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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Fire Emblem's not a system seller to most, but the Switch is at that point where people really want something more than just Zelda and Mario to push them over the edge and buy a Switch. Nintendo IPs sell Nintendo systems. Fire Emblem's become one of Nintendo's bigger IPs, and it'd absolutely push a fair number of people over the edge into getting one. Obviously Pokemon and Smash would be total system sellers, but those are two of the best selling gaming IPs of all time. Of course they'd be a bigger draw to millions more people than Fire Emblem. But Smash didn't save the Wii U. The Wii U also showed that there needs to be a bit more than just the UBER BIG hits like Mario Kart and Smash to make a successful console. There need to be some lower profile games to round out a system's library.
  2. I'd argue the franchise met that level several times. Especially with the Tharja and Camilla archetypes. The thing that makes the Twilight love story so bad is how ridiculously obsessed the main characters are with each other, and the not so subtle emotional abuse/manipulation that they put each other through for the sake of "Love", while still being played as a straight example of "honest romance". Which is the Robin-sexual/Corrin-sexual characters to a tee.
  3. I do like the idea of each unit having their own Con. Having some sort of normalization within classes seems odd to me, since of course a unit like Ogier would be noticeably smaller than Dieck, and thus have a much lower con. Though there should be more consideration from the devs when it comes to balancing this kind of thing. Ogier is such a downgrade from Dieck. There should have been more care into balancing these two, with maybe Ogier starting out with a point or two of speed(Rather than 1 point less) above Dieck that would have allowed him to outspeed Dieck with lighter swords that were more common in the earlier game. Then, once the later game rolled around and your army was using heavier weapons, Dieck's speed deficit would be less noticeable. There'd be a bit more consideration to "Do I use Ogier for speed now, or Dieck for speed later?" I mean, there are more things wrong with the balance between Dieck and Ogier than this, but the way the game is, you'll practically never notice a speed advantage with Ogier because his con is so much lower. By the time Ogier catches up, heavier swords will be more common and weighing him down. I do agree with the idea that your weapon rank can offset the weight of weapons. I proposed the idea in some other thread not too long ago, and it makes sense to me. I think also tiering by weight would be nice. The idea of Iron/Steel/Silver Slim weapons being lighter with higher hits and crits would be nice to see, on top of RD's system of also having heavier, stronger, and less accurate Blades/Longspears/Poleaxes would help a lot, with the standard weapons being in the middle. It'd add a bit more consideration to giving units weapons.
  4. The wait would be worth it if the US release of DQXI was mentioned in the Direct.
  5. Well then at least you have an opinion worth listening to on this subject.
  6. Watching a game is not playing a game.
  7. Same reason you can't critique music without listening to it, critique a movie without seeing it, or critique a book without reading it.
  8. As mentioned, Kliff's is off-white, Donnel's is purple. Atlas also has gray hair, and he's 20, which I'd argue is far from natural/realistic.
  9. Regular reminder that Levant hasn't actually played Fire Emblem 5.
  10. The wait for info on FE: Switch is killing all of us. Some of us have gone mad. It's become tribal warfare, and some have resorted to cannibalism... Anyway, welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  11. I dunno. I like Homer's design(Definitely one of the most atypical mage designs in the series), I like using him as a unit, and the idea of a partyboy mage/bard is amusing to me. Him being buddies with Shannam wins him points, too. As for actual character characters, I like Canas for being a good dude and not being an insufferable bookworm. He's a nerd who like books, but (Barring his Vaida support)there's so much more to him, when he could just be... well, Miriel. Plus, while he's far from the first "Kind hearted practitioner of Dark Magic" in the franchise(The role started with Salem, who was another kind hearted practitioner of Dark magic), I think he's far and away the best written/most likable one. His supports with Nino are heartwarming, and him and Pent fanboying over each other is so much more fun than it should be. Also both of them have purple hair, so that's a big selling point.
  12. I'd say readjust the stat caps. As neat as it is that all units have the same stat caps, it kind of takes away from some of the uniqueness of some units. It also makes units like Armored Knights a liability when it ultimately ends up just meaning that they're a foot unit that starts with 1 less move than everyone else and an extra weakness. I'm hesitant to say "Add more characters", since FE5 already has a massive cast, but it would be nice to see the subs and other kids who were supposed to be there. It'd be cool to have the subs get a bunch of characterization in a game like FE5. Something to separate them from the kids who always get preferential treatment. 24x Obviously supports and more lines of dialogue to give more characterization(Why hello Selfina's group, no I don't remember anything about any of you from your 3 lines of dialogue.) A Finn/Glade support would be amazing, seeing Finn have a conversation with a peer that isn't depressing as all hell. Maybe going over the days when they were both training to be knights. Even something silly like Finn having to get nice clothes for Glade and Selfina's wedding. And obviously seeing more from Glade and Selfina when you know who dies. Allowing mounted units to use their highest ranked weapon after dismounting, regardless of what it is. Make Fatigue harder to bypass. Maybe make it lower your stats like it did in SoV, rather than make a fighter undeployable to stop situations where a fatigued unit is required to recruit a character in a chapter, making you now unable to recruit said unit. And/or give more incentives for party rotation like the game was designed for. Maybe make the final few chapters break up into groups like with pre-endgame part 4 of Radiant Dawn(Or for another example from a different genre, the fight against Bizarro-Sephiroth from FF7 where you fight it with multiple parties). Make light magic a bit more common and powerful so that units like Linoan and Homer aren't relegated to roles they clearly weren't intended for(IE Linoan becoming a non-combat staffbot, Homer becoming another wind flinger). More Sara.
  13. I've never had a problem keeping Asvel alive. He's always at Ced's, a one-man-army, back, he doesn't die in one hit(It's also pretty hard for him to even get hit when he's next to Ced) from any of the enemies in his recruitment chapter, he slowly moves towards your party as Ced carves through everything, and he has ample healing items. It's usually pretty easy to not only get Asvel, but also rescue all of the prisoners and let him and Ced clear out all of the enemies in that hallway without much difficulty. I'm also pretty sure there are other ways to get through those chapters without lockpicks. As far as I know, the only chapter that actually has an unwinnable situation is the final chapter, since you need some means to open the doors there, and there aren't any ways to open them without bringing items beforehand, which was an oversight on the design team. You're not supposed to capture everyone. You just supposed to capture when you need something, there are units who are designed as capture bots(Dagdar and Marty early game, with damn near every physical fighter having 20 BLD at mid/end-game), and the only time the game puts a boss that has stats too high to capture that you NEED to capture in your way is chapter 8. And that's more of the game using its own mechanics to give the gaiden requirements a turn limit, since it only becomes impossible to capture Rumei once he mounts on turn 16(Also notice how the game gives you back one of the capture bots on this chapter). If you don't like it, it's fine. But I think you're blaming some things that really aren't that bad. The game has plenty to complain about. Most people would complain about Fatigue before the things you listed, but to each his own, I guess.
  14. The problem with this, that I think a lot of people who don't like SS' writing(Myself included) is how little build up and attention this kind of stuff gets. The only thing that really has a full set-up and a payoff in SS is Lyon's story. Everything outside of that is half-baked and slapdash.
  15. Bombs on enemy troops is far from frowned upon in modern warfare. Any country locked in a war does it ALL THE TIME. The US dropped upwards of 35,000 bombs last year, and under Obama in 2016, 25,000 were dropped. You can make some commentary on America's eagerness to drop bombs, but bombs are far from "unfair"/"dirty" tactics in modern warfare. Unless you're using them to wipe out civilians and commit war crimes, not many powers in the world are going to bat an eye. Chemical weapons are a whole different topic. These ARE explicitly banned, and most of the world has explicitly agreed to not use them. Oil and fire is not remotely close to chemical weapons. Burning to death in oil will be a painful death, but it's a pain you have to experience for maybe 1 minute or so. Chemical weapons were banned because they were so inhumane that seeing them inaction caused nearly every leader on the planet to go "Oh, that shit's fucked". Stuff like people bleeding from their eyes while their skin slowly flakes off before they finally die as their organs liquefy days later. Any time anyone uses chemical weapons(See Syria two years ago or Iraq under Saddam), it prompts IMMEDIATE action from world super powers. So yeah, I don't think Micaiah's actions were necessarily extreme, given her circumstances.
  16. I remember it because it looked like a cartoon from the 60s/70s, but with animation and writing that was clearly late 90s/early 00s. That said, I don't remember it beyond the skit that I think was in Cartoon Cartoons years before it became a proper series. I was growing out of watching new cartoons by about the time it started airing.
  17. This is true. But again, it's a bit frustrating that the democrats had to fight for CHIP last year, and now the republicans are holding it over their heads. "DEMOCRATS DON'T WANT TO HELP SICK KIDS, THEY WANT TO HELP ILLEGALS!" It feels like everything is a lose-lose situation. A lot of the frustration comes from me not wanting the democrats to take this bullshit laying down, when history has shown time and time again that they will.
  18. When did I say they were powerless? They had the power to demand more concessions in this "bipartisan bill". They took the one thing republicans can and WILL go back on: their word.
  19. Yeah, this will be the topic where the republicans finally follow up on good faith and promises. Not the million other times before this where they've gotten democrats to vote for them by doing the same thing that they never followed up on.
  20. Yeah, there's a... lot... like a lot alot... to be disappointed at with this shutdown. The republicans played the political game. They got exactly what they wanted, and they have no intentions of listening to them when it comes to DACA over the next 3 weeks. They got rid of DACA funding, while also getting to blame the shutdown on the democrats. It's sickening, but goddammit, the republicans knew what buttons to push to get the democrats to do their bidding. It's why the democrats will always come across as spineless and get taken advantage of. The republicans have absolutely no qualms with playing the bad guy to get what they want. It's basically their bread and butter at this point. The democrats are so goddamn focused on not ever looking as bad as republicans that they'll fold if there's even a question that they look like bad guys. The government shutdown wasn't even their goddamn fault, but they still put the blame on themselves and agreed to the Orange One's goddamn stupid terms that started this whole mess. What was supposed to be a major bipartisan bill became a republican victory, and a total democratic loss. For the love of God, we need to stop electing chickenshit democrats. Then we need to pass a goddamn bill that strips away congress' employment benefits during a shutdown so we stop seeing this kind of detrimental gaming of politics.
  21. He does bang his own sister...
  22. I like the FE5 and 7 final chapters. There's something about fighting a dozen full-fledged bosses on your way to the actual big baddie instead of dozens of red shirts standing between you and the last boss. Of the two, I like FE5's a bit more, just because the map layout is more appealing, and the idea that you might have to kill former teammates who have been killed and brought back is a bit more of a gut-punch. The Reeves are certainly sad to have to kill again, but not like having to kill Dagdar or Eyvel again. Also the Deadlords are a bit more threatening than the morphed Black Fangs. Veld is certainly a step down from Nergal, though, but at least there's no disappointing faceless dragon.
  23. I am simultaneously sad that the Vikings lost, and relieved that I don't have to care about football for another year.
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