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Posts posted by Pimalai

  1. I'm building my Horse Emblem team. Xander and +Atk Reinhardt are ready, both at 5* with inherited skills. Both Ursula and Cecilia are at 4* with a tot of SP's ready, I just need feathers...

    But yesterday I got Ninian and I think I will be using her a lot with every team (maybe even with my Horse Emblem team). And I have only one Roy to pass Triangle Adept, which is pretty must required to Cecilia.

    What would you do, considering that I have only 3k feathers right now? Feed Roy to Ninian right now and pray for another Roy while I collect another 17k feathers? Or just give it to Cecilia?

    I also have 5* Peri and 5* Carrot Xander for Horse Emblem...

  2. Right now I'm running Ike, Hector, Effie and Julia/Olivia. I made my 4,5k poins in the last run, but I'm not too happy with it. I think I prefer just one armor unit along with Ike; then a mage and definetely I like to have a dancer. Problem with the dancer is BST (it's a 4* Olivia with no merges, who is not even maxed) and that bad positioning/mistakes inevitably causes a death.

    A full melee team, especially with movement restrictions (armor)... well, not my stile, even when I have a conservative playstyle (bait and counter). The dancer and Pivot (love it for armor units)/Swap helps a lot.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    Do you run Recipricol Aid on your team to keep hector's HP up for counter doubling? I have neither Hec nor Eff but it's what I assume you would do with a team like this

    No, the only healing I run is Julia's Breath of Life (which is marginal but sometimes helps). Hector is Distant Counter/Vantage. Some kinf of healing could be a good idea, yes.

  4. Got over 4,3k points today. Easy winning streak with Olivia in the team (she's 4* level 20), but that BST seems to hurt points badly.

    Ike, Hector, MRobin & Olivia = easy wins.

    Ike, Hector, Effie, Julia = I lost some matches.

    Maybe the two armor units make me go too high in tier, thus more difficult enemies; and movement restriction is an issue, even when my playstyle is conservative (I like good positioning and baiting the enemy, then counr-attacking).

  5. Hey guys,

    Now that my infantry units are almost maxed with SI, my team is powerful enough for the arena and for special events (Xander and Zephiel were easy), so I'm focusing on building Flier/Horse Emblem teams (I don't like Armor Emblem that much due to mobility issues). I have very good flier units (Minerva, Cordelia, Catria, Spring Camilla, Clair... and some 4* units that I could upgrade, such as Camilla. Subaki or Cherche) BUT I don't have a single Hinoka, which I think  that is, along with Spring Camilla, a must for a Flier Emblem team, due to Hone Fliers. So, although my cavalry units are not that great (none of them is even 5*), I will start a Horse Emblem team that I hope will be powerful in a few weeks/months from now.

    I'll share my ideas for a budget but powerful Horse Emblem team. I hope it helps someone and your ideas help me make it even better.

    OK, the idea is to have a core team with 3 units: a melee horse with Hone Cavalry, acting as tank/buffer; and two tome users with movement assist skills, who will basically kill everything. The fourth slot will be either a dancer, another horse with an additional buff or an arena bonus character. I want this to be useful using 3 horses. All of them (except Reinhardt, in my case) will be obtainable f2p:

    1. XANDER is an obvious choice for melee, as he's tanky and fills the red colour. Fury/QR looks like a powerful build for him, but keeping Armored Blow (A) is a decent cheaper alternative IMO. His (C) is obviously Hone Cavalry from 4* Gunter.
    2. CECILIA will be the first of the tome users. I think she's quite powerful in a horse team, especially if built with Death Blow (you need a 4* Klein or a 5* Hawkeye for this... I wouldn't sacrifice an Effie or a 5* Ursula for this) and G Tomebreaker in (B), which is easy from 4* Henry. She can have Ward Cavalry (4* Eliwood) or Fortify Cavalry (4* Jagen) in (C).
    3. URSULA can be the second tome user. I choose her because she's free, but personally I'll use REINHARDT instead. When using all 4 horses, I will include both in the team. Deathblow is a good (A) skill for both (Ursula has it as default, so it's cheaper too). Reinhardt comes with Goad Cavalry in (C), which is perfect. Ursula would need to add either Ward Cavalry (4* Eliwood) or Fortify Cavalry (4* Jagen).

    All of them will have either Drag Back, Reposition or Swap as assists... those are pretty common and obtainable from 3* units like Barst, Selena, Arthur, Stahl, Sully... which aren't that geat anyway.

    So, the expensive part of this is: 1) Above all, feathers to bring them all up to 5*; 2) Some more expensive skills which requiere 5* or good units sacrifices... I'm thinking mostly on Death Blow and maybe Lancebreaker (you need to kill a Narcian) if you want that on Reinhardt. In case you want to give Xander QR, a 3* Subaki gives QR1, which might be enough.Otherwise you'd need to kill a 5* Subaki or, even worse, a 5* Klein or Leo (who should be in the team instead of the mentioned  free 3-4* tome users in case you have one available). Vantage (4* Lon'Qu) and Fury (4* Hinata) are relatively more common in case you want to use them.

    Personally, I have some alternatives, which I feel that are weaker: Spring Xander as a tanky melee unit, whose only advantage is that he's already 5*; Frederick (but you need a red); Eliwood, who has a default Ward Cavalry at 4* -but I think I'm better off giving that to Xander instead-; or Jagen (same with Fortify Cavalry). I also have a 5* Peri, but I prefer a tankier unit. I just have one Jagen/Gunter, so I need to choose carefully the units I give the buffs too, especially the Hone Cav.

    Which units would make this better? I think Eldigan and of course Olwen, although I think that Ursula fits her role just nicely.

    I appreciate any comments or ideas.




  6. I got -DEF+RES Ike after 8-10 summons (only reds). I also got a second Alm that I merged (got +1 Atk & HP, that's fine).

    Now I have Eirika, Alm and Ike... along with Zephiel and other reds... too much red, but hell, I got Ike!

    Now, what to inherit... I feel Ike is great even pre-inheritance. Heavy Blade (A) may not optimal but is an original skill and I don't want another Fury 3 sword user, so I may keep it. For (B), Vantage 3 seems a pretty obvious choice for its synergy with Distant Counter, but keeping Swordbreaker is a cheaper and interesting option, as he's naturally slow. Threaten Attack would be my choice for (C).

    I'm keeking Ragnell OFC. For the assist I will take whatever and for the special... I see people keeping Aether (a CD of 5 seems too much)...



  7. I've tried a couple of times (lunatic, the hard one was easy), and I failed.

    None of my units can ORKO anything, so the map gets complicated with my units out of place. I don't have drag backs, that could be useful.

    I've tried with Effie, who can't stand those magic attacks; Julia, who can't ORKO the armored blues; Eirika for buffing; and then tired M!Robin or Bunny Camilla.

    I'll level Nowi up to lvl 40 and try with her... I also have a very appropiate Reinhardt, but he's a 4* lvl 1, and I would need to build him in days (and I already have bunny Lucina and M!Robin as blue mages...).

  8. I pulled Alm and Clair, aside from a Cordelia. I'm very happy with Cordelia and Alm (nice artwork and apparently very nice skillset) and I think I have potential now for a Flier Emblem team.

    These are the stats for comparison:

    Alm is 22 HP, 25 (6 without Falchion) Atk, 6 Spd, 5 Def, 5 Res.

    Clair is 19 HP, 22 (7 without Silver Lance+) Atk, 8 Spd, 5 Def, 8 Res.


  9. 14 minutes ago, Fly_or_Die said:

    If you're going to forgo Moonbow, I would pick Bonfire over Ignis. Nowi's damage output is pretty high to begin with, so I doubt there are very many scenarios in which the extra 9 damage from Ignis will make a difference. 4-turn charge is really quite annoying in the arena (the reason Moonbow is so popular is that it's a 2-turn charge), while 3-turn charge is still usable.

    Yeah, I think you are right,4 CD is too much. I'll see if I have a spare 4* Tiki, otherwise I will just sacrifice another Odin for Moonbow, I have 3 of them waiting (3* all of them, but I have the feathers).


  10. I want to do this with my Nowi.

    I chose Ignis over Moonbow because I'm putting Moonbow on everything, literally, and I think Ignis would work nicely on her, as she has natural high defense. TA 3 will have to wait until I get a 4* Roy... I stay at level 2 in the meanwhile.

    Threaten Res may not be optimal, but I have Threaten Res 3 learnt and changing it would be too expensive... and that's not a bad passive for her I think.

    What do you think? The cost of this will be 20k feathers for Nowi, I have the rest I think (maybe 2k more for Henry).


  11. It's been very easy on hard, as Robin basically clears the map, being careful with those axes. Let's see Lunatic, as I made an error and Catria took a hit from the axeman that in lunatic may well kill her.

  12. Wow, we almost crossed posts on Spring Lucina.

    I see you settle with desperation 2, it might be enough. The Special skill can be anything, your route is safer than mine for the glass cannon she is.

    Draconic Aura is good I think. It's just slower than Moonbow, but I do't have that many Odins to waste.


  13. I'm thinking on a build for Spring Lucina (-Spd+HP). I have kind of an optimal setup, but I don't have access to all these skills:

    • Blàrblade+ (I'd need to promote an Odin to 5*... too expensive). This will have good sinergy with Eirika.
    • Ardent Sacrifice (no problem, I have an spare Florina).
    • Moonbow (another Odin... and 2k feathers; hell, I'm using Moonbow on everything xD).
    • Keep Swift Sparrow 2
    • Desperation 3 (I need to sacrifice a 4* Shanna, but it may worth it)
    • Threaten Res 3 for added spice, but I can only sacrifice a 4* Oboro.

    Buffs from Eirika and Desperation could turn this Lucina in a killing machine. BnB of the build is Desperation and Ardent Sacrifice, may I just wait and make this perfect or should I find easier alternatives?

    Substitutes for Moonbow? Glimmer maybe? Iceberg?




  14. 44 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Lucina actually has better speed than linde, which is pretty ridiculous. 

    She has the same hp, and better defense, but has both lower attack and a lower damage weapon, which keeps her from being outright better.

    Definitely really good though

    Oh man, I got her in the first slot of the first pull... that's luck. I could still get greedy and go for the reds, but hey, I should stop here.

    I'll make a fortress out of my festive carrot knight and level up that Lucina ASAP.

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