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Posts posted by deansredhood

  1. Hello! My name is Ali (that's just my nickname, though, and I've been putting it as my name since Conquest). I've been playing Fire Emblem for less than a year now, and I've been loving both Fates and Awakening. I've also been loving Heroes. I would love to be introduced to more games in the franchise, but the only consoles/handhelds I own are a 3DS XL and GameBoy Color (which I don't know if it works anymore or not). I've even been playing different games on emulators (I blame Mother 3 for that whole bit, but I love that game anyway).

    Anyway, Conquest was my first FE game, and I fell in love with it. Now, I have Birthright, Revelation, and Awakening, and I love them all and seriously want to play more.

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