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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. It's funny that you mention that because I've been considering requesting an Archer sprite from the Sprite Assembly thread. Boey's head is probably the closest we're ever going to get to Archer's, so I really just need to figure out what to do for the outfit. Any ideas?
  2. @DLNarshen Running double green is actually a lot more viable now than it used to be since the meta has basically shifted to blue-dominant over red-dominant, as far as I've seen. I personally run double green as well (Julia and Hector) to great success. It does help that I have Ike/Ryoma for G Tomebreaker green mages and Reinhardt for reds though.
  3. Welp, Round 2 has ended. Congratulations to the winners, and good job to everyone for fighting hard! I'll be moving on to Team Robin for the finale! For anyone I'm already friends with (my friends list is full, so I don't think I can add any more people) on Team Robin, let me know who you want me to put as my rep (unit list is in the sig). I'm currently planning to go with Ryoma to cover Robin's weakness to greens (since I assume most people are going to be battling with their own Robin), but if you want me to switch to someone else just let me know! EDIT: @Ice Dragon I'll miss using your Ninian </3 she was a valuable ally in the fight against Tharja, and I'll be sad to see her go.
  4. Assuming you're running a Brave Axe set, I would go with either Drag Back (to allow her to retreat after a kill) or Wings of Mercy for mobility. Axebreaker is also an option, but considering she already kills all but the most durable axes (like Hector) anyways, I'd rather just leave those to a red unit and give her more versatility in her other matchups.
  5. It's not a perfect solution (if one exists), but I like how it is now because it's a compromise of sorts. This way, the winners of the gauntlet get feathers from victories and the joy of supporting their favorite character to victory. On the other side, those who lost the gauntlet win more feathers. This way, both sides win something and so neither side is as unhappy as they would be otherwise.
  6. Idk if this was already posted, but jesus christ Defense maps are surprisingly easy to exploit once you realize you don't need to kill everyone.
  7. I admit that I don't particularly like Tharja, but I think the amount of hate that she and her supporters get is a bit ridiculous. I wish people could learn that you can dislike a character and still be civil about it.
  8. It's not even that; I just genuinely like Robin. That's all there is to it. And you're fine. ???????????????? You, uh, wanna donate some of those? Buddy? Pal?
  9. Oh is that what it sounded like? Mbad, I promise there was no such implication. I'm simply consoling myself with the fact that I'll probably lose but at least get a lot of feathers for my troubles. I wholeheartedly support the notion of fighting for the character you like, not the one that nets you the most gains. I'm not personally a fan of Tharja, but I respect those on her side who genuinely like her character and support her because of that.
  10. If nothing else, we can count on Team Tharja ultimately scoring fewer feathers than the rest of us :D
  11. With the new Wrathful Staff skill. Normally, healers automatically have their damage halved after damage calculations (so if a healer with 40 attack fought an enemy with 20 res, the healer would do 10 damage instead of 20). Wrathful Staff cancels that penalty, so healers can now do the full damage if they have that skill.
  12. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't think I was ever truly alive until this day.
  13. This whole debate isn't helped by the fact that I'm allergic to cream cheese
  14. I've been wondering this for a while, but when one side loses to another, do more people join the side that beat them (as a sign of camaraderie and respect, like with Chrom and Ephraim) or do more people join the side that didn't (as an act of vengeance)?
  15. Cinnamon rolls aren't for consumption; they're for loving D:
  16. My good buddy @MrSmokestack wrote up a Xander analysis not long ago, so I'd recommend taking a look: Fury/QR/Hone sounds good to me though. You always want the buffs to go on the units that need them least. Of your team, Cecilia and Reinhardt/Olwen/Ursula benefit more from Hone Cavalry than Xander or Camus, so they should get Fortify. As a result, Xander and Camus should be the ones to carry Hone Cavalry if you wanted two of each.
  17. I've used every last one of my orbs. I was focus pulling clears and had my streak broken by a 5* Lucius... Why must I suffer so </3
  18. No because I can't pull a Genny to save my life, and I am salt.
  19. In a game with this many characters, some characters will inevitably be overshadowed by others. Just look at Navarre, for example. What can he do that Lon'qu can't do better? I'm perfectly happy with Mae being a "worse Linde" since Linde is such an amazing unit that a "worse Linde" is still one of the best mages in the game. For someone like you with the resources to acquire every unit with optimal natures and skills, I imagine optimization is a bit more important though.
  20. Yeah, I should definitely have mentioned her speed in comparison with Linde's since that's arguably more important than just base attack. The original question was between Mae and Robin though, and she's unquestionably a better offensive unit than Robin is. What do you think about Mae though? I admit I haven't thought too much about a bulky Owl set, but how do you think that compares to her running a standard Blade set? I'm still of the opinion that Blade is better for her overall, but I'm open to discussion since, as I said, I admittedly haven't given a bulkier Owl set much thought yet. EDIT: @SatsumaFSoysoy What a coincidence; that's exactly my Celica's nature. Thanks for the tip :P
  21. That evidently wasn't an optimal Reinhardt then since a +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 and a Hone Cavalry buff has no issues OHKOing a -Res Hector even without a special. With a special active (Draconic Aura is primed after just one round of combat), he doesn't even need the buff to OHKO neutral Hector.
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