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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. Hopefully Alm is going to be a decent sword. And may gacha let me pull him. Clair would be a nice addition too. i actually quite like the art for all the characters (well the cropped parts we can see)
  2. The problem is, I was already grinding random units before this. There isn't much for me to spend my stamina on anyways.
  3. Just a small thing, but heroes no longer flinch when taking 0 dmg. Thought it was a nice touch.
  4. I don't think they are the same artist. One thing that bothered me for Est and Lachesis was how sparkly their eyes were.
  5. Here's some pics of our coming Gaiden Friends! Courtesy of Reddit
  6. Really? I had to update the app in Google Play store first. Maybe try that? Otherwise I have no idea :/
  7. I think its based on level. My healer aint doing no kills and she still gets the same amount of sp.
  8. They haven't announce the date, but said that those features would be added in the second half of April.
  9. I was looking forward to the reinforcements and defense battles, but looks like they are saving them for the next April update
  10. Just finished reading it and normally I don't go for shipping fics but the comedy in this was great XD
  11. We're past the half way point! I'm probably going to distract myself with some light reading
  12. I'm just waiting for the map to come out and we're all going to be screwed by his buddies with Fortify + Hone Armor and Reposition/Pivot. It'll be a moving wall of death.
  13. Oh thank god Zepheil has Wary Fighter. I cringed when I saw that speed stat. But I feel like all his other skills have to go. Life and Death isn't helping him and Death Blow looks like a nicer fit. Plus his special needs to be changed to something like Ignis or Bonfire.
  14. It takes Triangle Adept + a buff (or +atk nature) for Robin to ORKO Takumi. Note that this is at 5*.
  15. Watch out for specials....My Robin got reduced to 10hp by a takumi because I wasn't careful and didn't realize Takumi had vantage + vengeance charged up. Advanced arena battles are hard to do deathless even with your average full 5* team. And sometimes the map + enemy team composition will mess you up or even sometimes make it impossible to win (Reinhardt, Eldigan, and dancer wrecked my team last season). While its better to have 5*s, its more important to have team synergy. Might also help to learn a bit of basic AI movement. That has definitely saved me more than once. Also learn the in and outs of your units. For example for me, Roy can tank a decent hit from most Reds, except for Lucina who wrecks him. Michalis being 4*, wants to just fight blues while also avoiding blue dragons if he can help it. Lastly, make use of each unit's skills! Does a certain unit need a boost in stats to ORKO a certain unit or survive an attack? Make use of those hones/spurs/threatens. it might do to invest in some re-positioning skills. Those skills are useful and can help either baiting or rescuing a unit.
  16. No more arena quests? Why? I was just about to amassed 20 orbs before the banner ended! Bye bye Bunny Chrom. Ugh...I was going to promote someone to 5* after the summon, hoping for a better red sword. I don't even know why I'm hoarding feathers now. I have a stack of 51k.
  17. Oh god the hunger games simulator is scary Highlights
  18. Finally used up all my flags! Bumped me up quite a lot. Currently ranked 2176 cumulative and rank 84 on Minerva! If I keep within the brackets, I would have made 9500 feathers during this gauntlet. Quite productive if I do say so myself.
  19. Eh, so far I've lucked out and was able to join not only my favorite characters but get a decent feather payout as well. Go Ephraim and Minerva! It also helps that I've managed to pull both of them. People like getting feathers as well as voting their favorite units!
  20. Well at least the voting gauntlet orbs are coming. 20 free orbs means you can make a full summon with them.
  21. I played a moderate amount and didn't optimize at all. I'm literally spending all my flags in the last round. So no, I don't agree with it being more simple. Also having the team rep goes a long way in getting points. 10% is a lot, Especially with flags.
  22. Well, you can't compare the two gauntlets. First off, the feather count being increased on the last round was not advertised. Second the flag amount also changed. Also if the gauntlet ended right now I would get 8700 feathers and I still have 200 flags left right now. Totally not trying to one up Camilla
  23. You can still get a decent rank without the usage of flags. I ranked in the top 30k bracket in round 1 and the top 50k in round 2. The problem is that round 3 has the best feather pay out. So it might be better to use most if not all your flags then. Though currently looking at my rank and I should have used a few flags during round 2 and secured a better spot but alas its too late now. Also it helps immensely if you have the team rep on your team. 10% is quite a lot.
  24. Ryoma with fury is OP. He just soloed a team of Takumi x2 and Jakob. Still waiting for one more colorless ally so I can get those extra 100 flags, plus I still have 100 flags in inventory. Currently ranked 470 with 344,960.
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