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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Uh what? Beyond the warp powder malfunction excuse, what could you mean? The Master Crown Tier 3 promotion thing is a little more balanced than what we get in the international release. Though the Wrath and Resolve nerfs were awful and the forge point system is limiting too. No Ed, Leo, and Nolan personal weapons is a shame too. Japan had that beauteous extended script though- we'd want that for sure.
  2. That was Einherjar Ike. Einherjar are not the actual character they represent, they are but a artistic rendering of one. A false and much weaker replica without the true power or even essence of the original.
  3. Provided there is a Dragon Vein around. If sent to another continent, would DVs exist there? And can they choose what a given DV does? A Holy Weapon wielder doesn't have to worry about such things.
  4. Gameplay is a little dated, but the game is packed with quirkiness (sometimes bizarre) that was unique for its time, and remains that way to this day. I'd get Earthbound Beginnings on my Wii U, but I know it'd just be a more antiquated petite EB. Mother 3, I don't have emulators, but I'd play it if it ever somehow did leave Japan officially. 107.
  5. He was competent enough to eradicate Verdane and Agustria with a small army that was hamstrung by the fact most of Grannvale's resources were in Issach. Sigurd is a loyal warrior at heart, he just lacks an awareness of politics. Unlike Arvis, in tune with politics, but doesn't care to fight. It was only the DB she led, five people at the start. When she becomes leader of the Daein Liberation Army, Pelleas and Izuka are her superiors, and Tauroneo offers plenty of professional military officer leadership to help her out. Corrin is outright bad. Chrom is too moved by his heart. Eirika too naive. Ike is flat in personality. Ephraim I'm starting to see is way too perfect despite some clear stupidity on his part (he wanted to march on to Grado Keep with 4 visible units including himself- not more than two-three hundred factoring in invisibles I think). Lyn is a tutorial bot and nothing more. So far, Hector has retained his sacredness with me, but who knows if that'll last? The rest I'll just say ambivalence to for now.
  6. 102. Of course! If I win, you must clearly be number four. If you win, you must clearly be the second most powerful. Either way, I know I'm the third strongest of them all!
  7. Nocturne surprisingly held up to the test of time when I played it long after its original release on a PS3. Just make demon leveling a little faster, cut down on their movepool or make it so I can see what they'll learn on leveling up- that blindness was a gripe of mine. Make the characters a little less flat, don't repeat the subway tunnels 3 times, don't do the Rider who spawns near Terminals, don't repeat the moving block puzzle you have to solve every level of in one sitting, and don't feature that stereotypically gay Manikin again. Those are my other nitpicks. Please not the same Vortex World as the Demi-Fiend. The process of Conception-Vortex-Reason Rebirth is said to happen in countless worlds. Plus, if it happens alongside DF, whatever happens would need a good explanation for not being meaningless since barring Pathetic Demon Ending, the DF undoes the Vortex World. Well there is IMAGINE and NINE, and Atlus didn't oppose putting spinoffs (like the entire Persona family) and remakes on other systems. I'd guess the shift to the PS2 for Nocturne was player base (the PS2 by virtue of the PS1 had an innate RPG crowd- the GC did not b/c the 64 had ONLY Q64, PM, and Ogre Battle 64) and cost of development. Since the DS established itself a solid RPG console, and that it was cheap for the budget conscious Atlus, they moved on to that. And then from there, the 3DS. The Switch is likewise cheaper to make games for than the PS4 I'd think, and Atlus will only give Persona the super budget based on sales I guess. Here is hoping to a good SMTV. I should have plenty of time to finish SJ and RK1, start and finish Apo and DDS2.
  8. It's degenerate god vs. a half-god with sanity and near full power. Also, Ashera is a true goddess, no "I'm really just a dragon!" retcon (well possibly a retcon). The Falchions never get such a big power boost, but they are a divine help to the heroes who use them. Also, Ike had chaos coursing through his body when he slew Ashera, had he been a lesser soul, he might have gone berserk. Remember- Yune sealed away was the source of his father's madness. Dang Awakening sloppy lore power creep. As for the Holy Blood, if they choose to nerf/balance the HWs in the inevitable FE4 Remake, that'll make justifying the badassness of the Major Blooded a bit harder. If the Balmung becomes 17 Mt and +10 Spd, Shannan will still beat Larcei, but it won't be so great as it currently is. Athos did tank, was it two or three giant Fire Dragon breath hits? Pretty impressive give they pierce all defenses (save his magic barrier- of the highest caliber no doubt). On the enemy side, Gharnef barring the non-canonical Warriors appearance needs Starlight to beat. Julius has special dialogue if Seliph slays him so the game acknowledges that Naga isn't necessary to slay Julius. Loptyr < Imhullu.
  9. First, apologize for being sensational in a now locked topic. And not having brain bleach available for you to use. Two, tell 'Kazam to the left of me we have an unexpected guest with us. Three, bury the metaphorical hatchet and move on (despite having plenty more jokes I could crack). There is a reason that the Pocket Bestiality reference got dropped in the English version. Heck even in Japan, it still said the intermixing was a thing of the past- if sounding like something admirable from a golden age. And, it might have happened before Pokemon and humans became totally distinct as species, which isn't so bad. Here is the text in case you didn't read the linked article: So again, I probably shouldn't have been so sensational. But my hope was it got people to look at the article, and I wanted to be a little funny and have fun I admit.
  10. Are you implying that people in the current Pokemon world are stupider than they used to be? Note that the generation that told us this was the 4th Gen, the same that gave us Lopunny. Bounce Lopunny Bounce! But don't forget the Magic Coat! Be ready to Endure what's coming your way. And if you don't like it, you can give me a little Dizzy Punch, I don't mind getting confused by you. Don't worry, you're safe. Things that are small and non-humanoid (and small things that are humanoid, but immature- like Smoochum and Magby), are not on my date list. In fact, if a Magby or Smoochum or something immature of mind is on your date list, something is wrong with you and to be on the safe side, you will be registered to the list of known Pokemon sex offenders and monitored from here on out. By the way, anyone know where I can find a Tyranitar with Unnerve instead of Sand Stream? The idea of wearing protective clothing from the whirling sands kills the mood, and opting to go without said clothing is going to hurt so wrong. If I can't find one I like, I guess I'll have to truly embrace love and get used to the gradual HP depletion. Or do a little Rain Dance. Better than wooing a Slugma or Muk at least. I know someone who dated a Victreebel once, they had to check into a Pokemon Center a few days later, and no, it wasn't Pokerus.
  11. Am I not entitled to a cup of madness once in a while? I'm generally not spontaneous or crazy enough for FFtF, but I felt like mentioning this quite bizarre find. It was here or the Pokemon board, and given how odd it was, I chose here instead. That is all. My sanity and rationale are perfectly intact.
  12. Or maybe I should get hot and steamy with a Tyranitar! I was randomly looking at Legends of Localization, and apparently, humans and Pokemon could once marry each other. Also, a certain double battle from HG/SS was intended to be a dirty joke all along. There was also a transgendered trainer once. I couldn't find anything on this Japan-only Black/White double entendre on the Ferris Wheel rides in Nimbasa City that Bulbapedia says is a thing though. What Pokemon would you want to get hitched to?
  13. Nice choice of words. I get what you meant, but ironically FE7's art is paler than FE6's. Compare: Looking at the official artwork makes the contrast even clearer. Binding has a fairly cartoony appearance, character designs, and bright, bold and saturated kid friendly colors. Blazing opts for a measure of greater realism and restrain in its character designs, cutting down on FE6's garish hues. Similarly, FE5 has more mature and realistic profile sprite designs than FE4. RD does compared to PoR too (compare the two Geoffreys). I guess greater mastery of a system's graphical abilities (or just the shared game engine in case of Tellius) allows for less of an emphasis on simple coloring and exaggerated designs.
  14. Well PoR and RD had adjacent Critical and Critical Evade boosts that characters get without having conversations. The term RD used for them is "Bonds", you could use that, even if others wouldn't necessarily get that. If Lana were to get in, she should have a Sleep Staff and Martyr. The enemy will be counting sheep, and allies will forever be grateful to their sacrificial lamb.
  15. Haar having a Speed transfer is quite strange, good, but strange. He has a 17 Spd base in PoR, a 35% growth, and 9 levels to hit the 26 cap. He needs a Robe for HP, and doesn't on average cap Skill either. He doesn't come close to capping anything. The person you got a file from rigged levelups and or gave Haar stat boosters- he has HP, Str, Skl, and Spd transfers. Even without transfers though Haar is very good indeed. But I'm not going to give much of my opinion on the story or unit advice, since I don't want to weigh you down, raise you up only to be disappointed, or guide your path through the game by saying who is bad and who is good. Though I will agree that although the thematics of 2-1 are good, being stuck with only two units and having to visit so many houses and recruit Heather isn't that fun. As weird as a stealth operation of eight people including a bulky general and winged princess in a flowing dress sounds, Lethe and Mordecai did arguably have reason to be there. Beast Laguz are described as having incredible hearing, smell, and good sight. I'm not quite sure how Fog of War works in RD, but I noticed that Nealuchi couldn't see the Bowgun unit, despite Nephenee being able to see it when she moved one space behind him. I think it might be reflective of something commented on in PoR- Bird Laguz have poor night vision, like many actual birds I think. Also, 2-2 had in the southeast corner a niche where a lone Rogue sits. It just sits there with a dagger and a stealable Coin. The space it's on also has a hidden Discipline scroll. What is it doing there? Who knows? Discipline isn't worth too much though, so don't feel bad, most characters have good weapon ranks in this game, and Arms Scrolls exist too. Geoffrey's design is much better too. His PoR self I've nicknamed the Lime Knight. It's too garish, and explains how he got spotted in PoR- who wouldn't see a guy in that shade of armor from miles away? The pose of the PoR official artwork was dashingly heroic though. Lastly, you haven't ever fooled around with the Library in game right? I think a Clear Data'ed playthrough unlocks everything in it right from the start- including spoiler terms from later on. So don't ever look at the Library just in case.
  16. Observer from matrix between dimensions I am. Many are my goals, to escape the realm called reality. To spread fun chaos throughout Zenith. To evangelize and convert souls to the Church of Tellius (but there is no compulsion in FEligion). To be a moderate, understanding voice on the baleful Internet. And a host of other things I will not tell you unless our Fates collide and rise. Donned in black and red, in truth I'm blue to the end.
  17. Just where did you find that treasured relic? I miss the days of old, like when Tobin could be mistaken for Grey's girlfriend at first glance. And Alm was Marth Also, I think Mae was jealous of the attention Boey was getting And Leon was just as fabulous, if the brother of Kamui
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