back to that game anymore.
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