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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. ...How did we get from Pamela to checks spelling Díthorba? Out of the many names changed in translation this is by far the weirdest.
  2. Dropping by to say thank you to the entire team. It's maddening (hah) to think of the time and effort this must take.
  3. It's really hard to make changes to Genealogy without making it "less Genealogy" but I'll give it a shot. - Balance between weapon/magic types please. Axes and fire magic are so bad it's ridiculous. - More map objectives that diverge from the main route, to give the footies something to do. Most maps in fe4 have you just going in a straight line and that's NOT good. - Actual supports, and some way to gauge love points between characters. - Make the gen 2 characters a little more distinct from their parents or substitutes. - More than 2 portraits for generic bosses. How many Zanes does this game have again? - DO NOT change Pursuit, Critical, or have an Avatar character. - Uh... Playable Saias? Playable Saias.
  4. Man, I really need to play the Sagas... Anyway, I voted for FE5 for "best game". If the question was "what is your favorite Kaga era game?" I would vote FE4. The plot is unmatched for an FE game, but it has real issues with it's gameplay. It's all justified within the story, of course, but in my eyes that's not an excuse for being a boring game. If you are a Kaga stan then you're going to love the more janky parts of it, like inventory management and the Pursuit skill. FE5 on the contrary... I totally undestand what makes people like it. The story is intertwined with FE4's (and really good in its own right) and the gameplay-story integration is the best it's ever been. Capture and rescue are very fun mechanics. But like... I understand it, but I don't feel it. I just don't have fun playing it. Maybe the FE5 fans can help me out with this. EDIT: @IshiharaS, thank you for the amazing Genealogy write-up.
  5. I probably can't make a pun for eveLee line in the update, but I will try extremeLee hard. FunniLee. MutuaLee. RemoteLee. FLee wooden bow. UseLeess. Leevel (pretty sure we already did that one, but just to be sure.) PLeease. Yours truLee. A Leetle lacking. ProperLee. BeLeeve. ViLeege. Pretty sure that counts as a Jojo reference, but i'll just Leeve it be. SteaLeeng. StatisticaLee. The Reinhardt Smiles. CrepiLee. Leead. FinaLee. 9. It's the first one in a good while, actuaLee. BareLee. VirtuaLee. LeendLeestLeengLeeshabLee. Bruce Lee. ProbLeem. MyrmLeedon. Yeah! Go Leeonel! Yes, we traveled to ELeebe. SeriousLee. BLeenked. SpeechLeess, even. FrontLeene. OverLee. CLeear. Leetle. MeLee. Brawl. Wii U. Ultimate. Sorry, but these stupid jokes are the only thing keeping me sane while writing this madness. BLeech... ComitLee. BarnacLees, bLeestering boLeecks! Eyy, good one. Not as perfectLee crafted as mine, but still. At this point i'm just sick of having to quote and scroll back to where I was reading, but here are all the rest of the puns I could come up with: ALeecia. Leegal. KnowLeedge. OnLee. Ever-so-slightLee. These ThLee images. Neat Leet.
  6. Yes please. SuddenLee, something entireLee different! He did Leeve! Oh boy, another lord with blue hair. Points for originality. Aha! Revenge is a dish best served cold! The long Leest [...] in Leeberia. I vote for Lionel. I propose Henry.
  7. A fucking r34 fanart of Pretzel and Morgan would've outsold the Tellius games. But I digress. This is the hole I came from! You already did! Though i'll notify you if I find a new favorite character. I will. Credit, props and praise to Saint Rubenio for the portrait. I know it entirely for memes, I haven't seen any of it. Beyond the memes, It's a legitimately great show. The older seasons feel a little dated, but it's still hugely entertaining all throughout.
  8. Well, obviously, Eugen is an extremely powerful wizard, so powerful in fact, he can communicate with the dead, though time and parallel universes. Read the lore. I honestly fail to see any purpose in the moneybag mechanic. Could somebody enlighten me? Bilford, the wild O. Now i'm never calling him anything else. FaiLeeng* FreLee* No. That is the most Kaga paragraph i've ever read. ...I'm excited and terrified in equal parts. Also, Leench* Plum, you must be the stupidest character in any FE game, official or otherwise. Leet's* Headcanon: The enemy doesn't take damage from the spell, but from the embarrassment of being hit with such a stupid-looking attack. A Leetle* At Leeast* Their idle frames makes them look like they're staring into your soul. Wonderful. I'm saving that portrait for future use.
  9. You're goddamn right. Damn, now I've got to look that game up. That explains why my luck with gacha games is awful, i've been accidentally giving it away all this time! Cries in Grand Order I have, actually. Who do you take me for? Oh hi Barth. How's your... brick life? General Ernst? Wrong pseudo-FE strategy game, mate. Black Knight? How many does that make, like twenty? ...What's an airport, again? Same Energy. No shit. Remember that the Japanese can't differentiate an R from an L. In the old translation se was called Lenny! Is it just me, or is Eugen way more aggresive today than usual? Gasp! Could this be character development? Not on my watch!
  10. Kept you waiting, huh? Happy Christmas and a Merry new year and all that. Achievement Unlocked! "Critical thinking" It took the rest of us over a year to realize that. "Filler-on-Filler Action" I've only heard it once, and it was pronounced "SHEE-mus". Though it's such an uncommon name IRL that I doubt anyone knows for sure. Is it too soon to say Lee is the Marcus of this LP? Don't you mean "To lose focus on your gLee?" It's another opportunity for Eugen to be awesome, of course! She looks more like an orange-haired Lyn to me. Yadda yadda more than magic my friend Worthashot counter is at 6 if anyone gives a shit.
  11. Version 2.0 doesn't seem to be compatible with MyBoy for Android. When I open MyBoy and tap the v2.0 file, nothing happens. v1.7 works just fine, though.
  12. At first glance it looks like a young Roland, but my guess is Al.
  13. Congratulations on finishing another hugely entertaining catastrophe. The Albertus reveal was unexpectedly epic (if a bit out of the blue, but eh). CGRuben Archeruben Rubemiya Humphrey's motivations and plan were also handled masterfully. Overall, the fanficcy plot is waaaaay better than last time. Also, you won the game! I would say at least you're getting better, but... Better luck next time.
  14. You suck at the game, yes, but your LPs are genuinely entertaining. Credit where credit is due. I found these comments in r/fe the other day and decided they were too topical to not use. If being the literal last member of your species doesn't make you a "special little snowflake", Idun know what does. Don't look a gift horse in the asshole, Ruben. We're supposed to be on the winning side of the deal. What do you mean, maybe? I thought that was the canon explanation. If someone actually made a Scouring hack one day, Jahn should be the prologue boss. Let's play Fire Emblem 6: Unlimited Badness Works.
  15. You've just summarised all of FE in one sentence. I know, FE 8, 9 and 10, but c'mon. Nice edit there. I haven't commented to this update as much as I usually do. It's kinda hard so say something funny about the 600th variation of "Roy is bad". So you made him survive ch21 just so he could get his ass kicked in 23. Simply brilliant. From now on i'm going to read every single one of Dolphin's lines in that tone. >Battle formation >Everyone forms in a straight line. Next up, remember to bring your pillows!
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