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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. So we'll have a bizarrely sexualized mini-version of him?
  2. "Weird" is a very nice way to put it.
  3. Now that I think about it, I think boxers have a higher life expectancy, and they literally live to get punched in the head. As far as contact sports go, I'd put money on the only sport coming close to football for life expectancy being professional wrestling... which should probably have raised a lot of red flags a lot sooner. Now I just wonder how young XFL players will be dropping. They'd be lucky to make it to their 40s.
  4. Hard to say until we see the outlines of the Nintendo online system. If they sell GameCube games on their service, I'd say the chances are very high. If not, then we'd have to hope for a PoR/RD remaster, which we've speculated, but we also have no hard evidence that they would do this. I'd say it's a 50/50 shot if Fire Emblem Switch is being super hyped up and Nintendo still wants to push FE super hard.
  5. Unpopular opinion: I appreciate that you're apparently reading through the whole thread. Also, I didn't really care for the 3DS soundtracks as a whole, really. Echoes was probably my favorite. Then again, aside from a few tunes here and there, I think the FE franchise has had pretty unremarkable music as a whole.
  6. I'm not saying you can't like it. I just don't think it's a very good game. If you have your reasons, you have your reasons. It's just the white bread of Fire Emblem to me.
  7. There's a weird correlation people have where memorable=good. I'll probably remember Peri to the end of my days clearer than I'll remember say, Oscar. But I'd much, much, much rather have a game of Oscars than a game of Peris. Because Peri, like many more modern FE characters, just beat you over the head with their gimmicks until you're blue in the face. They practically scream for you to remember them just by sheer persistence.
  8. The Walking Dead. The Last of Us. God of War. I feel like there's at least one or two more here that I'm missing. I've noticed that it's become a trend as of recently for "serious" western stories to be about gruff middle aged men taking care of children, and people are absolute suckers for this. not that i cried like a baby at the end of TWD season 1 or anything
  9. It's true. Aside from raw hacking potential, SS is the only game in the franchise that offers absolutely nothing of substance for me to go back to. A few character support chains are nice, but I don't ever need to replay the game again to experience them. I'VE messed with stuff like enemy growth rates and changing up character classes to see if any of it makes SS a more bearable experience, but every time I give up about half way through the route splits. The maps are boring, the enemies are boring, the story is boring, most of the characters are boring(Not necessarily bad like Awakening or Fates, but boring), and it's so stupidly easy that even challenge runs manage to be boring. The most interesting units hypothetically are the trainees, but besides Ross, none of them are worth using, and even Ross turns into a pretty average unit at best. Just about the only thing that does interest me is randomizer runs, at which point the game barely resembles its original self. It's just a boring, boring, joyless game. I don't harbor as many strong negative feelings for it like I do with Awakening and Fates, but I also really have nothing to point to where I can go "Well at least is has this" like I can with those two games. Unless you're talking about the Dawn Brigade thing, in which case my only rebuttal will be with my fists in the 7-Eleven parking lot at 6 o'clock.
  10. I'm sad it took this long for a GS character to get mentioned. It really is Nintendo's forgotten franchise. Probably should have mentioned one of these two instead of my joke answer, but whatever.
  11. I can certainly see why there are so many ways to say what would essentially be "I" or "You"(Simplifying here) in certain parts of the world, especially in a part of the world where hierarchy among people was so ingrained for millennia, but it's just a bit weird to wrap your head around when your native tongue conveys that more with tone than actual words.
  12. I mostly meant that the likes of Eliwood, Roy and Marth keep up the formality/politeness almost no matter who they're talking to, while Sigurd will speak informally with friends and will talk down to people, but still refers to himself formally. Calling the former group "kids trying to talk up to adults" is probably the wrong way to word it, but it sounds like Sigurd's a bit more mature than the typical Marth archetype, and will change his tone a lot more frequently to fit the situation than the others, who are all very polite/formal, or all very casual/informal.
  13. So basically Hector is even more casual/brutish than the likes of Ike and Chrom, and Sigurd is the only "proper" lord who doesn't speak like a kid talking up to adults.
  14. Against my better judgement, I'll say I'm a Vikings fan. It kills me year after year to see so much potential go down the drain. Last year was particularly rough. So much could have changed if the Eagles were the #2 seed and the Vikings were #1. If Cousins leading the team doesn't save them from another disaster, I'll be on another cold streak with them. But yeah, you can put me down for Vikings.
  15. You've managed to not incur my wrath. My heartbeat always rises when somebody mentions AFI, since what happened to them is the second biggest tragedy in music(The first being most of The Exploding Hearts dying in a car accident). But you posted something from before the great pussifying of AFI.
  16. Does Jugdral count? FE4 wrapped up pretty neatly, yet the following game was a midquel that explained what Leif was up to when he was liberating his homeland.
  17. I'm not sure "Abusive assholes/creepy pedophiles dressed me like this, so I'm going to keep dressing like this!" is exactly the best explanation.
  18. I'm adamantly against a new Magvel game. IS had their chance to make it an interesting, fleshed out world, and they screwed it up. Any attempts to go back would feel like IS realizing how bad they were with the world building of that game, and trying to fix it. Think about it. What would we gain from a new Magvel game? The most we could get is proper lore about a location that previously had none. The better course of action, to me, is to make a new continent/world and flesh it out properly, or revisit a place that already has a decent foundation for building off of.
  19. The only thing that'd make me more happy would be a Jugdral sequel. That said, I am 90.01% percent sure that they're not revisiting any old continents that aren't Archanea, and 9001% sure that it wouldn't be a direct sequel.
  20. You act like they couldn't unlock the gender of the class. If they can make Berserker, the most masculine and clothesless class in the series, a gender neutral class, they can make Warrior gender neutral.
  21. I do really like the idea of Archers becoming Warriors. Even an Archer built like Archanea Hunters would probably become a decent Warrior.
  22. You owe me for that shot of whiskey I just spit all over my monitor. Not to pick on you, because some of what you said is valid here, but between this and some other things you've mentioned as "necessary/good", I'd really like to see you do a playthrough of FE7, because it sounds like the most alien way of playing to me. I've never once heard somebody say Ballista use is necessary, and thus is a reason to use Rebecca. I'VE never used a Ballista on HHM, and god knows how many runs of that I've done. I've heard some people say it's an added plus to using an Archer, but that's usually followed up by "Archers still aren't really worth using".
  23. I swear "May the Fourth" wasn't a thing until like, 5ish years ago.
  24. I mean, the system they have in BotW would work fine, or something along the lines of Dragon's Dogma. Something with climbing and emphasis on a variety of actions. I do think it'd be better to be an action RPG to maintain the feeling of adventure and the iconic bosses. Turn based... I can't even really say. There's so many turn based RPGs out there that trying to nail one down as "Zelda" is very hard.
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