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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I enjoyed DDS1. Even beat Beelzebub and got the rings that would transfer to DDS2. I couldn't get into 2 for whatever reason. I'm waiting for Dragon Quest XI in September. I'm gonna be reaaaaaal interested in how the PC version pans out.
  2. It's #2 behind Jugdral(Well, that's not true since FE4 would probably barely make it in the top 5 FE games for me). And it has far less of those weird quirks that might put people off.
  3. Speaking of, my FC mates seem super excited about the gear coming with the next dungeon and the next Ivalice tier.
  4. It made it through the senate, it will die in either the House or on the president's desk. The whole thing is just theatrics for democrats to use during the midterms. They know most people support Net Neutrality, so they're probably going to use that as a platform for a lot of people trying to unseat republicans during the midterms. "Look at so and so who voted AGAINST NN in the House/Senate". They're probably right to do it and the dems have a history of supporting net neutrality, but yeah. They're not even really being subtle about it.
  5. It's fun to see how many people only read the title of this thread.
  6. Yeah, I think it'd compliment the Cement Saw weapon type very well.
  7. Gen 5 was 2010. There has never been a new gen of Pokemon within 2 years of each other. I never said a new gen should start off with gen 1 remakes, I said it makes the most sense. There's no precedent to expect a whole new entry with a new region and a new Pokedex, simply aside from the fact that it's new hardware. GF's typical turnaround time on new Pokemon games, however, doesn't line up with whole new entries. People get excited to see new Pokemon and regions, but the next best bet after that is gen 1, which continues to be the best gen to milk over 20 years later.
  8. I rarely ever consider remakes part of the gen they were remade in. It just feels off to me, since not every gen has a remake in it. Otherwise, HG/SS are the sole saving grace for Gen 4 for me, because those might be the best Pokemon games ever made.
  9. Rath. He's not the best ever, but he's good enough. Even if you manage to get Rebecca up to a comparable level to him by his recruitment, she'll be far behind in stats. There was an argument somewhere recently, and I think somebody pointed out that Rebecca needs to be at level 14 to compare to Rath at base. That's a lot of preferential treatment you'll need to give Rebecca, as Archers level very slowly. Her niche also falls off very quickly, as her damage output isn't good enough to keep up after her early game chipping, which won't help with the slow leveling Archers face. But as mentioned, Getiz is probably the best Bow user in the game if you're conflicted about putting effort into one. Starts with a B rank in bows, starts with stats comparable to Rath at a similar level(He'll lag in speed a bit, but his massive con will allow him to wield any bow without penalty, though Rath will only ever suffer from a single point on Steel bows, 4 on the Brave Bow, and 2 on Longbows, so it's not the biggest deal). Hard Mode Geitz is even more of a no-brainer. While he doesn't sound amazing on paper, just remember that he joins immediately ready to use not too much later than Rath, and he can freely swap between Axes and Bows of nearly any rank. No need to grind up a weapon rank like Rath's swords to have better close range options.
  10. It's the first "console" Pokemon. Nintendo's priority right now is to sell as many of that console as possible. I'd say it's too soon to Sun/Moon to have a whole new gen of Pokemon. Outside of Gen 1 to Gen 2, has a new gen of Pokemon ever released within 2 years of the previous? So yeah, I wouldn't expect a brand new game. It's certainly possible if these rumors are fake, but I wouldn't expect it. And for everyone screaming about it, gen 4 remake isn't going to excite most people. Certainly not the general audience chomping at the bit for the FIRST main Pokemon game that you can play on your couch on a TV. I'm sorry people who want it, but it's true. It's one of the forgotten gens, and I wouldn't be surprised if most people only knew it because of the Rhydon/Electebuzz/Magmar evolutions. It's not even my personal least favorite gen(That'd go to 3), but it's the one I definitely remember the least about and the one I care the least about. Unless gen 4 was somebody's first gen, I can't see most people clamoring for it, and I expect it will be a relative thud when gen 4 remakes actually get announced. What remains is to make another game with the same Pokedex from Sun/Moon, which would be the third time, or go back and remake a gen that's already been remade. I think the former would piss more people off than the latter. Narrow down the "Remake an older gen again" group, and only one sticks out. Gen 3 is the most recent remake and it'd be an odd pick, and Gen 2 relies a lot on Kanto. Which leaves Gen 1/Kanto. Gen 1 is always going to be the crowd pleaser. It's the safest bet. It has the strongest nostalgia factor for the most people. It makes the most sense for it to be the first Pokemon game to hit consoles.
  11. I liked it. It broke me out of my habit of using the same Com-Mons I've used since Gen 1/2. Even though I have reverted back to my old ways of Gyarados/Crobat basically being staples on nearly every single one of my teams.
  12. citation needed I don't know where you were when Black/White came out, but I don't remember any lauding to be had. I was one of the weird ones for liking it when it came out. Most people were more along the lines of "GARBAGE POKEMON/ICE CREAM POKEMON, NINTENDO/GAMEFREAK HAS TRULY RUN OUT OF IDEAS" from the outset, with a lot of people still left being absolutely livid when they found out it was only Gen 5 Pokemon until the post-game. Anyway, I'd be down for another Gen 1 remake. It's actually what I've been saying makes the most sense since the announcement of Pokemon Switch. Not digging the potential Go influences.
  13. Reading a few pages back, I feel like starting a list of people saying "Have you seen Ghast's support science video?" to defend a character. As much as he goes into detail on characters, he also kind of just interprets characters in ways I don't think they were ever meant to be interpreted(IE Olivia is a narcissist). As fun as it is to read characters in different ways, Ghast's videos aren't the end-all, be-all for whether a character is good or bad, deep or shallow, marshmallow or Jolly Rancher... And I don't think he even really intends on it being that way. And don't get me wrong. They're good videos and he puts in plenty of work(I certainly don't want to read through hundreds of conversations for a bunch of characters like he does). His support science videos are how HE interprets characters to a certain degree.
  14. I always wonder why people put so much effort into stuff like this. If you're not even going to try in key areas, why bother?
  15. I'm gonna say no to that. None of the FEs felt like they were pulling from stuff like Love Hina in the 90s and early 00s when harem anime was booming(Compared to... well, now). The Tellius games didn't feel like they were pulling from comedy/slice-of-life Moeblob series that were huge back then. As much as we can say stuff like Evangelion and other dark series were big when Jugdral was being written, there were other series that were outselling stuff in merchandising, and the effects of Evangelion wouldn't be felt until quite a bit later. It wasn't until Awakening that it feels like they're pulling from what's selling right now. The Otaku-pandering, waifu-baiting stuff that's all over the place right now, from Isekais to just downright bad anime.
  16. As true as this is, the actions he does actively take are ultimately what lead to all of this, and eventually Arvis' trademark BBQ, which happens because Arvis manages to turn this into apparent(From the outside) reckless and downright treasonous actions.
  17. I really wouldn't count BEXP as "Grinding", since it's by design a limited resource. There's only so much BEXP you can get in FE9 or 10, which are also devoid of arenas. FE4, similarly, has a limited arena. You get to arena level 8, and you're locked out until the next chapter. So those are 3 games in the franchise that don't have grinding.
  18. His big crusade can be simplified as "Sigurd goes to rescue his childhood friend and starts a continental war." He may not be a big, crazy, over-the-top character in his dialogue, but his actions say otherwise.
  19. I said in the other thread that it's more "lowest common denominator" than "anime". I agree that calling it "anime" is just another way of calling it "bad". However, while Fire Emblem being Japanese, and obviously being influenced by other Japanese media including anime, the more recent FE games have been pulling from the parts of anime that most people who aren't into anime tend to hate about anime. Hence why it's just boiled down to "anime". Even as somebody who does like anime, the places Fire Emblem is going is the type of shit that keeps me from ever saying "Oh yeah, I like anime" in public. It's just downright embarrassing in a lot of ways. And when it comes to Fire Emblem, I'd probably never feel embarrassed playing any of the GBA FEs in a public setting. I'd probably feel embarrassed playing Fates in public, even though I like Fates(Conquest, at least) more than Binding Blade and Sacred Stones.
  20. I prefer a set, limited resources style of FE game. Even knowing grinding is optional, it feels like they can better balance a game when they don't have to take grinding into consideration, as it's easier to predict where a player should be at any given moment. It also makes me choose my actions a bit more wisely knowing resources are limited, which, to me, is a big plus when playing a strategy game like Fire Emblem. There are plenty of strategy games that theoretically have unlimited resources, but most of them aren't structured like Fire Emblem.
  21. See, I really DON'T like Seliph and not just because his cousin is just a way better character compared to Sigurd. Like you hit here, Sigurd is an interesting concept, and that's something I can get behind, even if he is a pretty standard character. I really like that the "I'M GOING TO SAVE MY FRIENDS AND STAMP OUT CORRUPTION IN THE CONTINENT!" character gets brutally punished for being overzealous. It's fun to see a franchise, which rarely ever takes advantage of the obvious openings this leaves for a main character, really hammer home the idea that not all heroic deeds will be treated as such. As much as he's a bit of a one-note character in this sense, that's approximately... like, a billion times more interesting than what Seliph brings to the table. Seliph is more or less just another Marth. In an age where Marth was the only Marth, that might have been neat. But there are enough Marths in the franchise to fill out a professional football team now, and Seliph is left as this nothing character. He has his "Oh, he lived his life on the run, and grew up in a harsh environment" backstory, but Leif did that in the next game, and actually put a lot of emphasis on this rather than just bringing it up occasionally in dialogue. It just leaves Seliph as kind of a nothing character who has nothing that hasn't been done better going for him, destined to save the continent. So Sigurd=Good concept, meh character, while Seliph=Meh concept, meh character.
  22. I feel like you're not giving the player base enough credit. I think if people couldn't get through Awakening, even on Casual... Well, I'll flat-out say that maybe this isn't the right franchise for them. Awakening's a pretty easy game, even on Classic. At some point all of these extra modes just make it look like IS thinks the people playing the games are incompetent. Especially Phoenix mode. I can't think of many game series, aside from ones aimed at children, that have such a low skill floor as Phoenix Mode FE.
  23. Yeah, adding in a mode between Casual and Classic seems like overkill. This one seems like it'd be a solid replacement to casual altogether.
  24. The point of the comment was just there to show that not everybody worshipped the ground that Alm walked on. You're right that it probably would have been good to mention Clive's doubts, but Alm is ultimately right in those scenarios, which does little to curb the argument that he's a Mary Sue.
  25. Isn't Vince's selling point of the XFL being a football league with fewer rules, regulations and less stopping? Basically whatever will get the most sacks/minute. I'm not sure it will be the same as the NFL.
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