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Posts posted by randybutternubz

  1. I wouldnt say speed is the meta, but the launch focus heroes are,

    I use 2 heroes with high speed and 2 heroes with lower speed but high damage. Sometimes you can one shot the heroes with just high damage over their higher speed

  2. 6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Upgrading to 3* and even 4* isn't too bad, feather amount wise.  Only going from 4* to 5* is really that prohibitively expensive.  I've got enough feathers to upgrade a single unit to 5* now, but I'm worried about blowing them all now, if I have another 4* that I really want to upgrade later, since even with the 10K feather gift, I've barely gotten enough to upgrade one unit, now.

    Just get the 5* they make the difference

  3. 5* Sharena is my bread and butter, damage reduction, rally attack, and def up for allies, with the best overall stats ive seen on any hero so far, shes perfectly balanced and can take hits and return damage


    5* lvl 40 stats

    Hp 43 Atk 48 Spd 35 Def 29 R 22

  4. spent $870 on dota 2(F2P) since 2012, but depending on how long i stay interested in this game i might spend a decent amount,

    beats spending $60 or $40 on a whole different game i wont play again, bought FFXV and RE7, stopped playing them out of boredem now im down a 100+ orbs i couldve bought for a game im actually playing and enjoying

  5. Downloading JP apk with english locale will result in ENG voice language

    Downloading JP apk with japanese locale (without rooting) will result in JP text and language, even after changing phone locale back to ENG the app was still in JP text and language.

    Linking a Nintendo ID will overwrite the location based on where your account ID is set (Warning will pop up. (Didn't Link)

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