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Posts posted by Fala

  1. Personally, I would choose to remake both FE9 and FE10 separately.

    I want IS to re-imagine FE10 personally because I think that the Greil Mercenaries/Laguz take up too much time from the DB/new characters.

    IMO, Ike's character development is done when Radiant Dawn starts so I find it better to focus on the newer characters.

    Or if I had to be real ballsy and say that if they add the Avatar for both games, I'm wondering if IS will let us choose between the GM or the DB.

  2. Worst Lord in terms of design: CORRIN. I don't know what the fuck he/she's wearing but I want to punch them in the throat for it. Eirika for having the most forgettable design in the series looking like a female Marth before Lucina was a thing and her Gary Stu brother is worse at not looking like Marth. FE2!Alm and Celica are archaic to the point where the Old Mystery art looks better. Dark Dragon!Marth would be here but I enjoy that design like how people can enjoy The Room and Birdemic.

    Worst Lord in terms of writing: FE10!Ike because I don't really know why he's given a third of the game that should have went to the new characters when Ike is being bland and boring as shit because the writers have no idea what the fuck to do with Ike because his story/character development ended in FE9. Honestly, I think that FE10!Ike is the second worst lord next to CORRIN. Speaking of which, FUCK CORRIN. Male, female, Conquest, Birthright or Revelations, CORRIN will forever be shit regardless of what route you take or what gender you make them be. Sigurd, for all of his badass-ness and reliability feels like all of his character traits are on cliff-notes and didn't really express any character because most of his conversations are there to flesh out the plot further. I blame the SNES/SFC's limitations so Game!Sigurd gets a dishonorable mention. Manga!Sigurd is MY headcanon and I'm sticking to it.

    Worst in the lore: CORRIN, because literally everyone likes CORRIN except assholes (Iago and Hans), blob monsters (Garon), and people being possessed by evil dragon god abominations (Conquest!Takumi before he dies.) so they don't fucking count. CORRIN can't go anywhere without anyone praising them even as they constantly fuck up. The prime example of this is Hinoka in the ending of Conquest. CORRIN ravaged her country, killed her mother by proxy, killed many loyal soldiers and retainers, killed both of her brothers, took her little sister as a hostage among other things and she treats it like a slap on the wrist because it's fucking CORRIN. Hinoka literally has a pile of good reasons to want to have CORRIN'S head on a fucking pike. I hate when people use the term Gary Stu/Mary Sue for characters that they hate because most of the time it's not the case. When I mean the term Gary Stu/Mary Sue, the narrative itself will bend over backwards to convenience the character in question.  Which, CORRIN has in fucking spades.


  3. There were too many characters in RD for the support conversation depth that players like myself wanted. And I also feel that Greil Mercenaries already got enough character development in PoR that we can have them be playable in only part 4. Also not to mention keeping all the characters is really dumb when the game is more large-scale and more political then PoR ever was.

    The gay options in Fates were actually pretty bad because it didn’t feel like they were pandering to a LBGT audience and more to fujoshits and Yuri fanboys. If they were actually going to pander to the LGBT crowd then I’d have the same-sex options not be confined to another version of the game pre-Revelations like Silas and Azura. Oh and have more then two gay options.

  4. Avatars: I like created player characters but I HATE how IS has used it. First there's the fact that I can't make a staff using or bow using lord which pisses me off to end as your given other units that can fight so let us pick how we're going to operate during a fight! On that note: Do not and I mean it, do not force us into a class. Even with the Tactician/Grandmaster classes being a nice throwback to Mage Fighters/War Mages, I hated the fact that I couldn't start as a Fighter or a Myrmidon.

    Oh and if you're going to have some gay option(s) have them be varied or you fuck off with it.

    As for Avatar in the story, I believe that Chris Avellone said it best (although I'm paraphrasing):

    "The player should be a Shonen hero, the game however should not suck the player's dick."

  5. Both Ike and Micaiah are just awful, The former is awful because in his own game (FE9) the story TRIED to make him an important character but not THE important character but back peddled on that damn fast by having almost everyone stroke Ike's metaphorical dick on how much potential he has like Ike is a Shonen hero. In a war setting. In a tactical RPG series that regularly has 'War is hell' as one of it's main themes. This also ruined any tension I was supposed to have with the Black Knight because everyone kept on hyping Ike up to high heaven. In, FE10, he and his group stole the spotlight from the Dawn Brigade like how Kira Yamato stole the spotlight in Gundam SEED Destiny and Ike proceeded to do jack shit with it basically becoming Not-Guts. Even his new weapon, the Ettard look like the Dragonslayer, Guts's iconic sword. Ike in FE10 forgot the most important thing that Guts has: his humanity or his ability to go through any trauma and recover from it whether emotionally or physically. And in FE10, Ike is the Chosen One in but name only because for some reason, he's the one who strikes Ashura down in the end.

    Micaiah is bad because doesn't deserve the in-universe hype that she gets other the freedom fighting because she does NOTHING ELSE. She also denies Ashnard's war crimes which is like saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Her pragmatism is the only I like about her. She's also a REALLY shitty unit especially for a Fire Emblem lord. She never got good for me.

  6. Ike needed to have his metaphorical face in the dirt more. Or suffer in more clearer terms. And after FE9, be the Fire Emblem equivalent of Red from Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal or a previous player character that becomes an opponent. In and only in the End Game of Part 4 does he become a playable character.

    Elincia should have been made playable earlier (mid game) and after FE9, she becomes Eliwood in Lyn's story to the Dawn Brigade's Lyn. At the start of Part 4, she becomes playable again.

    Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade should have been the main characters with Micaiah and Pellius being the Lords.


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