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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. That also boils down to Medeus living 1000 years acknowledging what humans are capable of. He hates humans, but he has no reason to pretend that they aren't capable of incredible(Good and bad) acts. Loptyr doesn't have to do that. His sole interaction is hundreds of years of using them as tools, barring the time Heim(And later Julia) fucked his shit up using the power of Naga. The sole times he has to give humans credit are the times that they were empowered by his mortal enemy. Which one of these two do you think would be more likely to acknowledge the power of a human?
  2. I'd argue Medeus' praise is because he hated humanity a bit less than Loptyr. Granted, Medeus still hated them, but he at least tried to cooperate with them and the other dragons to some degree. Actions after this made Medeus hate humanity, while Loptyr ALWAYS saw humanity as beneath him. Praise from Medeus towards a human is going to come easier than praise from Loptyr, which is ironic, since Loptyr probably spends more time "among" humans and has to rely on them to subsist.
  3. It's tough. All we really get out of people with Holy Blood is that they're basically as strong as armies all on their own, but nothing specific like Camus taking down 200 men and a manakete. One would assume Quan, given what we get out of some other Holy Bloods, would also be capable of such a thing, but there aren't any hard numbers to confirm it.
  4. Weren't NX developed kits out by then? I remember hearing rumors of a new Nintendo system a loooong time before anything was announced, and by early 2016(I wanna say Dragon Quest XI was the first game confirmed for the Switch when it was announced) we got confirmation that the Switch/NX was actually a thing. Surely by then internal Nintendo teams had dev kits.
  5. More yellow than green, but I suppose it's still true.
  6. I think this would be cool. From what I've seen of LotL, it does an amazing job of CG while still making things look "anime". Something like that is clearly what the studios doing CG for Fire Emblem have been trying to do it, so getting a studio that has "perfected" the style would probably be amazing. That is if IS wants to keep going with 3D CG. They could do traditional animation like Persona does. But that probably costs way more and even though I'm sure this next FE will have probably the biggest budget an FE has ever gotten, that might not be how they want to allocate it. CG is likely just a cheaper solution, so that might be what they continue with.
  7. Nah, green hair just means main character dragon. Just like how blue hair means main character human. For real, maybe it's just a common dragon thing. We don't really see many of the other tribes. Most of the non-Divine Dragon we see are old or just don't have hair. We see some Fire Tribe dragons like Bantu, but I don't recall is any of them have noticeably colored hair(Or just hair period. Bantu seems to have been hit with male-pattern baldness hard). Even Gotoh's an oldie, and Xane's a shapeshifter, so there's always the possibility that maybe the face we see isn't his real human form. All of them could actually have green hair. Though that'd leave out Nowi, who's the big outlier if this were true.
  8. P3P has some quality of life improvements that are worth mentioning. From what I remember, it cut down a lot of the downtime from physically running places during daily activities(Though I can understand if people actually liked that. Unlike P4 or 5, however, I don't find P3's environments all that charming or fun to run around in), and I also believe it's the only version of Persona 3 where you can control your whole party, which can prevent quite a few headaches(Though maybe this was also in FES. I'm blanking at the moment.)
  9. It's tough to tell between Awakening and Fates which had the higher budget. Fates clearly had more stuff and they hired a big time, fancy pants writer, which can't be cheap, but it was largely built off of stuff already present in Awakening. They're probably similar, and probably multiple times higher than SoV.
  10. It's not quite SD or Gaiden bad. Even the characters with the least focus had at least 3 lines of dialogue(Ahem, Selfina's group). Most people had a solid handful of lines. And a lot of characters have arcs throughout the whole story, whereas SD was largely just the Marth show, with Jeigan giving advice here and there. You can follow even minor characters like Galzus, who you don't even get until the second to last chapter, pretty much all the way through the whole game. Lifis' involvement in the game doesn't begin and end with his recruitment chapter, like you see from SD's cast. He gets moments like when he manages to get a bunch of locked up bandits to cause a ruckus in prison when Leif and Lifis get captured, and he gets Pern's chapter to give some more character. But yeah, there could still be more. Characters like Finn, Mareeta, Leif, August, Dorias, Nanna, Eyvel get a fair amount of screen time, but 90% of the cast doesn't. Supports would probably go a long way.
  11. Sarada is one of the few enjoyable things about Boruto for me. How two of the worst characters in the original series had such an awesome kid, I'll never know.
  12. I'm not following the "Awakening likely had poor writing because of the 3DS" argument. The 3DS is waaaaaay more powerful than the SNES, where Fire Emlem writing reached its peak for many people, and it's much closer to the GameCube than anything else, where people who don't think SNES was peak FE writing will probably point to instead. Hell, the DS was more powerful than the SNES, and DS carts could hold 10x the information that SNES carts could. So I don't know how the platform one generation after the DS would be a problem. I think Awakening's writing was poor because... Well, I don't think very good writers worked on the game. They clearly had some neat ideas sprinkled in, but even when they were being derivative of Jugdral, Archanaea, and Valentia, they just simply didn't know how to turn that stuff into compelling stories. Most parts of Awakening could be described as "X, but worse". The one original thing it does, time travel, is pretty divisive, and even people on the side of "It was a good idea" seem to think that the whole idea of time travel was still left a lot to be desired. Maybe it was too many cooks in the kitchen, or maybe they weren't worried about writing satisfying storylines, but I think Fates makes it clear that the fault lies with the current writing staff at FE, and not the platform Fates and Awakening were on.
  13. Mercy and Counter(Awakening) are two of the worst that come to mind. I know there are worse on paper, but these two have plagued me the most. Mercy, purely because every time I play RD, I forget to take it off Elincia, and she spends all of her army's chapter in the back because she can't kill anything and I forgot to save my army prep so I don't want to reload to take it off. Conceptually, it'd be amazing on like, a Jeigan-type character, but in practice it just... Yeah, it's so silly to put it on a unit so late in the game, and on a unit that can't even really be used that practically to actually soften up enemies for someone else. Counter because it's a skill that only exists to make enemies more problematic. It's dogshit on your units because it relies on YOU taking damage. If you're taking enough damage that Counter is working as intended, you're in deep shit and you probably don't want to be making more openings for enemies to poke at. On the flipside, this is a perfect skill for enemies that exist only to become bodies in your way, and it's never in a spot that makes you go "Man, I should have strategized better". It's always somewhere just dumb enough to make it annoying.
  14. I'm gonna cheat and recommend two movies(Assuming you haven't seen them), since I'm totally blanking on fun short season series. Gimme a break, I'm just now starting to watch new stuff after like 10 years of barely touching anime. I mean, there's always FLCL if you haven't seen it, and that's getting two new mini-seasons this year. Anyway, first would be Sword of the Stranger. It's not whacky or super light hearted, but it's a fun, straightforward samurai story with some good action. I feel like I've watched that final fight scene once a month for the last 4 years. I'm probably exaggerating, but it's good. There's some... Strange racial(Let's just say that it's a little too kind in its portrayal of white people in Asia) undertones in the movie if you notice it, but the dub is solid, and most sources I've heard from have said that the English voice actors do a waaaay better job voicing Chinese characters and speaking Chinese if you care about that kinda stuff. The second would be Redline. Absolutely bonkers movie about space racing. Tons of zany characters, bitchin' soundtrack, great, colorful, fluid artstyle and animation, and it's just tons of fun to watch and re-watch. Dub's solid, too.
  15. Don't. It's not worth it. If Stockholm Syndrome is getting you that bad, see a doctor. Luckily I was pretty off the Naruto train by timeskip, and any good will I had towards the series died with that trainwreck of a final arc. Once I saw how abysmal Boruto was, I just stopped, and have had no desire to return. I had more productive, less masochistic things to do, like burning my armhair off with a lighter, scraping my teeth with paper clips or putting clamps on my face.
  16. I want to say FE7 or FE9 are about as close to "perfect" as the series has gotten. Still far from perfect, and still some duds(Just... Any Vaida supports), head scratchers and blatantly obvious missed opportunities(Wow Raven, you sure don't have much to say to Hector, the heir to the house that you think ruined your life and family), but solid. Echoes also did something I really liked in that it had a pretty strong regular cast of characters who had a lot of showtime in the story(Gray, Tobin, Lucas and Clive for Alm, Mae, Boey and Saber for Celica) and had something to say in most situations. Have the strong cast of characters with a solid amount of varied supports from FE7/9, have plenty of base/flavor conversations like 9(And 10) and Echoes, and give it the presentation of Echoes. That's probably ideal for me on how Fire Emblem would handle its cast. As much as there are solid characters in Awakening and Fates, they tend to get drowned out by... Well, like characters like Vaike or Peri. And the overall handling of characters in those games don't help.
  17. Hey man, after Awakening/Fates, it can be a little jarring to have characters who have a little subtlety and don't just shout their personality at the top of their lungs. I'm kidding. Mostly. Sort of. Kinda. Not really. Echoes isn't all smooth sailing. As much as I see them as a step in the right direction, there's still Edgelord Squidw--I mean Deen. Hard to get a flatter character than that. Genny and Silque do lack a lot of character compared to the rest of the cast, too. And if you don't take Faye as a deconstruction of the Tharja/Camilla character archetype, I don't think anyone's really going to get anything out of her. So there's still plenty of room to improve from Echoes.
  18. Tellius sold like crap and Awakening sold gangbusters, so they just got rid of the writers when they saw that they weren't necessary. On a serious note, yeah. Even though I like Jugdral more than Tellius, I would at least like see them return to Tellius quality with their writing. Nothing crazy, but competently done and well-developed. Returning to Jugdral-level's probably not gonna happen. Say what you will about Kaga, but he was ambitious, and he was involved with many steps of the development process, including writing. Without him, it's tough to say that we'll get something of the quality that he worked on.
  19. I don't think I'd want branching promotions. One of the fun/quirky things about FE5 is that units of the same class didn't all promote to the same things. If anything, I'd say add more unique promotions, so that it wasn't just Machyua and Asvel with unique promotions. Make Halvan promote to Warrior while Orsin stays Hero, stuff like that.
  20. It's worth mentioning, again, that Levant hasn't actually played Thracia 776. Every single Mage in the game has something going for them. Asvel with Grafcalibur, Salem with dark magic and early staff access, Olwen with Dime Thunder, Homer being a statistically better Asvel(AND Ced) and Elite but with no prf weapon, Linoan having Resire, Ilios being a statistically better Olwen but no prf weapon, Miranda having better stats and skills than either Olwen or Ilios, but needing more babying, Sara having good staff access and a great skill set, Saias having good bases, max staff rank and Warp, and Ced having Holsety. You can even do this breakdown for every class in the game. Damn near everyone offers something, with maybe Selfina's group being the biggest exception. Even the joke character is your best merchant and can save you tons of cash. Thracia's also the only game that got late, low leveled units right. Miranda and Sara will need some attention, but it really takes little effort to get them up to speed. Nobody else in the army will really suffer because you decided to give them attention.
  21. I have two ways of looking at it: 1) They see Heroes as a cash cow, and use it to direct the franchise from now on, essentially just confirming our fears and just turning Fire Emblem into a fanservice factory. 2) They use Heroes as an outlet for all of the fanservice and tone it down with the main series. Of course, I also stand on the cynical side, so I fully expect #1. If that happens, then it's a pretty clear sign to me that Fire Emblem will keep being that, and it just won't be the franchise I fell in love with anymore, and I don't know how long I'd keep supporting new entries in the main franchise. But I'll end up pleasantly surprised with #2, and have renewed hope in the franchise.
  22. Even though I haven't liked Kozaki's work in FE, yeah. Anybody's art would have looked bad with the direction and designs he was given.
  23. I just used archetypes as broad examples, not as the main point of defining unit identity. I'd argue Nolan and Boyd sort of count as Cord/Bord, since they have similar color schemes and stat distributions, but they don't follow it to the T, since they don't join together and are miles off from one another. So if you want to say Dorcas/Bartre is the last example of that, sure. Regardless, I used archetypes as a very familiar way to describe unit identity. Most people will get the kind of unit a Jeigan is, or the Christmas Knights, and the roles they play in the game.
  24. You clearly don't get it... just because YOU want it doesn't mean it should be in if a lot of others don't want it blah blah blah. This argument two way street. It's why this thread exists. I've seen you post in other threads, and most of the time, you base your posts on "Well, they're in the games right now and the games are selling better than ever, so obviously IS is going to keep doing it". The cynical side of me agrees, but I don't want to be cynical about it, because that really isn't a way to drive any sort of conversation. If all talks about what FE Switch began and ended with "They'll just keep doing the exact same things.", this section would die out quickly until we actually got information on the game. But we have nothing, and I, along with others who don't see the Fateswakening style of FE games as the ultimate form of Fire Emblem, want to talk about what I want the series to be, which is why we're here. I'm not posting in these threads expecting IS to see them and go "Yeah, let's do everything this guy says". Yeah, other SRPG series have reclassing. You say Fire Emblem isn't special, but this is actually part of what made Fire Emblem special where you couldn't. Once Fire Emblem Tactics came around, every big SRPG I can think of has had reclassing, while, up until SD, Fire Emblem didn't. The units you got were static and they had pretty clearly defined roles. If your argument is that Fire Emblem having features that other SRPGs have isn't a problem, then Fire Emblem should just be Disgaea, with a million features and basically 0 balance or long term strategy to it. I'll keep picking on Disgaea because it's what Fire Emblem COULD become. A game with basically no gameplay identity beyond figuring the best way to break it and meta-gaming around the best way to grind so you could see big numbers.
  25. Think of the unit archetypes. Jeigans have unit identities. They have better bases than most units at the start of the game, they're usually pretty all around mediocre in the grand scheme of things, and their growths suck, so they fall off pretty quickly(Unless you're LTCing or doing stuff like 0 growth runs). But you get a Jeigan, and you generally know how/when they're going to be used. Or the Christmas Knights and the Bord/Cord fighters. As broad examples, these are units who follow archetypes that more or less dictate how you use these units. Each of them play differently within the same defined classes and roles. Your Green Christmas Knight will be fast and your Red one will be strong. Similarly, your Cord Fighter will be fast, your Bord Fighter will be beefy and strong. And usually within these restrictions, nobody else will really take a role away from the unit. You generally won't get another Knight or Paladin that out does your Red Christmas Knight in the things your Red Christmas Knight does. And it was like this alllll the way back to FE1 where these kinds of archetypes were set. What I hit on here were just these broad archetypes. Generally, every single unit in the FE1-10 games have something they do better than their peers, or some kind of selling point, regardless of whether or not that thing they do is apparently useful by comparison. And the argument is now, that this kind of identity doesn't exist anymore. The focus is now more on what classes your units have access to/don't have access to, and what skills they can/can't get. There's more of a meta-identity outside of the moment to moment gameplay that has taken over and defines characters now. Whereas it used to be "Oh is this the right unit for the job at this moment?", now it's more "Oh, what can I do to make this unit good at everything down the road?", and the latter tends to be a lot more same-y in the long run when you're just reclassing everyone into their best jobs with their best skills, which is why people are saying unit identity is "gone".
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