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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. To make it a bit easier, his name is Holmes.
  2. The pirate lord I mentioned earlier from TRS uses bows. Plus, pirates DID exist before guns were invented and widely available.
  3. Pirates were known for flintlock pistols, not muskets. Regardless, I am 110% sure that this isn't real. If it was, I hate the idea of guns in FE.
  4. Fire Emblem never goes the western or realistic routes. Their Berserkers aren't a bunch of mentally challenged drug addicts, for example. If they did a pirate game, it'd be very much like OP.
  5. ... Do... Do we tell him? I think we should tell him that arguably the largest piece of pop culture in Japan for 20 years straight is a pirate manga.
  6. Holy crap you're right. Even I forgot that there were just Megami Tensei games.
  7. Yeah, somebody with holy blood can get ganked by a bunch of no-names, but compared to even Awakening, which has the highest stat caps, a Holy Weapon wielding Holy Blood child is going to last longer than an Awakening child against fodder. The stat boosts given by holy weapons is something only other holy weapon wielders will be able to reasonably deal with. Strong fodder in Awakening will be able to do damage to the kid units. On top of this, holy blood increases the unit's growths substantially(And even more substantially if the blood is major or if there are two Holy bloods) and increases their weapon ranks, which is one of the ways the game tries to establish through game play that normal people can't compete with holy blood descendents. And while Lucina does have a Falchion, it's hard to tell if it'd work against holy blood. It is effectively dragon blood, but holy blood descendents aren't really human/dragon hybrids. Wyrm Slayer weapons didn't exist in Jugdral. They just had anti-flying weapons. If you want to make that argument, fine(I feel like if taking down Galle and Loptyr was that simple, Naga just would have handed out a bunch of Falchions instead of all of Dragonkind needing to make blood bonds with humans). But there is one Lucina with a Falchion, and there are 22 kids with holy blood. EDIT: Actually, the OP included Thracia, so including Fergus, Mareeta and Saias, there are 25 kids with holy blood that are playable in Jugdral.
  8. The thing you have to consider here is that Jugdral and Awakening are literally in the same world. There's no wondering how the normal people in Jugdral compare to normal people in Ylisse, because normal people are the same in both. It's the same world. When this factors in, and you remember how HUGE of a deal it is to have Holy Blood in Jugdral, it's effectively like a dozen Grimas running around. Or even worse, since Julia was running around with Naga's blood flowing through her veins. There's absolutely nothing any of the Awakening kids could do to Julia. The Awakening kids living through Grima's terror means nothing when somebody is running around with the power of Naga at their finger tips. The same Naga(Well, not literally the same, since there is a new Naga by the time of Awakening) that the heroes, including the children, needed help from just to get to Grima. As well as potentially 20 more people with at least minor dragon blood. To top this off, while the Genealogy kids didn't go through Grima and the Grimleal, they were raised since birth to fight what was effectively the predecessor to both of them, and they were constantly on the run. Inversely, while the Awakening kids went through arguably more hardship, they're not ever put on a higher pedestal than their parents, who, aside from Chrom, Lissa, Robin, Nowi and Panne, are just normal people. If anything, the game makes it clear that the kids are just as good as their parents, but not necessarily better. Fates is an X-factor here, since it is a different world, but I don't think there's really anything in the franchise to say "Oh, the average person from X world is stronger than the average person from Y world."
  9. Altus has a bad habit of ignoring things that happened before SMT and SMT spinoffs get popular(See: SMT before Nocturne, as well as Persona before 3). I'd be happy with a throwback to 1 and 2. Admittedly I only played those once each about a decade ago, but I remember them having some CRAAAAAZY shit in them, which is always what I've liked about the SMT franchise compared to a lot of JRPG series. Whenever a JRPG(I'll say post-Final Fantasy X JRPGs) gets close to scratching the surface of an interesting or out-there idea, it stops and goes back to its safe space of tropey-writing and anime cliches. When SMT scratches the surface of an interesting out-there idea, it pulls out the dynamite and hopes for the best. And SMT1 and 2 did that plenty, so yeah, I'd be cool with a throwback. The only other JRPG franchise that has survived the anime writing armageddon of FFX with interesting ideas in-tact was probably Drakengard. And eventually that led to NieR: Automata, so I'd say it worked out.
  10. All of our pain is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Nothing we feel matters. ... Anywho, yeah. I'm hoping for a showing of SMTV. That'd be a good new JRPG to look forward to for the year. Hoping it's more Nocturne than 4 was, but I can hang with another 4 if that's what we get. Really, depending on what ends up being shown, SMTV may steal the show from FE for me, if SMT has a strong showing and FE doesn't.
  11. Genealogy. They're all literally fueled by dragon blood and are damn near individually as strong as an entire army. Lore-wise, a single person with holy blood is a MAJOR game-changer on the battlefield. While the Fates and Awakening children are strong, very few of them are anywhere near what the Genealogy kids are. The best you get are immature manaketes. If we're going by pure stats, then the Awakening kids, due to the stupidly high caps of that game, with Limit Breaker putting caps over 50.
  12. Think of how my entire state would feel about that. Vikings are effectively just much more organized pirates, and the Minnesota Vikings are also purple and gold.
  13. That chapter is very good at building atmosphere and making you feel like you're really just trudging through that burned down forest. I think it goes on a bit long, though, and the looking at the same burnt forest for that long gets a little boring. It is a standout map/chapter from a game with good maps, though, so that says a lot.
  14. I just realized the top seeds in the AFC and NFC are all from northern states, and the Wild Card winners are all from southern states. Next week: Civil War 2
  15. Feel free. Excessive swearing outside of certain forums IS against the rules, but myself, and many others, break that rule all the time. So I doubt even if it was(It isn't) against the rules, that anybody would really bust your chops over using emoticons.
  16. I wonder how many people craving a pirate-themed FE have played TRS. It's not strictly pirate themed, but one of the lords is a pirate, and half of the game is going around as the pirate lord.
  17. SD was an odd first game. It's pretty divisive around here... ... Then again, what FE isn't divisive? Anyway, welcome.
  18. Come on Carolina. I trash talked their road game, but Saints still a scary team. Definitely the scariest team the Vikings could play in the playoffs. I'd rather the Panthers come here. EDIT: Godddddddammit.
  19. I will be rooting for you 100%. I'll root for pretty much anybody going against the Pats.
  20. 14 from Thracia. It's the defense chapter in the series that feels most like an intense defense chapter. You're protecting a walled off city against a massive horde of enemies, tons of ballista, and 3 boss units(Of which only one actually participates in the siege, but it's still intimidating to think that the other two could join in any second). There are other difficult defense chapters in the series(Notably chapter 10 in Conquest), but the only other one that comes close to the feeling that 14 from Thracia gives is 3-13 from RD, where the two main armies of the game finally clash, and one army completely outclasses the one you play as. But despite that, it never quite feels like the insurmountable odds that 14 from Thracia feels like.
  21. All of the favorites in these wildcard rounds haven't looked particularly great. Both the Chiefs and the Rams lost, and the Jags are struggling against the weakest team in the playoffs.
  22. I've been thinking of getting a capture card. If I do, I'll race ya.
  23. The thing that kills me inside is that the audience that would eat that shit up eclipses the audience that would enjoy an old-school FE. And to further darken my soul, it's that reason that makes me think "That sounds dumb and awful, but it's best for business, so it's totally likely."
  24. Very rarely. It has to be something big, or it has to be reasonably priced.
  25. It used to be the same for me. I used to really like Sigurd, Hector, Ephraim and Ike. Basically the manly, self-assured, headstrong lords. But as time went on, I realized that Sigurd, Hector, and Ike(PoR Ike, mostly) were flawed, imperfect, or weren't loved by everyone. Ephraim wasn't. He WAS flawless, he was boring, and he was loved by everyone. He's an incredibly boring character, since you more or less see his entire character in his first scene. He gets some scenes with Lyon, but it's not enough. The only reason he's not my least favorite is because I'd rather have a flawless character than somebody who is 90% flaws, but treated as if they're flawless. Which is why Corrin is such a pain. I used to think Robin was worse, but putting things into perspective REALLY makes Corrin dreadful. Because at least Robin more or less acts like the things people bend over backwards to suck his/her dick for. Corrin could step in dog crap on the side of the road, and basically everyone would applaud him/her for cleaning the streets. Except for CQ Takumi, who would probably accuse Corrin of putting the dog crap there in the first place.
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