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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Up there with "I deny the legitimacy of there being a world outside/independent of me"? Do what I did and cheat a little, let yourself use everyone until Sothe joins, who should be an exception (alongside Ike) since you always have to field him. He isn't overly macho either- the only girl who loves him is Micaiah after all, I think he has a better chance of attracting Kyza than any non-Micaiah girl in RD. A theme playthrough is supposed to be fun, a few exceptions in certain instances won't destroy the challenge and it'll just cut down on the tedium.
  2. She's over it already. She's too busy playing with Kirby, I did invite him to the topic earlier in a very off topic post. The two are very cute together. Well the nice thing about Haar is he has bases to go on, add promotion gains and a much desired Speedwing and he can devour not all that much worse screwed than he would normally. Jill, not so much- pray she doesn't get Str-screwed, her weakness. Heath isn't very good by the way, comes underleveled and not enough Str and Def, nor Con, he ends up lacking wyvern strengths, and lacks the Speed and Res the Pegs have- which is bad when the Desert and Night of Farewells, flier-wanted chapters, want Res. Cormag- well that's a shame he didn't turn out well for you. Nephenee is good, the Knights, not so much. The mounties are durable enough, and much faster and more mobile. Calill is a balanced but strong prepromote too, that she doesn't have Staffs was probably done to keep her in check. Calill's coming will be when DeNA decides beauty is neither upfront sexiness/scantiness nor obnoxiously cute, it's just good fashion with self confidence and talent, and is capable of being had by women of all ages.
  3. That happens unfortunately. It's the bad side of being a low leveled unit, thankfully it happened to him and not someone like Nephenee- he comes early enough that you don't have to baby him only to find out yours is screwed, you'll find out through necessary earlygame combat. No Jill in PoR is fine, Marcia and Tanith can suffice- Haar is pretty lackluster in PoR. In RD, no Jill won't hurt P1 too much. Haar likely means skipping out on the P2-P Short Axe since nobody else can do real damage to the boss of that chapter. For the rest, Haar is massively powerful, but Titania can replicate him in P3 save for fence-crossing supply burning in 3-3, and 3-4's cliffs will stop her cold, she'll have to watch out for pitfalls too on the bridge (use a guide for this to avoid frustrations). For P4, being down two fliers will hurt a bit, but not that much, just make sure Micaiah's group gets all the Pegs (unless you really need to train one). You can put Ulki and Janaff there too, and they rock, but they get a funny little Base Convo with a trinket reward if you leave them in their default group. It's four people, I just listed Oscar twice to show how the square is completed perfectly with an A and B for all members. And call this discussion a protest against a certain Telliusian somebody's absence in this VG. Though to be fair, they never learn the truth of themselves methinks. So they aren't unhappy they didn't make it in, because they didn't know they had a chance. Not that they'd want to be surrounded by lolis and dragonchicks I think. Not a bad team. You've got all the top tiers cavs (although the lowest they go is high tier), plus two goddess fliers, and the mages aren't bad either.
  4. Good for your blessings, woe to your screwings! One should use both Marcia and Tanith. Add Oscar and Kieran and you form the splendid Support Square of Oscar-Kieran-Marcia-Tanith-Oscar. It's the cherry on top when the elite units want to kick manure into the gaping mouths of the plebeians. Plus TanithxOscar and KieranxMarcia aren't half bad.
  5. Beautiful. The old game labels I mean. The current little icons are neat, but not so elegant. And the world existed before Awakening? Well I do remember visiting this site back when the RD section was in the speculation stages.
  6. Deltre's PoR Maniac LP shows off how broken Marcia can be. Just give her all your BEXP as soon as she joins, a few Steel or Silver forges, and she can render the meat of challenge off the bone of PoR. Jill can do similar, or anyone else, but Marcia does it by far the best. Tanith, as thou art a pegasus lover, is also very good in PoR and totally worth using. Her Reinforcement skill is nifty.
  7. 102- the second semester of an introductory course you must take in college.
  8. It's +5 Hit/Avoid for everyone of that Affinity, it's just a little kinda random thing like Biorhythm. Ledges cannot be used by horses, but fliers can move up them no problem. Height/ledges is something from RD I would love to see returned in other games. If you like numbers on the height combat bonus: I heard one map from RD which ended up in Fates as buyable DLC didn't feel the same at all without height being around. I can understand why that'd be the case, RD made good use of it.
  9. It'll be pretty hard to be excited for this game at the end. When we get banners like Beowulf, Chulainn, Arden and Naoise. Or Halvan, Ralph, Marty and Fred. Or Wade, Lot, Garret, and Barth. I want Shinon I want Shinon! Rolf would suffice too, he's not as deep, but cute and still kinda deep.
  10. 96. The number of "I'm not in the mood tonight honey." Also, the number of the pedophile Pokemon: Drowzee!
  11. 94 The thing Clefables become when they die, and the stuff of nightmares: Gengar!
  12. Don't mock us with Summer guys who don't exist. It's enough already that someone keeps going around taunting me with Ryoma! How long until the "For Onsen Your Life" back to back Hot Spring Banners and Voting Gauntlet? January maybe?
  13. No problemo! Jill can grab an axe, it was her daddy's favorite weapon, and Haar's too. Eda would be fine, give her trainee BST to counterbalance her with her brother and his Dragon Lance. Groom Banner first! How long will Eliwood be kept at the altar? He is awaiting thy kiss! Sothe revolves around Micaiah. And we need belly shirt boy. A new Dagger user- the first new non-seasonal in this category since when? Ilyana fights for anyone who'll feed her. And you don't want her on the same banner as Mia, unless you like one legged girls. Since Ilyana does like the taste of Mia's calves (I accidentally put "Mila's" initially). Add Marcia shouting "crackers!" all the time to really make Ilyana hungry. And this reminds me we need Lowen! Him, Oscar, and Peri can form the Culinary Cavalier trio! Three master chefs who can cook while riding across the lands! Lowen would have a niche as super phys tank horsey.
  14. How the heck is a 5 year old NPC girl going to fight? Might never happen unfortunately. Of course if they wanted to get them in and done with, just do a double banner with Itsuki, Tsubasa and Touma in one, and put Kiria, Eleonora and Mamori in the other. Make Yashiro a GHB, and if they want to have a TT, make the reward Uta-loid Tiki with either Breath or a Staff. For the battle maps, they can be rather creative here since TMS has none to borrow. A Shibuya Scramble Crossing/109 Building would be one good choice. For something more illusory, the Bloom Palace would be cool, perhaps Illusory Dolhr for the TT. I like Illusory Daitou TV too. And Laguz are going to need their own big update to make it into Heroes since a new weapon type will have to be invented- not for a while with them. Yeah I've heard, perhaps a bit exaggerated, but without good Res or a good Holy Weapon, you're worthless in C10 and Final. Altena, besides coming extremely late, lacks Res and the Gae Bolg is really heavy with no Spd boost to mitigate it- she's better almost with a Silver or Brave Sword instead. They have to be careful- not all games have as many characters to add. We can't burn up the SoV and Magvel small crews too quickly. I'd hope they get in RD and T776 by the year's end. But if they have to leave out one (and I'm expecting December is going to be dedicated to Robin, Tharja, and other festive things like Ryoma with jingle bells strung through his "little regalia"), I'd rather it be RD actually. Why? Because come January it'll be a new year, and they can use that to begin anew. They add more Awakening and Fates chars, if they pick 2nd Gen units, they can then continue the theme with a Gen 2 Genealogy Banner. This flows into RD with Micaiah and her DB as the "newbies/kids" compared to Ike's crew. Then we can revisit Binding Blade as the "heirs" to the FE7 cast, and then go somewhere from there. Agreed! We need Jill! She's one of the best developed side characters in FE history! She's female too! That moves orbs!
  15. So I just got an email for FEW from Nintendo, and I feel like doing a little turbine turning with the steam that is building up from it. It reads, in part: "Face off against hordes of enemies with all-new characters or favorites like Chrom, Marth, Camilla, and more." "or favorites like Chrom, Marth, Camilla," "Chrom, Marth, Camilla," "Camilla" I don't mean to bash her too much. But the main characters of their respective games Chrom and Marth, liked but not necessarily the fan favorites of those games, are having Camilla placed at their level of significance. Camilla, who doesn't drive as much as a golf cart in the plot of Fates compared to Corrin, Xander, Leo, Takumi and Ryoma, is being deemed of as much importance to her game as Chrom and Marth are to theirs'. If they had said "Lucina, Marth, and Camilla" or "Robin, Marth, Camilla" things would be a bit more tolerable given Robin and Lucina are more fan favorites than Chrom, but as is the wording is a tad offending. Note that right below the sentence I'm critiquing, are three pictures: a closeup of Marth, a castle sky view, and a closeup of female Corrin- the popular one. Female Corrin is also present prominently at the start of the email which shows the game's box art; male Corrin is nowhere to be found. Camilla isn't present except as a sprite among others (including Lyn, but strangely no Corrin at all). "Chrom, Marth, and Corrin," would thus have still had a female mentioned in it and a character of actual plot importance equal to Chrom and Marth. Am I making too much of semantics? Yes, probably.
  16. Nope, no Gae Bolg for that appearance. She gets Deen's Vantage+Brave Dragon Lance (Dragonspear/Dragonpike?) instead.
  17. Anyone who is unpromoted makes a good Dread Fighter. Using DLC promotion items on an unpromoted unit is cheating, since you can have the promotion boosts ASAP without losing on potential level ups, which you would if you used a Master Seal instead. Except two of those ranks will start at E, not good. Raising E ranks up in Fates is a burden. I never gave her a wickedly good mom, but naturally she's mostly Luck and Skill with meh elsewhere. Mechanist and Merchant are interesting classes, but their skills and bases are lacking. If we assume under optimal conditions a 50% Profiteer rate, we're looking at 3.5 gold bars per map, which means 1050 gold per battle. Which will be less in practice given the time it'll take Midori to hit 5 Merchant (15 isn't coming until the game is almost over- so Spendthrift offense, questionable in itself, will be limited in its impact). And this may be off a little, but CQ I determined gives ~113000 Gold, BR gives 1270000, Rev 60000, and Nohr exclusive kids (Forrest, Nina, Percy) can give about 15-18k depending on how well you can do Percy's (7-10k sound reasonable). CQ is practically as wealthy as BR with the kids factored in, not poor. Nina can go either way- physical or magical, or both. It all depends on your choice of class and mother for her. Elise and Adventurer lets her Shining on, Charlotte and Bow Knight make her a Silver Bow powerhouse. Camilla and Azura give big Str and only decrease her Mag growth slightly, so they're especially good for a hybrid Nina. And where is Kiragi? He's better than Midori for sure! He is much faster than his daddy, with comparable Str. On Shiro- he does have Spd issues (doubling can be an issue for him), but he is strong and durable. For Oboro, she is very balanced, nothing with lacking nor overpowering, the Guard Naginata for tanking and overall good skills of the Spear Fighter family make her quite useful. Mozu and Hinoka as Spear Masters can outdo her, but that's not relevant here. Lastly, I think Peri's personal skill lasts through the next player phase. So it's better than you give it credit for. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Well if they by some small chance make Chu Chulainn's spear of doom underpowered for Quan, they could have a "Inherited/Light (in reference to the 2nd Gen's first chapter title- "Light Inheritors") Gae Bolg" for Altena, which is different from the one Quan gets. We don't know if they'd do this for sure until Sigurd gets in and we can see his Tyrfing. Colorless hell is only hell by virtue of having few good units. That can always be fixed with new additions! Never give up the hope that Reform. Is. Possible! *Uses Rally Heart on this entire forum*
  19. Why hope when you already rule the Internets and isn't dreaming what you lazy felines do half the time? (Although dogs I admit do it 3/4s of the time from personal experience.)
  20. Shouldn't we hold off on these until they "fix" healers or have a clear plan to do so? What is the point in getting Ethlyn (who we don't know if she'd be a fix or not in advance) if she'd be relegated to the relative trash heap from the moment we see her stats and skills? Ah yes, the awesome "gives Avoid = to (11 - Remaining HP)x10" for one full turn version. Heroes could use a "super Miracle" (how about a partial HP restore of ~15-20 points, on activation?) for sure. Call it... what? Intervention? Salvation? True Miracle? Also, the Tyrfing's main trait is mega Resistance (which for some reason Seliph's forgot), maybe Sigurd will be windproof, and ironically rather fire resistant. Assuming Green Deirdre and not Blue. Or that she wouldn't be staff shafted.
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