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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. It's not that hard to imagine, since TMS gave us JPOP Idols.
  2. I could go on about how he's incredibly vain and vapid doorknob who talks in the third person for no other reason than to be annoying, but for the sake of brevity I'll just say he FORGOT TO BRING A WEAPON TO A FIGHT. Your first proper introduction to his character is possibly the single dumbest thing a soldier has ever done in the franchise. FE7 Bartre, who feels physical pain from thinking too much, isn't that stupid. And this happens so early in the game that it cements that you're not playing a typical Fire Emblem game. You're playing Loony Toons the SRPG with anime husbandos and waifus.
  3. Honestly I think the whole "Elibe's atmosphere is poison to dragons!" plot point was a bigass retcon to just give an excuse for Ninian, a dragon, just randomly dying between the events of FE6-7. It's a really dumb plot point, but it's established in FE7, and we can assume it's true going forward to FE8, is they were indeed connected. Myrrh doesn't give a lot, but that's FE8 as a whole. We learn jackshit about Magvel. Say what you will about not even knowing the name of Fateslandia, we actually learn about that continent to some degree beyond "There be monsters". And yeah, Valentia and Archanea are different continents, but the foundation of you connecting Elibe and Magvel to the same world is that Fomortiis is a product of Elibe because it's called the "Dark Continent". You'd think monsters would also be an acknowledged thing there if these were the same worlds.
  4. "Lately" as in the last few years, but Last Dinosaurs and Born Ruffians are two bands I've really gotten into that have some new stuff that is coming out/has come out, so I've been listening to them more recently. The Orwells, The Frights and Made Violent are bands that I've actually gotten into more recently and have been listening to a lot. Royal Headache and Surfer Blood are two bands I've gotten into within like, the last week or two that I really want to listen to more of. Also I didn't come into this thread expecting to post 7 bands. I just was going to bring up Last Dinosaurs and Born Ruffians, then looked at my spotify and was reminded of the other 5 bands.
  5. Also Sages(And most non-Sage magic units) run away with the game offensively. It likely was a balancing thing. Crazily enough, it arguably didn't go far enough.
  6. A problem I have linking Elibe and Magvel is that there's no mention from Myrrh that living in her world is toxic to dragons. The Eliwood/Ninian ending of FE7 establishes that the world of Elibe, possibly due to something from the Scouring, is poisonous to dragons, and Ninian will not live long(Likely an excuse to handwave why Roy has no mother in FE6). Myrrh makes no mention of this and her clan was killed off through other means. It's possible that the events of Magvel take place before the Scouring, but it seems like dragons were pretty squarely localized to certain parts of Elibe pre-Scouring, and ones who wanted to live peacefully with humans lived in Arcadia, which is not what happens in Magvel. It's likely that Magvel is its own world, and Fomortiis is simply an entity that has always been. He's essentially Satan, and nobody really seems shocked by monsters in FE8(Beyond the fact that it means Fomortiis is up to something), while there's no mention of such things in FE6 or 7, despite Elibe being the "dark continent".
  7. Just as long as Arcthunder is Thoron and a big fuck-off lazer beam of electricity. I really want that effect back.
  8. This is the one I picked early for this season(I'm waiting till mid-season to see what'll be worth my time). I think I picked well. Megalo Box is awesome so far. I really like the processing they did to make it feel like a 90s anime(Downscaling then upscaling again). The grit adds a lot to it and it makes me super nostalgic for anime of the time it's emulating, since that's probably the era of anime that I most got into. Simple boxing story with tons of style and flair, and to see it done by a bunch of newbies to the anime scene has me going "Well what the fuck is the excuse for everybody else?"
  9. I get the feeling Archanea/Valentia are humid and warm, sans the places with snow. I also get the feeling Jugdral and Tellius are probably chilly and frigid, sans the places with sand. Elibe is probably somewhere in the middle. Magvel feels like nothing and Fateslandia has the climate of a sphincter. Just the feeling I get from each of the major locations.
  10. A psycho clown with a chainsaw(Which isn't far off from what Peri is) is going to take me out of any story that tries to be serious, regardless of if it's consequential or not. When building a world, you have to realize that everything you put in the world adds/subtracts to it. An impending apocalypse in a medieval setting is going to be hindered by a half naked little girl who can turn into a dragon threatening to eat people just being around.
  11. 11. In a sewer system with 4 cheese pizza eating mutant reptiles 12. In a maximum security prison 13. On the grassy knoll before JFK's assassination 14. On the set where they faked the moon landing 15. Inside Mario's hat
  12. Because the intent clearly isn't for people to set up dummy battles so people can get free max leveled Corrins, late game items and weapons, and ideal skill setups for every single character in the game with 0 risk and no effort beyond time invested immediately after the feature is unlocked. The intent was to have players work towards this, but there were so many gameplay exploits(Like simply not giving your My Castle team proper equipment among many things) that just made what IS was trying easy to bypass. And that's not even going over how fundamentally at odds the online component/My Castle in general is with every single other part of the game. I strongly assume that if you were to ask most players that put much time into My Castle, most would say the online part of it is a broken mess, even without factoring the rampancy of hacking. The few good things I've seen about it were people simply saying that the feature was there and that IS was trying... which aren't the greatest endorsements of the feature. It's the equivalent of a participation trophy. Most of the time when I see the feature brought up, it's mostly complaints about it being a boring, broken timesink.
  13. So you're saying the very exploitable online My Castle features aren't "controversial"?
  14. You sure do like to tell people who don't like controversial stuff in Fates to ignore all of it.
  15. I'm not even referring to that. Even without hacks, things like an army of broken Corrins is still possible. Getting items from a MyCastle that's much later in the game is still possible. You can still cheese for non-hacked skills.
  16. My Castle flatout breaks the game. They can't leave it the way it is. Even if it is just online nerfs, it needs to be changed. I also feels like there's a huge identity crisis with My Castle and the rest of Fates. Things like splitting routes, kids, and restrictions on reclassing emphasizes replaying. My Castle, by far the biggest investment in the game, emphasizes you playing the same file and refining your castle forever.
  17. If they diversify the tomes a bit more, the Tellius/Jugdral way would by my preferred. Fire hitting hard consistently, wind being light but noticeably weak, and thunder being the middleground having high accuracy and crit is something that they've done, but it's never been noticeable enough. It's almost always boiled down to "Oh, wind is so much lighter and not much weaker, why would I choose anything else?" with Thunder and Fire getting the shaft. So some balanced diversifying, with Light and Dark being rare, strong and having unique properties of their own, would be my preferred way of doing it. Tellius was moving in the right direction by giving Thunder effectiveness against Dragons, Wind effectiveness against Peggies, and Fire effectiveness against Beasts, so every magic had a use, but they fucked up the mage class balance so hard in FE10. Alternatively, the Anima/Light/Dark simplification was fine with me. As much as I liked my Lightning/Fire/Wind mages, I agree that the clutter without any real balance made that style a bit more clunky than it should be. The GBA style did a much better job at making each magic feel unique and each mage class feel special, though Dark Magic was still too heavy in general. So if they just want to go back to a style that works and not try to fuck around with the Jugdral/Tellius approach and make it better, then the GBA way is fine. I can't say I like the Fateswakening style. At all. Cramming every magic into a single rank is the polar opposite of what I want. Aside from Nosferatu and Aversa's Night, which only become remarkable for how stupidly broken they were in Awakening, none of the magic in these games felt special or unique. I couldn't even remember 3 magic tomes that weren't those fucking bizarre animal spirits from Fates. Like, I'm sure Fire and Thunder were there, because they're always there, but beyond that? Ehhhh? And I have no idea what made magical classes unique in these games. They all did the same thing, except Sorcerers could use the broken magics and Dark Knights had horses.
  18. Homer's really pretty easy to train. He can get to promotion within a chapter or so of recruitment, and even at 10/20 he keeps pace with Ced statistically, though obviously he loses his main edge over him in this scenario. His usability is pretty comparable to Mareeta, who joins 3 chapters earlier but at a lower level without Elite. He starts off competently offensive, and his growths+Elite cause a pretty crazy snowball effect. Depending on how you pick your targets, it's not even that unfeasible to get him to 20 on just his Lightning Tome and half of a Fire Tome. Once he gets Wind, it's a pretty quick path to 20 for him. Sara gets the shorter end of the stick since she's not as offensively capable right out of the game, but she's got crazy staff utility. And with Elite, she should be your main staffer for everything except Warp for a good while. By the time she hits A, there's really not much of a reason to not have her do something on every turn after her recruitment. Luna+A Master weapon with Galzus is bonkers, but it's still not that much different than a Wrath crit in the late game. And now the more I think about it and breaking it down like this, the more Saias might be more worthwhile than Ced to some degree. Really depends on if you've trained up Asvel/Linoan/Homer/Sara or multiple of those(And you really should, as they're all really good). If you have, another one that mostly just hits harder isn't as appealing as somebody who gives an extra +6% to hit/evade to everyone on the field. Anyway, my point with this wasn't to go "Pfft, the Gotohs of this game suck, look at these basic-ass units showing them what's up", it was more to go "The Gotohs of this game aren't that much more broken than a handful of similar units you could train up in their place."
  19. Unfortunately, welcome to PC gaming. Developers don't like to compress their shit like they do for physical releases, and it can end up taking up a bunch of space. You get higher quality content, but chances are you won't notice it too much, since it's generally raw audio and hi-rez textures(Not more detailed, just higher resolution). This is why CS can go from 3ish GB on the Vita to nearly 6 times that on PC, though there is some actually new content and numerous improvements on the PC version from what I understand. BUT, it still shouldn't be any bigger than a PS3/360-era game, and those were compressed to fit on about 10GB discs. Something like a Call of Duty game can take up 50 gigs on PC in cases like this when devs are especially lazy.
  20. Try this: https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri It might seem a little sketch, but it's legit. And you'll need the 17 gigs, unfortunately.
  21. Leif is basically a bicycle wheel.
  22. I think there's a certain comedy that there's a conspiracy theory around the US's #1 conspiracy theory nut. The idea that anybody would believe it makes it funnier. Bill Hicks and Alex Jones being basically the exact opposite of each other makes it even better. "What if Bill Hicks went from far left crazy comic to far right crazy commentator?"
  23. Without turning this into a political discussion, I have a very strong "live and let live" philosophy towards life. Drug laws generally baffle me because of this, since the punishment for somebody simply getting caught while on drugs is insanely disproportionate to the "crime" committed. Nonviolent crimes are similar, but those don't seem quite as disproportionate with how "justice" is dealt.
  24. I've still been meaning to get around to the 3rd game. Might be a game I commit to this summer.
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