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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Awakening also did this. There's at least one Lord of the Rings reference that comes to mind, and Owain references MST3K for crying out loud.
  2. They probably don't compare Emmeryn and Mikoto to Elincia because Elincia eventually stops being a pacifist. For like, a whole game and a half, Elincia participates in war, so people have more experience with Elincia the Warrior Queen who hates killing, but will still stab a dude.
  3. I'm expecting either Gaiden or Radiant Dawn. Three armies that function independently, concurrently on the same map and meet up for the finale, or three armies that function independently linearly through the story, and meet up for the finale.
  4. They absolutely can if they work their way up the ranks. ... Which is actually going to be a weird thing to consider if they don't change up character archetypes a lot. "Hey likely sociopathic mercenary Myrmidon/random Bandit or Pirate with a heart of gold, join our army and we'll instantly give you a horde of mooks to control." The mooks, who have been loyal for who knows how long, will wonder "Hey what the hell?"
  5. Sony definitely used "experience" the most, since that's what they called their whole conference, and the intermission has the word "experience" being tossed around pretty liberally.
  6. It'd make some sense. The Teacher gets tossed into a conflict, and gets picked by one of the houses to instruct their young lord. Plus, nobles from different houses going to an academy isn't new for the series(Arvis and Sigurd), so using it as a plot point to launch into 3 different directions wouldn't feel too weird.
  7. I'm a straight guy who hates waifu culture. Totally #TeamClaude
  8. Aristocrat is by and large just another way of saying "Lord". Maybe with more posh, financial implications, but aristocrats are essentially the ruling class, much like any other Fire Emblem Lord in the franchise. They sent people to die in wars, too.
  9. Ah, yeah. I'll be curious to see where the base stuff goes, but I'd be surprised if it ever went as far as skinship, like with Fates.
  10. Ah right, the first one was the Azura dancing, Ryoma/Xander fighting trailer. The next one was where we got all of the stuff Fates became famous for. That said, no dancing.
  11. I feel like there will be waaaaay less Fates cringe. This one seems like it's a bit more tonally consistent. We got loli dragon, but we didn't get any "Oniiiiiiiiiii/Oneeeeeeee chaaaaaaaaan"s or ludicrous cleavage shots.
  12. It was a low year for pretty much everyone besides Microsoft, yeah. Microsoft actually stepped up their game, while everyone else did the same thing they've always done, or worse. Collectively a lot was shown this E3 that I'm actually pretty interested in. It's just that... Everyone besides M$ spent way too much time on shit that wasn't important to the conference, or really focused on a small handful of things, while blazing through the rest. And yeah, there's always GamesCom, TGS and the Game Awards. Those always have one or two major announcements.
  13. I think that scene is of the Teach telling Edelgard, who already uses Sword and Axe, to practice one of the two, not of Teach learning how to use one. But that might be a nice way to handle an Avatar, where they learn from other units... They wouldn't be much of a teacher in that case, though.
  14. I think Microsoft had the best bang-for-the-buck conference. They showed a lot, went over a lot, even mentioned that they're currently building towards the next generation. It was straight, to the point, and a clean conference. Sekiro and DMC5 were the highlights, and I might be inclined to show interest in Halo Infinite if they explain what exactly it is. A "back to roots adventure with Master Chief" doesn't give me much. Sony showed REmake 2, which might be the game I'm most hyped about, but they were Sony to the extreme this year. The banjo and bamboo-flute concerts were so goddamn masurtbatory for games I really don't have any interest in. Spider-Man looks cool. But that whole "We're demoing TLoU2 in a Church, now wait while we move everyone to the proper conference building. We'll talk about how good everything we do is in the meantime and show ads for Blops 3 and Anthem." was just... WHY?! Nintendo focused way too much on Smash, and I don't think they showed enough new content. FE was cool, but I'm still processing what I just saw. EA was abysmal, but that's not out of the ordinary. Square shouldn't have even bothered. Ubisoft gave their worst in recent memory. Andrew WK hype aside, Bethesda was pretty paint-by-numbers(WE HAVE A BUNCH OF FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS!). Devolver probably had the best ratio of good looking stuff, but they showed off 3 games, so...
  15. I think they're going this route. Which I actually really like. Edelgard, Claude and Dimitri are the focus characters, and the Avatar acts in the background, giving them instruction. That's kind of how I always wanted the Avatar to be, ever since the idea was introduced. A Mark with more involvement on the units and a presence in the battle. So I hope it stays that way.
  16. Definite step up from Kozaki's stuff for me, but it still feels a little too busy.
  17. Her combat menu was Attack Magic Combat Arts Formation Equip Items Wait
  18. As somebody who hasn't really dug a Smash since Melee, Ultimate looks real good.
  19. Yeah, but the option for Magic was there for Edelgard, which seems like there might be a possibility of physical units using magic.
  20. I think it'd be neat if mooks were only around for the outdoor maps.
  21. Seems like she can do more, but the trailer is definitely pushing her for axes. They even made her use axes against a sword unit when she had swords in her inventory.
  22. Pros and cons(IMO) from that quick clip of the game: Pros: We learned more about the continent from a 2 minute trailer than we learned in 3 games surrounding Fates Seems like they're forgoing a lot of mechanics from the 3DS games(Seems like you can get a boost from and command nearby allies, but it looks like Pair-Up is gone or changed significantly). This is more of a pro for the 3DS games, as those mechanics being unique to them will probably make me go back to them at some point Far more sensible designs on the main characters. No tits were shoved in my face, and the clothing looked fancy as hell, but like something somebody might actually wear No signs of skinship, it seems like you take more of a role as an instructor and your out-of-battle interactions involve teaching them things The map and art-style definitely seem a lot closer to something like Tellius, and less cartoony than the 3DS titles Still definitely an anime artystyle, but it seems more fitting than Kozaki's artstyle Weapon durability is back Seems like spells might be handled like they were in Echoes Cons: I'm not feeling the army-formation stuff. It might work out, but as of right now, the game looks more like Langrisser than Fire Emblem Looks like we're back to Hybrid units(Looks like Edelgard could use Magic), which haven't worked out super well as of late Still full of... bizarre enemies that we started getting in Fates Framerate looks bad Characters still talk all the time and I still don't like cut-in style critical/special attacks It doesn't look like there's a cohesive style for unit types, though the ones we saw may just be Lords with their own unique styles I'm definitely warmer on this than I was 2 and a half hours ago, but I'm still not sure how I ultimately feel.
  23. Hraesvelgr(Hray-svell-gurr) is a Jotunn from Nordic mythology. So they're definitely going back to pretty deliberate Germanic influences.
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