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Posts posted by Argly902

  1. Back before SI was a thing, it was a pretty clear cut case of takumi/hector/linde sort of deal (afaik anyways), but SI pretty much revolutionized team dynamics

    Out of curiosity, what would an "ideal" team resemble now? I'm aware of how good/bad matchups throw things off, regardless of how the game has changed, and different units will form excellent teams that aren't correlated, but if you were to make a team to deal with as many different situations as possible, what kind of combinations (or specific units) would you put together for an attack team?

    Seems like Azura/Ninian are the ideal dancer/singer atm, Ryoma, Hector, ???

    Being the casual F2P I am, I've had basically no exposure to what a top tier whale team would look like, and this game seems too new to have the extensive data and basis for theorycrafting that older games like P&D has. Any thoughts? 

  2. Currently debating on whether to promote a +spd/-def robin or a +atk/-def reinhardt

    The IVs on reinhardt are pretty good, beast mode once I get the brave tome. Robin is a mixed bag, with a super good IV and a terrible one. But on the other hand, I do struggle a little against takumi so it might be an option

    My team is still about the same as before. Effie, Eirika, Elise, Sanaki (still no good green units :/ )

  3. 23 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    Yes.  The +spd will help him not get doubled and if you ever make a calvary team its possible to push his speed up to attacking 4x.  Not the best nature, but not terrible.  For now, Reinhardt will help if you're having problems with glass cannons since he's a horse ranged unit that's guaranteed to kill units like Takumi.

    So -hp doesn't cripple him completely? I was more worried about that since +spd is like having almost no boon at all, so just evaluating whether -hp is going to get him killed in one round or not 

    Mostly going this far in because it's going to be a long while until I get enough feathers to promote anyone again if I do invest in him

  4. +spd/-hp Reinhardt worth promoting to 5*? It seems I get speed boons on all the units that don't need it at all (like Effie). He's not -atk though, so with buffs from the rest of my team he could be viable maybe. -hp probably sucks though, although ideally he shouldn't be taking hits. 

    Currently using Effie/Eirika/Sanaki/Elise (waiting for better green unit to pop up)

    Thinking about replacing Elise, since my team is overflowing with buffs already between Sanaki and Eirika

    In terms of game progress, I've completed story on normal, somewhere about halfway through hard. Stuff is around level 30 or so


  5. So on behalf of my brother, who has no idea what he's doing apart from sticking his first 5* and whatever other stuff he's got onto a team when he started, wondering what team he should pump feathers and crystals into. Screen is attached

    Iiliana seems to get doubled a lot, and she seems to die whenever she attacks anything that can counter. As for boons/banes...

    Can't tell what eldigan is. Also don't know what his Effie is, although I'm pretty sure it's not -atk. Kagero is +spd/-res. Chrom is +atk/-def

    Let me know if you need to know the IVs of any of the other units in the screen. 


  6. tbh I was hoping Eirika/Sanaki with her insane buffs would help the problem. I guess not.

    Might be worthy of mention I'm a filthy casual F2P, so I'm not even going to scrape the top of arena or anything. I am looking to get high enough so I can actually get feathers for upgrades and beat some high end content. 


    P&D doesn't give me this stupid RNG on top of RNG bullshit gdi



  7. Seems like I'm set in terms of red damage (Eirika and Sanaki)

    I'm guessing just hang onto my orbs until a better focus shows up? Considering only thing I'm missing from the princess banner is Lucina, and even though she's the best, the rates don't warrant rolling more. Or does it?

  8. So, theres this Sanaki account I rerolled a few days ago. Was running this ghetto Sanaki/Sharena/Gunter/Setsuna team. Then I rolled 60 orbs (mostly from special app release dungeons) trying to get Lucina. Well, in the end I didn't get Lucina. But I did walk out with Elise, Eirika, and a 4* female corrin along with other stuffs

    5* : Elise, Sanaki, Eirika

    4*: FCorrin, Niles, Gunter, Selena, laslow, azama

    3*: Felicia, Setsuna, Jagen, Sophia, Palla

    2*: Starter freebies, Olivia, Wrys

    I've worked my way through the beginning of story mode (main units lvl 16 ish). Anyways, thoughts? Current team is: Eirika, Elise, Sanaki, Gunter

  9. Finally got a phone that can run FE heroes without crashing every 30 seconds

    After rerolling like 20 times in the past two days, I only rolled 2 5*s total (first was Lachesis, which apparently is a bad starting roll)

    Luckily, I rolled a Sanaki today, along with a 4* Gunter and some other junk 3*s

    Anyways, I've heard some good things about Sanaki, but is she worth starting with? It seems she lacks a special, which is somewhat concerning. She has pretty good damage, terrible hp/def. Considering my brother rolled an eldigan today... not sure how I feel about her 

  10. Hi, so I'm like super confused.

    I got FE Heroes on bluestacks, and then got this error. So I followed the instructions and got root explorer to delete the said file. However, root explorer gives me an error saying my "device isn't rooted" or something like that, and I'm completely lost on where to navigate from this point

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