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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. We just got that. Nintendo reaffirmed in their earnings report that Fire Emblem was still scheduled for this year.
  2. Guys, traffic is already starting to get real bad in the Twin Cities. Oh boy. I'm just gonna board up my doors and windows and hope that the Eagles don't waste this opportunity.
  3. Somebody grew up on THPS3, lol. Love that song. Always gets overlooked because it's not Superman.
  4. Of all time? I'd have to think about that for a long, long time. So many to choose from... Make It Wit Chu by Queens of the Stone Age I Get Wet by Andrew WK(Go figure it's not Party Hard) Bikeage by the Descendents Bankrupt On Selling by Modest Mouse Astronomy by Blue Oyster Cult Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden Electric Eye by Judas Priest 3030 by Deltron 3030 Don't Stop Me Now by Queen Mother's Little Helper by The Rolling Stones Peace Sells by Megadeth Protect Ya Neck by Wu-Tang Clan The Impression that I Get by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones When Doves Cry by Prince Blackbird by the Beatles Making me choose from any of those(And many more that don't immediately come to mind) is too hard to do right now. I'll give love to somethings that have caught my heart recent years, and it's probably something by The Last Dinosaurs This is one is something I can't stop myself from playing whenever I have my guitar in hand: And this is one I can't help but listen and move to every time it pops up on Spotify, just because it's so damn... groovy: And this song by the Frights that is just a lot of fun: And there's so much more I could post. This is too hard...
  5. A random greeting. Willkommen. And Fire Emblem 7 is your favorite? You should do fine here.
  6. Then I suppose it's possible that Lachesis hooked up with Finn after Beowulf got roasted.
  7. Timeline's a bit too wonky to work that way. I believe Nanna and Leif are both 15 in Thracia 776, and obviously Leif was already born when Travant pre-gamed too hard and showed up to Arvis' ragin' BBQ early.
  8. Welcome. And don't worry about rambling. We all ramble here.
  9. It's amazing how easy it is to see the gears turning in somebody's head when they say terms like "SJW" and "soy boy", and use "feminist" as a derogatory term.
  10. I was apparently super lucky to get into Sigmascape right away. All of my other FC mates got stuck at Cid, and only managed to clear O5 by the time maintenance started. I made sure to rub it in that I cleared it all. But yeah. Two other FC members were super hyped to see Wool Tops and some other mats as Yellow Scrip turn-ins. Somebody in Shout was mad because he had a few Wool Tops on the market board, and he's probably only going to get a fraction of what he wanted before 4.2, lol. I have a job interview later today, but when I get back I'll probably do everything else. It sucks having to go back to the old raid loot rules, because now I have to wait on my FC to start doing Sigmascape Savage. Byakko should be fun to do in the meantime, at least. Oh, also there was a Summoner with the UC Bahamut weapon and the title in my O8 clear group who kept dying, which made me feel better about myself not dying more than twice in that fight.
  11. Already took down Sigmascape. First thing I did when I logged on, lol. Fun fights. A bit more going on than the Deltascape fights outside of O3 and O4, which are par for the course. And yeah, looks like TK is still mostly useless, but it's not quite as niche as it once was, it seems. I haven't messed around with Riddle of Wind, but it seems like it might be salvageable without a huge loss of DPS in the long run now, which means TK might be a decent move when a boss is lower than 5%.
  12. Even just the focus seems weird. Why, after 15 straight games of medieval fantasy, would you go straight to Victorian horror fantasy where you play as a vampire? I mean, the Souls games kinda did that, but they at least made Bloodborne its own IP instead of making it another Dark Souls, and it was the 4th game made using that template, not the 15th. People always bring up how Final Fantasy went from medieval fantasy to modern/futuristic dystopia setting with 7, but the focus of the game at least stayed the same comparatively to the preceeding games. You didn't play as vampires or something else that disconnects the series further from the previous games(Shut up. Vincent doesn't count.) You were in a different styled world, but the tone was still Final Fantasy.
  13. I want it to be false because it seems like serious shark jumping.
  14. PoR puts way more focus on character building and development. RD assumes that, at least for the units who reappear from PoR, that you already know their characters and RD gives you a lot of scenes in base convos of established characters interacting, but not really developing their characters as much. I actually like this approach* since it gives a lot of room for you to see these characters who were already developed in the previous game interact. I'd still like more supports, but base conversations whet my appetite for the most part. *however, this is EXCLUSIVE to returning characters. Brand new characters get the same treatment, which ends up doing absolutely nothing for them. The Dawn Brigade is borderline NES-era tier with its characters.
  15. I recently got God of the Hand(And Land), so me and another crafter/gatherer in my FC have been trying to gather mats for the new 4.2 craftable sets for the regulars in our FC. Thankfully there's still a dozen or so core raiders in my FC still doing content in between major patches, so I've been able to just log in and go "Hey, who wants to do Omega Savage/Shinryu EX?" and get groups together. And any time somebody who isn't a hardcore raider in the FC logs in and wants to do stuff, there's usually a good chunk of people willing. It's made the lull since 4.15 easier to deal with. We stopped scheduling raids about two weeks ago, though, since we figured people were getting tired of Deltascape and Shin. Only two or three members were still trying to crack O4S before maintenance. Thankfully 4 new raids and 1 new trial should breathe life back into my group. Maybe we'll go back and try O4S when we get tired of Sigmascape. And yeah, some of the character balances seem... weird. White Mages getting Stoneskin back makes me want to keep leveling WHM. Warriors are also effectively getting a simplified/faster rotation and getting(From what number crunchers have gathered) about a 10% damage buff on the high end, and probably more on the lower end. Dark Knights meanwhile, get the shaft. Paladins also get a nerf. Warriors might overtake the Paladins in the meta. It'll depend on if the WAR's raw DPS can overtake the PLD's utility, which it very well might, since it was already top of the tank DPS charts, and it was already starting to edge out PLD. It feels like Square's trying to make DRK the "Dungeon tank", which sucks at the high end since nobody cares about running dungeons after a certain point. DRK is going to need substantial buffs and rebalances eventually here. I'm confident they can do it, since they did it with SMN/SCH, its just a matter of if they will do it. As it stands, DRK, BLM and SAM need the most love. And as for my main class... I'm interested in these Monk changes. I'm interested to see if Riddle of Wind will factor into the Monk's opener, if Tornado Kick will get any use now that there might be a quick way to build up Greased Lightning, I'm excited to see Perfect Balance get its cooldown reduced by a whopping 2/3 which should be a big boost to Riddle of Fire+Brotherhood bursts, and I love that Brotherhood now is a self-buff as well, giving Monks a way to generate chakra for themselves. I am curious to see how it all plays out in practice. I'm excited for tomorrow.
  16. If it was major characters/lords... Probably Hector.
  17. Much like Warriors should have just been Warriors, Fighters should just be Fighters. Barst, the FE5 Fighters and FE9/10 Fighters being the only ones who can actually land a hit.
  18. Hello. Your intro seemed fine, so don't worry about it. Welcome.
  19. I feel like people are getting pessimistic that a game that was stated to be released this year might be teased two weeks later than expected, which seems a little hyperbolic to me. And yeah, getting a console at launch generally isn't the best thing to do in the world. Historically, nearly every console has a dry spell in between launch, and a year or so post-launch. It's actually been getting worse in recent years. I can't recall really a single game worth getting a PS4 for until Bloodborne, which was a full year and a half away from the PS4's release. Sony relied heavily on remasters like GTA5 and TLoU to pad out their library until then, which... had absolutely nothing original on it. Instead of Zelda and Mario, you got Killzone: Shadowfall and Knack, which the more I think about those games, sounds like a threat. There was Rezogun, but that'd be more comparable to some of the Swtich's indie collection than a major tent-pole release. Even 4+ years into the PS4's life, I think I got 2 games last year for it(Nioh and Persona 5). Maybe me being primarily a PC gamer has something to do with it, but I pretty much only get games that I can only get on these systems, and 2017 wasn't a fantastic year for the PS4 in that regard. Even if I liked Ubisoft's design philosophy, I can only think of maybe one more game that I'd get last year for the PS4, and that would have been Horizon(I hate Ubisoft design philosophy, so I didn't get the game everyone said was just an Ubisoft game done better). I might have also gotten one of the Yakuza games, but the releases of that series have been so weird that it feels weird to jump in now. Guess how many original games I got for the Switch? Also 2. I'm rambling. Point is, just wait until a proper direct before everyone starts getting doom-and-gloom about a system that has been out for less than a year. We know a Fire Emblem is coming. Burning your Switch isn't going to somehow make it come out faster.
  20. Doesn't Awakening also put the kibosh on that? People know who Ike is in Awakening, and he has his own title. Given how into his family history he is, I don't think Chrom would be able to miss the fact that the Hero of Blue Flame was part of his family.
  21. Isn't Dragon Blood besides Loptyr Blood(Since his entire life essence is literally in descendants of Galle) temporary? Even if Marth and Chrom were far, far, far descendants of Sigurd/Seliph, wouldn't Naga's bloodline have lost power after 3000 years? Plus, the Naga who gave her blood is dead by the time of Chrom, and the role is gone entirely in Lucina's timeline, so there would be no Naga to draw power from, yet she still uses the Falchion just fine.
  22. So then the reason Camilla is insane, while the other siblings(I guess barring Takumi and Birthright Xander) are totally fine? The game never goes into this. The only thing we can really take away is that Camilla is inherently mentally unstable, and the events of Fates made her worse. Plus, nobody comments on Camilla "changing" or anything, and she acts the same whether it's Conquest, where she doesn't have to kill her siblings, or Birthright, where she would be more likely to kill a sibling. So I don't think "Well, the events of the games fuck her up". I think Camilla is already plenty fucked up. We're getting off-topic again. This isn't a debate thread, either. More back to the topic of the thread: I really enjoy Boyd, he's probably got my favorite personality of any of the Fighters in the series. He's not the smartest guy around, but he's a total muscle-head, and he's a nice foil to Ike in the beginning bits of PoR. Both Ike and Boyd are nice guys through and through, but Boyd's a bit more open(Though sometimes this doesn't always work in his favor) and considerate, while Ike is more blunt, terse and can come off as rude. Both want to get along with the Laguz, and Ike initially struggles about what to say, letting some offensive things slip, while Boyd gets along with people like Mordecai immediately. His relationship with his brothers also adds a lot, and it makes sense why he can come off like another big brother to Mist. His maturation in RD is also pretty satisfying to say. Also him trying to vocalize his feelings to Titania is funny.
  23. What about romances with Robin/Corrin-sexuals that AREN'T Robin and Corrin? Because those supports are dripping with emotional abuse. Camilla and Tharja constantly threaten and try to control whoever they're supporting with, and they come off spiteful that their SO isn't Robin or Corrin. I'd hardly call those better than Twilight. At least the main characters in Twilight like each other. Plus, even with Tharja, 3 conversations of "I'm emotionally unstable and I will hurt you" with Robin to "I LOVE YOU AND CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU, BUT I'LL STILL KILL YOU IF YOU STRAY" isn't exactly a good romance.
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