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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. We've had super powerful manakete lolis. Is Yune the goddess form of one? I like her more than most of them though. Yune as a little girl works, because of her childish behavior. Ashera on the other hand is much more mature in her behavior, thus a mature woman in form. Ashunera is older than Yune in form, but younger than Ashera, the happy medium between youth and old age.
  2. She is, she makes a sandstorm recalling the Great Flood she made when talking to Sanaki. But Ashera was clearly not right when she decided "let me purge all life and begin anew". The "coldhearted killer half" might sound better. Yune might not be stable all the time, but at the moment, Ashera was worse.
  3. We don't sadly, this is all we know. Just that the timeline says it happened, why it happened, and who fought. Nothing on how it was fought, but presumably (according to me) it entered a stalemate. Gallia couldn't invade, but couldn't be invaded because guerrilla tactics were the linchpin of Gallian warfare. Begnion was probably too stretched out to crush Daein and Kilvas completely, and invade Crimea or Phoenicis. It was Begnion's war to lose, their goal was reestablishing continental hegemony, a high bar to set. Daein just had to stay alive and wait for Begnion to get tired, Crimean and Gallian intervention probably sealed the fate of Begnion's hopes. Ironically, Daein, the Laguz bigot nation, owes its independence partly to Laguz and Laguz friendly Beorc. https://serenesforest.net/general/timelines/path-of-radiance-radiant-dawn/official/
  4. I'm guess it's referring to Ashera. Yune is the sane half, Ashera is the wrathful one. Ike's "killing" of Ashera subdued her stubbornness and made it possible for Yune to reunite with her. As for Ike getting all the attention and Micaiah little at the very end of RD- nothing odd there. Micaiah is squeezed between Ike and Yune, only getting 4-F-1 to herself, even though she could have shown up in 4-F-2 , and 4-F-4 and 5 (though she gets a Lehran boss convo). Why the Second Volume of the Tellius Recollection goes and gives Ike a new informal title- the Second Altina with his acquiring of Alondite and Ragnell post-BK death. Even though nobody leaves the Alondite on Ike.
  5. @Jedi You like Zihark I see, not bad. I didn't know you liked Matthew, but he is a fairly well handled out character I will agree. Lot of swordsmen in your top listing, and one swordwoman alongside another who has been a amnesiac swordswoman as well. Igrene-Jeorge-Shinon is an interesting arrangement there too (and I was expecting Wolf from you). Yeowch, Sanaki below Peri. You don't like spoiled rotten kids I guess Rezzy? I wonder how much Sanaki saw her parents, being the Apostle, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Dalai Lama-like situation where the kid is more or less divorced from parental care and put in the hands of others. I'm surprised you like Soren so much. Not that I mind, since he is tied for 4th with me. Would a Mod have the power to fix that? Or maybe your computer has strong opinions of its own and wanted to punish you for yours'. Is that your OTP? I'm more concerned Coirpre is among them, including Travant, the guy who held him hostage. Shannam would sell Coirpre for a buck, and Vyland can only be trusted to do so much, so all is on Wallace the Baldest and hopefully Henry to protect him. We all do, for our diverse, and equally respectable judging criteria. Whereas I may have been a little too serious in my selection process, you made the tedium of over a thousand clicks fun! Someone has to take FE with a grain of salt and a dash of laughs. Try again later, refresh the page over and over. If it does get working for you, be sure to set aside an hour to do this. Or more depending on how many games you decide to include into your sorter.
  6. What part of this do I think derives from us non-Japanese being denied an official release of the originals? In Japan, would they be more open to change since if they wanted the original experience they could just Virtual Console it? I'm what I hope is considered moderate in the arguments between reform and conservatism. If adding more enemies and more move to units in FE4 will help fix gameplay issues without overhauling the game's ideas, that's fine and good and should be done. Changes for the sake of changes- well what constitutes that? Does the addition of Combat Arts in SoV count? Or is it justified as adding variety to physical units which they lacked vis a vis mages and their big magical arsenal in OG Gaiden II Dai-2-ji the Moon Dwellers Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED?
  7. Do we want a Genealogy remake when the last new game to release was a remake of Gaiden? I'd rather they put FE Switch a totally new game in the next slot, then we can consider Genealogy, if not after FE Switch, then a hypothetical FE Switch 2. This said, if Genealogy was next up, with sufficient changes *grabs the blowtorch and the scalpel* it could be different enough from the base experience (not that I'm asking for the maps to be broken up into smaller ones, I'm not asking for that) that it could warrant being the next game released. And while the opening notes of that FE4 piece sounds nice, I'm saving my ears for surprises later down the line. When I can come to develop a good first-ish impression of the music in its proper context.
  8. Where in the world do you get that idea from? It's just a little line about a Heroes Focus, nothing more. It will come eventually, we all know that already.
  9. To diversify the Armor pool, how about some mecha? Introducing Team SRX! R1: Owain with the Red Tome T-Link Sword. R2 Powered: Leo with the Blue Tome Hi-Zol Launchers. R3 Powered: Micaiah with the Bow Strike Shields. R Gun Powered: Lucia (I had a different person in mind for Viletta, but I can't recall who) with the Green Tome Hi-Twin Launchers. Introducing the Aggressors! Dygenguard: With the Red Type 3 Colossal Blade- Greil. Ausenseiter: With the Bow Lanzerkanones- Sirius. Gespenst Type RV: Nobody can match Gilliam in all of FE, but I guess I would be okay with Sephiran and the Green Tome Mega Buster Beam. Gespenst Mk II M Custom: Garcia with the "Axe" Jet Magnum. Maybe I'll come up with more later.
  10. Feh belongs to the special unit type "Owl Avatara". With 5 50s for stats. Movement range is 3. Movement type is flying teleportation, so they can go anywhere but on spaces occupied by obstacles, and they can pass through obstacles if they end their turn on a space on the opposite side. Has no flier weakness, nor any other including -Raven tomes. Their weapon is the Colorless, typeless Stolos Opticus. Two magically infused Orbs arranged like the eyes of an Owl, their light has the power to eradicate the spiritual essence of life itself. Contains Close Counter and guaranteed to activate Panic Ploy, which debuffs the foe right before an attack by Feh or the enemy begins. Special is Piercing Wisdom: Negates enemy Defense and Resistance, deals 50% more damage, and heals for 25% of damage dealt. Cooldown of 3. Assist is Feather Dance: Refreshes, fully heals, cures of debuffs, grants +4 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res, and accelerates the cooldown of Specials to 0, for all adjacent allies. A Skill is Beneficence: Any and all buffs being used by both sides in the battle (but not debuffs), are applied to Feh for the entire fight all the time, even Life and Death, Fury, and Death Blow are applied, with no requirements or nasty side effects. Also includes things like Wings of Mercy, Pass, Vantage, Desperation, Breath of Life, Triangle Adept, Savage Blow, Guidance, Infantry Pulse, Renewal, and Armor March. B Skill is Prismatic Light: Always has WTA in all circumstances. C Skill is Dual Nature: Targets whichever is lower of Def/Res on a given enemy. Has a fixed Sacred Seal that cannot be removed, Immutability. Negates all enemy debuffs, including Pain/Poison Strike damage, Gravity move reduction, and Fire/Wind Sweep and Dazzling Staff among other things. Not that Feh is of any concern to you! Feh is pure goodness, their word divine and just. Just continuing fighting onwards oh Heroes of Zenith, and never think otherwise. Where the Flying Feh Flies, there is only truth.
  11. Here are my results, games selected were Tellius, Blazing, Archanea, and Magvel. I originally included the Awakening cast, but dropped them when I just got kids I never recruited at first. Nor have I played Mystery, so that is an oddball here. Didn't throw in SoV, or Fates simply because I never cared to learn about their characters. Never played Binding or Jugdral. I should've reread the Magvel supports too, I'll be doing that in my free time to get a better idea of who I like there. ZERO Surprise who my number 1 is! Nor is which continent tops the list. Some choices were tough though, and sometimes my logic of tie or one over the other swayed back and forth inconsistently. I also tried to focus on non-gameplay things, and to maintain some loose sex and game of origin balance. Nolan should be above Geoffrey though, and Medeus above Bantu. Lyon and Valter being tied seems odd to me too. And why is Palla below Est? Eliwood deserves to be above Kyza and Leonardo and Natasha- he's too low. And why do I have so many 77s? Joshua, Ephraim, Ike, Zelgius, Pelleas, Marcia, Lucia, Mordecai, Titania, Oscar and Kieran.
  12. I know no lyrical music, I simply do not listen to that stuff. But this from Super Mario Galaxy 2 would suit Nephenee well, or Brom, Meg or Donnel.
  13. Hopped on GFAQs to stalk it up a bit. Found this link to Gamexplain video, so I guess it's reliable. Apparently a recent Switch update makes the GC Controller Adapter used for Smash 4 on the Wii U work on the system. Smash 4 port coming? GC VC? What does this mean?
  14. Hope it was pure salt, not salt contaminated with the whiny tears of homo fanbasicus. Call it antipathy rates? When there are no dreams, there is a vacuum. But a vacuum really can't exist outside of theory, so there will always be dreams even in a seemingly empty real vacuum.
  15. Awakening doesn't tell us how Einherjar got made, all is postulations. But we get character endings in most FEs, and they suggest historical evidence remains of many heroes. The "artists" of Einherjars take the historical evidence, including documents, artifacts, legends and folktales, available to them and the use it as the basis of their magical creations. Some artistic license is required in this process.
  16. Not even that I'd say. They would only know whatever the Einherjar artist put into them. Lachesis knows she loves her brother because the artist knew she loved her brother, but does she really have memories of the real Lachesis loving her brother? I doubt it. How would an Einherjar maker get them? Ashera is no dragon god if you were calling her that. She is just a goddess, no yucky draconic qualities (not that I don't mind dragons, I like Naga and Dheg) about her. Grima is godly though, if not an actual god by nature.
  17. Well the bow controls were good with motion. It it wasn't terrible with the rest, tedious perhaps, but not terrible. SS's focus on pure sword combat with Wii Motion Plus (another short-lived idea) more problematic to me.
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