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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. My money would be on Lyn or Hector. Lyn seems to be a safe bet, given how she's the most popular female in the franchise and they've put her in Heroes enough times to make a mainline FE game that's just a cast of Lyns. However, I could see them going with Hector, who is up there for the males, and I could see Sakurai or somebody going "Hmm, even with Corrin there was still complaints of too many swordies". This way, you'd get a new FE extreme, instead of the mainstays of "Marth is the fast one" and "Ike is the slow one" which... Don't really fit either character that well. That's if we're getting a popular Heroes character on top of the FE16 lord. And if that happens, some axes will really need to be dropped on returning FE characters. I definitely expect the FE16 lord, at least.
  2. Hey guys, I hear that IS is going to release a new original character named Lynn in the next big content patch. She'll be a nomadic swordswoman who sometimes uses a bow and she has uh... Teal hair.
  3. Nah, the new norm is an amoral 40-50 something with a kid sidekick that's nothing but a lazy vehicle to humanize him by putting him into a father role and manipulates you into caring about the characters.
  4. The Larry Willmore one was a bit different. That one was more awkward simply because I don't think people knew how to react to somebody doing black comedy at the president, cut in with some biting critical commentary. It was more of a bunch of people kind of shifting in their seats and not knowing when it's appropriate to laugh. This one is people getting visibly upset that they're not being fellated with every sentence like they expected, and somebody's actually calling them out on their bullshit to their face and going "Well what the hell did you expect?". She goes after both sides, but the right is getting so butthurt over this.
  5. I, being a huge FE5 fan boy, obviously agree. Barring the now traditional support system that FE6 added, I don't feel like any game besides FE10 since FE5 has really meaningfully built off of it. There have been plenty of new features since, but... I can't say I exactly like them, or feel like they meaningfully add to the "core" FE experience. The most I've liked FE since 10(Which would be 10 and Conquest), I like for having polished/well executed features that were present in 5, while virtually everything else in those games... Well, again, I'll say I'm not a fan. Echoes is the one exception, but it is such an anomaly as far as FE games go that it kind of just stands on its own.
  6. I feel like you're jumping through a lot of hoops to justify Kellam. I'm gonna say Knights are bad in Awakening if you need to change the class of the one you get and pair him up to make him good.
  7. Same with silver. Unless you're going with platinum, any of the premium metals will suck for armor. Better off sticking with iron or steel if you really want to intimidate.
  8. Very similar to Xcom. That seems to be the western template for turn based strategy games now.
  9. Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes is my go-to song.
  10. You're welcome. My first Warriors game in like, 15 years. A sequel with tons more polish, Elibe, Tellius and Jugdral would be peachy keen.
  11. Their speech pattern and the fact that there was a whole race of them. Just kind of... Killed the vibe of the game to a certain degree, where you just run into a tree village full of goofy talking Tribbles. It didn't ruin the tone of the game as much as a much later plot point did, but I did not enjoy the town of talking testicles.
  12. Saga is more of a traditional, menu-based JRPG than Gears, which obviously had more of an "active" battle system ala Legaia. Also, Chu was less invasive than the Nopons. At least she shut up and was hardly involved in any cutscenes beyond a small handful. And we got to see her nailed to a cross.
  13. Specifying designers for mecha doesn't scream "Baten Kaitos" to me.
  14. A crabwalk would be a good way to approach them. For real though, forgive me for being a stupid science bitch, but I always thought that your course background in art fields wasn't quite so crucial as actually putting your artistic abilities on display, so an AP art course seems... a little counter-intuitive to me. Especially if you're not going to have it completed on time to even flaunt any of your work when applying to programs and colleges. Unless you're trying to get into a super competitive art school and REALLY want to show that you know your stuff by just taking AP, I say stick with Yearbook. Trust me, as somebody who spent waaaay too much time completing his degree, one class is hardly going to mean much in the long run. Most people complete their degrees in timely enough fashions without AP courses, and 4 credits out of 120 or 128 is a drop in the bucket when all is said and done. If Yearbook is more your speed and lets you continue to be productive at your own pace, that's probably what you should do. Just enjoy the end of high school. As for the main topic and your parents... I don't know them. I can assume that they're pretty supportive, given how happy they are for you. And if so, reassure them that this AP class isn't really quite as important as it sounds, and that you're not stopping your art pursuits by not taking it. Tell them that a fast-paced art cram course isn't how you want to use your talents and that you're focused on preparing for MICA and college.
  15. I mean, there are really only two things that make Xeno games "Xeno games": Mechs(Which we already know is part of this project) Varying degrees of Judeo-Christian allegories/teardowns After that it's pretty much free love when it comes to how they make it. Xeno is a recognized name at this point, and I doubt Nintendo's going to go "NO! This completely new game that has no direct connections to any others you have made CAN'T have the Xeno name! Change it to "God and Mechs" or something!" if they want to get away from Xenoblade and work on a new idea with the same connecting themes of the Xeno games.
  16. I want them to go a more grounded style like Xenogears and the original Xenoblade(No Pons, please, please don't make that the mascot for the series, please God please). The over the top anime styles of Xenoblade X, 2 and parts of the Saga games really, really turn me off. The promotional images give me hope. I do hope there's a new combat system. I don't hold the original Xenoblade in high regards because of it, and never really bothered with the others because of it. The Xenos tend to switch combat styles each time they add a new suffix, so that's why I am also hoping this isn't really a -blade game.
  17. Either way, it looks really, really dumb, and it only adds to what makes the Dark Mage outfit look bad(I actually don't mind the Sorcerer version, mostly because I think the angle and the dangly bits make the... Skull thing look less stupid. The lingerie is still super dumb).
  18. A jackal head isn't any better. But yes, I supposed I can see a jackal instead of a crocodile, but it always seemed too flat to be any sort of mammal head.
  19. Whatever hoods you are familiar with aren't the ones I'm familiar with. They typically don't stick out 1 foot past your head and look like the top of a crocodile skull.
  20. I didn't mind Vaike the first time I played, mostly because there were two other certain characters who took my ire much more consistently beyond an annoying introduction, but a second playthrough really put him on my shitlist. Similar deal with Kellam when I thought about his character for more than 2 seconds, and I was reminded of stuff about his character when I started a new playthrough.
  21. I will say, the Berserker helmet actually did help the Berserkers of that game feel... Otherworldly. Which was why Berserkers are a thing in fiction. IRL, the few accounts of berserkers were giant, naked(Usually only wearing animal pelts to imitate the animals they killed like bears or wolves, and to indicate to allies to stay the fuck away during a fight), possibly mentally handicapped or inebriated men who were buzzsaws on the battlefield that killed enemy and ally with no regard, and were seen as unkillable. Beyond being incredibly dangerous, there was a "shock and awe" type of effect that came with a berserker joining a fight. Which I think Fates' helmet conveys a hit better than Awakening's cartoony bone everything. There's a brief period where you look at a Berserker in Fates and go "What in the fuck is that?!" before you realize what it is and go "That's dumb", as opposed to going straight to "That's dumb".
  22. In Awakening's defense, not every Awakening class is the worst designed thing ever, but there are some... questionable class designs in Awakening, and the generics get the worst of it. Plus, not many FEs have super standout generic designs, and attention only really started getting brought to them with Awakening. So there are 3 standouts here, and the one that made the... weirdest choices is going to be the one I probably point to when it comes to the worst. Because why clothing made out of bones? Why crocodile hat and lingerie? Why the stupid neckpiece and knight helmet with leather sleeves on no shirt and why all of it gold? Why the.... EVERYTHING with that Knight/General armor?
  23. The worst generics are probably Awakening Berserkers. Or Awakening Dark Mages. Or Awakening Warriors. Or Awakening Knights and Generals.
  24. Just argue that Lucina isn't a proper lord character, despite the class name.
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