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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Ayra and Maricle are confirmed to be half siblings in the Treasure artbook- according to this old quiz. Galzus's Mother's level of relatedness, I don't know, but if someone could translate the relevant section in the 20th Anniversary Encyclopedia, that might clarify things.
  2. Actually, Ayra had two elder half-siblings: Prince Mariccle, father of Shannan, and Galzus's Mother. We don't know if they were twins or not, but both had Major Odo Blood. Holy Blood inheritance appears like genetics to be totally random (well not true chaos, but difficult for humans to predict even with science). It also appears Minor Blood can fade away over successive generations, while Major Blood won't, or it takes so long a time to weaken that we never see it in FE4.
  3. Disagree, what is stated is that he is dangerously low on supplies and low on numbers, but it's never said to be just four units. From Chapter 1: From Chapter 5x: So I'd guess Ephraim had a guerrilla force. How many that is, I don't know since FE rarely gives exact numbers. RD says Micaiah had 10000 soldiers in Chapter 3-13 and Ranulf says that is pathetically small to be fighting them, but we can't gleam too much from that statement. Of course, if that is Daein's entire army or close to it, then that is pretty weak I think, and possibly realistic. Maybe unrealistic by Medieval European standards, but Sengoku Japan could muster about 200000 with both sides combined for Sekigahara, while Sengoku Japan is Early Modern, it looks Medieval-ish enough for me. The one time they spoke of numbers in Awakening, it was totally unrealistic, Walhart's million man army. China could possibly in the Qing or Ming muster a million- but China is much bigger than Europe. Speaking of a lack of realism- Ephraim thought he could make it to Grado Keep with as small a force as he had. I never realized he was that aggressively stupid! That's points off there.
  4. Doesn't sound like a bad idea. I was thinking if we had to BS access to all Holy Weapons in FE4, then they could do something like if you had Iuchar/Iucharba kill the other they'd have a chat and a magical Holy Blood transfer happens. Arthur/Amid and Tine/Linda could kill Ishtar I was thinking, but visiting the castle after her defeat works too. Just make Arion and Saias playable for the the other two holy weapons. Not hard, just tweak Altenna's Arion chat in the final battle, and replace Palmark with Saias with him getting Valflame at the chapter's end. Simple and effective.
  5. But do use Marcus to clear maps that don't give much EXP quickly, so you'll have spare turns on EXP rich maps later so you can feed it all to the weaklings. And for your Funds rank, don't promote too many units (Fell Contracts and Heaven, Ocean and Earth Seals are very bad), use too many stat boosters, or use the non-Aureola S rank weapons at all.
  6. Nope. From Zelda Wiki: Big Bang Game in Oracle of Ages, a cave north of Gnarled Root Dungeon in Oracle of Seasons.
  7. Please you too, no debating here! I don't me to overstep my authority, but I don't think Deltre would appreciate a 10 post argument forming in his LP topic. Take it elsewhere if you must. Also, no talking of future gameplay! Deltre is playing semi-blind and would like it kept that way. The only exceptions I think would reasonable for a first playthrough are (don't look into this Deltre):
  8. I don't mean to bother you. But this is a semi-blind run, try not to influence his opinions on who to use too much. Let's all keep away from starting arguments here and just watch and comment with respect. I'm not saying you aren't being respectful, you are, but given your frequent willingness to engage in unit debates and strong stance on your gameplay beliefs, I just feel like saying this. Let Deltre have fun and bumble around in the dark insomuch as he wishes to- you only get one chance at being impressed the first time, let's make the experience as pure as possible for him unless he seeks the advice.
  9. I'll give some! Ever notice my two sig badges are EO characters? My very first created character (I think), and the Ronin I've been loving in my EOU Classic team. I might add my old War Magus Lestana (Lester DeRosso + Yulyana from Bravely Default) later or Valma the female Landy (whose name is Val the FE4 Crusader, or Valeria from Suikoden, plus Elma from XCX), or Alveiss (Alphonse Zona Meridia + Weiss his brother from Arc Rise Fantasia), my blue haired male Sovereign later to it. I got introduced with EO4's demo, cleared it save for superboss no chemicals. I loved it and have now become a fan of the series. I've done Classic Expert EOU up to the 29th Floor (I might just have to rely on RNG and resets to petrify those dang Bane Lizards to progress) I've tackled Blizzard King, Wyvern and Manticore, but not yet Alraune or Storm Emperor (Ancient Curse dispels my buffs- not good on a team reliant on Troubadour's buff healing and a Ronin for offense), I decided to PIcnic grind a Medic (and some other chars) just to tackle SE. EOU2, I'm going to give in and buy the EXP grind tea so I can quickly get to level 60 to make Juggernaut and what will be coming after easier, my team is too suboptimal to fight it in the low 50s. Once I've finished EOU2's 5th Strat (which won't be for a few months due to priorities), I'll get around to EO5. EOU2's multiple save slots will be a boon if I ever choose to do NG+s with alternate teams. Right now, I'll say my top five series are: Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei, Etrian Odyssey, Mario, Zelda (though I'm a notorious non-completer with these). Kirby is almost top five. My top five can and does change, plus I'm tired so I won't say more.
  10. But Volug is sexy! And that Nailah whips him into servile submission and makes Rafiel her husband makes me like him more. And I was referencing his one (of two) C support lines: C support – addressing Type 1: (…Hey. You ever wonder what would happen if I just ate everyone we fought? Would the rest keep fighting?) The parentheses are because he speaks in the Ancient Tongue and hence you need a cipher to understand what he's actually saying. He does actually bite enemies, normally in the neck; other Beast Laguz bite too.
  11. They can invent something totally new and specific to Heroes, +3 Def isn't worth building an effect around, particularly when Miccy isn't likely to be very durable physically. Rexaura does look cool though, it's nuclear fusion. Tellius is really ahead of its time, FE on Mars should feature Micaiah's many greats descendant. If you want to be bitten, Volug is happy to oblige!
  12. Doesn't stop bots from making new accounts using different fake IDs. I've personally noticed they spawn in the hours around GMT 1 AM.
  13. If you want to know right now without spoiling yourself to everyone else in the game it's: If you're wondering why Fiona and Jill had reduced move. It's because you were fighting indoors, mounted units lose 2 Move on any map that counts as indoors. It keeps them equal in mobility to everyone else save the Laguz, call it a check on their frequent brokenness in other games. And Ravens, Hawks, and Herons have gained Canto in this game, they didn't have it in PoR. Well Herons did, but the skill called Canto became Galdrar instead.
  14. If they make them bad, what's the point of including them save as skill fodder? And then they'll never have a chance at popularity, and all characters after X point in this game's lifespan will be trash, killing it off sooner than it has to.
  15. It exists back in FE1 before other skills were even a thing. So who ranked the highest among FE5 and RD PCs? Who might get the bump? Hopefully Miccy. Bomb me DeNA. Hit me with the big gold orb of Thani! (9 or 14 MT, if effective vs. Horse and Armor?) Dagger seems reasonable, he comes with a Silver Sword as an NPC, but it'd make more sense for a prince to carry a dagger than a sword around. Plus we need more of those units, they have limited non-seasonal expansion options, so Prince Zephiel would help. Guinivere is the ultimate reward for doing a lot of BB playthroughs, coming with very nice stats and is unique as being a Sage who can use Light Magic (with an S rank even), on top of the normal Anima and Staff use. Actually- why not give her Aureola!? Yodel, Ellen, Saul, and Tiena are all less popular and the last is from a manga. No problem with this! TMS representation at all is good. Helps Pastel Power (the cat suit summoning SP Skill) is wickedly good vs. Savages, normal foes, and boss minions (bosses themselves with the exception of the first you can Pastel tend to cure themselves of ailments very quickly). She'd be one amazing debuffer in Heroes. Pastel Power, for those who aren't aware: Is Almighty (impossible to resist) and is guaranteed to inflict onto all foes one of: Stun (can't move), Confuse (randomly wastes turns), and Charm (actively hurts allies and heals/buffs foes), while also curing the ailments of all allies.
  16. You can't hate somebody with the world's strongest hair gel. It lets him defies gravity. Which isn't much, seeing how he nonchalantly defies death at every turn. His final battle theme was good, the remade version was better I think.
  17. RD's, Genealogy's, and Thracia's, PoR's alone isn't Speed based. And I find it odd that neither Awakening nor Fates had Adept, the simplest and earliest proc skill in FE history. Offensive Stance/Dual Attacks are probably why.
  18. Yay, a logic! Let's hope they keep to this and keep anyone not a trainee or super popular from getting the BST boost.
  19. Quicksand Ring, and there are some tiles in the room that aren't moving sand.
  20. It's almost like he's planning something with so many ploys. Manfroy is going to come with the exclusive Dark Scheme (or we can call it Mastermind)- it's Panic Ploy but the bonuses turned penalties will be doubled in potency.
  21. Sorry, I just wanted to cheer people up a little with young Zephiel as a hope. Well I was kinda debating Tailtiu given low enemy Res, strong Thoron, and Wrath. But she does come severely underleveled and never gets a move boost. Deirdre isn't terrible either I admit with the strong hit of Aura and staffing. Heck even Arden isn't bad between good Str and Def plus good promoted weapon ranks. Skills (Pursuit) and low move with no Canto is what ultimately condemns infantry in FE4 for the most part, not stats. But Summer Banner 3- "The Shores of New Englnohr" will feature the Boiling Tome! It's extremely effective on lobsters and bypasses Conquest don't you know? Titania isn't weak to it. *A Pink Hole opens in the fabric of timespace due to this realization being spoken.* They can't give out the trainee bonus to everyone, since there are many latecomers who need to be babied before they get good. Tailtiu for one. But I just really don't know why Est didn't get it. And since JSND brought up Pokemon. Why do always need new chars to be stronger than those from before? Pokemon with every new generation does creep the power level a little more I admit, but at the same time, you still get plenty of charming and or creatively designed, but useless for the metagame Pokes (and then you get in-betweens, like Cinccino).
  22. Until Meg shows up. Then we'll be looking at the Res Sword Armor goddess! She's a female, not the prettiest, but kinda cute, and that increases the likelihood of her getting in sooner than later. I'd like to see Tauroneo (that mustache, that beautiful white armor) with Resolve over her personally. I think most of the infantry is worth using. Claud and Edain heal. Jamke and especially Briggid have good offense. Azelle and Lachesis get horses on promotion. Chulainn is Ayra but with more HP and less offense vs. low Def units. Lewyn gets Forseti midway in Chapter 4. Sylvia can dance and Dew steals money for your staff spamming. Only Deirdre, Tailtiu and Arden are more or less totally useless/bad- a bit of irony given who has made it into this banner. Eventually they'll get in. When the kiddos of 4/13/14 come along, who knows? But be prepared for the worst excesses when they do come. Just who could replace her as an Axe Cav? Lex, Kieran, and Walhart are the only major choices, and none I'd think would get good Res.
  23. Koei Tecmo- the company behind Fire Emblem Warriors. Who, while having made a very solid game once you get past roster issues, get a F------------------------- for PR. Lots of hypocrisy.
  24. KT is slowly usurping control of DeNA's PR department. On Zephiel becoming useless now, we're in luck, there is a way to fix Zephiel:
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