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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I considered such an idea. I don't think all the siblings have to be in on things though. Elise is innocent and apolitical. Camilla- does she display any political interest or ability as is? We're left with Xander and Leo, but this is workable. Leo becomes the one who Corrin works with. Leo is the one who sees their father's madness and for the sake of the kingdom he once loved, has to stop him. Leo organizes the resistance and opposition forces for the day of overthrowing Garon. Elise and Camilla can be added to Leo and Corrin's side later on, but not at the start, with Camilla being the bigger concern Leo has of the two of them that they would leak information to their dear brother Xander. Xander remains the loyal son and will not be easily convinced to overthrow his father. Hence Leo and Corrin somehow have to tiptoe around one of the people who know them intimately and the best. On top of escaping the surveillance of Iago the corrupt Prime Minister seeking to use Garon for his own ends, Garon himself, and Gunter- elevated to Garon's most prized and loyal (but not in the least corrupt) general. Conquest then becomes fight after fight of doing Garon's bidding, while trying to cautiously assemble allies across Nohr and Hoshido and keeping their forces intact for the long awaited day of rebellion. Ice Tribe, Flame Tribe, Wind Tribe, Kitsune, Wolfskin, Cheve, and even after much convincing, Hoshido. Once in a while, the battles turn from being against the enemies of Nohr to a scrap in the shadows with Iago's men. Eventually, the coup is launched, Xander as was feared it may be the case stays by his father, and everything disintegrates. But from failure, enough is salvaged to keep the hope of open rebellion, if not a quick coup d'etat, alive. Fighting hard against the many forces still loyal to Garon, Xander eventually betrays his father thus causing a tidal shift in the flow of the battle and now it is Iago and Garon who are placed on the defense. To salvage a final victory Garon turns himself into the Dusk Dragon Incarnate, but falls, regaining a moment of clarity in his death, and thanks his children for their disobedience- which is true loyalty.
  2. Midir (gotta remember his currently official name) might have an uphill battle finding a use since CYLyn is so good already, but lets face it- more horses are never bad. Unless you happen to the guy cleaning the Askr stables. And yeah, the manual art doesn't do him any favors: I feel they missed an opportunity with Ayra's name. Ayra is a great name sure, but they could have done Ayla. The name of the great cavewoman of Chrono Trigger who kills everything with her fists! Both games are SNES masterpieces in their own way, why not establish the superficial bond between the two? And since you mentioned Sanaki, will RD have to wait until '18 for its Heroes debut? Or may December or November bring Micaiah and Sothe to Askr? Since we just got three more Crimeans and the BK, Tellius might have to wait a while before it makes a return. We might get Awakening and or Fates round 2 before that happens.
  3. As the only CC source, he still gets plenty of attention. And he gets lots of massages, food, entertainment, and just about everything good and sweet one could ask for in life. Until he is thrown upon the altar shirtless, the dagger swiftly penetrates his flesh and his heart is offered to the gods! (Necessary for the skill transference to happen.) He is then tossed into a canyon, and returns to the world from which he was taken. Heartless, but a fragment of his soul endures. His twisted existence unnoticed by all around him, becomes his tragic, suffering laden downfall. Do we do 1 3 char banner male, and 1 3 char banner female? Or do we one for each generation? I hope for the former, and they can save the kiddos for next year. Sigurd and Deidre are duhs at this point. But who else? Quan and Ethlyn are okay, but I'd really like Lewyn (he and Brigid- both Holy Weapon Wielders- might be saved for later though. Just as L'Arachel and Joshua aren't in yet from SS, or Kliff from SoV- gotta save a few goodies). Lex, Azelle (promoted that is), Midale, and Dew could all add a little variety, so I'd like at least one of them.
  4. As the only CC source, he still gets plenty of attention. And he gets lots of massages, food, entertainment, and just about everything good and sweet one could ask for in life. Until he is thrown upon the altar shirtless, the dagger swiftly penetrates his flesh and his heart is offered to the gods! (Necessary for the skill transference to happen.) He is then tossed into a canyon, and returns to the world from which he was taken. Heartless, but a fragment of his soul endures. His twisted existence unnoticed by all around him, becomes his tragic, suffering laden downfall. Do we do 1 3 char banner male, and 1 3 char banner female? Or do we one for each generation? I hope for the former, and they can save the kiddos for next year. Sigurd and Deidre are duhs at this point. But who else? Quan and Ethlyn are okay, but I'd really like Lewyn (he and Brigid- both Holy Weapon Wielders- might be saved for later though. Just as L'Arachel and Joshua aren't in yet from SS, or Kliff from SoV- gotta save a few goodies). Lex, Azelle (promoted that is), Midale, and Dew could all add a little variety, so I'd like at least one of them.
  5. Gears did soooooo well that they decided not to bother making the other four parts. And Saga was incredible, so very incredible, that for fear of overwhelming people with any more majesty and depleting their wallets, they cut the Episode number from an intended 6 to 3. That's 4 out of the 7 Xeno games that didn't sell well so far (barring a few petit spinoffs of Saga and 20 Kos-Mos cameo/crossover appearances).
  6. Fun Fact: This is our second true Bound Hero Battle. Why? FE1/11: Maria is imprisoned as a hostage to keep Minerva loyal to Michalis's Macedon, she is rescued by Marth. FE3/12: Minerva's generals rebel and capture her, she is rescued by Michalis. Hence, both heroes have been bound in the past. The only other Bound Hero Battle which is truly a Bound Hero Battle is the Cecilia and Lilina one. Because Lilina is imprisoned during C8 and Cecilia during C13 is thrown in a dungeon (both rescued by Roy). Both have been bound. Hawkeye never gets bound- and good luck holding back all of that gigantic muscular manhood! Ninian on the other hand is captured, five times: When Nergal first calls her over, when she flees and gets captured again only for Eliwood to rescue her on Lyn Mode, when she gets recaptured after Lyn Mode, when Eli Lyn and Hec go to Dread Isle, and when she offers herself to Nergal to save her friends from his wrath. So we have a half BHB here, albeit the one half is arguably bound more than enough to compensate for the other's unboundedness. Eirika gets into some nasty trouble where she is surrounded but is never captured per se, and Ephraim could go walking around drunk and naked and he would still be uncapturable because he can't remove his plot armor. (Well technically, Ephraim is bound when Lyon smashes the SS of Renais on Eph's route. But canonically that never happens, as Ephraim is too perfect according to the laws of physics for that to be possible, so a dimensional portal actually opens during that scene and an Eirika from another world replaces him until it ends.) This is no Bound Hero Battle at all! Unless it refers to their preferred form of late night entertainment together.
  7. Nergal's tragic backstory is given a very hidden and very fragmentary reveal. We don't actually see the moment he fell into despair, we have to infer a lot without really anything to go on. He is in principle a tragic character, but because we don't see the tragedy in emotional detail, he's fails to be an effective one. All we really see of him is the mad husk of a human being he has become. Gharnef is the same way, once a normal human being, envy and the Darksphere rotted him from within and left him a husk, and we never see the good Gharnef of the past. As for your spoiler:
  8. From your garb, you must come from Nohrowr. I have not visited there yet, but I have had the chance to meet with the legendary Neko Shogun of Hoshimeow.
  9. 33 is the number of gods that exist. But it's really just 3. Actually, it's 3, 3, and 3 gods. Well it's more like 33333333333. But in truth, it's just 33.
  10. Except Philia. Call her Scarlet's Mother. She does have granny hair, but I wish she was playable. If Emmeryn came back, she deserved it too. And her death meant no Ylissean Triangle Attack. Without Philia, Sumia couldn't get the technique down and constantly tripped midway through, and Cordelia obsessed with mastering the technique had to hop dimensions to find people to do it with.
  11. I would, but Ninian would just keep reviving you. She doesn't like death you know. The merciless goddess wants to freeze everyone, preserving them for all eternity encased in ice. We must stop the Ice Queen's Madness.
  12. 31 is apparently a popular number for ice hockey goalkeepers. Where did I learn that? Wikipedia! Try it!
  13. Hopefully the loss of one Tiki leads most to join the other. So the lone dude won a round. You see DeNA? Dragonboys do have potential popularity! Now gimme Nasir! Can't touch Laguz? Then fine, Xaney! Or Nils!
  14. Ah Reina. She's what I call a balanced Jagen-like character. She's fragile from the very beginning and never gets better here, but suffices as a Yumi user. Her D base rank is worse than you'd hope, but it's usable. At 20/20, she is only 2.5 Str less than Takumi. Although she lacks the great Quick Draw and the frivolities of Bowfaire, the Sniper crit boost, and the bonuses of an A/S rank. She is also bad at hitting between low Skill and Yumis being inaccurate (though few want Skill Books, so she can have them). But her Spd base and growth plus Darting Blow means she can double forever, and as a Kinshi she has flight, mobility, and can pop a Naginata once in a while (her personal skill helps here).
  15. 25 is the age when you realize you're halfway through your twenties and that on average, your libido has peaked. Hence, you have a little life crisis knowing your youth is gone.
  16. Don't forget that Awakening had Naga's and Tiki's Tears as the ultimate permanent stat boosters and tonics respectively. No doubt the salt in those tears must contribute to their efficacy! No wonder Anna is consoling Fae right now.
  17. Just what we need, consolation/loser rounds! Particularly if it means more pillow material! Spilt your time between helping your lost cause, and your resigned new hope.
  18. Ninian might win the whole thing? How saddening. I shall resign myself to the Ice Goddess's wrath. Go ahead, to the end I shall proclaim thee a fine statue but little more. Exhale, and let me feel the cold. The ice, it's forming in my blood, it's sharp, chilling, but it feels welcoming. Any second now.... I shall join thy mother Ninian, I will put in a good word for you. Know what you have done, the despair you have made me feel. Nils....
  19. Of course the Mass-Murderer-Rapist of Cheve has to be the one case. Well better than Gooron at least?
  20. Go Mogall! Be a literal multiplier and overwhelm that electric rodent! If Nohr is supposed to have a Roman influence, the men shouldn't be wearing pants. Splatoon is PvP, which wouldn't work at all with FE gameplay.
  21. Kilvas Fried Crow has a new limited time item on the menu. Introducing Nabataen Absolutely Divine Chicken Nuggets!
  22. If you don't pair Corrin, the kingdom they inherit isn't the kingdom you just chopped your way through. It has the old one's name, but is actually composed of territory ceded by Nohr and Hoshido. Of course, this raises questions of how viable a kingdom it'd be. Medieval European realms and early modern German territories were largely noncontiguous and they worked, and Dal Riata was a thing too, but I still doubt the viability of making Corrin's new kingdom a lasting state. My analysis: And need I say Corrin has no good governing monarchal qualities? Unless you like a naive puppet others can control.
  23. Good luck with this! That said, Hard isn't much worse than Normal, all generic enemies get like 2 extra points each I think, maybe a Strike boost to a few foes later on as well. It's the absence of being able to see enemy range which is very annoying and tedious, with no real increase in difficulty resulting from having to count out enemy move. If you want any gameplay advice, I'll shove it in spoilers and keep it rather general. But I'll respect your blind desires and not offer any for now. I'm a Tellius devotee, will you emerge from RD with a comparable love for it? If not for the gameplay, then the plot, characters and world? If you don't, I understand.
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