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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. The reason why Navarre moves towards Lyn is because your Olivia isn't +spd. Her speed is low enough to get doubled by his duplicate, and with lower def then Takumi, she pulls aggro....
  2. Here is a potato quality video I made for you. Replace my Roy with your Lyn.
  3. Enemy Navarre has 24 def. Lyn with + atk does 23 dmg. Neutral Takumi with Olivia's buff does 26 damage. 4 * Navarre does 12 dmg (but by the time he attacks, Navarre has 2 hp so what does it matter?). Where did you go wrong?
  4. The healer should not be able to hit Gordin as the healer is blocked by a tree?
  5. Why is Gordin getting hit by the healer? The healer should not be able to reach Gordin after he kills the dagger?
  6. 1. Go for Lukas, because he's already 5* and a decent lance. Promoting a unit to 5* is a pretty big deal. I've been playing since launch and have managed to only promote 3 units to 5* so far. Abel should be trained second. He can stay at 4* unless you really want to promote him. I found that he is very useful for events like the GHB due to having a brave lance and swordbreaker. 2. Kagero is considered one of the better units in the current meta. But don't bother promoting her YET. You have a long road ahead of you till you amass those 20k feathers. You may pull better units or completely change your team by then. Wait until you get those 20k feathers before thinking of promotion. 3. Since you don't have Lyn, make do with Chrom. He's a decent unit and should carry you fine for story mode. I was in the same boat with Roy until Ryoma came along. Should you invest in him? Wait till you amass 20k feathers first and if no better sword unit comes along, then sure. Chrom's 5* weapon is Falchion which is one of the best in game. 4. Again. Wait till you amass those 20k feathers. Promoting should be decided based on what your current roaster of units are. Also keep him. He's great at dealing with colorless units. 5. You are F2P. Thus, I recommend pulling ALL orbs as long as you have a unit that you still want in that color. Doesn't matter if the unit you want is in focus. They'll come to you eventually and your stash of orbs is finite 6. Stick with Kagero. In fact, Takumi meta is kinda over now. 7. DON'T SEND UNITS HOME. YOU HAVE 200 SLOTS. USE THEM. 8. Stop thinking about promotion till you amassed the feathers. Trust me, your plans will change after you summon more units 9. Should you use Frederick? Yes. Should you invest skills in him? Not unless you want to use him in the long run. 10. Optimal for story mode? Kagero, Frederick, Y!Tiki, Lukas should get you pretty far. Optimal for Arena? I might try switching Y!Tiki with Chrom due to the large abundance of Falchion users. But really it comes down to your play style 11. See answer number 7 12. Story mode lunatic should not give you any trouble (except for chapter 9) as long as you have a well balanced team of ranged/melee, physical/magical, and color. No need for SI. I finished the story with 3 4* units and 1 5*. Its fine. In short, don't send anyone home and don't bother with SI until you are happy with the team you have. Also get that free Olivia. Dancers are extremely useful. Some tips: Did you link you Nintendo account to your game and get those free 10 orbs? And recommended to upgrade your castle using orbs to get an experience multiplier.
  7. Wait...if these are story chapters, wouldn't that mean they should be harder than Chapter 9? God damn it.
  8. YES! New story chapter! That means 5 new maps which equals 15 orbs! But I doubt I'll pull any focus units....considering the last focus unit I pulled was Ephraim ;_;
  9. Go with Gordin, Abel, Olivia and your bonus unit. Gordin goes to the tree above the mountain in the bottom right corner of the map by Olivia's dance. Here he can bait the dagger. He kills the dagger in return fire. Abel goes bottom row, left of the mountain and your bonus goes to top left diagonal of him. Abel can ORKO both the dagger and Navarre on the same turn with Olivia (if you need Navarre to kill his duplicate you need to unequip Abel's swordbreaker.) Gordin kills axe with the help of Olivia. That leaves the healer who you pick off with anybody.
  10. @mcsilas I totally forgot to ask. Did you need help with Navarre vs Navarre or F!Robin vs Navarre. Because the latter can be cheesed by doing chapter 5 part 1 in story mode.
  11. I'm personally not a fan of armored units in GHB as they are hard to move. List of your other units so that I can possibly build a team for you?
  12. Its because Rogue dagger makes the dagger get +5res the second turn and the axe + healer means the dagger is healed by 18 hp
  13. One issue is that TA M!Robin is unable to kill the dagger in return fire unless he's buffed by Olivia both turns, since he's 4*
  14. I would go with Lyn (assuming not -ATK), Takumi, Olivia, and Navarre (once you trained him up) Turn 1: Takumi gets danced to the tree above the mountain in the bottom right side of the map where he can bait the dagger. Lyn goes to the left most side of the map above the mountain. Navarre goes bottom right diagonal from her. Turn 2: Takumi kills the dagger with Vengence. Olivia moves bottom right diagonal from your Navarre. Turn 3: Takumi chips enemy Navarre. Gets danced to safety. Lyn and your Navarre kills the other dagger Turn 4: Everyone teams up against enemy Navarre. Make sure your Navarre gets the killing blow Turn 5+: Just kill the green axe and healer with Lyn and Takumi
  15. Sure. My neutral Takumi lived with about 7 hp. Also, what are your units? So that I might help you with Navarre?
  16. I see you have Takumi. He laughs at the face of the F!Robin map. Bring Olivia, F!Robin, Takumi, filler. Turn 1: Takumi (after being buffed by Olivia) takes out green axe. On the enemy phase, all the enemies except for the lance and F!Robin suicide on Takumi. Get filler to hide in a corner. Turn 2: Takumi ORKO the lance, Olivia dances him to safety. During the enemy phase, F!Robin approaches your team Turn 3: Takumi moves out of the way, F!Robin moves behind Olivia. Olivia moves beside your F!Robin, outside of enemy range and dances your Robin to hit the remaining enemy Turn 4: Your F!Robin kills her duplicate with the help of Olivia.
  17. Colored shards = 1 shard per exp. If you don't have enough colored shards, the game starts using universal shards to substitute.
  18. Finished all but killing Robin with Robin, which I'll do once stamina replenishes. I'm a bit sad that I was able to use nearly the exact same strategies I used last time (just switch out the weakest link in the team with the unit you need for quests) and still finish the missions. On the bright side, making +10 GHB units will no longer be a pipe dream.
  19. Also F2P here. This banner has been unbelievably kind to me. Got a couple new units like Gordin and Cain but I also got my wonderful 5* Ryoma, Caeda, and Hector. But this stroke of good luck was after pulling 50 units in a row (note that not all were from the same banner) with no 5*. I blame Takumi who I pulled right before that 5* drought. I think I've gotten every 3* unit except for Shanna. Which sucks because I need her for Desperation. I still want Klein and have pulled 7 Felicias and 6 Clarines to show for it....
  20. LD3 Kagero who is hiding behind someone so I can't freaking reach her. With a team of all infantry, she screws over my team if I can't reach her first.
  21. Even if they rerelease the maps, I doubt we'll be able to get the units again if we got them once already. Which sucks because I want more lancebreakers available at 4*. Also I'm surprised Navarre is one of the rereleases. His map was fairly recent.
  22. Score of 4750, Rank 9602. Gonna get kicked out of 10k soon ;_;
  23. Not including the free units, I've gotten 6 Olivia, 6 Nino, 6 Clarine, and 7 Felicia. As a F2P player....Give me more blue orbs. I want Shanna.
  24. I beat it with Nino, Ephraim, Olivia, and Sully. Ephraim had reposition. It was literally a game of get Nino to hit and move everyone out of danger....
  25. Updated Pulled: Ephraim, Takumi, Caeda, Ryoma, Hector, M!Robin, Minerva, Roy Promoted: Nino+1, Camilla
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