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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. It's funny. The only reason I ever put up with the Backstreet Boys was because both of my older sisters were huge *NSYNC fangirls, so I figured if I started listening to the Backstreet Boys, it'd piss them off, and I thought that would be really funny. Come 20 years later, and here I am sincerely going "Hell yeah Backstreet Boys."
  2. Thank you Spotify, for giving me my new obsession.
  3. I used to go to Camp Snoopy all the time back when it was at the Mall of America(And I still hate that it's Camp Nickelodeon now. The fuck does Nickelodeon have to do with the Twin Cities?), and occasionally I'd go to Valley Fair. Always loved the water and log rides. There was a nice water park I went to as a really small kid(I was probably 4 or 5. I remember watching a Winnie the Pooh video before going), but I couldn't remember the name of it to save my life. There was another, less nice water park I went to with my friends when I was 10 or so, but I also don't remember the name.
  4. It makes sense. Axes are the most utilitarian of the main weapons in FE. Most peasants would have an axe around, as it's a useful everyday tool in that kind of setting. Add in that Fighters and Brigands wear light clothing, and it makes sense that Fighters and Brigands, likely normal villagers who turned to fighting or banditry, would be on the poorer end and wear shabbier clothing. Knights were upper class, and anybody who has a skill that had to be taught or require a lot of practice(IE Archery, magic and horseback riding) would likely have more money than peasants who picked up an axe and fought for whatever reason.
  5. For a character flaw to be a flaw, there needs to be some repercussion or drawback to it. I'll never buy Ephraim's "bloodlust" as a bad thing when your very first introduction to him is him storming a castle with 3 other guys, and then being told how great he was for doing that. His bloodlust wins him the day and everybody thinks it was an amazing tactical decision. If Kyle or Forde was gravely injured in that skirmish, or Orson's defection was a result, I might buy it. But no. Just saying "Oh jeez, I think I'm too headstrong and I need to be a better person" means nothing when the game won't go out of its way to show anything but the opposite. As much as I don't want another Corrin, I'd probably want another Ephraim even less. Part of the problem with Corrin was the game's inability to let anything bad stick to him, compared to Ephraim's inability to actually do anything bad. A game written by a competent writer probably could make a Corrin-type character work. I don't think it'd be very good, but it would probably meet the bare-minimum. Nobody not writing a comedy poking fun at Ephraim-types could make Ephraim work.
  6. It really depends on what we're talking about here. As much as Corrin exists to ego stroke the player, Corrin does a looooot of stuff that leads to people unintentionally dying, like, all the time. And while Corrin doesn't reflect on any of this in any sort of meaningful manner, there is acknowledgement that this stuff is Corrin's fault to some degree. Even if 2 seconds later a large handful of characters comes to pat Corrin on the back and tell them that it wasn't. Ephraim doesn't really even get this. From him storming a castle and taking it with just 5 people, to him beating the Demon King, there aren't any major moments where Ephraim ever really acknowledges that he does anything wrong. I'm gonna be vulgar here, but no character needs to take Ephraim's dick out of their mouth to tell him something wasn't his fault aside from maybe the Lyon thing. Narratively, yeah. As bad as SS handles Ephraim, Fates handles Corrin waaaay worse. Even though nobody can stop telling Ephraim how awesome he is, the game doesn't put an insane amount of focus on it, while Corrin more or less is treated like a child who is showing his parents his finger paintings. It's ugly and stupid, but the parents tell him they did a great job, anyway. And they're about as heavy handed as a parent talking to a 3 year old.
  7. I'd definitely consider Ephraim a Mary Sue. At least Alm has somebody in his army question his leadership and leave. And as bad as it makes Celica out to be, she makes it very clear that she doesn't like the things Alm is doing. And Ike, the other lord who gets called a Mary Sue, has an entire COUNTRY that hates his guts. There are at least people that exist in these cases that question the main character, and there are consequences to their actions. Ephraim shows up and immediately exists to do cool things and for people to tell him how great he is. The only things that ever go wrong for him have nothing to do with his character and are completely divorced from his own actions. As much shit as Corrin gets for being a Mary Sue, I'd argue until I was blue in the face that Ephraim's an even bigger Mary Sue.
  8. I quit the game because of the Lorithia fight, so it's not because I didn't play enough to see the system open up.
  9. Re:Zero is a deconstruction and KonoSuba is a parody. There's really... like, not a single actual good Isekai. I hear Overlord is good, but I hear that it also skirts the line more of being a deconstruction than a sincere Isekai. Re:Creators is probably the closest the genre gets to being good, but the whole idea there is that if the inverse of Isekais happened(Fictional characters coming to the real world), it'd damn near be the apocalypse. It's almost like an anti-Isekai. But yeah, Fates essentially being an Isekai is a good way to put it. Corrin, as a player Avatar, is a prince/princess who has been secluded from the whole world. Once the player takes control, the world opens up to the player, and now they can touch all the faces and kiss all the pretty anime waifus/husbandos they want while everyone else who should know better bends to Corrin, because he/she is just such a special snowflake that only they can save the world. With incest tones kicked up to 11 and sexy maids thrown in your face right off the bat to make sure nobody expects anything tasteful in this escapist fantasy for people who are constantly horny but can't get laid. It's a stone's throw away from SAO.
  10. Jesus Christ. I don't even like John McCain, but that's disgusting. He's not even dead yet and the rest of the republican party is already pissing on his grave.
  11. "Furries" aren't really an anime thing. People with animal-like qualities have been around forever, including in anime going back way further than the mid-00s. Things like Koto and Juri from YYH and Felicia from Darkstalkers were early 90s. PoR got shit for having furries not because that was "anime", but because furries got real big in general in the west in the mid-00s. So when people in the west saw furries in Fire Emblem, well. It pushed some buttons.
  12. I hate it. Actually, as somebody who has started watching anime again just recently, I hate how it's "too lowest common denominator". I agree that Fire Emblem has always been anime to some degree. But the uber pandering to Otaku culture that's become a lot more common in anime that Fire Emblem has picked up on is on a whole other level. As much as Fire Emblem has always been anime, before Fates, and to a lesser degree Awakening, I never felt like FE was piggy-backing off of specific trends in anime. The argument that Tellius is basically a Shonen does actually make some sense, but I can't say that FE9 and 10 were really hurt by this, as it seemed to pull from the right places. Fates on the other hand? It is absolutely piggy-backing off of the same lazy tropes and trends that every bad light-novel adaptation uses for easy money. Because they know there's a large fanbase that likes the pure escapism and ego stroking. The kind that want to live in their ideal world where they're the hero, and everyone loves them and they can have all of the girls/boys. I don't know how this crowd has so much disposable income, but I digress. It actually makes me less angry and more sad the more I think about it.
  13. No, I mean that IS used stuff they still had from Kaga's time there to make PoR. On surface level, PoR resembles Kaga's FEs waaaaaay more than the post-Kaga FEs that came out for the GBA, going back to a lot of stuff he laid out in the Archanea and Jugdral games. They definitely went back to his template for that game and RD. Going even deeper, "apparently"(I say apparently because I've seen it said a bunch and I've regurgitated this statement a lot, but I don't remember if I've ever seen any interview where it was said) they just used ideas and notes Kaga came up with while he was there. Not talking about any similarities between BS and PoR.
  14. IS still used a lot of framework that Kaga laid out, and if it's to be believed, straight up used his concepts and ideas for Tellius.
  15. But is that such a problem that you remove just the names of the classes? Simply having class names offers quite a bit of information to the player.
  16. Gerick. As my second proper Mercenary, I was hoping I'd like him as much as I liked Raven(Initially) as a unit and as a character. But I just didn't. His insane bases in a piss-easy game made him pretty uninteresting to use, I didn't really care for his design, and all of his dialogue bored me to tears. 14 years later, my opinion hasn't changed much at all.
  17. Yeah, there's a lot of cool crazy character stuff in TRS, and from what I hear, it continues in Berwick and Vestaria, so I'm excited to see more stuff like it.
  18. Animal Crossing Warriors Time to finally deal with Tom Nook once and for all.
  19. Even TS, his first FE game, was pretty polished and had a ton of new ideas. I can only imagine how VS feels.
  20. Let's not act like that system was all that great, either. Some units gained secondary access to classes that really complimented their base class. Then some units were Effie.
  21. I feel like once I was done with high school, keeping up with due-dates and school work became second nature. Any time there was any sort of uncertainty, the course syllabus or the online components for the course laid out what was due when. For everything else, I kinda winged it.
  22. I dunno. It still largely plays like a slow punk song, and those became a lot more accepted in the 90s. I also feel like I remember seeing it in some skating montage video a long time ago that endeared it to me. Can't speak to everyone else.
  23. Some time after FE5 Echoes. My cynicism towards every other FE5 translation project won't let me believe that this will ever get finished.
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