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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. I don't see much difficulty with this map. The blue mage is basically a free kill. The armors are too slow and it'll be easy to knock out the red mage and make a run for it after. And lastly just kite the armors.
  2. Wait...where did we get the info that these will be the units in the GHB tomorrow? Did I miss a datamine or something?
  3. Lilina's and Sophia's tome have no difference yet they have different names :/
  4. If its any consolation, I completed the quest with a 3* lv28 Est. You don't really need to train her up too much. She just needs other units to soften the enemy up.
  5. Ephraim with Hone attack and Reposition and the nuke Nino with Fury make most things a cake walk. Add Ryoma and M!Robin and I think that covers everything. That would be the team I would run But bonus units exist in the arena so M!Robin got kicked off
  6. More free units! Doesn't matter if I already have them all. Free is free. Though I wish they included Shanna as I'm missing her. It was nice playing a full flier team with Minerva leading the whitewing squad.
  7. Tried pulling again for Alm using the new orbs from the quests. Open up the summoning circle and.....3 colorless and 2 greens. Okay, maybe I'll get Faye? NOPE. Throws me a curve ball and gives me HECTOR!!! This is legitimately the nicest banner. I haven't gotten any focus units but with 80 orbs I've gotten Ryoma, Caeda and now Hector! :D
  8. If IS really wanted to screw with us...they'll have the two armors accompanying Zephiel have distant counter :P It sucks that Zephiel has Wary Fighter, makes him harder to deal with as I can't nuke him with a high speed mage. But at the same time, it means we get a free wary fighter fodder!
  9. I've found myself playing less. The problem is that I've already trained up all my decent units up. The only time I go on now is for arena and doing some minor sp grinding. Also the flier quests this time were super easy compared to the previous ones. Which meant I finished it in under 15 minutes. There really isn't much to do in the game. Which is why I look forward to GHB so much. I often find myself playing those maps at least a couple times.
  10. I know the feeling when the arena throws a curveball at you for the 7th battle >.< I hate Eldigan too. His Lunge ability used to screw me up But you are improving! And you've increased your score! So I say you're moving in the right direction. May your next arena run net you a full streak :)
  11. While I don't think we'll get new story maps with this update, I do think that defense maps will be added to the story when they do add in more content. Rather then a defense arena, I think that the permadeath event might play into this? It'll be interesting to see how well your roster defends against a threat. One thing that needs to be added with defense is either forts or telling us beforehand where reinforcements are coming from. With such a small map, you are screwed unless you know beforehand where enemies are coming. Unless reinforcements come right before the player phase, so we'll see them before they start attacking.
  12. Flyer quest is easy compared to the tenth stratum last time. Could have completed it with team whitewing but I don't have Est at 4*, which means 5*Camilla took her place.
  13. I just put a couple of annoying units for defense wins. Nabbed 3 this week with Takumi (with Vantage), Ephraim the buffer, Nino+1 (with Fury), and Ryoma (with Vantage)
  14. I'm going to second that Hone speed be given to Ephraim to replace your Erika. He's the superior duelist of the two siblings. Personally with your team, I would run Lucina, Nino, Ephraim, and Olivia. My main issue with Tiki is that she's a dragon so she's weak against Falchion. Meaning she won't be able to duel with many red swords.
  15. 3. Nope, they can only inherit weapons that are the same type and color. Except for breath weapons. Those are transferable across colors. 4. Iote sheild does not negate color. Only effective against. So Iote's shield prevents archers from being effective against flying (this skill is only transferable between flying units). If you want the armor version, you'll need Grani's shield. Svalinn's shield.
  16. Yet another week lugging around a 4* unit. At least I can get my pick of the crop, since I have all of them except for Cecilia at 4* lv40. Probably going to go with Cherche, since she has decent atk and is a flying unit.
  17. I'm personally not a fan of using Caeda. I just pulled her recently and began training her in the tower. Her main issue is her lack of atk (made worse since mine is -atk). However, I think she might do well on a team of fliers. She is the only unit with fortify fliers. Outside of a flier team....yeah she's not much use.
  18. Wow, people sure move fast! My highest is Olivia at 350. I'm just training a bunch of random units instead of grinding for feathers.
  19. Now I have 9 5* units (technically 10 but I merged them) I just broke my dry spell yesterday. Previously I went 50 summons without a single 5*.....
  20. Got a streak ruined by an anti-green tome team....Half the team had green tome breaker.Screwed me over when AI decided to change Liliana's movement from chasing Nino to Ryoma. She one shotted him....Also, why are there so many Kagero? She's a pain to deal with, especially one with LD3 on the bridge map. But on the bright side I managed to finally increase my score by choosing battles only 680 or higher. Ended up with a score of 4764, ranked 3900.
  21. Wouldn't that be Liliana? They're pretty similar in stats.
  22. Finally got a defense win! I was getting worried that I wouldn't. I'm now set for the week. Hopefully I can pull a focus unit from the SoV banner. 4* Michealis is probably tanking my score this week. Edit: Improved my offense score by 6. Jumped up more than 1k in rankings! Now ranked 5084 with a score of 4754. Maybe if I'm picky with my battles, I'll make top 5k.
  23. Those are rookie numbers! Aim for those golden 5* merges!
  24. I'm in the same boat with 8 Olivias....She's good for her hone attack. But there's not much use to having multiple of her. Maybe one day I'll have enough feathers to merge them all....
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