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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Rewatching that FE trailer, it looks like I was wrong about durability.
  2. It didn't look like Fire Emblem. Outside of the grid based combat where there were people with bows and axes. It could be great, but the trailer gave me nothing to latch on to.
  3. -Nintendo bought the Langrisser franchise -Decided to make a new Langrisser with the Fire Emblem name
  4. I... don't feel anything from that FE reveal.
  5. BotW and Persona 5 were both announced well ahead of Fallout 4 proving that a lot people actually like seeing games come out in a reasonable timeframe.
  6. There was a random banjo concert to open the show, and the lesbian scene was... oddly sexual and detailed, for a franchise as sexless as TLoU. It actually felt weirdly exploitative rather than inclusive and progressive. More along the lines of "Hehehe look at these two chicks make out", rather than "Watch these two girls who love each other display their love". The framing of the scene being Ellie wondering who all the guys are looking at between the two girls was also really weird. It felt like the last TLoU trailer, where a lot of people felt the display of violence was more exploitative than intriguing or meaningful.
  7. I'd actually say the opposite for the last few years. Ever since Fallout 4's announcement. It seems like a lot more devs sit on highly demanded projects for a long time, unless the most recent release was... well, recent. Square is just... Square, where they'll show off trailers for games where the development hasn't even started.
  8. The people in charge of Final Fantasy have their heads up their asses. They don't have problems making games, they have problems making Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts being a FF spinoff has cursed that series, too.
  9. I don't mean to shit on Ghost of Tsushima since it looks like a neat game... But I don't know why I'd bother next to Nioh 2 and Sekiro. If I beat those games and somehow haven't gotten my fill of feudal Japan, maybe I'll check it out. But poising itself as the serious, "story focused" one isn't pushing my buttons. Especially with that trailer. "Hey good friend, we need to save this monk." "Now let me kill this monk. The Mongols have won and I want my revenge because this monk screwed my family over." "We're going to fight to the death over this monk, good friend." "Actually let's stop and fight the Mongols that are now here."
  10. It's coming out in just over half a year. So chances are, they've been working on it quietly ever since the project was announced. Amazed they managed to keep it under wraps for so long.
  11. Sony's press conference is really highlighting something I can't stand about them right now: They REALLY can't stop patting themselves on the back. Every time they talk, they come off as incredibly masturbatory. We're 25 minutes in, and we've had a dude play banjo, a 10 minute showcase of TLoU 2 and a 30 second AD(Not trailer) for Blops 3.
  12. This makes me think that the Star Fox leak was legit. Nintendo's not the kind of company to tease a franchise in another publisher's game if they don't have something of their own to show.
  13. I can't decide between Devolver and Bethesda, based purely on them catering to my highly specific demands. Bethesda gave me Andrew WK(Fuck whatever else they did), Devolver gave me Metal Wolf Chaos.
  14. 6.) Hm... I don't really have any goals right now, beyond the "retire early" bit. I guess joining a boxing/kickboxing gym? Not really a huge aspiration. 7.) I've been to a few concerts. The first big one I really went to was when Blink-182 reunited. My best friend and I had a bunch of nostalgia, so being able to see them with him was nice. We also wanted to go to boo Fall Out Boy, which was a lot of fun. But as of late, not really. I don't hang out with people who listen to the music I like, and I'm the type of person who feels weird being alone at a concert. Haven't gone to any big festivals. Almost went to Lollapalooza a few years ago, but I couldn't with school. 8.) It's weird. The Twin Cities have a bunch of cool stuff, but not one standout amazing thing. It's just generally a very nice area with a lot of stuff to do. The closest would probably be First Avenue, for anyone coming here to see a show. Probably the most famous music venue in the Twin Cities. 9.) Erk. 10.) It was fine and fun. Maimi Dolphins are a new one. Thanks. And yeah, thanks for the music questions and recommendations.
  15. I actually think a Distillers song is in THUG2, so it makes sense why you'd associate them. 1.) That might be a tougher one. It's split between two wildly different movies, but I'll go with the one that's objectively a much better film. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I even did a presentation on it in my high school psych class. I've heard of Ellen and the Degenerates, and I've been a fan of Richard Hell and the Replacements for years. The Replacements specifically are one I have a looooong history with. Together with Husker Du, they were the foundation of the Twin Cities punk scene in the 80s, and my mom knew members of the Replacements and was a roommate of the members of Husker Du(I might have that backwards, but eh). Mary Bell is new, though. While we're on the topic of female-led punk bands, I'll toss a few recommendations your way: White Lung: The Newports Mobina Galore And then a small local band from my area Kitten Forever
  16. I wonder how long it will be before we hear about 5.0. The new 4.x updates sure seem to be pointing towards us going to Garlemald.
  17. FE, like Final Fantasy, Mario and Pokemon, was still alive during mobilization. A dead franchise coming back as a mobile game is basically a confirmation that it's never coming back. Ask Breath of Fire and Star Ocean.
  18. Always a chance of a revival. I have yet to see a franchise come back from mobilization.
  19. The monsters turned Command & Conquer into a mobile game. THE MONSTERS KILLED C&C
  20. The little I know about Chinese and Japanese cuisine, I do know they have some pretty solid beers.
  21. It's nice enough to know that people would put me up for something like that. That said, I left a forum 2 years ago that I had been on for about 10 years after getting interviewed... but the circumstances there were weird. The place was becoming more and more toxic, whereas the toxicity here tends to get localized to certain places.
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