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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Please no. One of the biggest turn-offs I had with Xenoblade was the MMO-lite combat. Only one MMO has managed to make me care, and it's largely because it's pretty and jam-packed with fanservice(Final Fantasy XIV). Xenoblade as a dumbed down version of something like that is partly why the idea of trying to salvage my data from my bricked Wii was never appealing. A Zelda RPG should be its own thing.
  2. I'd prefer something similar to Mila's Turnwheel replace casual mode altogether. But I'm bitter from a string of arguments I had with a particular person when NM came out and they adamantly said that Casual mode made the game more tactical, so I have had to be ardently "No casual!" since day 1. I'd like some changes made, like maybe having units have "lives" as opposed to infinite second chances, but I ultimately don't mind casual too much. It didn't stop Fates as a whole being miles harder than Awakening, so I don't think it has made the series easier like I feared when the feature was first announced.
  3. It'd be very easy to turn a BotW-style Zelda into a full-on RPG and have it work. You'd need much, much, much greater enemy variety, but it'd work pretty well. A traditional, turn-based RPG's a different story. I'm sure they could make it work, but I don't how they'd go about it.
  4. This always slips my mind, and I always fuck that up. I need a sticky note by my keyboard at this point that just says "GBA is actually stronger". Everything else stands true, though. It was a deliberate effort to make a simplified, bite-sized FE.
  5. Langrisser is more more like a middle ground between FE and Advance Wars than an FE with Advance Wars mechanics.
  6. It could be bullshit for all I know, but I sure remember seeing it in some interview somewhere. Finding out details about the development of FE games is so damn hard, so I guess take that statement with a grain of salt until somebody who knows where to look can confirm.
  7. Breast plates shaped like boobs is actually very impractical. Have you ever played any sort of contact sport or baseball? If you've worn a cup, you'd know how it's shaped. It's not shaped to perfectly conform to your junk. It's shaped to protect while also giving space to move around, because they naturally shift and move around when you're active, and constraining them with something hard is very uncomfortable(Unless it's your kink or something). The same sort of logic applies to boobplates in armor. It'd be better to have a larger, bowed chestplate than to try to protect each individual boob. The most extreme it could likely be and still be functional would be something like Casca's armor in Berserk. Camilla or even Effie would be absolute murder on some poor girl's girls.
  8. FE6 was deliberately simple. It was made as a quick, bite-sized Fire Emblem, and it's essentially a retelling of Marth's story, so they followed the flow of those games as closely as they could. Also the GBA was a bit weaker than the SNES, so it honestly couldn't handle a lot of what the SNES could, which is why even the games that weren't trying to ape the Archanea games were still very simple compared to FE5. Also games not made by Kaga or with any of his input. FE9 is a lot closer to a "true" follow up to FE5, and it was made using Kaga's plans before he left.
  9. For the longest time(Until FE6), Myrmidons and Mercenaries WERE the same class. Examples like Ogma and Navarre and Chulainn and Ayra still had them differentiate in the stats that you'd expect from each class. I do like having them separated, but they really don't need to be.
  10. The Ivalice team has been shoved into the darkest corner of the Square offices, and they're only allowed to help co-devlop raid content for FFXIV. Plus, the guy behind a lot of the Ivalice stuff is gone.
  11. Here's a different question: Would her promoting to sage actually make you use her? Sage is better, but again, Olwen and Ilyos aren't invalidated by the existence of the FIVE Sages already in the game. And in case I didn't emphasize this enough, this game has FIVE Sages. Sara DOES promote to Sage and joins around the same time as Miranda, and even she's arguably not super worth using, and she has Elite, because you already potentially have three, and Ced is right around the corner. Miranda being a Mage Knight and not a Sage actually gives her something special, and that +1 move might be more appealing than what having another Sage would provide to people at that point.
  12. Miranda's problems aren't her promotion. It's that she joins late without Elite. Miranda as a Mage Knight is really good if you choose to use her, since she has some of the best growths in the game and good skills. It's not like being a Mage Knight hurts Olwen or Ilyos.
  13. "Back in my day, FE6 Karel was the best unit in the franchise! Then those damn kids got obsessed with horses..." I remember those days, but I don't even remember people saying Amelia was particularly good back then, either. I know Seth wasn't God's gift to FE8 back then, but other than that, I don't think it was too much different then. Though I was also part of an FE community that really didn't think very highly of FE8 and didn't care to discuss it much.
  14. I have a soft spot for the idea, because I loved discovering Tiger by accident in Tekken 3 and TTT. Similar deal with Violet, but Violet is an alter-ego of the character he's an alt of, so... But I'd be fine with it.
  15. Ike's promotion to Lord gets postponed by bureaucracy and instead Sanaki tells him to wait several weeks for the paperwork to go through. Meanwhile, the Laguz kings take out Ashnard single-handedly and we find out that Ike was never needed in the first place.
  16. The general idea is avoiding clones, here.
  17. Look him straight in the eye and do this: Honestly I don't know what I'd do in that situation. The last time I was ever in a situation like that was probably high school, when I didn't give a shit about being rude and would just walk away if somebody was boring me. I'd say you're shit outta luck if you're committed to keep reading/doing whatever you're doing. Normally I'd say wait until the next time there's a pause in his talking and go do something else, out of the room, but if you want to keep reading where you are and don't want to move... You're sort of stuck. The only thing I'd say is to just tune him out.
  18. I think Robin's the Mage. He/she has a sword, but the emphasis on magic is still there. And please God no. I can't think of a character less deserving of being on a Smash roster than Tharja. She's not even important to the game she's from. That'd be pure fanservice. Lyn and Hector are at least main characters in the games they're from.
  19. She's about as close to unusable as you can get if you don't grind in the Tower, and even then she takes time to be able to take out weak, base enemies on her own. And further, the best case scenario for her is Paladin, and she won't beat out any of the other FOUR Paladins she'll be competing with. You're left with a redundant unit that is just stupid to train up and has no real payoff. It's SS and completely cake, so use whoever you want, but for people who don't like grinding and don't feel like training up another Paladin, Amelia has 0 practical use.
  20. Since we're getting to the warm seasons(Well, those who live up in the northern hemisphere), now's a good time to share one of my favorite summer songs in recent years: Something about this song gives me warm fuzzy feelings, and I just want to bask in the warm hot sun on a beach somewhere, or hang out by a bonfire. Which is funny, because the last song to really make me feel like that was this:
  21. No, Fighters are just good in FE5. Orsin gets Pugi, but on his own he's statistically one of the biggest powerhouses in the game. Halvan, while not nearly as good as Orsin, probably would be mentioned a lot more as one of the better units in the game if he wasn't so colossally overshadowed by Orsin. If you played FE8 and wondered why Fighters get Hero as their alternate promotion, FE5 Fighters are the first class in the franchise that actually promoted to what we see as "Heroes". FE4 had "Forrests", which were slightly beefier Swordmasters, but still not really how we see Heroes. Machyua being the exception, as she's the sole Swordfighter that promotes to Hero in that game. I've done this breakdown before, but Barst is great in all of his incarnations, Cord manages to be pretty damn good in his appearances and can match Barst depending on the game, FE5 has broken Fighters, Geitz is really good, Boyd is good to great in both of his appearances, and Nolan is one of the few DB members worth a damn. I'd argue that even the worst fighters(Like Bord and Wade) are still usable. Iucharba might be the closest to unusable, and that's more due to how infantry units get screwed in FE4. He's still better than most foot-locked subs in that game and is still far from the worst unit in a sub run(Thought why you'd do a sub run and go for him and not Iuchar is... a question in and of itself). I'd say a class with that many standouts really shouldn't be in consideration. Especially when Armor Knights exist, and the standouts in that class are a fraction of the standouts of the Fighter class. Off the top of my head... Oswin and Gatrie? FE10 Tauroneo? Outside of these 3, I'd say the rest of the armors in the series are decent at best, and borderline completely unusable at worst. As funny as it is to remember Kaga as somebody who hated axes and completely forgot about them at times, he got waaaaaay kinder to axers starting with FE5, and it seems like it continued in his post-5 games.
  22. Again, they weren't enough to ruin Xenoblade or anything. I just did not enjoy their inclusion, and I'd prefer not to see them again.
  23. Look, I was going tor alliteration, and my first thought for "What's small, round, starts with a T and is generally overly hairy when in comedic situations" was... well, pretty obvious. The easiest way to get me to tune and nope the fuck out of a fantasy setting is when there's an entire race of obnoxiously cute and stupid creatures that talk with annoying voices. This happens constantly with anime-inspired JRPGs for some reason. Moogles got away with it because they're rarely ever stupid, they pre-date voice acting and their voices range from "Alright" to "Please god, stop" with the FFXIII games. It's not always "Please god, stop". Slimes get away with it because Dragon Quest is tonally never at odds with Slimes. Even the darkest Dragon Quest game, a Slime or any other cute monster never feels out of place. Nopons don't hit any of the exceptions. They're an obnoxiously cute and stupid race with annoying voices that are pretty at-odds with the worlds they exist in, at least with XBC1.
  24. I only come for the memes. By and large my interest in Heroes is very casual, checking up here and there. I like Lyn, just wanted to poke fun.
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