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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I would say it'd be fitting for DBZA to finish at episode 60, since the official DBZ abrigded also ended at the Cell saga the first time. But I suppose a hiatus with a likely return is also fitting, since Kai eventually came back and finished the Buu saga. Either way, I will always be happy with more Team Four Star, and DBZA is their big seller.
  2. This is part of why I was such a huge fan of Disgaea, but lost interest in after beating 2. Seeing big numbers loses its appeal once it becomes more and more apparent that it's there to cover up a lack of interesting gameplay mechanics(Disgaea actually has approximately 4 trillion gameplay mechanics, but none of them fit together cohesively). Obviously Disgaea is an extreme example, but it's worth mentioning since it's the same genre as Fire Emblem. Awakening was as close to Disgaea as the series has ever gotten, since not only did it have some of the worst map design, objective design, and unit balance in the franchise, it also had the highest stats and the biggest numbers. It was a wading pool, but you had tons of rubber duckies to distract you from the fact that the pool you're sitting in is a foot deep, very much like Disgaea. The addition/normalization of grinding in Fire Emblem has added a very aggravating problem. There are some units who are flatout unusable without grinding, and units who you haven't trained won't be usable after a few chapters after recruitment without grinding. You could bring them into story battles, but their contributions would essentially be 0. Obviously a bigger problem in Awakening than Fates, where grinding was discouraged, but it was still present in Fates. Especially in Revelations. There will be some units that will die if an enemy unit throws a mean look at them, because the differences in stats will be so insane that they can't take a single hit or do any damage. It's like every unit becomes Nino after a certain point.
  3. Oh, I'm willing to bet Halo 6 gets announced. It's been almost 3 years since Halo 5 came out(Halo games usually take 2 years to develop and release), and there hasn't been a peep about it. Seeing as it's, despite losing popularity, Microsoft's biggest franchise, I'm sure they'll announce it for a fall release as their big game this year.
  4. I am in that camp. Aside from TLG, which was shown many times at different E3s over the last 10 years(The only reason them showing TLG that year was because people assumed the project was fucking dead), neither of these games would be coming out any time soon. We're... 2? 3? Years away from that announcement, and we are still unsure if those games are even coming out, let alone knowing when they're coming out. Showing a game potentially 5 years at least before it comes out seems like an obvious "We need to show something move". Square put together a cinematic before development on FF7R even started, and Shenmue had nothing to even show, since they were announcing that they were crowd funding the game. It was a bad showing. Once the initial shock of "OOOOOH SHIT, FF7 REMAKE/SHENMUE 3" ran out, people were left with nothing. We still have nothing on these two games.
  5. Fire Emblem's DLC has gotten worse with each game. Awakening had some fun challenge maps and some grinding maps, and had probably the best writing of the game with the Future Past DLC. Fates tried to do the exact thing, except the challenge maps weren't fun, grinding was pointless and difficult in the Fates DLC and generally much easier to do through MyCastle, and nobody gave a shit about the awful kid units and the Derp Realms, so its equivalent of Future Past went over like a racist redneck doing stand-up at the Apollo. Echoes managed to go a step further and more or less just made the DLC shit that was already in the game, barring the Starsphere shards, which, along with the Overclasses, are pointless when the Post Game is doable without them and there are NO challenge maps or online system to put them to use. Its prequel story DLC was fine, as was the inclusion of the Cipher characters, but for like, half a dozen maps to be worth it when all the DLC costs more than the base game? Come on, IS. I dread to see what FE16's DLC is.
  6. Obviously I'm not saying it should be a 1:1 with MM, but something a bit tighter, more focused, and with its own identity would be cool to see. Preferably also with a darker/more dreadful atmosphere, but BotW was already kind of heavy for a Zelda game, despite the light art style and tone of the game.
  7. I'd be 200% okay with a risky BotW rework, ala Majora's Mask. I think even the most ardent fans of BotW would agree it was a bit too vanilla, with too little solid structure behind it. Something that took the concept and the assets, and made something truly unique would be absolutely fine with me. MM might be my favorite Zelda, and it used OoT's assets and tech to make a much more compelling game, IMO. And that game came out really soon after OoT.
  8. Wild Card: FFXVI gets announced Anyway, I hope to see something from Psychonauts 2. I backed the game, and I've been keeping up with the dev diaries, but those have gone a bit silent in the last few months, and last time they showed anything, they had a playable alpha of some of the new hub area. We have yet to see a fully put together gameplay area, and we haven't seen any of the levels in the game. So I'm hoping that gets showcased at some point, since it's scheduled to get released within the next year or so.
  9. Yeah, in response to us getting Let's Go! How does that imply that we're NEVER getting Sinnoh remakes?
  10. Including me, so I don't know what the point of bringing it up is.
  11. You're going to have to explain this one. They're not ignoring the core fans. Sun and Moon(The originals) came out a year and a half ago. The next proper core game in the franchise will come out a year and a half from now. Nearly every gen has a turnaround of 3 years at least. The gaps between Gens 3 and 4, and 4 and 5 was actually a full 4 years. It's true that we're not getting a Sinnoh remake or a "core" remake, but forgive me if I don't lose sleep over not getting a remake of gen 4. But to expect a proper gen 8 entry? There's absolutely no reason to expect it. It's also not the first time we skipped a gen getting a remake of a previous gen. Last time it happened, it was because we got two full gens on the same system. Surprise, the 3DS(And largely what looks like the tech that's getting brought over to Let's Go!) also got two full generations, 1 set of remakes. The problem here is that this new game we're getting isn't the same target audience as the mainline franchise, and GameFreak has made this painfully clear. Core fans aren't getting any less Pokemon than we usually do, especially for a change in hardware when there's usually less games. A different audience is getting a new game, to absolutely no loss to the rest of us. Again, there's absolutely no reason to expect a whole new gen in the matter of 2 years. Pokemon has never had a turn around time that quick. We know a new Pokemon is coming, and at roughly the same speed new Pokemon games usually come. Most people I saw also wrote off the possibility of a new Pokemon game coming out this year, since that announcement was made at the same time USUM was announced.
  12. Both of these. Though I'd argue That this is as true now as it was then. The insane growth rates of everyone I. Awakening/Fates is just about as bad as the pitiful growths in FE1-3. There's just a bit more to consider than raw stats these days, but that's a whole different can of worms when it comes to balance/a-lack-thereof.
  13. Oh, here's another biggie: Resident Evil 6. As somebody who didn't mind RE5(I think it does certain things better than RE4, even), and anticipated RE6 with a mindset of "Well, they could make a fun action game and I'd still probably be fine with it!", and then they said stuff like "We're trying to capture the survival horror aspects that the series was founded on, on top of also keeping the fun action stuff of RE4 and 5. And we're bringing back zombies." and I was like "Hell yeah this is gonna be great." Then they said "We're trying to get the Call of Duty crowd", and that was the first red flag, but I ignored it because I'm a huge RE fan and everything else they were saying sounded good. ... Holy shit, what a mess of a game. I was still in denial about halfway through Leon's campaign, but by the end, I hated the game. I managed to bring myself to do Chris' and Jake's campaigns, but needless to say, neither improved my opinion of the game. I actually think Leon's is the worst, but it's almost the fact that Leon's campaign is so bad that makes it so aggravating.
  14. Maybe it's because I'm 26 and I'm at the point where I'm okay with different things, but these look... Totally fine? The way people are reacting makes it seem like GameFreak and Niantic killed their families. These look neat. I'm not super interested, but as somebody who enjoys the core Pokemon games and would much rather have that, they made EXACTLY what this game is very, very clear. A) It's not the core game that introduces us to Gen 8. It's more like Gen 7.5. Gen 8 will be out next year. B) It's not meant for core Pokemon fans. It's for kids and casual players who spent hours catching Pokemon in Go. Aside from flatout saying "This isn't meant for the core audience, Gen 8 will come out next year", they did absolutely everything they could do to make sure there was no confusion about what this is. Yet people are still "REEEEEEEE"ing all over the place.
  15. I hate how imbalanced it is, and how much high speed breaks the game. It could have been really cool, but Alchemist renders all healers obsolete and Dark Knight renders just about all damage dealers obsolete, barring some insanely niche strats. You can mostly just power through the game no problem with Alchemists and Dark Knights, and there's really nothing to discourage you doing this. And speed... the ATB flatout breaks at high speeds, and later in the game, speedier enemies will be able to fill their ATB and queue up attacks multiple times AFTER you already get an action queued up. It can lead to game overs that are 100% out of your control, as there are enemies who can do this who have access to instant kill moves or status moves like petrify. It makes the game infuriating at times. FFX-2 also might have the worst final dungeon of all time. I like it even less than X, and as Motomu Toriyama's first solo-project with 0 oversight from people who know better, it's outright offensive. I really should have seen FFXIII coming, considering it was Toriyama's next solo project.
  16. I suck at it. My general thought process goes "How long can I afford to not stay focused?" Once I hit the threshold of "Not being focused right now is going to be actively detrimental to me/those around me", I tend to get pretty focused. Also music. Music helps.
  17. I have a very up and down relationship with X. When I played it for the first. Time as an idiot 10 year old, I loved it. I replayed it after Twilight Princess ruined video games for m-- I mean made me "more critical", and I hated it. I hated Tidus, I hated Yuna, I hated Wakka, I hated Rikku, I hated Khimari, I hated Seymour, I hated just about everyone besides Auron, Lulu(Because they shut the fuck up every now and then and didn't seem like slack-jawed idiots when they DID open their mouths) and Jecht(Because he hated Tidus as much as I did). I didn't care for most of the music, as it came off as more ambient and really only fit within the game, compared to the Uematsu soundtracks, which not only fit the games, but were also fun to listen to on their own. The story was... whatever. I thought Spira was one of the dumbest, most nonsensical FF worlds. I hated how it ushered in an era of people being fine with strictly linear FF games. And I felt that it was too easy. I tried to go back to it a few times while I was still in high school and could never get further than the Moonflow. Listening to the goddamn Shupuff pilots always ran my patience into the ground. I played the HD version on Vita like, 3ish years ago over Christmas break, about 6 years after attempting to play it last. I managed to enjoy the game. Virtually everything I felt about it was exactly the same, but having FFXIII in the rearview mirror and seeing how much worse an FF game actually could be, my grievances were muted a bit. I found myself enjoying the combat a lot, even if I did think it devolved into Rock-Paper-Scissors way too much, and it having abysmal enemy variety(Seriously, there's like 3 different regular enemies in any given area, and you almost always see all 3 of them together in your first random encounter). But it was fun. I was aggravated when I realized that Rikku was actually the smartest member of the party. Instead of just dismissing her as another idiot in a group of idiots, I realized "Oh, maybe Rikku is talking some sense here and there. Oh God I think this means I have to actively listen to this voice." Tidus, Yuna and Wakka were actually worse than I remembered, and Khimari was even less of a character. But I enjoyed the overall experience enough to get through it and have the feeling that I'll probably never have to pick the game up again. But yeah, I am in the boat where I simply don't understand why people latch onto the game, though. As much as I think the combat system is fun, that is simply not enough to carry that game in my eyes. I think it was a lot of peoples' first Final Fantasy, which is why it had such an impact. But for everyone else? I don't know what they see in it. I legitimately think every single Final Fantasy 4-9 does almost everything X attempted, but way better. The main exception being combat, which X does better than I'd say most of them. But for everything else? Yeah. None of them have the arbitrary sad ending, which to this day I still say is manipulative. Especially when 7, 8 and 9 all ended with happy endings after hopeless situations. X's just felt like "Huh. The threat really kind of fizzled out and the game's not over yet. Sad ending time?"
  18. I fully admit that I possibly would have had a better impression of TP if I had played the GC version and didn't beg my parents to get a Wii+TP on launch day for my birthday. Controls could have made a huge difference. But I still don't think the dull, boring overworld or artstyle would have left any better of an impression on me.
  19. Tornadoes/strong wind. Everything else is foreseeable to some degree, but strong winds and tornadoes are seemingly the only weather phenomena that come out of absolutely nowhere, and they can just level large stretches of land in an instant. Always scared the hell out of me, and any time the sky turns green, I eye my basement door and constantly think "Boy I hope I can find all my pets and move them into the basement before I start hearing sirens."
  20. Many BioWare games as of late. Namely, Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition, and Mass Effect: Andromeda. They kept pulling the wool over my eyes and using my love of older games in these franchises(Also fuck the critics for saying Inquisition was good), and these are probably 3 of the worst games I've played in the last decade. Xenoblade. A similar case of "Goddammit why did I listen to the critics", but while I didn't enjoy it, I at least saw what people could like in this game. But the MMO-lite combat just bored me to tears, and the way the Monado was integrated into combat just killed it for me. The way level scaling worked baffled me, and the game balance got so wonky towards the end, that I just gave up after 70 hours of indifference, despite being so close to the end. I enjoyed the story up to a very certain twist/plot development, and I didn't hate the characters, but it just wasn't enough to bring me back to complete the game. Zelda: Twilight Princess. This was basically ground zero for me. This was the first game that made me go "Wait, games in franchises/genres I like can be... bad?" It might just be because I was 15 and was thus just getting more critical of things, but I really hated my experience with this game. Not only did this game make me wary of Zelda going forward, it pretty much instantly killed the Wii for me, as the motion controls were so aggravating and immersion-breaking that the Wiimote was just DoA for me. Decent dungeons, but boring overworld, boring art style, and absolutely atrocious one-button combat with Wolf Link. I dreaded any time the game's core gimmick popped up, which was a bad, bad sign.
  21. Worst is Camilla or any of the Awakening Dark Mages. Beyond just being unappealing, these outfits don't make any real sense. Boob armor is an instant "This is bad and dumb", and Camilla amps it up to 11, and the bad leather strap that exists between her boobs purely to draw the eye. The outfit doesn't make any sense and looks bad. Not even going onto her lack of pants, because if you're riding a leather saddle on a giant flying lizard... Well, next time you think Camilla looks sexy, just imagine the giant, pus-filled blisters that probably run all the way up and down her thighs. Then again, I'm sure that's somebody's fetish. As for the Dark Mages, sheer in a desert environment is just bad. Visually not as bad as Camilla's outfit, but even worse as far as common sense goes. Camilla's outfit is bad, but it's just Camilla. The sheer and underwear look of Plegians is clearly an army-mandated outfit, and I can only imagine somebody who simply doesn't know better coming up with the whole idea. They're even worse than the mini-skirt wearing Pegasus Knights from cold environments in the GBA era, on top of just not looking good. Plegian Bandits and Berserkers would also qualify, since they go beyond the stupidity of wearing sheer in the desert and just wear bondage leather and bones, but I'm just going based on playable characters. If we included enemy characters, this would go on forever just railing against the design choices in Awakening and Fates. Best? I'll echo @Sasori and say Klein. I've always liked his outfit, and it's probably the best case of "This guy is a royal" while also clearly defining what class and role he fills. Innes to a lesser degree also pulls this off, but Klein does it better. Klein's dad also has a pretty great outfit.
  22. Until Dawn For months and months leading up to the release, I was pretty firmly in the "This is dumb, this is going to be dumb, this is what's wrong with video games right now" camp. As somebody who really doesn't like the whole "Cinematic experience of games", hates David Cage-esque games, and in general is wary of Sony exclusives that put emphasis on cinematics, I really enjoyed the dumb, slasher B-movie vibe of the whole deal. It avoided the pitfall a lot of these games have where it didn't take itself super seriously, and it made it much, much more endearing. That first playthrough is also pretty tense and I like where the story goes.
  23. you act like this is a hurdle for something involving Kingdom Hearts Don't know how I'd feel about a crossover with a property that's already a crossover.
  24. ... make it to Taco Bell before it closes, because...
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