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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The First Gen did look a little less cutesy (but it gave us plenty of cute too) and a little more mutant-y in the original art at least. Reflective of the fact that it's Pocket Monsters and Tajiri's original idea for Pokemon was derived from his love of bugs. 198
  2. That could be an excuse to add unpopulars. The popular and semi-popular get 4-5 and 5 Star treatment while the unpopular get 3-4 treatment. I wouldn't mind raising a Ronan to 5 Star. His Iceberg would pack titanic damage if every other hit being less than a slight breeze.
  3. Awakening ruined Rexcalibur. Not that the tome was particularly powerful in RD (b/c RD hates mages), but it looked so cool! Awakening and Fates for all their outrageous armor designs and anime appearances, took a corn laden dump on spell animations. GBA-Tellius (and Jugdral I wager) did them so well! Well it makes sense regardless that Erinys would name her child after the National Crusader. How many English have been named George in honor of St. George? Naming people after beloved religious figures is natural- need I mention the commonness over a thousand years of the name of the Arabian Seal of the Prophets? Cedric is cool I agree. But I'm thinking Ced is supposed to be pronounced Ce-d or Seh-dee, just like Seti. NoA just made it look not like the actual pronunciation at first glance. Like Caeda, which is supposed to be pronounced the same as Shiida and Sheeda (or so we might learn when FEW comes out). Makes sense, Valtome is full of himself. Mind you he took a perfectly good Rexaura and nerfed it's power just for an extra 2 uses, some poisoning, and a color change of the animation. Sounds right- Valtome has a very developed sense for the aesthetic, if not the best idea of how to fight a battle, what a shame he and Oliver never get to have a chat.
  4. Agreed! She's an amnesiac. I'm not sure if FE has ever had any autistic characters. Ophelia maybe? Pelleas? Miriel would be more Savant Syndrome to me. Soren's upbringing was too terrible and his Branded status are why he is antisocial, not a genetic condition, but he could be that way as well and it simply blends in because of those other things.
  5. Just to bring it up as Othin did in the GHB Arvis topic (it was never commented on probably because that topic is serious and narrow- that's why my Maria and Minerva as the second true BHB comment failed in that topic), Maira the good Loptyrian and the Crusader of Valflame Fala have gotten for now official name translations. Maera and Fjalar. Maera is fine to me, Fjalar I had a little fit over, but drop the j and it looks rather close to Fala, the old fan name. This said, I'm still not happy they divorced the tome name from the user's name- Falaflame and Fala are now Valflame and Fjalar. Fjalflame just sounds wrong though. This isn't the first time it happened, they did it with Ced (assuming Erinys's son is named after the Crusader still) and Forseti, though in that case, Forseti is the name of the dragon god and Seti/Ced probably got his name before the dragon god came to him- unless he changed it after the Miracle of Darna, which could be plausible. And could someone tell me if Mjolnir/Thorhammer is Tordohammer in Japanese? I did a quick look on Wikipedia by the way, Fjalar is the name of a crimson (red = firey = reason for IS's naming?) rooster who crows in Jotunheim- Land of the Giants when Ragnarok is about to begin. Edit: Maera isn't Norse it appears, Greco-Roman mythos related instead. This is not unusual for Jugdral, for despite its Norse and Irish leanings, it has traces of other mythologies as well. Erinys being Greco-Roman.
  6. Well if that is the case, fortunately for me it doesn't affect my fanfistory. And for everyone else, it means we have a better idea of when Mila and Duma had to have left Archanea. Roughly -1244 VC or later becomes the time when they had to have left if degeneration was known. Of course, Naga should have been more stern with them about the dangers of degeneration given the dragon tribe started to war with each other. This started at -740 AC, which is the same as -984 VC. so perhaps Mila and Duma left Archanea before then when Mila would have scolded them more, but after degeneration, between -1244 and -984 VC. A nice timeframe to work with.
  7. None of Lana's weapons are what I'd call top tier. The Tome is Upper Mid at best, and that's the best weapon she has. The Tome's weakness is even the 3 walls smash/shove (her C4) is a bit weak on crowds. The Summoning Gate has the wickedly strong powered Argorok summon, and Manhandla either way isn't bad either, but the weapon is slow, RNG dependent, and has weak officer power. The Deku Spear is neither terrible or officers nor crowds, and has usable attack speed, the C5 (the Deku Leaf air blast) is solid crowd control, the C2 is a standard juggler for Weak Point Smashing, and only the C4 (the water smash) is terribly slow and weak, and the C1 is useless. Inferior to the Tome, a good chance of it being so, but not horrid.
  8. Agreed, Okami is good. The combat is a bit eh (it's definitely an immersion breaker from the wonderful world when you're roaming Shinshu and other places), but the soundtrack and aesthetics are magnIficent. The plot works, and the adventuring is fun. The Celestial Brush can be a bit tricky to learn with few of the more advanced techniques, but is otherwise responsive and well integrated. Okamiden? Don't play until after Okami, and it isn't as good even then. Where is Okami 2 Capcom?! The same place as Mega Man Legends 3? By the way, do skip Triforce Heroes if you have no good friends, the game is difficult and not so fun Solo.
  9. I'll concede the Great Fairy, and I was going to mention Zant, but he did get that massive patching. I've never played Tetra, but I have heard she is bad. I find Zelda's Rapier worse than her Baton at times- the lack of good crowd control hurts. And I have heard of the Sakura-Takumi difference. It's nice to see strategy matters, but that doesn't quite excuse clones. I would have been better with clones if KT had been upfront about it and said "all characters will be divided into "classes" for their general moveset", since I thought they might try that in this game given the size of the cast.
  10. Fjalar? That is her name!?! I though Valflame was supposed to be named after her! I know it's probably supposed to be another Norse mythos reference, but I don't like it right now. Maera instead of Maira works since it's basically the same, but Val sounds so much better. I'll get used to it though. Is Fjalar supposed to be a more Norsey spelling of Freya? Like Wodan-Odin? I could get behind that if it was. Edit, did the lookup myself, it's the name of the crimson rooster who sounds the arrival of Ragnarok according to Wikipedia. Not bad, not as good as Freya, but it being a red apocalyptic chicken makes it okay. Azelle Hatcher and the Giant Egg anyone?
  11. You deserve the world's thorough rectal probing for this. Plus a lobotomy. After which you will interbreed with an alien reptile-like non-high intelligence creature.
  12. True. This raises the question of did Mila know about Valentia and whether it had humans on it? Perhaps she would have intervened had she known, she did intervene in Jugdral once Forseti brought it to her attention. Also, where does it say that Valentian humans always had the gods? That could be exaggeration and there is a pre-literacy prehistory to humanity in Valentia, which couldn't be recorded. If it isn't exaggeration/a pre-dragon god history, then we have to assume they came over after -1244 VC at the latest. Why? I did the math in my little fanfict history of Valentia using the canonical timeline number we've been given. Around the year -704 on the Valentian calendar, which corresponds to year -500 on the Archanean calendar, Naga died at Thabes. Knowing this, and knowing that the Earth Dragons and their allies struck out against humanity around the year -700 (-944 Valentian), and that the dragons began to decline around -1000 (-1244 Valentian), and that Mila and Duma migrated to Valentia prior to the dragon decline, we can thus place their arrival in Valentia as being before -1244.
  13. Chrono Trigger, the classic SNES RPG with only 7 PCs has better characters and worse ones. Crono-Ayla-Robo (or Frog) is better than Magus-Lucca-Marle (the worst character). Any and all games are going to have better and worse playable characters unless they play identically. I don't want WO3 Sanzang bad PCs in FEW, but if given the choice between 5 clones of Xiahou Ba (he's powerful right?) and 1 Xiahou Ba and four characters character with distinct movesets, all of whom are inferior to Ba, I would take the latter unless they were all really crappy. The only character in HW (didn't play Legends) who was really bad if you ask me was Fi. The rest, even it there was better and worse, were good enough that is wasn't a chore using any of them.
  14. You forgot- "Remove the Archanea connection", Mila and Duma are better off as not Divine Dragons but plain old gods, Kaga suggested real gods existed in Archan-valen-dral. Make them gods that have gone mad down their idealistic paths, but gods nonetheless. And it looks hypocritical if Naga permitted Mila and Duma to interfere with humanity in Valentia, but wanted to curtail Forseti's desires in Jugdral, when all he wanted to do was stop an Archanean Earth/Shadow running amok there.
  15. Never played Phantom Hourglass I take it? The Spirit is on the whole superior to PH, so don't play it if you don't like ST. The plot is even weaker, not that you should be playing a Zelda for one. The controls work for the most part if you ask me, Nintendo proved to me style only controls could work. The only major issue is that combat is less nuanced when the stylus both controls attacking and movement. ST did have good dungeon design I thought, and the Ocean/Sand Realm looked nice. Try A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds if you haven't already. ALBW has no touch controls, and is amazing if you ask me. And no, it is not a remake of ALttP! The two games share an overworld design, but the plots are very different, and the gameplay is much more modern in ALBW. ALttP is still very good though, just remember it's from the SNES era.
  16. Nahnahnahnah not listening! I just looked at the demo in the eShop you mentioned. I soooooooooooo want it! Gimme gimme gimme! But I can't permit myself even the demo right now. Video games barring games Stretchmo and like where I can restrain myself to 2-3 puzzles in a sitting, are POISON when I'm in school! How poisonous? An Auto Spread Venom Throw is less toxic. If this or SMO falls into my hands right now, I might as well drop out. So far I've done a great job of keeping myself in the near complete dark on this game. And I intend to keep it this way, I know no Stratum names but the first (thanks to the demo screenshots), no boss names beyond the knowledge that the good old dragon trio will have a 99% of returning (and at all costs I want to avoid knowing the lord of the 6th Stratum's name). I don't even know all the class names or what they do. The screenshots on the demo page looked promising though. It appears the mapmaking stuff has taken another small step forward. TEC has been divided into elemental defense Wisdom and elemental attack Intelligence? That isn't a bad idea, it lets classes with a physical offense orientation have a good elemental defense now. The Therian race looks like it was designed with the female version as the base, but looking at it for a little longer, the guy version doesn't look so bad as the first impression suggested. I'd virtually date one.
  17. Dark Emperor of Archanea- Hardin. Gradivus and a GHB at that. Has the locked Darksphere skill, which is very good even if I don't know what it does.
  18. I was thinking Llewelyn, but didn't know how to spell it. Lloyd, I was telling myself it couldn't be that since that is the name of a FE7 char, but Fates was the game that gave us two Arthurs and Selenas. Lloyd probably looks better than Heroes Four Fang Lloyd. He's been in since launch. With a perfectly functioning magic weapon, a really good one at that. It's a shame nobody else has ever used one. And Kellam when? Or how about the character who everyone falls in love with- Emmeryn!
  19. In 14 hundred and 92, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In 14 hundred and 92 Spain expelled the Moors and killed the Jews! (Okay, Ferdinand and Isabella told them to get out, convert or die and most fled, but I felt like including a little death mention for no reason.) Now if only we could reach 1492, for now, we must settle with 115.
  20. We have: Maggie and Rose from FE6. Jasmine and Paul from FE7. Pain and Agony from FE10. Victor and Vincent from FE13. And the L duo whose names escape me from FE14. 10 units? Watch, Pain and Agony will be left out, DeNA hates RD. You see, sodium!
  21. I'm sorry you feel that way. SMT doesn't belong everywhere even if it sounds cool, I've tried that before. SMT is incredibly bleak and grey from the beginning to end, Fire Emblem has clear heroes and bad guys in every game. An SMT Chaos route requires a Chaos ideology (SMTI, II, SJ, DS, IV) or at minimum an anti-Law authority stance (III's True Demon Ending, DS2's Anguished One and Daichi non-Restorer endings) to work. And fighting Ike to destroy the Senate is like fighting Hoshido to destroy Garon- it's farfetched. While I'm all for improvement- an expanded P1, maybe a little more P2, a couple minor story tweaks, more characterization, and gameplay fixes, I'm wary of doing a path split with different endings. Fates tried that, it didn't work out. Plus, RD needs its single path ending with Medallion break to unload the revelations. I'd be okay with an alternate NG+ ending along the lines of Bravely Default's alternate ending- it's incomplete, but it ends perfectly positively on a good note. Micaiah manages to send word to Ike of the Blood Pact without the Senate knowing, the two then fake battling each other to trick the Senate into thinking Daein is loyal, while keeping the chaos manageable, casualties low, and letting the LA get to the Begnion border. Daein then betrays the Senate knowing they can't fake loyalty any longer, Micaiah decides they must make the sacrifice as it's the best for Daein and the world. The LA, Crimea, Sanaki's Begnion faction and Daein all then team up to quickly smash the Senate and do so before Lehran's Medallion shatters. They do, thus foiling Sephiran's plans for now, the Daein Blood Pact is also found and destroyed with Lekain. Everyone lives happily ever after, not aware that Sephiran will try to plan another world suicide.
  22. 113 I heard the Aztecs offered live sacrifices to avert the darkening of the sky. Now who among us is willing?
  23. That I think is the problem here. The Hideout is right next to Zofia Castle from a gameplay perspective, nothing of the world map was changed from Gaiden. Had IS bothered to mess around with Gaiden's map progression then there could have been gradualism. Why not kick the Delibird to the Southern Outpost?
  24. One generation of incest isn't guaranteed to start up the deformities, it took a while before we got Charles II of Spain- the poster child of European royal/aristocratic incest (taken from Wikipedia):
  25. In all honesty, FE4 would be the best suited to being Musou-ized in itself. The battles are realistic-ish castle conquering with grand armies, which is what a lot of Dynasty and Samurai fights boil down to. Here is to hoping the DLC is good!
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