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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I wouldn't mind Dixie. You could throw in a Tiny cameo while you're at it for some moves. And even if not the hair, which definitely has possibilities, Dixie could utilize the DK animals like Rambi, Enguarde and Squawks. There's a lot to work with in DKC that she could utilize. However, I expect Funky Kong to get in if there's another DK character. He's a meme that Nintendo clearly recognizes.
  2. I'm largely in the same boat. It isn't because there are 6 FE characters(And almost assuredly there'll be more for Switch to promote the upcoming game), it's because there are 6 in a roster that likely won't go above 70. Fire Emblem already accounts for over 1/10th of Sm4sh's roster. That is some MASSIVELY disproportionate cast choice. I'd only argue that FE is a top 5(Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and then maybe Fire Emblem) Nintendo franchise ONLY because of Heroes right now. If Heroes didn't exist and wasn't a massive money makes, I'd argue Splatoon(Due to its incredibly fast rise to prominence) or Donkey Kong(Due to its age, consistency and a counterpart to Mario) would be much more deserving as #5. For a game that's supposed to celebrate all of Nintendo's franchises and then some gaming legacy characters like Pacman, Megaman and Sonic, Sm4sh certainly feels a lot like a Fire Emblem party more than anything else. Of the existing FE characters in Smash, I'd agree that Lucina is much more likely to get chopped than anyone else. She doesn't contribute much to the roster beyond people being happy simply seeing Lucina. All of the others are unique. On top of this, 3DS representation in Smash is disproportionate to even the FE characters in Smash. The NES era has 1, the GBA era has 1, the GC/Wii era has 1, the 3DS era has 3. Which made sense for Smash 4, since that came out when the 3DS FEs were new and Nintendo wanted to push more copies. We're moving past Smash 4, and we're moving on to a new era of Fire Emblem. If they're going to cut FE characters, which they really need to, all signs point to Lucina. She's a clone, she's not the main representative of her game, she's part of an era that's not the current focus anymore, and she barely made it into Smash 4 as is. After that, I don't know. I still think Robin could end up essentially reworked into something else(He/She's a mage knight. They don't have exactly the most unique fighting style ever). Corrin, as much as I hate them, can't really just be mapped over or removed entirely. They're much more unique in concept than Robin.
  3. Well, let me educate you! In general, major holy blood+seniority dictates who rules in Jugdral. Which has no real gender bias. Silesia is a country pretty much run by women, a country largely of pegasus knights and mages, so that sort of lines up with the "Base classes". Linoan is the duchess of Tahra, a large independent city in Manster. She's also a sage. Freege is another mage country that's predominantly represented by females, with Reptor and eventually Bloom, two of the only males representing the country the leaders. HOWEVER, Bloom is largely manipulated by his wife. His daughter, Ishtar, inherits major holy blood and has way more agency in the story than her brother Ishtore, who only has minor blood and only pops up occasionally. Isaach is a country of myrmidons and mercenaries, and seems to generally be neutral with a bit more bias towards men as far as gender goes. It's ruled by a man, but should Shannan die die in gen 2, Arya's son succeeds the throne. Should BOTH die, Arya's daughter becomes the ruler of Isaach. There's a lot more that I'm probably missing, like Lachesis and stuff. Class-wise, Jugdral's a lot less gender-focused. There are still gender-only classes like Peggies still are female only(As they are until Fates) and Bandits/Pirates are still male only, but pretty much everything else's on the table. We got our first canonical female axe user with Lachesis... before Minerva and Sheena were retconned... and our first canonical female Hero in Thracia 776 with Machyua. I think Jugdral's a bit more political than Archanea, so it's not quite so "might makes right, and men are mightier, so men are rightier".
  4. Mewtwo got cut, Lucario didn't. Even if Mewtwo was planned, somewhere along the line, Lucario was prioritized. Likely because Lucario was part of a newer generation, and did share similarities(It wasn't just the animation between Aura Sphere and Shadow Ball. The charge-up time was the same and the damage was similar. Mewtwo's just had a higher base damage while Lucario's got higher the more damage he took) to Mewtwo. Even if the choice to cut Mewtwo wasn't replacement from the outset, the way it turned out felt very much like "replacement".
  5. I didn't think they were that specific. Jigglypuff: Beat the game. Luigi: Beat target mode. Ness: Beat the game without losing stock. Captain Falcon: Beat the game quickly.
  6. But to think they didn't come up with a solution to this in the next 2000 years? They figured out that ballista could move, and then for the next 2000 years they just sat around going "Well it sucks we can't do that anymore, let's not try anything like that ever again"? They developed MOTORIZED ENGINES, and then just abandoned the idea because their one source of fuel died? It makes sense from FE1 to FE3 where it's a short period of time and finding a solution that quickly might have been difficult, but no forward progress in two millennia?
  7. I always loved the weird character unlock stuff. I remember when Smash 1 came out, and the internet wasn't really a thing. My friends, my cousin and I all had different theories on how to unlock characters, and as far as we knew, there was always somebody left to unlock. Going over to a friend's house and seeing a character they had that I didn't, or vice-versa always got a conversation going. Obviously times are different. I'm 26 now, and a far more robust internet is in my pocket at all times so I really don't have to rely on friends and family to figure stuff out, but I still enjoy the unlocking process. Might just be because of my fond memories, but I wasn't a fan of stuff like Brawl where you could just unlock everything by going through SE.
  8. The Archanea world is the only one we see over the course of ~3000 years, which is why I think it's the go-to. From Jugdral to Ylisse, it seems like there's been 0 progress in the world. Mobile ballista were a thing in Archanea, but it seems like technology actually regressed from Marth's time to Chrom's time, since those are nowhere to be found 2000 years later.
  9. I probably(Definitely) could have worded that better, but the point was that they took a similar concept and reworked it for Lucario. Instead of psychic powers and psychic energy balls, Mewtwo got axed and was replaced by a Pokemon that used aura powers and used aura balls. Up close they're a lot different, but visually, especially with their ranged stuff, they resemble each other a lot more than they resemble any other fighter, down to having nearly the same exact neutral Smash, with nearly the same exact pose.
  10. Literally the only female in the GBA games who can do this is Echidna, who actually has the same con as one of her male counterparts.
  11. It's the new alt-right insult. After "cuck" and "snowflake" became jokes, they're hoping that third time is the charm and that "soy boy" will be the one that sticks. Maybe they should have workshopped it a bit more, because it sounds even dumber than "cuck", and "cuck" sounded like literal chicken noises. TL;DR, if you see somebody say "soy boy", it's a dead giveaway that they're probably not saying anything worth listening to. Either way, I the Fates localization was horrid, and I'd prefer the people who worked on it stay far away. Unfortunately, Treehouse is Nintendo's in-house localization team, so our best bet at a simultaneous release is through them. If it's the case, please keep whoever put the dumb references and whoever cut dialogue and changed characters far away. Give it to different individuals.
  12. I agree that no unit should use a weapon that's, on paper, nearly twice their size. But the only cases I can think of where this was the case was Nino, Florina, and then Guy and Lyn with Blades. Amelia in SS had some con problems, and I think Ross could hold on to some heavy axes with middling con. There are cases in FE6, but weapon balance in that game was just awful across the board and it's almost not even worth going over. But on the whole it almost never was a problem. Honestly con has only ever been a problem was with FE4 and the Tellius games with magic. The mages didn't have different enough personal stats to make up for the massive differences in tome stats. I've always liked con/weight, as it did a lot to actually making weapons feel different. There could be better balancing, but nixing it all together seems like not the best idea.
  13. The difference with Pokemon is that it sells about 30x what Fire Emblem sells. If they take up a large chunk of Smash's roster, it's because it's Nintendo's biggest franchise. Fire Emblem, as much as we love it, might ONLY be in Nintendo's top 5 because of Heroes.
  14. I'm an American Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy fan, so you'd have to fuck up pretty bad to get me to be too upset about waiting for a game. This yearish is child's play. If it's 2028 and we still know jack all about the game, maybe then I'll be mad. Until then, I'll just be doing other things. Like hating work, listening to/playing new music and playing anything else.
  15. I would prefer it to upwards of 50. Around 40 seems to be my sweet spot. Enough characters for variety, not enough that their characters boil down to "Hehehe I like writing gay slashfiction any time two guys talk."
  16. Then we're going to run into a problem very quickly where Fire Emblem takes up a massively disproportionate chunk of the roster, and it's only going to piss more people off. You thought the bitching about 5 FE characters in Sm4sh's roster was bad? Well now we have Roy thanks to DLC, and probably even more with, almost certainly, a new Fire Emblem character coming in to represent FE Switch, bringing the total to 7. If this game has less than 70 playable characters, Fire Emblem's going to take up at least 1/10th of the whole thing. Then who knows what'll come with DLC for this game, and come the NEXT Smash, expect Fire Emblem to be upwards of 10 characters in the roster, taking up an even more sizable fraction of the playable cast. Best case scenario is to rework some existing FE characters into non-FE characters, like Robin and Isaac(It's a bit of a stretch, but it could work). Also, Sakurai's reworked characters into other characters before. Mewtwo is WAY more popular than Lucina, but he got the boot in Brawl in favor of Lucario, who basically was a reworked concept of Mewtwo. Mewtwo eventually came back, but he was booted for two whole games until coming back as DLC. As for just cuts, Ice Climbers also got the boot. Wolf, who was more different from Fox than Lucina is from Marth, also was cut from Smash U. If characters are up for the chopping block, I guarantee Fire Emblem's the first to get some cuts.
  17. Uh, IRL, even most lightweight utility axes are about twice as heavy as a sword. A fire axe, which is supposed to be used quickly and easily in emergencies, is 6-7lbs. Battle-ready swords usually don't go over 3lbs. A broadsword, which is a heavier, more versatile sword, is about 3lbs. Heavy, 2 handed swords like claymores are about 6lbs, which is still on the lighter side as far as axes go. Lances/spears have the most varied weight, with javelins being incredibly lightweight by design, while something like a pike can be upwards of 10lbs. So averaging them out towards the middle works fine.
  18. Marth and Ike have been mainstays for long enough that I think they've earned their slots. I think Roy and Lucina could be lumped into Marth costumes(I know Roy was reworked for Sm4sh to not be a clone like he used to be, but still. It just goes to show that people just wanted Roy and didn't care what form he took). As for Robin and Corrin... I'd only want one to stay at most, and I'd want another gone or reworked. I suppose if given the choice, Robin should stay, since Awakening represents a "New era" of FE, and Corrin should probably get cut. Then maybe add one legacy character(Lyn? She might be too much like Link, now that I think about it. Maybe Hector.) and add the lord of the new FE. Regardless, I don't think, under any circumstance, that FE should ever have more Smash representation than Pokemon.
  19. They need to remove FE characters. As much as people love their mains and whatnot, Fire Emblem is going to cannibalize Smash if they never remove characters and just keep adding FE characters every new Smash. At the very least, rework some FE characters like Robin into like, Golden Sun characters(Golden Sun desperately needs some love. Camelot can't subsist on making Mario Sports games forever) or something. Instead of it being Robin calling upon spells, it can be Isaac calling upon Djinn or something. Consolidate Lucina and Roy into Marth costumes. Obliterate Corrin. Keep Marth and Ike and add new lords to promote new games.
  20. I'm guessing it's because it's because it's made out of a dragon fang, which is shaped more like a falchion? I dunno. I've always thought it was weird. Every other FE has had proper "legendary" names. But Falchion is just named after a generic type of sword.
  21. It's worth noting that FE4 is like, the second(IIRC?) best selling FE prior to Awakening. As much as I do agree that changes to be made, the original wasn't nearly as offputting as FE2 was when it came out. Who knows how a strict remake like SoV would pan out.
  22. As true as it is, Jordan Peterson is the type of dude the Red Pillers, Incels and MGTOWs will repost constantly. I feel bad for starting the derailment of this thread and I feel like I should say I again, I don't really hate Jordan Peterson. Him being a dude who rigorously argues for the status quo, I tend to dislike him for things he doesn't do rather than the things he does(Though he has many, many opinions and stances that I find highly questionable). And if you want to listen to the things he says, just take it all with a grain of salt, or listen from a distance. If you can separate yourself from a lot of what he says, maybe he can offer something for you. Just don't get crazy with it and quote him like he's gospel. His diehard followers aren't very good people.
  23. http://time.com/5176537/jordan-peterson-frozen-movie-disney/ A highlight: https://twitter.com/HSW3K/status/972487617957761024
  24. It's funny that you mention this, because there's a topic going around reddit(Yes, I know, Reddit sucks) about Jordan Peterson losing his shit in a Time interview because Frozen is "female independence propaganda".
  25. The worst, most egregious bit(To me), is that Jordan Peterson has done a few lectures on race, and differences between them. He usually doesn't outright say anything racist, but he doesn't ever go far enough as to discourage racism or handle the topics in such a way that would curb it(Again, sort of his MO when doing more touchy subjects. He opens a discussion that might incite hate, and then never closes it and just lets his fans go wild)... which leads to an unfortunate amount of people hearing him going "Yeah, fuck *insert races that aren't white here* people.", and regurgitating what he says in an effort to sound educated and reinforcing their own racism.
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