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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I played through FC and SC both over a winter break during college a few years ago. The fact that I crammed them both into a month and a half-long period should say how much I liked them. Probably my favorite JRPG cast since Dragon Quest 8. I wasn't the biggest fan of the battle system, since it just made the fights go on forever a lot of the time, but it was solid. Tried to play through Coldsteel shortly after. It didn't grab me in the same ways, unfortunately. It felt like a cross between Persona and Trails in the Sky, only never reaching the highs of either. I got a dozen or so hours in and quit. Haven't really tried to go back to it, but maybe I'll get back to it some day.
  2. Honestly, I'm not sure FE5 needs "reasons" for 3 Gotohs. Mostly because most Gotohs are insanely overpowered and don't usually play by the rules of the game, while the FE5 Gotohs are limited by the rules of the game, which EVERYONE else is also restricted by. Athos' only weakness is his low HP. But he'll have better stats and S ranks in everything while your other Mages won't even come close to his stats and can only S rank one weapon type. The Laguz kings stay transformed while the rest of your Laguz can't(Except in FE10 where there are a few ways around this), and they'll have stats that absolutely blow the rest out of the water. Galzus, Ced and Saias are more like a "Karel"-type of Gotoh. If you train up Homer, he'll have better stats than Ced, and if you train up Sara, she'll have comparable stats with waaaaaay better skills, and Ced's only remaining selling point becomes Holsety. He has some other things that are better in movement(Vs Homer. Sara's got a whopping 5 movement stars) and leadership, but Homer gets 5 PCC and Sara has Wrath, so they'll be hitting crits a bit more often. He'll probably have a better staff rank than both, but he's joins at a time when your already established staffers can keep doing what they've been doing. Galzus has 5 movement stars and "Soft Aether", but Orsin has Wrath, better stats, and the almighty Pugi. Mareeta will have comparable stats, the same skills(Depending on the route you go), being a bit weaker in bld, def and HP, but her personal weapon gives her Nihil and can save you from some shitty situations in the last two chapters. Saias gets the short end of the stick of them all, since his biggest selling point is his inventory, which can just be given to your other staffers, but he still has respectable stats and movement/leadership stars.
  3. Glad you like it. Honestly I think the more important part is finding people to lift with. That's always been my issue. I have a tough time lifting by myself and convincing myself to go to a new gym alone, even though I generally enjoy working out.
  4. Develop an obnoxious personality. It seems to be what sells most channels.
  5. It's cheesy as fuck but sometimes it's just sold so well. Seeing somebody in DBZ charge up a Kamehameha always was intense, and they used it to a pretty good effect at building tension when Cell started charging one up out of nowhere and it made for a great "OH SHIT" moment.
  6. I don't consider them Wyverns for the same reason I don't consider Navarre a Mercenary/Hero. They're characters who filled an archetype of a class that didn't properly exist until FE4. The stat distribution you'd expect(Sort of. Catria and Palla really just have amazing stats all around, but there's more emphasis on speed and skill), but visually limited by the fact that wyverns and peggies were stuck in the same class line until FE4. And they run away with it purely because of how good they are. They show up mid-game and low level like Jill, Eda or Heath, but where Jill, Eda and Heath struggle is that they don't have bases to immediately have a spot in your army and their growths aren't good enough to really justify the extra work. Catria and Palla won't be that much worse off than Minerva(Palla more so, since she starts with better bases) is by the time you get them and they have incredible upward momentum.
  7. Levant hasn't played the game. He watched a playthrough I think, and is basing his opinions on that. He sees that Ced has better stats and Holsety, so Saias is completely pointless and that it just goes to show how imbalanced the cast as a whole is. It's the second thread from the last few days, at least from what I've seen, where he's done this, even though people who have played the game have told him that Saias is also a very good unit and has unique merits of his own. I didn't bother the first time because somebody else decided to bring this up, and it wasn't a thread strictly about FE5.
  8. Dude, why do you keep doing having this argument? Stop doing this if you haven't played the game. This is the second time in a week you've whined about the cast balance and based your argument around Ced and Saias. @Jotari already had this argument with you, but the imbalance for Ced and Saias isn't so crazy that it brings down the whole game. Saias simply coming with Warp and Silence staves does a lot to close the statistical gap between the two. The fact that you started the post with "Better balance the cast" after the argument you had with @Jotari instead of just saying "Give more of a reason to go for Saias instead of Ced" actually leads me to believe you're doing this to deliberately start more shit. For the record, I do agree that there are parts that could be balanced better with the cast. Since it's related to another thread, Eda and Dean is a much more glaring imbalance than Saias and Ced. You get SOMETHING of value for picking Saias. With Eda and Dean, the game just says "Hey, here's a pretty good, pre-promotee flier who gets a good prf weapon and comes with one of the best Crusader Scrolls in the game. Also here's a lower leveled, unpromoted, harder to train version of him that gets nothing unique. Have fun?" That's an actual case of the cast balance in the game being indefensibly bad, even if the game as a whole has much better cast balance than... Possibly any other FE? Ronan would be an instant 10/10 as a character if it turned out he was just really into party tricks.
  9. I've been asking myself that every day since Fates came out.
  10. Mancave? I mean, I have my room. Probably no. Own a 4x4? Don't have the room to own one or a space to ride around on one. Cut down a tree? Small one, yes. Own a hammer drill? Those things are dumb and for pussies who don't have the arm strength to use a proper drill. Honestly this should be a check to lose a man point. Nose been broken in a fight? Nope. Pipe or cigar? Smelled a cigar once, that turned me off of them forever, and pipes are the fedora of the smoking world. Own a proper BBQ? You bet. Killed a mammal? By accident, but yes. Saved an animal/kid from a tree? Nope. Boat shoe? Never. Have a hairy chest/back? Nope. Twilight? Yes, but with the Rifftrax over it, so really I'm gonna say no to this. Know how to weld? There's a big range here, but yes. Facial scar? I have 3. Injured lifting something heavy? Biggest one would be a pinched nerve I got from hauling drywall. Been bitten by a snake? Yes, a domestic, non-venemous one. Building? Built two sheds in my life. Meat on a campfire? Yes. Kept a beard for a whole year? Does trimming a 5 o'clock shadow and keeping that for a year count? Probably not. Combat patrol? No. Chainsaw/axe? Both. Knock someone out? Yes. The neighbor from Office Space? No. Killed someone? God no. Sailed across the ocean? No. Own any Medieval Weaponry? Again, I feel like this is one of those uber-virgin things that should cause point deductions. Combat sports? Sure. I used to like UFC and stuff but I stopped being able to get invested, but I still like watching UFC and martial arts matches and stuff. Killed anything with a bow? No. Hate Hipsters? Yes. I feel like this was made by these guys:
  11. So Alfred, depending on the storyline, is Batman's batman?
  12. All of the "They can't have it release close to Smash/Pokemon!" comments make me scratch my head. Like, what's the buffer zone to you guys? If Smash releases in September, and maybe Pokemon in November(BIG maybe here), that's still two whole months in the busiest time of the year for game releases open. Nintendo themselves stuck with a "One big/big-ish game per month" schedule for the Switch last year, so clearly they think every month is a solid schedule. And that schedule worked out very well for them. If other big announcements get made for October/December and there's no news at E3, sure, panic. But the fall is still wiiiiide open, with just one confirmed title(Smash) and one that's pure speculation(Pokemon).
  13. No. I think the timeline with FE is pretty clear. 1-5+Awakening are in their own world 6-7 are in their own world 8 is in its own world 9-10 is in its own world Fates is in its own world And there are Dragon/Outrealm gates that loosely connect them to each other, but by and large, they operate on their own rules and don't often dip into one another. There can be some weird one-off lines that get people scrambling to connect a world to another(Like some dumb Fates lines that mention/reference Awakening as being possibly the same world at a different time), but I don't think that's concrete at all. It's not like Zelda where people are determined to fit EVERYTHING into the same world at different times. I have yet to see anyone argue why the events of FE8 HAVE to fall into the timeline sometime between FE4 and FE1 or anything like that.
  14. The big one that I'd consider better than Wyvern Knights is Pegasus Knights. Pegasus Knights, namely Catia and Palla, absolutely run away with FE1/3, and blow Minerva, the Wyvern Knight(And yes, even though they're the same class line in this game, I'm separating them because I don't think a single person would consider the peggies "Wyverns" from this game) out of the water. Pegasus Knights are one of the best classes from Gaiden, just behind probably Dread Fighters(The remake gave Archers a buff and they're arguably the #2 now), with Claire and the peggie sisters love being great offensive units with Slayer. Fury and Fee aren't the most exceptional units and the way FE4 handles areas of movement more or less just means they're Cavalry that can hang out on mountains and water, but again, they blow Altena, the Wyvern Knight, out of the water, and a trained up Fee will fit in during the end game a lot more neatly than Altenna. A trained up Karin will be on part with Dean when he shows up, and has about 10 extra chapters of use leading up to him, making her a much more valuable unit overall. Thanny is a similar situation, except Miledy will take the reins from her and become the better unit, that said, FE6 is the first FE in a long while where a flyer's movement is always welcomed, so there's really not reason to not use both and Thanny is another very good unit from this game, even if she lives in Miledy's shadow. Florina is full stop just better than Heath. Cormag is heads and shoulders above the peggies here. Hollow praise, however, as a lot of the times you want flying will come before his recruitment and the game he's from is a cake walk where you get the best unit in the game in the first chapter. Marcia is another case of "Just as good, but joins much earlier", whereas Jill is midgame and Haar is a late game unit. Which is something peggies have always had over Wyvern Knights that often wins them many, many points by comparison. Your best peggies are often very early game units, which elevates them above their often statistically better, but lower leveled counterparts. And it's why FE10 and Fates are two standouts where Wyverns are the best. Haar and Camilla are basically Jeigans(Or Oifeys, since they have good stats and growths), being high leveled, promoted units who join early. And they end up dominating the whole game relatively uninhibited. I'm not going to math out "Oh, this class has 4 good units and 10 bad ones" and decide that therefore that makes them bad. I WILL say that this class has 4 good ones total, and therefore isn't the best class. Yes, peggies and Cavs both have their bulk of bad units. But the good units in both classes are almost universally better than Wyverns, and they're far more common. PS: Orsin is a standout in Thracia, but he's largely an exceptional unit where pretty much everyone has potential to be good(Eda the Wyvern Knight and Xavier are the closest to not being good, but even Eda has potential. She's just the hardest unit in the game to train, with very little payoff). As a whole, Sages are far and away the best class in the game. You get a whopping 5 of them, and all of them probably wouldn't seem out of place in a top 10 list for that game.
  15. You can still lift reasonably heavy and still lift safely. You're not going to fuck up your body if you don't lift an unreasonable amount of weight and you listen to your body. People get injured and cripple themselves from overlifting(Whether it be too much weight or lifting too often. Once you hit a goal you can maintain strength and muscle with a pretty reasonable schedule), poor form, and flat out just not listening to your body. If you feel a pain that obviously isn't just your muscles burning from to work out, stop. And go see a doctor if it's particularly concerning. You have no idea how many times I have heard somebody go "Man, my shoulder hurts, sure hope I haven't torn my rotator cuff" then toss plates onto a barbell. Those are the kinds of guys who aren't going to be able to lift their arms above their heads when they're 40. I, myself, don't ever plan on ever benching more than 200lbs(And probably deadlifting somewhere around there and squatting around 300lbs), even if it becomes obvious at some point that I probably could. Kinda because the idea of "bulking" doesn't seem super fun to me(I like weighing between 150-165lbs), kinda because I don't see myself ever needing strength that goes beyond that, and mostly because I know that the more and more weight I lift, the more likely I will be to suffer some crippling injury. I think there's a safe window within reason for lifting where you really shouldn't feel scared of physically feeling like a 70 year old when you're half that age. OP wants to strength train. That's going to involve these sorts of compound lifts. If he goes and runs around with 40lbs of military equipment to get a military body, people are going to think he's crazy. Compound gym exercises, within reason, are a totally fine way to strength train.
  16. Ests rarely have insanely high growths. Compare Zeiss to his contemporaries(Miledy in this case), and you'll see he has slightly better growth rates, barring speed. Beyond that, he's a late game unit that is underleveled and unpromoted. Hugh by comparison, who joins the same chapter, is 8 levels higher than Zeiss. He's definitely an odd Est, but he's an Est. And no, I don't consider the other ones *bad*, but I also don't consider them very good and are completely negligible, which more or less covers every Wyvern barring Dean, Miledy, Cormag and Haar up until FE10, which is where I agree that Wyverns start pulling away as clearly one of, if not the best classes. And of those 4, only Miledy is the one where I'd consider her a front runner for best unit of her game. 8 games(Cuz FE2 not having them) where there are 4 standouts does not the best class make.
  17. Altenna is a bad unit. Vaida's mediocre at best. Eda, FE9 Jill and Heath are all underleveled enough to bench and not sweat it. Zeiss is an Est and really isn't worth it at all on normal mode.
  18. I've been saying this for months. People will still get stuck in the mindset that "No news RIGHT NOW=No news at all". People have called the game vaporware for not having news, and that was back in January/February.
  19. In 1 and 3... Yeah, flying helps a lot. FE5 I wouldn't say "extremely". They're about on part with the peggies, which are solid in FE5. Well, Dean is. Eda's a bit underleveled and not the easiest to train. She joins on a chapter designed to kill her, and depending on which route you go, will practically never see use until very late in the game, at which point she'll be waaaay too underleveled to even consider using. Even Dean's not perfect. Flying units don't fill their typical niche in FE5 where your best mode of quick transportation is WARP. Having him and a trained up Karin can help cut down on your reliance of Warp, but they're not going to be crazy clutch like Wyverns in FE10 and Fates. And class-wise, Sage(And anything with a decent Staff rank) steals the show in FE5. Every single Sage is insanely good, ridiculously versatile, and their crazy promotion gains make them pretty easy to train.
  20. He's an actor who got so caught up in the act that he became what he pretended to be. His old stuff, while still zany, wasn't so far gone as it is now. The Double Toasted guys bring up how 20 years ago in the Austin scene, that he used to be able to flip the crazy on and off and that is was all an act. He gradually stopped being able to turn it off, and now he's the caricature you see today. He really is as bonkers as he seems. Which is why he lost custody of his kids(They tried the "IT'S JUST AN ACT, ALEX JONES IS JUST A CHARACTER" defense and it didn't work) and his workspace is a notoriously hostile environment.
  21. Uh, no? FE5 isn't short on experienced warriors, and Galzus is the only person in the game Ced(With Holsety no less) is straight up afraid to fight. He's the attack dog of Raydrik and Veld. You don't see Ced going "Oh shit, this Shiva guy is a monster, good thing he's on our side" when Shiva is the actual Navarre of the game. Two dudes are treated as big, big deals on the enemy side. Galzus, who actually has major Odo blood, and Reinhardt, who is constantly compared to Tordo, one of the Crusaders. They don't compare him to Tordo with Mjollnir, they compare him to Tordo, meaning Tordo(And descendent of the Crusaders) is a big deal, with or without their weapons.
  22. Yeah, simply HAVING Holy Blood is a big deal in the narrative of the Jugdral games, and it's constantly shown to us that people with Holy Blood, regardless of a weapon, are still superhuman. Galzus as an example of major Holy Bloods who are generally treated as much different than normal people. The one instance of somebody being treated as hot shit without Holy Blood is Reinhardt, and it's generally treated as a big deal that Reinhardt is as powerful as he is without Holy Blood.
  23. I don't think Toei or Peirrot would be good options. They look decent when they put effort towards major scenes, but even in those cases, their best rarely looks anywhere close to the best of some other studios. Most of the time Peirrot and Toei animation looks like dogshit on a hot day.
  24. I mean, modern FEs have speed-up and flat-out skip options. I don't think this would even be a concern in a remake. You can skip the entire enemy phase if you want.
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