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Everything posted by Kiran

  1. All was going well....til freaking Linde showed up with Takumi. I can deal with one of them. Not both at the same time....Linde killed two of my units. Is there any hope for those of us who haven't touched skill inheritance? Because some of these skills are getting ridiculously hard to counter.
  2. I'm kinda confused now. How would you stay out of the Silver Dagger's range but into Navarre's range to bait? The two completely overlap.
  3. You already beat the map but I'm going to answer the question anyways. If you wait a turn, the dagger ends up beside Navarre, instead of trailing behind. Which means you can reach him. I don't remember the exact placements but its what allowed me to beat lunatic.
  4. Silver dagger can be reached if you move everyone out of range for a turn after the bait turn.
  5. My favorite GHB were Ursula and Narcian. They were hard but left me with a sense of accomplishment after defeating them.You needed to really choose your units for those two. Robin and Michalis were okay. Not the easiest but completely doable with some minor planning. Navarre is just easy. And as GHB is one of my favorite aspects of the game, it was rather disappointing.
  6. I wonder if they will up the difficulty of GHB soon. With each passing week, people are getting more and more units at lv40. Thus allowing their team to be much more flexible and in turn making the GHB a lot easier.
  7. I'm kinda bummed out on his stats. I really liked his art so I wanted to use him. Plus my only 5* red unit right now is Roy and I wanted a better red unit to replace him. But no dice. I'm going to pin all my hopes on Xander now.
  8. Having all 5* units goes a long way. Its those extra points in atk that you really want. Robin shouldn't one-round Takumi, but that's okay. Marth should face greens and can hold up his own on most reds. He really wants his Falchion. Sadly for Frederick, the current meta is red. However blues are on the rise. The problem is that he can't ORKO lots of mages as popular mages are Nino and Julia,which are both green. Plus opposing M!Robins have lots of DEF. I find that the higher your BST, the easier it is as most teams for me are the same units over and over again.
  9. Why does everyone do this? Kill the dagger FIRST. Use a dancer if need be. Lots of red/blue units can eat a hit from Navarre but that dagger is troublesome Back away for a turn if you can't reach the dagger :/
  10. Turn 1: Gordin on the tile above the mountain with the help of dance. Turn 2: Delete dagger with Gordin. Navarre and dagger move down. Move everyone just out of range Turn 3: Abel deletes Dagger and Navarre with dance Turn 4: Erika laughs against the axe
  11. You don't need to ORKO Navarre. I didn't. My Sully was 4* and just missed the cut
  12. Brave Lance units. Or Reinhardt. Or just use a dancer. Or sword breaker.
  13. It seems the common set-up is: -1 range unit that can survive a hit from one dagger, preferably also able to take them out next turn. - Blue unit with decent def. Preferably one with brave lance. - Dancer - decent red unit that can take out the axe Put Gordin in the trees. Might be beneficial to place him in the tree above the mountain as it ensures that the axe is 1 tile further from your main force.
  14. If you put Takumi above the mountain, the axe shouldn't be able to come after Cordelia. But either of our strats should work
  15. The dancer shouldn't be hit ever. So you should be fine.
  16. I'll go with Takumi, Cordelia, a dancer, and Lyn. Takumi baits left dagger, kills him next turn. Navarre and top dagger move. Cordelia murders them both with the help of a dancer. Lyn kills off the axe and healer.
  17. What other units do you have? I would advise against Takumi since one of the daggers has bow breaker. Also Fae isn't much use here either due to her color and magic attack.
  18. First off. Take care of the dagger that comes with Navarre FIRST. Roy and Reinhardt can take the hit from him but not the dagger. Second the axe won't come after Robin. So Roy doesn't need to buddy him, Roy needs to buddy Reinhardt. Why? Because the axe is too busy healing the dagger. By the time that dagger dies, Reinhardt and Roy have taken out Navarre and the other dagger. Leaving only an axe and healer behind. Roy takes little to no damage from the axe, mine was +DEF and took 0 dmg.
  19. This is dedication. I hope Navarre was worth those 36 times for you.
  20. But its literally impossible for both daggers to go after him. The top dagger is too far away?
  21. I think you have the wrong tile. I mean the tree in the right bottom most corner. He should only be hit by 1 dagger.
  22. @Anacybele How about putting Robin on the tile above the mountain? It basically stalls the dagger, axe, and healer there. Leaving you with Navarre and 1 dagger to deal with. Xander should be able to take care of Navarre and the remaining dagger. Marth should hide till everyone but the healer and axe are left.
  23. I was going to have her tank 1 hit from Navarre. Neutral Olivia would have worked since Marth has spur speed. But alas back to the drawing table
  24. @Anacybele What's the speed on your Olivia right now?
  25. @Anacybele I can write up a strategy for you to use if you would like me to. Should be beatable with Xander, Olivia, M!Robin, and Marth.
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