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Not so bueno

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Posts posted by Not so bueno

  1. 10 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    It's a somewhat cliched answer, but I would recommend FEXNA. Whenever it comes out that is.

    In the meantime, I would try practicing with FE7.

    Just know that hacking, even though it's a lot more user-friendly these days, is a lot different to most forms of game making (since you're reverse engineering vs engineering).

    Thanks for the quick answer. I've never heard of FEXNA but I'll give it a look.

    There's definitely things I want to do that might prove to be difficult such as changing up the chapter maps/winning conditions and expanding cutscenes (adding a Seth vs Valter type scene). I'm not sure any of that is possible but I do know that there are some pretty well done hacks and will probably look them up before I begin. I heard The Last Promise added voice acting and that was years ago. 

  2. 1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

    From what I can tell, SRPG studio is a budget release and other than the sheer coincidence of Kaga using it for kicks, it's not really anything special. The other thing is that Japanese developers--especially really small ones--may not be interested in the international market.

    Not saying we can't try to convince them, but it's going to be a hard sell. Especially coming from fans who, from their perspective, may or may not know what they're talking about. Whereas if an actual English localisation studio approached them, it would be a different scenario.

    Are there other engines that use a Fire Emblem-esque battle system? I've been meaning to start on a long-term project and can't decide if I'm better off using SRPG Studio or simply hacking FE7.

  3. I went through Tordo (having not played it before) with the nightmare modules and whatever they did is all over the place. Player Weapon Editor, Weapon/Staff editor, and Holy Blood Editor are 110% completely revamped. They insure the holy weapons are passed down by changing every single one of those things but as I go through each one, I can't seem to make sense of any of it (Baldo blood unlocks a charm staff, a ring has the Tyfring name/ID on it, etc). I'm not sure how the hacker(s) prevented holy weapons from popping up all over the place either since they change a holy weapon into a regular weapon.

    If someone who has played one of the binary hacks could shed some light on what holy weapons specifically get passed down, I'd really appreciate it. 


  4. 4 hours ago, General Horace said:

    The only 4 you can pass down (using only nightmare anyway) are the 4 normally passed down in the regular game.  If you replace Holsety with Thor Hammer, Thor Hammer will just poof in gen 2 (unless you put it elsewhere)

    I may look into the binary hacks and see what kind of stuff they did through nightmare. May find something useful.

  5. 4 hours ago, Shin said:

    I recall there being a string of values which decided which holy weapons could be passed down. Altenna has the Gae Bolg regardless, but I think the other three are all set to specifically be able to be passed down.

    EDIT: I think it's also done by item ID value rather than weapon editor slot, so just using their slots wouldn't work.

     So end of the day you can only pass down 4 holy weapons regardless of what you do? Maybe 3 since Altenna will take away whatever weapon is assigned Gae Bolg's ID.

  6. 2 hours ago, Lamia said:

    units that cannot reach a destination during an event where they spawn and walk will cause a crash on spawning, for one of the following reasons

     - the class has 0 movement (long arches)
     - the unit is given a destination on an unwalkable terrain tile for their class
     - the unit is given a destination past impassable terrain and cannot path

    if you've been fiddling with him or his army or the map itself I would suggest rechecking

    Thanks. I found the culprit! In the first hour or two I was learning to hack, I messed with the army pointer editor not knowing what it was and thought I saved on a backup.

  7. I've run into my first major glitch. Everything is peachy up until chapter 1 when Elliot's units show up. The cut-scenes are all fine, Eldigan is chatting with Lachesis but then when the screens pans out for his units to exit his castle as allied/yellow units then the game freezes and blanks out. Has anyone have had a similar experience to this and if so, what edit is likely the cause behind it? Currently, I saved right before I capture the first castle and I'm going back and forth between the game and the editor.

    In my game, I made Eldigan a playable unit that appears later in the game. However, I don't think it should be causing issues in chapter 1 so my suspicion is that it's something else entirely. 

    3 hours ago, General Horace said:

    I'm fairly certain that if the weapon is a holy weapon and isn't Holsety, Valkyrie or Ichieval (maybe the Gae Bolg too,) it won't be inherited in gen 2, so keep that in mind.  Unless someones found a workaround for that.

    Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't played the binary mods but don't one of them feature Tiltyu and her holy weapon? 

  8. 23 minutes ago, Lamia said:

    item numbers in reference to anything related to items you receive use the player item list (including events) so use the Player Weapon Editor to modify the items you receive

    for example find holsety in the list and change it to a different item

    the item list's contents won't change in your playthrough until you reload a save so be sure to remember to do that in the future

    Thank you. :)

    Would I have to change anything at all in weapon/staff editor 1?

  9. For holy weapons, does the game trigger events that gives you them based on the item name? I didn't see an item number I could see in the editor (or at least edit).

    IE I want the event that gets Levin holsety to change into another holy weapon.

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