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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. Don't write off Jeroge! He has the same ATK as Takumi! He just has one less speed.
  2. 133 on Olivia and 93 on Lachersis. I was mostly training units today.
  3. A beautifully bred +Spd/-Res. The only thing I'm missing now is Desperation. Unfortunately I don't have a single Shanna. But soon my cinnamon roll, I'll have you all decked out.
  4. I've finally joined the Nino army! I think that was 20k feathers well spent. Spent another 2k feathers to promote Hinata to give Nino Fury 3. My first SI! Never knew cannibalizing units was so satisfying.
  5. If you go over the bar, its considered "full". You will not get more stamina every 5min. Therefore, you are wasting that amount.
  6. There's a picture of the map. But no units or skills. So not sure how useful it'll be. Courtesy of StarOnyx
  7. Went to tenth stratum with 3*lv30 Subaki because it was all reds. He killed them all by holding a choke point. Poor things never stood a chance.
  8. PSA that your units don't have to survive the battle for the count to go towards your kills!
  9. All these awesome pulls are making me want to summon some units too...But I must persevere and save for my SoV units!
  10. Almost didn't recognize you there. Does the pic mean you promoted Oboro to 5* or just something you'll one day work towards?
  11. And I'm an idiot for looking at the wrong chart for Sophia's stats (I think I got part of her chart mixed up with Raighs/Henry by switching tabs too often). But ignoring that blunder, there isn't going to be more then 1 colorless enemy in the arena per team. Thus its actually more beneficial to use someone more well rounded. Someone who won't get doubled by melee units and can take a hit in worse case scenario. Tharja for that ORKO of Takumi with raven would work.
  12. This is how IS will break the game. Having easy access for distant counter....
  13. Whether you have a unit or not is not a factor of a unit's usability. Sure, I get that you have to make do with what you have. But saying "Sophia is the best red mage I have" is different from "Sophia doesn't suck". So? That's an incredibly small niche. You want a better raven user? Use a M/F Robin. They can at least tank a hit from an opponent due to not getting doubled by everyone. Plus they have higher def and higher atk. But I would submit that Raigh might be better. Why? Lower def but higher speed, meaning he's not getting doubled.
  14. See the problem I have with this statement is that ANY character is okay with SI. When comparing all the units with their optimal SI, Sophia still ranks near the bottom.
  15. I think we're getting on Ana's case a bit here. Clearly Sophia isn't anybody's top choice. In fact, I would bet that even with SI she's still sub optimal. But Ana isn't going to be doing SI and for her purposes, Sophia isn't a great unit.
  16. The problem with Ceclia is that you need a dedicated team around her in addition to skill inheritance. Plus cavs tend to have a low BST which hurts in the arena. Thus I find that while Horse Emblem might beat many teams, its not really feasible. Cecilia for me can not ORKO armors sometimes due to her abysmal speed stat. That is how low it is. She can get ORKO by some green mages. She can not ORKO nearly anything. Niles at least can with some mages and it helps if you have an atk boost. Plus he has the added utility of being effective against pegs. It makes training him a lot easier.
  17. Whoops. I always mess this up. I'm too used to doing calculations to see if my WTA unit will ORKO the enemy. Niles is a great mage killer at least. I find that Cecilia is one of the harder ones to use. Her low spd and atk make it a pain to kill most things. Her only saving grace is escape route so that she doesn't die.
  18. What? Frederick survives neutral Linde, with a buff assuming not -Res or -Hp. 49 Atk x 0.8 (WTD) = 39.2. Round Down. 39. Frederick has 14 Res (neutral). + 4 Res from Buff. = 18 Res 39 - 18 = 21 x 2 (because double attack) = 42. Thus Frederick lives with 1 hp, assuming neutral 43 hp.
  19. Well she could have someone with fortify/spur res? Depending on the nature, it could save him.
  20. But since Frederick is a cav shouldn't he be able to reach Linde before she attacks?
  21. But is the voting gauntlet also not the same type of poll? You can battle once every 30min. Thus the same user dedication factor comes into play. As for the Chrom vs Ephraim battle, I would say that they were actually extremely close. The difference was 24.9 million but that's only 0.7% difference in votes. I would say that a large reason Chrom lost was because of the Awakening fanbase being split in favor of Lucina and because Ephraim had a focus banner before. Those 10% extra points might have pushed Chrom over the threshold. But I'm not saying the CYL poll makes a clear and cut case for the voting gauntlet results. Its a great base on where the units lie on the popularity contest. The main inadequacy of the CYL poll comparing with the voting gauntlet is the sheer number of characters compared to the voting gauntlet. This is where a bit of speculation comes in, where you have to be able to tell based on the other units competing in the gauntlet how the rest of the votes will fall. I agree with the old/new fanbase split. Probably why Minerva and Palla got higher results. But the main problem is that IS brackets the units in such a way that we know who will win each round and should use the CYL poll as a better guideline so that results aren't immediately obvious.
  22. No, Minerva and Beruka scored the same amount. I'm more surprised that Beruka lost to Subaki. But since these characters are ranked pretty low, its actually easier for them to turn the tables. Subaki probably won due to being the only male contestant, being an overall better unit then Beruka, being a free unit (more availability and more people with him at lv1 to cheese the battles), and gaining some fame from those GHB videos. As for Minerva scoring more then Cordelia, well consider which side the gauntlet they were both on. Cordelia was up against Camilla, the obvious winner. While Minerva was on the other side of the bracket. There are more variables if you are going to consider across battles like that, but the overall majority of independent battles followed the CYL with the upset being 1 per voting gauntlet.
  23. Ugh, I really don't want to train 3* Subaki and Cecilia to higher levels. There goes my policy of training only 4*+ to lv40 and everything else at lv20.
  24. Alm, why is your sword almost as big as you? How do you even swing that around?
  25. Will the daily 2s be coming tomorrow as in the rollover in a couple hours or the one after that? Curse timezones making this difficult.
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